Meet The Leader

Chapter 143: charcoal in the snow

Chu Yuansheng's two guards were very strong, but there were too many people on Yin Xiangzi's side, and Chu Yuansheng himself couldn't do much at all. After half a quarter of an hour, the two guards were seriously injured.

"Young Master, run first! We'll break later!"

Chu Yuansheng opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, but he didn't move.

He is not the kind of person his father who sees death as if he were at home. He can face the two armies with a single sword without changing his face, and use force to stop the war.

He still has a great time in his life, and he doesn't want to die in the hands of such villains as Yin Xiangzi.

But he also asked him to abandon the two guards who had been with him growing up to escape for his own life. Chu Yuansheng couldn't do such a thing.

Chu Yuansheng's ability is mediocre, and his character is also somewhat indecisive.

At this time, he was either fighting or fleeing, but as a result, he was entangled here and didn't know what to do.

The two guards over there have already tried their best, and even used the method of burning blood essence, so they dragged the other two to be buried with them, but unfortunately it was still useless in the end.

Yin Xiangzi sighed, and it was indeed a little difficult to deal with the two warriors in the outer astral realm who were not weak.

He didn't understand a little, just relying on the small favors and favors of Chu Kuangge in the past, what are these guys fighting for?

Looking at the helpless Chu Yuansheng, Yin Xiangzi gave a wicked laugh and said coldly, "Chu Yuansheng, I didn't expect that, you also have today!

How majestic and domineering your father was in the past, the 'giant' Chu Kuangge was praised by everyone on the rivers and lakes, but his reputation of Chu Kuangge was also built on the bones of my generation!

They are all people with blood on their hands, who is more noble than who? Today I will cut off your head to pay homage to my master! "

Looking at Yin Xiangzi who was walking step by step, with a hideous smile on his face, Chu Yuansheng was full of despair at this moment, even to the point of doubting his own life.

He was taught how his father was from birth, and it can be said that he grew up listening to the legend of his father.

Later, he couldn't help imitating his father's heroism and righteousness, and wanted to keep his father's reputation, but unfortunately he was only a Guanzhong hero in the end, and he couldn't become his father's kind of giant who was praised by the whole world.

Maybe this was not the path he wanted to take from the beginning, it was just the path arranged by others, because the son of the 'giant' Chu Kuangge should also be a chivalrous man with benevolence and righteousness.

It's a pity that Chu Yuansheng himself knew that he was not.

His chivalry is only within his ability, and he can't do the same as his father would like to see death as his home. Now that his life is near, he will still be afraid and tremble.

Just when Chu Yuansheng was desperate to the extreme, a voice came from behind: "It's just a group of flies and dogs, you didn't dare to jump out when Chu Juxia was alive, but now you are showing off your prestige.

No matter what kind of person Chu Juxia is, at least he is an upright old man and has the spirit of my generation of Jianghu people. Where does it look like you are a bunch of clowns! "

Chu Xiu changed into a blue bunt samurai uniform, revealing his original appearance, and walked out slowly.

At this moment, Chu Xiu's aura was as sharp as a knife, and the powerful aura emanated as he walked, even tearing the branches and leaves of the trees close to him easily.

The expressions of Yin Xiangzi and the others suddenly became serious.

There are only two warriors in the outer astral realm on their side. If it is just an ordinary person, they don't care, but the warrior in the outer astral realm in front of them is not easy to provoke, which also makes Yin Xiangzi and others all in No bottom in mind.

Yin Xiangzi said coldly, "Who are you? Judging from your age, it should have nothing to do with Chu Kuangge. I advise you to stay out of your own business!"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "I have nothing to do with Chu Juxia, and I am not even a good person, but I admire Chu Juxia's mind and person the most.

If you guys want to take revenge on Chu Juxia's son, you will naturally be too lazy to challenge me with a fair and bright post, but I can't stand the arrogance of you bunch of clowns here, and you dare to insult Chu Juxia The reputation, you, also deserve? "

Being insulted by Chu Xiu's nose, Yin Xiangzi's complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted fiercely, "You are courting death!"

The voice fell, Yin Xiangzi slammed his palm directly, and the jet-black qi burst out. The power of his palm contained extremely negative power, and even a few meters away could disturb the other party's mind.

Seven Killing Clutches!

The master of this Yin Xiangzi was the famous demonic tyrant Seven Killing Old Ghost in the rivers and lakes in the past. His seven killing devils condensed all negative emotions such as greed, hatred, hatred and resentment. He was very evil and powerful, and he hated Chu Xiu. The meaning-based Avician Three Swords are somewhat similar, but they are not as extreme as the Avician Three Swords.

Chu Xiu sneered, and used the nine-character formula of speed and slowness, the character formula of soldiers, the Great Diamond Wheel Seal!

With a loud bang, the golden qi in Chu Xiu's seal method skyrocketed, like a vajra conquering the world, and all the evil spirits retreated. Couldn't help shaking.

"Buddhist practice!"

