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Chapter 144: Chu Yuansheng

PS: I wish everyone a happy Spring Festival ^_^

Yin Xiangzi was beheaded by Chu Xiu with a knife, and the rest of the warriors from the Inner Astral Realm couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

After killing everyone, Chu Yuansheng came over and directly gave Chu Xiu a big gift, with a grateful expression on his face: "Thank you Xiongtai for helping, if not for Xiongtai, I'm afraid I won't be able to return to Guanzhong."

Chu Yuansheng also knew from the previous conversation that the person in front of him did not owe him the favor of the Chu family, but simply admired his father.

Chu Xiu waved his hand casually and said, "Master Chu doesn't need so much courtesy, the person I admire most in this life is someone like Ling Zun, who can stick to what he thinks in his heart, even though thousands of people will go, like Chu Juxia. If there were more outstanding people on the rivers and lakes, the current rivers and lakes would not be so chaotic.

And Chu Daxia, which you actually admire more, Chu Daxia inherits the mantle of Ling Zun, acts as a chivalrous person, and is kind to all corners of the world. He never considers his own interests. "

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Chu Yuansheng was also very happy.

There are many people in the world who praise his father, and even whoever sees him will praise his father, so Chu Yuansheng is used to it.

But there are not many people who have met and praised him.

Chu Yuansheng is just a mediocre and indecisive person, but it does not mean that he is really stupid. He can see clearly who is flattering.

The strength of this person in front of him is so strong, and he is definitely the best in the same rank. He has just saved him. What is the use of such an existence to flatter him?

In fact, what Chu Xiu said in the first half of the sentence was true. He really admired people like Chu Kuangge.

What he admired was not the chivalrous and righteous actions of Chu Kuangge, but the tone in his heart, as long as it was what he wanted to do, no matter what the road ahead, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles, he could still maintain the kind that even though millions of people have gone Momentum, such a person can be called a generation of outstanding people.

It's just that although Chu Xiu admires such people, he will not be such a person, because usually such people will not live to the end.

In the face of tens of millions of people, Chu Xiu also had the courage to take action, but at that time either he already had the confidence to deal with tens of millions of people, or Chu Xiu would use all means to kill these tens of millions of people until only a hundred were left. 10,000 people or 100,000 people will do it.

To put it simply, Chu Xiu would not do things recklessly without certainty.

Chu Yuansheng cupped his hands towards Chu Xiu and said, "Anyway, no matter what you say, in the next big disaster, it will depend entirely on Xiongtai to rescue him. I don't know Xiongtai's name and where did he come from?"

Chu Xiu cupped his hands and said: "It's easy to say, in the next Chu Xiu, as for the background, I should not say it, Chu Daxia is a good person, but I am not a good person, my background is really hard to tell."

Chu Yuansheng said lightly, "You are also surnamed Chu, it's really fate.

But what can't you say? Brother Chu, are you born in the magic way?

It doesn't matter, although most of the people who want to kill me are people in the devil's way, in fact, I have no prejudice against people in the devil's way.

In the past, my father once said that people in this world cannot be summed up simply by righteous demons.

There are also many hypocrites and ambitious people in the right way, and there are also those who are forced to be helpless in the devil and the free and easy people who are happy. "

Chu Xiu sighed and said: "People can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes, and I came from a small family, but because of the family incident, I am in the arena A good man."

Chu Yuansheng wondered: "Chu Xiu? Why does this name sound familiar?"

At first, when he heard Chu Xiu's name, Chu Yuansheng didn't feel anything. Later, when he heard Chu Xiu say that he used to be a killer in Qinglong Club, Chu Yuansheng felt a little familiar.

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "Master Chu should have seen my name on the Dragon Tiger Ranking."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Chu Yuansheng suddenly realized: "Chu Xiu, the eighteenth on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking! No wonder you are so strong, Brother Chu. You are still a young hero on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking."

Chu Yuansheng has also been on the Dragon and Tiger list, but he has already been off the list at his current age, so he doesn't pay much attention to things on the Dragon and Tiger list.

In particular, Chu Xiu is still famous in Beiyan, so people who are familiar with him are generally in Beiyan. Chu Yuansheng also occasionally hears others chatting about the ranking changes of some young heroes on the Dragon Tiger List. some impressions.

Then Chu Yuansheng patted Chu Xiu on the shoulder and said: "Brother Chu, don't mind, there is nothing to say about being a killer in the Qinglong Club. Who knows all kinds of grievances and grievances in the rivers and lakes? Buddhists always say Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot, right?

By the way, Brother Chu, is it because of the mission of the Azure Dragon Society that you are here this time? But you were born in Beiyan and should belong to the sub-rudder on Beiyan's side. How did you come here? "

Chu Yuansheng really didn't care much about Chu Xiu's identity. This was because of some concepts instilled in him by his father. Right and wrong, right and wrong, right and wrong were never calculated based on one's birth.

