Meet The Leader

Chapter 149: take office

Wei Jiuduan said something, but it was as if he didn't say anything.

If anyone violates the rules in Ming Dynasty, Guan Siyu will not be able to spare them without him saying it.

But who decides the secret rules?

It's just that Chu Xiu has just arrived, and what his boss says is nothing, so Chu Xiu didn't refute at all, and directly cupped his hands: "Follow your instructions."

Seeing Chu Xiu's attitude, Wei Jiuduan nodded with satisfaction. He was afraid that Chu Xiu would not be able to grasp his status because he was recommended by Chu Yuansheng. Now it seems that he is very self-aware. .

Chu Yuansheng's status in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was indeed very high, because he was Chu Kuangge's son, and everyone was willing to give him face and the courtesy he deserved.

But equally, if Chu Yuansheng intervenes too much in the power of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, he will be dissatisfied with such a powerful executioner as Wei Jiuduan.

Wei Jiuduan said to the other five officers in charge: "From now on, Chu Xiu will be your colleague, especially Wei Hanshan and Jiang Taoran. Your two sites are next to Chu Xiu, and you have to help each other in peacetime. a bit."

Among the two, Jiang Taoran is a middle-aged man in his forties who is facing Fangzheng. He has the strength of the Three Flowers Gathering Realm. Hearing this, he smiled at Chu Xiu and cupped his hands: "Brother Chu. , you and I will be colleagues from now on."

Chu Xiu also stood up and bowed his hands in return.

As for Wei Hanshan, he looks much younger, only in his thirties and has the strength of the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, but he stepped into this realm much earlier than Jiang Taoran, and in fact his age has passed. He's forty, but he still looks younger.

In the face of Chu Xiu, Wei Hanshan wanted to appear a lot more casual, he just cupped his hands and called out to Brother Chu, and it was okay to lose face.

An Outer Astral Martial Artist who came in through the back door, he didn't really treat the other party as equals.

Wei Jiuduan coughed: "Okay, that's it for today, let's go back to your inspection place, Chu Xiu, after a while, go to the back hall to pick up the clothes and the waist badge of the inspector, then you can go to office."

Chu Xiu bowed his hands, and also withdrew with several other inspectors.

The other people didn't mean to talk to Chu Xiu. Although there was no conflict of interest between them, it was obvious that Chu Xiu's background and strength were not enough for them to recognize him.

After receiving his clothes and waist badges, Chu Xiu left the main hall of Kanxi directly and went to Jianzhou City in Jianzhou Prefecture.

The land of Guanxi is not as vast as the land of Beiyan, so it is not divided into prefectures, but roughly divided into some prefectures. Jianzhou Prefecture under the command of Guanxi is one of them. Jianzhou City is the center of Jianzhou Prefecture. There are more than a dozen small cities under the jurisdiction of the Jianzhou government.

At this time, in the council hall at the entrance of the inspector's hall, the door was tightly closed, and the four Jianghu catchers from the outer gangs sat there, silent.

The four of them are the four strongest in the Jianghu Inspector's Hall. After the death of the former Inspector, they will manage all the arrests.

One of them, a man in his 40s with a red scar on his face smiled and said, "Everyone, don't be silent, news has already been passed down from the branch, and the new inspector will take office immediately. "Should we discuss what to do?"

Opposite him, a 50-year-old Jianghu head was wiping the long knife in his hand, and said indifferently: "What to discuss? Since an adult has been sent from above, then let's continue to obey orders, otherwise you want to How to do it?

Wu Siping, I know you have ambitions, but don't you really think that the above will let you be the inspector?

Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not what it used to be. There are many capable people. Even if Master Fang Zhengyuan is dead, the new inspector will not be able to turn to you, a warrior in the outer realm.

There are countless strong men in the Criminal Division, just take out any one and you can come and be the inspector. "

That Wu Siping snorted coldly: "Du Guangzhong, don't interrupt here! You know that's not what I said!

During this period of time, there were no inspectors. We only paid 60% of all taxes, and we shared the other 40% equally.

Although I proposed this matter first, all three of you have reached out to take it. Now that the new inspector is here, this matter must not be disclosed, and the next tax, we will all pay it, or continue. Intercept? "

Guanzhong Punishment Hall is between the rivers and lakes and the temple. Although it does not belong to the three countries, it also has various taxes.

The special Guanzhong land originally belonged to the center of the Three Kingdoms, and the transactions were unusually prosperous. This tax was a big part of the development of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Normally, this tax is collected by the most low-level Jianghu catchers in various regions, and then handed over to the inspector, who then hands it over to the punishment hall branch, and finally the branch is handed over to the main hall, and the general hall will withhold part of it. The remaining part is to be handed over to the three countries equally.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, they are not allowed to intercept the slightest bit from the bottom-level gangsters and even the inspectors. They must all be handed over to the general hall, and then the general hall will distribute salaries and training resources according to their level.

