Meet The Leader

Chapter 147: torture hall framework

PS: Get up early and go out to pay New Year's greetings, update in advance today, and wish everyone a Happy New Year *^_^*

Chu Xiu didn't know what Guan Siyu said to Chu Yuansheng in the house. Anyway, Guan Siyu's order has been issued, and Chu Xiu's goal has been achieved.

Chu Xiu bowed his hands to Yuchi beside him and asked, "Dare to ask Yuchi brother's name?"

The Yuchi in front of him was also a warrior of the Outer Astral Realm, but Chu Xiu could feel that the other party's cultivation was much deeper than his own, and he might have reached the peak of the Outer Astral Realm.

Yuchi smiled and said, "Brother Chu can just call me Yuchi, I don't have a name, so I will call me Yuchi.

I was originally an outcast. I was picked up by my master when I was young and raised, but I just found a wooden plaque with the words 'Yuchi' written on my body, so this is both my surname and my first name. "

Chu Xiu nodded. As a disciple raised by Guan Siyu since childhood, this Yuchi's position in Guanzhong's torture hall will definitely not be low.

Yu Chi said as he walked, "I just heard about Brother Chu's affairs outside. You entered the Dragon and Tiger Ranking at a young age. I believe that Brother Chu, you will definitely shine in my prison in the future."

Chu Xiu said with a wry smile: "The tree is big to attract the wind, and it is not my original intention to be on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking.

The disciples of the big sects are on the list for the reputation of their respective sects, for their own reputation, and the loose cultivators of my generation are on the list, except for the establishment of the wind and the grudges are basically useless.

For example, when I entered the list this time, I squeezed out Bai Wuji, the 18th place in the snow city in the extreme north. I am sure that Bai Wuji will definitely hate me in his heart. "

Yuchi laughed and said: "Fortune and misfortune come, people walk around in the rivers and lakes, either leave a message or leave a name.

Dragon Tiger Wind and Cloud Supreme List, who doesn't want to leave their own name here?

Besides, this time, Brother Chu, if you were not ranked in the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, even if you had the recommendation of Master Chu, the position of the inspector would not be yours. "

Chu Xiu asked: "By the way, Brother Yuchi, because I have been in Beiyan for a long time, I have no idea about the structure of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. What rank is my position as an inspector?"

Yu Chi explained carefully: "Since this is the case, I will give you a detailed account of the matter of my detention in the punishment hall, after all, you will need to know all of these in the future.

I Guanzhong Punishment Hall was established for hundreds of years, and its structure is now very clear.

Among them, the person in charge of Guanzhong Xingtang is not to mention the head of Xingtang. However, the position of the head is also very complicated. To become the head of the hall, you must have three points.

One is the approval of the previous hall master, and the other is the approval of other warriors in the entire execution hall.

As for this last point, it needs to be recognized by the three kingdoms of Beiyan, Eastern Qi, and Western Chu.

My Guanzhong Punishment Hall is an existence between rivers and lakes and temples. The Three Kingdoms recognize my Guanzhong Punishment Hall’s status and even the law, but I also want to reciprocate my Guanzhong Punishment Hall and promise not to participate in the disputes between the Three Kingdoms and maintain absolute neutrality. , so this hall master must be able to allow the three countries to recognize that there is no selfishness and can maintain a neutral existence.

These three points are the rules set by me in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall in recent decades. You should know the history of my Guanzhong Punishment Hall in the past. It was quite confusing and there were no clear rules. With the rise of the church, I have the current status of Guanzhong Punishment Hall. "

Speaking of this, Yu Chi's tone was also somewhat honorable.

After all, in the hundreds of years of history of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, even if the founder's name is forgotten, everyone will not forget the names of two people, one is Chu Kuangge and the other is Guan Siyu.

One of these two people laid the foundation and reputation for the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, while the other led the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to rise from the gap between the Three Kingdoms. This is irreplaceable for the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. At least it's unprecedented.

Yuchi continued: "In addition to the hall master, there are four other punishment officers in the punishment hall: Guandong, Guannan, Guanxi, and Guanbei. In the future, Guanxi will be in charge of the punishment officer 'Nine Fingers Chasing the Soul'. Wei Jiuduan is your immediate boss, a master of the harmony between man and nature.

Under the commanding officer is the inspector. As the name suggests, he is responsible for inspecting the cities and capitals of various states to see if there are some martial arts forces or loose cultivators who violate the law and discipline, break the rules of my customs, and hunt down some murderers. Thieves and other things are also under the control of the inspector, and the management is more comprehensive, and his own power is still not small.

Generally speaking, the number of inspectors under each criminal officer is not fixed, and sometimes there are five or six, seven, eight, or even more than ten people.

Inspectors belong to the backbone of my Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Like Brother Chu, you are recommended by the Punishment Hall Headquarters, but most of them are trained by major punishment officials, so the number is not certain.