There was a hint of horror on Yin Xiangzi's face. He was considered to be well-informed. The moment Chu Xiu used the nine-character art of speed and slowness, he recognized the Buddhist brand on this practice.

At this time, Chu Yuansheng, who was behind Chu Xiu, showed a hint of hope. Even he himself did not expect that when he was desperate, someone would really rescue him.

Before, he was still doubting his life, thinking that it was right or wrong that he would only imitate his father all his life.

But now that Chu Xiu appeared, he no longer had to doubt.

It is because of his father's reputation in the past that some people will save him because of his father's reputation.

Chu Yuansheng didn't ask himself to be able to achieve the level of his father in the past, but at least as long as he achieved half of the level of his father, this reputation would be enough for him to eat for half his life.

At this time, Yin Xiangzi was repelled by Chu Xiu's big diamond wheel mark, and another martial artist from the outer astral realm did not know when he appeared behind Chu Xiu. Condensed into a small sword, the silent moment has already arrived behind Chu Xiu!

That finger force is very sinister, and it can actually corrode Chu Xiu's body-protecting qi, but at this moment, Chu Xiu's hand-printing method changed, Lin Zijue, Dugu Seal!

In an instant, the qi of Chu Xiu's whole body was condensed together, motionless like a mountain, invincible by water and fire!

The evil qi did not have any effect on Chu Xiu, but made Chu Xiu turn around, and his figure instantly came to the front of the other party.

Before that, Yin Xiangzi's strength was relatively strong in the Outer Gang Realm, so he was able to pick up Chu Xiu's Great Diamond Wheel Seal.

However, the strength of this Outer Astral Martial Artist was very ordinary, and he couldn't stop the powerful inside of Chu Xiu's Great Diamond Wheel Seal, and he was directly spit out blood.

The shadow of the martial artist's fingers drifted away, and he wanted to hit Chu Xiu, and Yin Xiangzi from the rear also hurriedly killed him, wanting to help.

But Chu Xiu's hand suddenly burst out with a scarlet qi, with a ferocious murderous intent and blood evil spirit, the blood refining divine qi burst out, directly shattering the opponent's fingers, and the big abandoned son captured his hand. When he cast it out, he pulled the opponent in front of him in an instant, and turned his head with one hand, and the head of the warrior was twisted off in an instant!

Even Yin Xiangzi grinned when he saw this **** scene, and Chu Yuansheng in the back even shuddered.

If this person hadn't come to save him, and he had used Buddhist martial arts before, he would have suspected that the person in front of him was a devil even more evil than Yin Xiangzi.

Chu Xiu stretched out his hand and threw the corpse of the warrior directly at Yin Xiangzi. His body also rushed towards Yin Xiangzi, and the Heavenly Destruction Da Ziyang's hand blasted out and collided with Yin Xiangzi's seven-killing devil's palm, with a loud bang. With a loud bang, Chu Xiu's hands were pitch black, while Yin Xiangzi's hands were glowing dark purple, and the Ziyang demon flames entered his body, causing Yin Xiangzi to snort and his complexion suddenly changed.

Chu Xiu waved his hand at will, with his powerful internal strength cultivation, and the glazed golden thread Gu in his body to suppress all the evil things, the power of the Seven Killing Devil's Palm wants to affect Chu Xiu basically like a fantasy~www On the other hand, looking at Yin Xiangzi, he needs to use his own internal strength to suppress the power of Ziyang Demon Flame, otherwise the severe pain will not be something he can endure quickly.

Looking at the corpse of the Outer Astral Martial Artist on the ground, Yin Xiangzi's eyes showed a hint of unwillingness.

Only one step away, he was able to kill Chu Yuansheng, avenge his master, and at the same time he was able to go to Mo Yuan's ancestor to receive a reward, but he ended up killing a nosy midway, and this nosy warrior Also unbelievably strong.


Yin Xiangzi shouted unwillingly, preparing to evacuate with several other Inner Gang realm warriors.

The opponent's strength is unfathomable, and if he fights again, he will stay here.

At this time, Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Do you want to leave now? Did you ask my opinion?"

Chu Xiu's figure moved, and he was already rushing towards Yin Xiangzi and the others.

Yin Xiangzi's face showed a stern look, and he shouted: "You still want to kill them all?"

"You guessed it right!"

As soon as the words fell, the red sleeved sword in Chu Xiu's hand was unsheathed, and the crimson sword light, the magnificent knife suddenly made Yin Xiangzi a little stunned.

He was deeply impressed by this magnificent and dazzling knife, and he was extremely familiar with it. He had seen such a knife just now!

Yin Xiangzi shouted angrily, "It's you..."

It's just that before he could finish his sentence, a layer of black mist swirled around Chu Xiu's knife.

The power of the Blood Refining God Gang and the three swords of Abi Dao burst out. This terrifying sword seemed to be cut out of hell, and it cut Yin Xiangzi in half with a single sword!

Until Yin Xiangzi died, he did not understand whether the person in front of him wanted to kill Chu Yuansheng or save Chu Yuansheng.


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