Meet The Leader

Chapter 145: Guanzhong Punishment Hall

Guanzhong City is located in the most central part of the entire Guanzhong land. It has a dark appearance and can be said to be the most bizarre city in the world. It is an iron city.

In the past, the war in Guanzhong was raging, and the people of Guanzhong martial arts set up the Guanzhong Punishment Hall on their own to establish order. Therefore, they planned to build a city that would not fall in front of the army of the Three Kingdoms, and wrapped the city wall with black iron to make it extremely strong. Martial Dao masters who can break rivers and mountains can take action in person, and they can't break such a city of steel.

It took a hundred years for the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall to complete the construction of this Guanzhong City.

As soon as he stepped into Guanzhong City, Chu Xiu felt the difference that the warriors in Guanzhong gave him.

The warriors here feel more confident, even the bottom warriors are full of fighting spirit and vigor.

When they were in Beiyan, most of the bottom warriors could only be regarded as ordinary Jianghu people. For a little money or to cultivate resources, everyone clinged to the powerful and killed each other. There was a strong hostility between warriors and warriors. and slick.

However, due to historical reasons, there is no such deep-rooted sect that has been passed down for more than a thousand years in Guanzhong. Even these sects and big families in Guanzhong were ordinary bottom-level warriors hundreds of years ago. Due to the order restrictions of the Central Punishment Hall, the oppression of the bottom warriors here is not too heavy.

Moreover, the land of Guanzhong is located in the center of the trade between the three countries. It is very prosperous, and there are also many opportunities. In short, it is the land of the customs. As long as you have the ability, you don't have to worry about being buried.

Because of Chu Kuangge's last words, Chu Yuansheng's residence was not in the Guanzhong Execution Hall, but in a mansion in Guanzhong City.

Although Chu Yuansheng's way of doing things is a bit deliberately imitating his father, he doesn't even have any thoughts of his own.

For example, Chu Kuangge used to be extremely frugal. He only lived in the Guanzhong execution hall, he didn't even have a house of his own, and he didn't like any extravagant things.

But Chu Yuansheng is different. He likes luxury, and his favorite is arty, such as calligraphy and painting.

As a martial artist, Chu Yuansheng's martial arts is not the strongest in the same rank, but his calligraphy and calligraphy and painting are few people can compare.

At this time, Chu Yuansheng was chased and killed all the way. It can be said that he was very embarrassed. He first returned to his house and changed into a robe, and then took Chu Xiu to the punishment hall in Guanzhong.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall is located in the center of the entire Guanzhong City. A large area of ​​high-rise courtyard buildings are grouped together and separated by courtyard walls. However, both courtyards and courtyard walls are like the city walls of Guanzhong City, and they are made of black iron. Reinforced and cast, there is a sense of solemnity.

In front of the gate of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, there are no lions or the like, but a man-high long sword and a man-height long sword, implying the long-standing purpose of Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Wu established order in the punishment hall!

Even the plaque of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not a wooden plaque, but a black iron plaque with handwriting drawn with various weapons.

It is said that these four characters were engraved with weapons by all the people who joined forces to form the Guanzhong Punishment Hall in the past.

The people who come and go to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall the most are the Jianghu Headhunters affiliated to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

The costumes of these Jianghu headhunters are also very distinctive. They are also wearing ordinary samurai uniforms, but they are divided into cyan, gray and black according to different levels.

Generally, those in the quenching and coagulation realm wear blue clothes, those in the innate and inner astral realms wear gray clothes, and those who wear black clothes are generally those in power in the Guanzhong punishment hall, and the weakest are also the outer astral realm.

In addition to their samurai uniforms, there are also some changes. The shoulders, forearms, and chest are covered with refined black iron gluttonous pattern armor, which can increase their own defense without affecting their activities.

This is also because most of these rivers and lakes arresting heads act alone to arrest some criminals and thieves who have violated the law in Guanzhong, so Guanzhong Xingtang also tried its best to increase their combat effectiveness.

In addition, most of the prisoners in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall also carry a huge iron box half a person's height behind their backs, which are filled with some spare weapons and some hidden weapons. There are also tools to be used in case determination, etc.

The Jianghu head arresting ability from the Guanzhong Xingtang is very strong. He can hunt down those murderers and thieves for thousands of miles by himself, and he can easily infer the detailed information of the murderers when dealing with some events such as vendettas in the rivers and lakes.

Therefore, whether it is in the Three Kingdoms or some major factions in Jianghu, when they need to deal with such matters, they usually go to the Jianghu arresting head in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Of course, this shot is not voluntary labor, but it requires money.