Normally, most of the inspectors' strengths are in the realm of gathering three flowers or condensing five qi. Brother Chu, you have the strength of outside the realm to become inspectors, but there are very few, only me in Guanzhong Punishment Hall. It will only be available in those few years of weakness, so this time, Brother Chu, you can get such a position, not only because of the recommendation of Chu Daxia, but also because of your ranking on the Dragon Tiger List.

And under the inspector is the Jianghu catcher that is well known to the Jianghu people.

Among them, those in the quenching body and blood coagulation realm are ordinary quick catchers, and only the three realms of congenital, inner gang, and outer gang can be called Jianghu headhunters.

Each Jianghu catcher also has its own catcher. Of course, there are also some secluded Jianghu catchers who don't like to bring so many newcomers, so they choose to act alone. "

Chu Xiu nodded when he heard the words. The position of the inspector was not low. After all, he was a person in charge of one party. The power in his hands was not small enough for Chu Xiu to exert himself.

Yuchi continued: "These are the basic structures of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. In the Punishment Hall headquarters, there is a department called the Judgment Division, which is specially responsible for handling some important matters. There are only a few hundred people, and there are several The leader is of the same rank as the four chief criminal officers, and there is no distinction between inspectors and the like, there are only ordinary secret agents, but there are grades."

Yuchi pointed to himself and said, "The next one is the fifth-level spy of the Criminal Division."

Hearing Yuchi's words, Chu Xiu immediately understood where this series of punishments was. This was where the elite of the entire Guanzhong punishment hall was located, and the power directly under the jurisdiction of the hall master of the punishment hall.

"Thank you brother Yuchi for telling me." Chu Xiu cupped his hands at Yuchi.

Yuchi smiled and said: "Brother Chu, you're welcome, anyway, now you and I are colleagues."

Talking all the way, Yuchi sent Chu Xiu to his residence and asked him to rest here for a night, and wait for him to get Guan Siyu's warrant tomorrow before heading to Kansai.

Looking at the back of Yuchi's departure, Chu Xiu's face was calm.

This Guanzhong Punishment Hall is indeed full of talents. This Yuchi may seem ordinary, but in fact his strength is deeper than his.

Moreover, he does things without leaking. He will say what he should say and what he should not say, and he will not reveal a word.

Along the way, Yuchi has always had a smile on his face, but that smile has not changed in the slightest. other emotions to come.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, the other party is Guan Siyu's disciple who has been raised since childhood, and he has been keeping him by his side until now. If this Yuchi has no ability at all, I am afraid that he will not be able to stay by Guan Siyu's side now.

At this time, after Yuchi had sent off Chu Xiu, he went straight back to Guan Siyu's study.

"The person has been sent back, how do you feel?" Guan Siyu asked in a deep voice.

Yuchi shook his head and said, "I can't tell that the other party acted cautiously and did not reveal anything wrong, but I feel that this person is very shrewd."

Guan Siyu said lightly: "People who are not deep in the city will not be able to live that long in the Qinglong Club, and they will not be able to make it to the Dragon Tiger Ranking.

I am not afraid of people with ambitions in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but I am afraid that some people who deliberately want to destroy the foundation of my Guanzhong Punishment Hall will join it.

Just pay attention to his movements in the future. If there is no change, there is no need to report it to me. "

Yuchi said quickly, "Yes, Master."

But then Yuchi hesitated and said, "Master, people in the outside world say that you are fair, strict and unselfish, but this time, Daxia Chu wants to be a human, but you make an exception to promote someone who has just joined. The people of Xingtang should be the inspectors, this kind of behavior is a little... inappropriate, and it doesn't take into account your reputation and ideas at all."

Guan Siyu raised his head abruptly, and an incomparably powerful aura erupted out of his body. It was like a stormy sea was set off in this small study, making people breathless!

Yuchi fell to his knees with a puff, and quickly said, "Master! I'm talking about all of this for your own good!"

Guan Siyu said coldly: "Of course I know you are doing this for my own good, otherwise do you think you can stay by my side?

I know what you mean, but you have to remember that if there was no Lord Chu Kuangge in the past, I would not be where I am now, nor would it be related to the current glory of the Punishment Hall.

It is me and Guanzhong Xingtang who owe Lord Chu Kuangge, not what Lord Chu Kuangge owes us! "

Yuchi struggled under the pressure of Guan Siyu's powerful imposing manner: "But in the current Guanzhong Punishment Hall, you are the hall master! You also brought down the glory of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall! Chu Yuansheng is not a member of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall at all. Why does he have the right to speak second only to you in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall?"

"Shut up! If you talk about this again in the future, then get me down there and be the head hunter!" Guan Siyu looked at Yuchi coldly, and immediately made him sweat.

Everyone is selfish, and Yuchi is no exception.

He is Guan Siyu's disciple, and Guan Siyu's interests are his interests.

Chu Kuangge was already dead when he was born, so he did not receive the favor of Chu Kuangge, but in his eyes, Chu Yuansheng was doing damage to Guan Siyu's interests and reputation.

Today, Chu Yuansheng went to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to stuff one person, and tomorrow he stuffed another one. Then, in the end, who did the Guanzhong Punishment Hall belong to?


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