This may seem a little troublesome, but it can ensure the justice and strictness of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Now the four of them dare to withhold tax revenue secretly, which is already a big taboo.

Du Guangzhong stopped abruptly while wiping the long knife, and said in a low voice in horror, "Are you crazy? When there is no one to supervise, we can do some small tricks on the account, but now an inspector has been dispatched from above. You still dare to do this, are you tired of living?"

Wu Siping said coldly: "Old Du, you are too timid, look at the other inspectors, which one has no gray income?

That is, the stubborn guy Fang Zhengyuan didn't know how to work around, and even followed the poor jingle with us!

I used to have a sworn brother who was working in the headquarters of the punishment hall. Yesterday, he sent a letter to tell me that the new inspector was not from Jianghu, but was recommended by Guanzhong hero Chu Yuansheng. Never stayed in my prison.

It's just an outsider, the four of us joined forces, as long as we get the things right in the face, aren't we allowed to revise those secret accounts or something?

Even as long as the few of us cooperate well, it will not be a problem to completely give each other an overhead!

An outsider came up and became the inspector of our Guanzhong Punishment Hall without even the slightest bit of experience. Do you really think that I am so easy to mess with in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall? "

Du Guangzhong was still a little hesitant: "But..."

"No but!"

Wu Siping interrupted him directly and turned his eyes to the other two people: "Qin Fang, Liu Chengli, what do you two think?"

The other two thought about it and gritted their teeth: "Done!"

If the new inspector was an old man from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, they might not dare to play this kind of careful thought, but since the newcomer was an outsider who had never stayed in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, they also had some confidence.

Wu Siping turned his eyes to Du Guangzhong and said with a sneer, "Old Du, the four of us are one. If you don't agree to this matter, you will cut off the fortunes of the three of us. You know the consequences, don't forget that before. How did Master Weifang die, the current Guanzhong Execution Hall is not the previous Guanzhong Execution Hall!"

Listening to Wu Siping's murderous words, Du Guangzhong's expression changed slightly.

Du Guangzhong was an old man in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and his father was the Jianghu head of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

However, when Wu Siping was young, he was a lone robber who murdered like a gangster. After he was caught by the Jianghu arrest of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, he was willing to repent and chose to join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to serve him.

I don't know if he has really repented to Du Guangzhong over the years, but the other party's fierceness has not changed much.

And just as Wu Siping said, the current Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not the previous Guanzhong Punishment Hall. As an old man in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, he felt the most obvious.

Under the gaze of Wu Siping and the others, Du Guangzhong had no choice but to nod his head.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door outside, and a warrior came in and said, "Sir, the new inspector has entered the city."

Wu Siping grinned and said, "Let's go, let's meet this 'new' lord, three, remember, and have a better attitude. After all, this lord has a 'backstage'."

After the death of the previous inspector Fang Zhengyuan, the power of the entire inspector's hall was in the hands of the four of them. As Wu Siping said before, it was very easy for the three of them to take over the new ~ It's just that he doesn't know how to play the low-level means of disarming the horse. The rules of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall are related to the rules of the Punishment Hall. After all, they are inspectors, and they are just arresting heads in the rivers and lakes. Can not fall.

In Jianzhou City, Chu Xiu rode a group of jujube red horses and wore a black warrior uniform from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. A pair of sword symbols were embroidered on the left side, just like the swords erected at the gate of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. The identity of the inspector of Chu Xiu.

For example, Wei Jiuduan, who was in charge of one party, also had this kind of clothing, but the symbol of the sword was on the right, because the world respected the right, which meant that their position was higher than that of the inspector.

As for the members of the Department of Punishment, the sword logo on their chests is red, which is somewhat different from other martial artists in Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

However, the existence of Wei Jiuduan at this level is quite casual. As the most pinnacle of power under Guan Siyu, the hall master of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, how many people in the entire Guan do not know them?

Chu Xiu didn't ask where the inspector's hall was, because it was very simple, as the ruler of Guanzhong, the inspector's hall must be in the center of the city.

Sure enough, when Chu Xiu came to the entrance of the inspector's hall, the four inspectors from the outer gangland were already waiting for him here. Seeing the sword logo embroidered on Chu Xiu's clothes, Wu Siping and the four faced Chu Xiu. Qi Qi bowed and said: "I have seen adults!"

Chu Xiu jumped off the horse and said, "No need to be more polite, you are all the headhunters in the hall of the inspector?"

Wu Siping just wanted to answer, but when he felt the breath of Chu Xiu, he was stunned, including Du Guangzhong and others.

Outer Gang? The new inspector is only in the outer realm, what's the joke?


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