Chu Yuansheng took Chu Xiu all the way into the Guanzhong execution hall. Those who passed by the rivers and lakes gave Chu Yuansheng a respectful salute and shouted, "Master Chu!"

Chu Xiu could see that at least 90% of the respect for arresting heads in the rivers and lakes was sincere, which showed Chu Yuansheng's status in the Guanzhong execution hall.

Of course, from this point of view, it is very important to have a good father. For Chu Yuansheng, Chu Kuangge's legacy can even let him eat for a lifetime. If Guan Siyu can live a long time, even his son will not be a problem to eat for a lifetime.

Going all the way to the back house in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Guan Siyu has always lived here. Like Chu Kuangge, Guan Siyu doesn't like luxury, and there is no house outside.

Chu Yuansheng was about to knock on the door, but the door of the house was suddenly opened, and a woman came out.

Seeing the appearance of the woman, even Chu Xiu was slightly stunned, with a dazzling feeling.

The woman's appearance is extremely beautiful, with dark eyebrows and red lips, and her facial features can only be described as perfect.

She looks about 30 years old, but she doesn't look old at all, and it adds a bit of mature style, and a fiery red wide gauze skirt can't hide her seductive figure. , as tempting as a ripe peach.

In fact, the most attractive thing about this woman is not her appearance and figure, but her temperament.

That kind of extremely awkward feeling, obviously cold and glamorous, but with her appearance and figure, it gives people a very charming and sultry feeling, the more serious she looks, the colder her temperament, but The more it gives the illusion of charm.

Chu Xiu's previous life can be considered to have seen the world, the real thing, on TV, no matter who it is, can't compare with the woman in front of him.

The difference between them is not their appearance, but the kind of temperament that is cold and charming. In short, this woman is the kind of woman who makes people think of bed at first sight.

At this time, after Chu Yuansheng saw this woman, he became a little nervous, and bowed to the woman: "Sister-in-law."

Chu Xiu gave Chu Yuansheng a slightly surprised look. In the execution hall, Chu Yuansheng had never been so polite to anyone, but everyone else would take the initiative to greet him when they saw him, even if they were stronger than him. exist.

The woman nodded lightly, but said lightly, "Did you come to see the master? The master is handling official business inside, you can go in."

After saying that, the woman walked away, just glanced at Chu Xiu slightly, and didn't say anything more.

After the woman left, Chu Xiu asked suspiciously, "Who is this?"

Chu Yuansheng whispered: "This is Mei Qinglian, the wife of Guan Siyu, brother Guan, she..."

Chu Yuansheng just wanted to say something, but he held back and said softly, "Anyway, she is Brother Guan's wife, so it's always right to respect her on weekdays."

Hearing Chu Yuansheng say that, Chu Xiu's expression was a little weird.

If he is right, the real age of Guan Siyu, the 'iron-faced judge' of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, should be in his 70s. Of course, Guan Siyu is the master of martial arts in the real Dan realm, with a longevity of 300 years. Years, more than seventy is actually a prime time.

It's just rumors that Guan Siyu is upright, unselfish, and even more self-disciplined. In the end, he married such a wife, which made Chu Xiu feel a little Yuansheng didn't say much, just brought Chu Xiu in. Inside the house, I knocked on the door of a study.

"Come in." A low and majestic voice came from the study.

Chu Yuansheng pushed open the door and entered. The study was filled with various official documents, which seemed a bit chaotic. At the center was a middle-aged man who looked about forty or fifty years old. The master of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Guan Siyu, the 'iron-faced judge' ranked eighth on the Billboard!

The Jianghu Billboard is not only ranked according to strength, but also depends on your reputation in Jianghu. This is not what Feng Manlou said, only what is recognized by Jianghu people.

Guan Siyu's strength is actually not as strong as other powerhouses on the Billboard. For example, his ranking on the Billboard is even higher than that of the Dragon's First Step Tiannan of the Qinglong Club, but in fact his strength is far more than that. Don't go to Tiannan.

It's just that Guanzhong Punishment Hall has completely risen in his hands. With his current status in the arena, he can be regarded as a big man who has stirred up the situation in the rivers and lakes, so even if he is not as powerful as Bu Tiannan, his ranking is still in the footsteps. Above the Tiannan.

Chu Xiu also looked at Guan Siyu slightly at this time. This man was tall and wore an ordinary black robe. He had a square appearance and a majestic demeanor.

At this time, because he was in the study, there were no outsiders, so Guan Siyu restrained his aura and looked like an ordinary person, but Chu Xiu could still feel a very strong feeling from him. pressure.

Among them are the reasons why he is a martial arts master at the master level, and the majestic aura he has accumulated over the decades in charge of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, even if it is restrained, it cannot be restrained much.


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