Chu Yuansheng didn't understand this as deeply as his father. He only knew that the person in front of him was his savior, and he admired his father and his conduct. Naturally, Chu Yuansheng moved closer to Chu Xiu.

Anyway, even the former friends of Chu Kuangge were born in the Demon Dao, so he had already prepared that Chu Xiu was a murderer of the Dao Dao in front of him, but it turned out that he had only been a killer in the Qinglong Club, which was nothing.

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "No, I have already betrayed the Azure Dragon Society.

I was born into a sinful rudder, and its rudder owner is too selfish. If he wants to use me to win treasures and make me an abandoned child, I can only choose to betray the Blue Dragon Society.

And because of that treasure, I was hunted down by several major factions in Beiyan, and I couldn't get along in Beiyan, so I could only prepare to go to other places to make a living.

The land of Guanzhong is located in the center of the Three Kingdoms, where the martial arts are prosperous, with the Guanzhong execution hall sitting in the town, orderly, and there is no coercion of that kind of big faction. I am going to go to Guanzhong this time. "

When Chu Yuansheng heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up. He was still thinking about how to repay Chu Xiu's favor, and now the opportunity has come.

Chu Yuansheng said directly: "Brother Chu, since you have betrayed the Azure Dragon Society, don't go back, just stay in Guanzhong.

You are my savior. It is hard to say in other places, but it is well arranged in Guanzhong. If you do not dislike it, I can recommend you to enter the Guanzhong torture hall. "

Chu Xiu's eyes narrowed a little, this Chu Yuansheng was a bit more grand than he imagined. Before he said anything, the other party directly helped him to say everything. It has to be said that Chu Yuansheng was in a certain Some qualities are good.

However, Chu Xiu still made a slightly tangled look on the surface and said: "But after all, my identity is sensitive, is it really appropriate to join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall?"

Chu Yuansheng waved casually: "The Guanzhong Punishment Hall doesn't tell the origin, the identity of a Qinglonghui is nothing.

Why don't you do it like this, brother Chu, your surname is Chu, so don't call me Chu Daxia, you can just call me big brother, and I will say you are my distant cousin to the outside world.

My cousin Chu Yuansheng wants to join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, not to mention that you are only from the Qinglong Society, even if you are from the Kunlun Demon Sect, it will not be a problem! "

As soon as he heard this, Chu Xiu directly raised his hands towards Chu Yuan and said, "Thank you, eldest brother."

Chu Yuansheng waved his hand and said, "Brother, you don't have to be so polite. You saved me today. It's just a trivial matter to recommend you to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall."

For Chu Yuansheng, this is really a trivial matter, because he knows that the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall, including the current Guan Siyu, the hall owner of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, owes his father.

Chu Yuansheng has done this kind of thing not once or twice, but he recommended some ordinary Jianghu headhunters before, flattering him in front of him and saying a few good words, As long as he has some ability, Chu Yuansheng doesn't mind being a favored person.

But now Chu Xiu is his savior, he should not only recommend Chu Xiu to the Guanzhong execution hall, but also get Chu Xiu a good position.

Chu Xiu looked at the sky and said: "Since this is the let's go back to Guanzhong now, this is the border between Guanzhong and Dongqi, although it is very close to Guanzhong, it is also a bit dangerous. "

Chu Yuansheng looked at the corpses of his two guards on the ground, his eyes couldn't help showing a hint of gloom, and said to Chu Xiu: "Brother, take their corpses back.

The two of them grew up with me. Although they were called guards, they were actually like my own brothers. In the end, they all died here because they protected me. "

Chu Xiu pretended to comfort and said, "Brother, please condolences, people can't be resurrected from the dead."

Chu Yuansheng nodded. He also knew that the crisis had not been resolved, it was not the time to be sad, so he immediately went to Guanzhong with Chu Xiu with the corpse.

The scenery of Guanzhong is completely different from that of Beiyan or Dongqi. There is no big city in Guanzhong, but there are some small cities all over the place. Only a few small cities or even more than ten small cities can form a big prefecture.

There are also reasons for these. In the past, the land of Guanzhong was located in the middle of the Three Kingdoms. Although the area was large, it was the land of four battles. Some large cities could not be built at all. The fight broke out, and the city was destroyed again.

Now the whole of Guanzhong is roughly divided into four regions, namely Guandong, Guannan, Guanxi, and Guanbei.

The most central Guanzhong City is the largest city in Guanzhong, and the Guanzhong Execution Hall is also located here.

PS: In July, I saw a WeChat public account called "Thirty-six Strategies for the Great Book Desolation" that recommended and commented on novels. It recommended and commented on a lot of good books. The month feels good, and the reviews are still good. I recommend it to everyone, you can go and see if you have a book shortage.


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