Meet The Leader

Chapter 148: Kansai Branch

Yuchi is thinking about Guan Siyu's reputation and interests. He is also a direct disciple of Guan Siyu, and Guan Siyu's interests are his interests, so he will say such a thing today.

It's just that he didn't expect Guan Siyu to be so sensitive to Chu Yuansheng's affairs. His actions have already angered his master!

At this time, the door of the study was pushed open, and a gust of fragrant wind hit, Mei Qinglian walked in, waved her hand, looked at Yuchi and said, "You made the master angry again? Really."

With that said, Mei Qinglian walked behind Guan Siyu, pinched his shoulders and said softly, "Okay sir, after all, Yuchi is still young, so he didn't think about it before speaking, it's not a big deal."

With the arrival of Mei Qinglian, the terrifying aura on Guan Siyu's body finally subsided, which made Yuchi heave a sigh of relief.

Mei Qinglian said lightly to Yuchi: "Why don't you apologize to your master soon? Remember, the master naturally has his own consideration when doing things. What are you, a young man, messing around with?"

When Yuchi heard the words, he immediately saluted Guan Siyu and said, "Master, it's my disciple who made a mistake, and I will never dare again."

"Go out." Guan Siyu waved his hand in annoyance and told Yuchi to leave.

Yuchi also bowed his head and bowed to Mei Qinglian when he heard the words: "Thank you, Mistress."

Regarding Mei Qinglian, Yuchi's attitude even felt a little scared. This woman was also his wife, but he didn't even dare to look at it.

After Yuchi left, Guan Siyu touched Mei Qinglian's hand behind him and sighed, "I'm too selfish, even Yuchi, the apprentice I raised by myself, now has selfishness."

Mei Qinglian put her arms around Guan Siyu's neck and whispered in his ear, "A human being has desires, you can't control it if you want to, sir, Yuchi is still too young to see that far.

The Guanzhong Punishment Hall is carried forward by you, Master. No matter how famous the descendants of the Chu family are, they are not as big as you, Master. Even if you give up the position of the Hall Master to Chu Yuansheng, he will not dare to go. Do it, Yuchi, it's just a fool's errand. "

Glancing at the documents piled up on the table, Mei Qinglian said softly, "Let's deal with these tomorrow. The concubine has stewed chicken soup. Master should have an early rest after eating."

Guan Siyu patted Mei Qinglian's hand and smiled and said, "It's still Madam who knows that she loves me, okay, I'll deal with it tomorrow."

At this time, if Guan Siyu's appearance were to be seen by others, they would definitely be surprised.

Because the impression of Guan Siyu on weekdays is that he is unselfish, even to the point of inhumanity, most of the martial artists in Guanzhong's execution hall have hardly seen Guan Siyu show the slightest smile.

Moreover, Guan Siyu is also a person with extreme self-discipline. There are strict regulations on the time for daily practice and the time for handling official duties. More can be done, but less can not be done. Just like now, he will push the things that need to be done today. Tomorrow, this kind of thing is not like Guan Siyu can do it.

In the early morning of the second day, Yuchi came to Chu Xiu's residence early in the morning, preparing to go to Yanxi with Chu Xiu.

At this time, Yuchi's face didn't show the slightest bit of strangeness, and he still wore a faint smile, as if he was not the one who was reprimanded by Guan Siyu to the point of breaking out into a cold sweat last night.

The area of ​​Guanzhong land is very large, even larger than the previous Yandong land in Beiyan.

From Guanzhong to Guanxi, Chu Xiu and Yuchi walked for seven days.

The punishment hall branch in Kansai is also a small town in Jiuhua City, but it is also very prosperous.

The land of Guanxi is close to Western Chu, and Jiuhua City is the center of Western Chu. The merchants from and to Western Chu are all trading here. As soon as they enter the city, Chu Xiu can feel a hustle and bustle.

Yuchi said: "There are many merchants in the Western Chu region, so there are quite a few special products of Western Chu that are extremely rare in the outside world. Brother Chu can come and have a look when you have time.

Before I came, I sent a message to Lord Wei Jiuduan, the Guanxi punishment officer. At this time, he should be waiting for you in the Guanxi punishment hall branch, so we can go directly to the punishment hall. "

Chu Xiu nodded and followed Yuchi to the branch of the Guanxi Punishment Hall.

The Guanxi Xingtang Branch is basically the smaller Guanzhong Xingtang, but the plaque is just an ordinary black iron typesetting, with the words Kanxi Xingtang Branch written on it.

Just after entering the execution hall, several Jianghu arresters greeted him at the door, and one of them said, "Master Yuchi, Master Wei is already waiting inside."

Yuchi nodded and followed Chu Xiu into the council room.

At this time, there were six people in the council room, and one of them was sitting on the main seat, looking at the appearance of a thin old man in black. His hair was gray, but he had some momentum in it.

The old man's eyes were sharp, and he was playing with two iron galleries engraved with golden dragon patterns in his hands. The most striking thing was that his right hand only had four fingers. This man was naturally Chu Xiu's future immediate boss, and Guanxi was in charge of the criminal'. "Nine Fingers Chasing Soul" Wei Jiuduan, a great master in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, but his feeling to Chu Xiu is not as strong as that of the helmsman of Heaven's Sin.

