Meet The Leader

Chapter 142: fill 1 fire

Chu Yuansheng and others fled, and Yin Xiangzi and others below also suffered heavy losses and were somewhat disgraced.

Someone from Yin Xiangzi and the others said dissatisfiedly, "Yin Xiangzi, what the **** are you doing? You said you were sure to kill that Chu Yuansheng, but what happened now? If Chu Yuansheng was really allowed to live. Back in Guanzhong, who will bear the anger of the Guanzhong execution hall?"

Yin Xiangzi snorted coldly and said, "Who knew that this Chu Yuansheng came out with so many trump cards, if you were more decisive before and swarmed up, how could Chu Yuansheng escape now?

And this time you have already taken action, so don't be halfhearted, what about the Guanzhong Punishment Hall? Out of the customs, farts are not!

The ancestors of Moyuan have already said that as long as he can get the head of Chu Yuansheng, he can keep us, and he needs to have a practice method and a resource. "

The ancestor of Moyuan that Yin Xiangzi mentioned was a fierce and famous loose cultivator in the old magic way. In the early years, he suffered a loss among Chu Kuang singers. He was chased by Chu Kuangge with a sword for three thousand miles and burned his body. Nearly half of the blood has survived.

Standing on the canopy of the tree, Chu Xiu sneered in his heart. Demonic warriors do not have long lifespans, because they are too troublesome, they practice fast, and they die quickly.

If the ancestor of Mo Yuan really had the courage to protect them, why didn't he send his disciples and masters to come, instead he fooled Yin Xiangzi to chase and kill them?

In the original plot, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall dispatched a large number of masters to avenge Chu Yuansheng. The Moyuan ancestor didn't even dare to let go of his farts, and just sat and watched Yin Xiangzi and others were killed.

The methods of these guys are too rough. They have used several times of people to chase and kill Chu Yuansheng without success. If Chu Xiu is arranged, this kind of power that can be called crushing has not killed the opponent, then Chu Xiu can do it. committed suicide.

But now Chu Xiu wants to add fire to them.

If nothing else, according to the original plot, Chu Yuansheng and the others should have split up and started to flee. Yin Xiangzi and the group of idiots chased the wrong person. When they reacted and turned back, it was too late. Chu Yuansheng had already arrived. At the border of Guanzhong, Yin Xiangzi only killed two guards of Chu Yuansheng who had been blocked, but he allowed Chu Yuansheng to escape smoothly.

If Chu Yuansheng is not forced to a dead end, how can he show the importance of his help in the snow?

Chu Xiu's figure moved, forming an inner binding seal, and in an instant, his figure was like a ghost, and suddenly appeared in front of Yin Xiangzi and the others.

Yin Xiangzi and the others were complaining about each other, when a person suddenly appeared in front of them, which shocked them.

At this time, Chu Xiu was dressed in black, with a black cloth covering his face, but he still wore the black iron bamboo hat of the Qinglong Society, but he erased the golden dragon pattern on it, and at first glance it looked like an ordinary hat .

This Qinglonghui's bamboo hat has the effect of covering up his own aura, and Chu Xiu was really reluctant to throw it away.


Yin Xiangzi and the others immediately pulled out their weapons and looked at Chu Xiu eagerly.

"Of course it's someone who helps you." Chu Xiu said lightly in a deliberately hoarse voice.

A brawny man with a knife next to Yin Xiangzi snorted coldly: "Hidden, sneaky, what are you playing? I hate people like you the most!"

The voice fell, the strong man slashed directly at Chu Xiu, and the black sword gang roared down in an instant, and there was an evil ghost phantom wailing above the sword shadow, which looked unusually evil.

Chu Xiu took a step forward lightly, and the red sleeved sword in his hand was unsheathed. For a moment, everyone could only see a crimson light shining between the sky and the earth. It was almost to the extreme, and it was also extremely magnificent!

The blood refining divine gang burst out, the hideous murderous intent and scarlet blood cover everything, and the strong man's sword gang was torn apart in an instant, and even the knife in his hand was blown away, and his figure went back more than ten steps. , a strand of blood flowed from his mouth.

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Why do you have to do it? This is not a good habit, can't you just talk calmly?"

Yin Xiangzi and the others all looked at Chu Xiu with fearful eyes. The strength of the man in front of him was simply unbelievable. If he made a sneak attack just now, with the strength of everyone present, no one was sure that he would be able to block him!

Yin Xiangzi said cautiously, "This friend, who are you? Do you want to stop us from killing Chu Yuansheng?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said lightly, "On the contrary, I'm here to help you kill Chu Yuansheng."

With that said, Chu Xiu threw out a piece of paper and said, "Chu Yuansheng will follow this route to separate his troops and escape. You know what to do."

Holding the piece of paper, Yin Xiangzi wondered, "Then why do you want to help us kill Chu Yuansheng?"

Chu Xiu turned around and said lightly: "In the past, Chu Kuangge offended a lot of people, now he is dead, but his son is still alive and well, you are not the only one in the world who wants him to die, it's just mine. Because of his special status, it is inconvenient to take action, otherwise you think Chu Yuansheng can still live to this day?"