There are still five people sitting below Wei Jiuduan, all of whom are inspectors under Wei Jiuduan. Some of them have reached the strength of Sanhua Juding, and some have even stepped into the realm of the Five Qi Dynasty. At this time, the five people are also looking at them. With Chu Xiu.

"I have seen Mr. Wei." Yuchi cupped his hands at Wei Jiuduan.

Wei Jiuduan smiled and said: "It's Yuchi, don't be too polite, I have already received the news from the headquarters of the punishment hall."

Although Wei Jiuduan is much higher than Yuchi in both strength and status, his attitude towards Yuchi is very kind.

Everyone in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall knew that Yuchi was a direct disciple of Guan Siyu, and even the kind who was raised since childhood.

Although the next hall master of Guanzhong Punishment Hall does not necessarily have to be the direct disciple of the previous hall lord, Yuchi must be the key training target of Punishment Hall. In addition, he is Guan Siyu's personal disciple, so Wei Jiuduan's attitude towards him is polite. very.

Yuchi pointed to Chu Xiu beside him and said, "This is Chu Xiu, who was assigned by Master Wei to be an inspector under your command, and was personally recommended by Chu Yuansheng, who is also a distant relative of Chu Daxia. .

It just so happened that one of the inspectors under your command, Mr. Wei, just died, and the punishment hall headquarters added another for you, Mr. Wei. "

Chu Xiu came out and cupped his hands: "I have seen Mr. Wei."

At this moment, the eyes of Wei Jiuduan and others turned to Chu Xiu, with a little scrutiny.

At the beginning, Wei Jiuduan didn't take this matter seriously, and the above gave him the strength of his subordinates, which was a good thing for him. In recent years, the strength of his Guanxi punishment hall branch has become weaker and weaker. Now, there are only five inspectors left, and the most powerful inspector of the four punishment halls in Kanto has as many as 16 people, and he is not as good as a fraction of the other party's.

As a result, Wei Jiuduan was also a little dissatisfied when he saw that Chu Xiu was only in the outer astral realm.

How many years ago did the Outer Gang realm become an inspector? Although the strength of his Kansai Xingtang branch is weak, it is not a problem to find dozens of Outer Astral Martial Artists, so he can have dozens of inspectors under his command.

It's just that when Yuchi said that Chu Xiu was recommended by Chu Yuansheng, and that he was a distant relative of the Chu family, Wei Jiuduan was relieved and didn't say anything more.

He knew Chu Yuansheng's status in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and even he himself was an old man in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, having experienced the period when Chu Kuangge was in charge of Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

If Chu Yuansheng came to him directly and asked Chu Xiu to become his inspector, Wei Jiuduan might still be in a bit of a dilemma, but since it is the order of the hall master, there is nothing to say.

So Wei Jiuduan said directly to Chu Xiu: "Yes, the person Chu Daxia recommends is definitely not wrong, go and sit next to him."

Wei Jiuduan didn't say anything, but the other five inspectors didn't feel very comfortable.

The five of them are all old people in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. They started from the lowest level of Jianghu arresting, upgraded to Jianghu arresting, and finally accumulated meritorious strength, and then they became the inspector of the commanding party.

In the end, why did this Chu Xiu become an inspector? The most important thing is that he only has the strength of the Outer Astral Realm, which is the same as the strength of those Jianghu headhunters under him, but now he can be on an equal footing with himself, why?

It is very common in the arena to judge the level of strength based on strength, like Chu Xiu used to be in the Azure Dragon Society. Before he showed his strength, the attitudes of those in the Azure Dragon Society can be praised. Not friendly.

It's just that the environment of Guanzhong Punishment Hall is much more complicated than Qinglonghui. In Guanzhong Punishment Hall, you must not only have strength, but also have qualifications.

But Chu Xiu didn't have anything right now, he just came in through the back door, which of course made others a little uncomfortable.

Chu Xiu didn't care much about these things. On the contrary, he was puzzled by what Yuchi had just said.

What does Fang Caiyuchi mean by emphasizing that he joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall by virtue of Chu Yuansheng's relationship?

Is he afraid that other people will not know this is just a simple explanation, or is there any deep meaning?

It's just that Yuchi's attitude was hidden too deeply, and Chu Xiu couldn't see his thoughts clearly.

Yuchi took out the warrant and handed it over to Wei Jiuduan and said, "Master Wei, I have brought you all the leaders and people, and I have to return to the main hall to resume my life."

Wei Jiuduan smiled and said: "The hall master still needs you to help with some chores. I'm very busy, so I won't leave you, help me bring it to the hall master."

Yu Chi smiled and turned to leave.

After Yuchi left, Wei Jiuduan looked at Chu Xiu and said solemnly, "Chu Xiu, since the hall master has assigned you to the position of the inspector, it proves that the hall master is very optimistic about you, and I hope you better not. Disappointing the master.

My last inspector, Fang Zhengyuan, died unexpectedly, and his subordinates and the area he was in charge of will be handed over to you from now on.

You only need to remember a little bit. Guanzhong Xingtang has its own rules, both overt and secret. If you break the rules, even if you are recommended by Chu Daxia to enter the punishment hall, you will not be forgiven lightly. ! "


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