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Xiu's figure moved, and he disappeared directly into the jungle.

The strong man who was blown away by Chu Xiu just now came over and asked, "Is what this person said true?"

Yin Xiangzi pondered for a moment and said: "In the past, Chu Kuangge did things unreasonably, no matter if it was the righteous way or the devil's way, as long as there was injustice, he would take care of it. There are not a few people who have sinned against Chu Kuangge in this life, and he wants the right way to die. Chinese people are no less than our demons.

It's just that those so-called righteous people are just hypocrites. They are concerned about Chu Kuangge's reputation and want to kill him but dare not kill him. Now that Chu Kuangge is dead, he doesn't dare to deal with his son. It is normal to use our hands to kill people.

So I guess that person should be a disciple of a major sect, and it is even very likely that he was born in a sect of the right way. "

But Yin Xiangzi changed his voice and said, "But we can't fully trust him, since he said that Chu Yuansheng will split up and flee, then we will catch up and see if Chu Yuansheng will split up.

If Chu Yuansheng really divides his troops, we will also be divided into two groups. Anyway, with our strength, even if we are divided into two groups, it is enough to crush the other side! "

After making the decision, Yin Xiangzi and the others immediately chased after them. Sure enough, not far away, they found traces of Chu Yuansheng's group dividing their troops. One of them was obvious, while the other was concealed.

In the original plot, Yin Xiangzi wisely thought that the obvious one was the direction Chu Yuansheng fled from, and made a cover up just to deceive them, but unexpectedly it was just the opposite, causing them to chase the wrong person.

But this time Yin Xiangzi saw the trace, so he directly divided his soldiers into two groups. He led some of them to chase in the direction where the trace was obvious. This time, he did not chase the wrong person.

In the dense forest, Chu Yuansheng fled embarrassedly with the two guards in the outer ganglands.

In the past, Chu Yuan had an extraordinary arrogance, and people would respectfully call him 'Chu Daxia' wherever he went, and even though he was only in the outer astral realm, even some masters in the realm of the unity of nature and man saw him. To be polite, in the land of Guanzhong, he is worthy of his name as a Guanzhong hero.

But this time I was invited to Dongqi, and I went in a beautiful way, but I came back so embarrassed that the guards around him were almost slaughtered.

Looking at the two people beside him, Chu Yuansheng couldn't help but mournfully said, "I'm sorry for you guys! If I had known this, I shouldn't have come this time!"

The two guards quickly said: "Young Master, don't say that, as long as you can keep the Young Master and you return to Guanzhong safely, we will be considered complete in merit."

The guards around Chu Yuansheng are very strong, both internal and external. Even some of these people are stronger than Chu Yuansheng, and their talents are better than Chu Yuansheng, but they are willing to stay in Chu Yuansheng. Yuan Sheng beside him as a guard.

These people were all those who had been favored by Chu Kuangge in the past or their descendants, and vowed to go through fire and water for the Chu family, and die faithfully.

At this moment, Yin Xiangzi's sharp and unpleasant voice also came: "Do you still want to go back to Guanzhong? Go dream!"

At the back of the mountain road, Yin Xiangzi and several others have already chased after him. There are four warriors from the outer astral realm, and the rest are from the inner astral.

Seeing that there were only two people beside Chu Yuansheng, Yin Xiangzi secretly said that it was very dangerous. Fortunately, he heard the words of the mysterious man before and chased after him. This Chu Yuansheng really cheated. UU Reading www.uukanshu. The other side of the com is the trace left by his former suspicion.

Chu Yuansheng shouted with an ugly face: "Yin Xiangzi! If you kill me today, there will be countless masters in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall in the future, and you will have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth!"

Yin Xiangzi smiled disdainfully and said, "Idiot! Do you really think that the punishment hall in Guanzhong is still when your father was the head of the hall?

Not to mention whether Guanzhong Xingtang is willing to take so much effort to avenge you, since I dare to kill you today, do you think there is no backer behind me? Stop talking nonsense, kill me! "

As soon as the voice fell, Yin Xiangzi waved his hand directly, and the group immediately killed him.

On Chu Yuansheng's side, the strength of his two guards was quite strong, but Chu Yuansheng, the son of the former Chu Juxia, seemed a little weak.

When it comes to exercises and cultivation resources, Chu Yuansheng is not lacking, but what he lacks is the experience of fighting to the death.

In the past, Chu Yuansheng walked around the rivers and lakes, obeying his father's last wishes, being a chivalrous person, and despite the injustice in the world, in fact, most people would give him a face for the sake of his father and Guanzhong Xingtang.

And those who don't want to give him face are some people in the big faction, and he can't help each other.

As for the only ones who can give him a chance, most of them are gangsters and thieves who are not very strong, and their strength is weaker than him, and Chu Yuansheng's shot is just crushing.

Therefore, in the past few decades, he has hardly ever had a life-and-death battle, and even if there was, it was done by his guards.

PS: I will not wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day today, because there are definitely no women who are still waiting for an update at this time! friend! friend! (manually funny)


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