Meet The Leader

Chapter 150: dismount

Before Wu Siping saw that Chu Xiu was young, they didn't really care.

The five levels of imperial qi, of which the inner and outer qi are the first-level experience, the three flowers gathering on the top and the five qi Chaoyuan are an experience, and the unity of heaven and man is another experience. One big realm contains three kinds of experiences and five a small border.

When a martial artist steps into the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, the spirit, energy and spirit in the body are united to the extreme. After condensing into the Three Flowers on the top, the longevity can be greatly increased and aging can also be delayed.

Therefore, the younger the warriors are when they step into the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, the younger they will appear in the future.

Sometimes two warriors are the same age and the same realm, but one of them is young and the other is middle-aged in appearance, that is because the age of the two is different when they step into the realm of three flowers.

Therefore, when they first saw Chu Xiu, several people subconsciously thought that Chu Xiu was very young when he stepped into the top of the three flowers, so he looked young. As a result, when the other party dismounted and approached, they felt the breath of Chu Xiu, where is this fellow? What is it that he stepped into the Three Flowers Gathering Ding earlier, he has not reached this realm at all!

His friend in the main hall only told him that the newly appointed inspector was an outsider, but he didn't tell him that the new inspector had only the strength of the Outer Astral Realm!

This discovery made Wu Siping feel very aggrieved, and even felt a little unwilling and resentful in his heart.

Du Guangzhong was still telling him just now that even if Fang Zhengyuan, the previous inspector, died, the punishment hall would not let him be an inspector, because he only had the cultivation of the outer astral realm.

As a result, as soon as these words were finished, a martial artist from the outer astral realm was sent to be an inspector. He had no experience in the Guanzhong torture hall, and had no qualifications, because the other party was the 'Guanzhong hero' Chu Yuansheng recommended to enter. From the punishment hall, is it convenient to become an inspector in one step? Wu Siping felt very unfair and dissatisfied.

When Chu Xiu saw the appearance of the four of Wu Siping, he could probably guess what the other party was thinking, Chu Xiu just said lightly: "Everyone, is there any problem?"

Wu Siping suppressed the emotions in his heart, and cupped his hands to Chu Xiu: "Of course there is no problem, sir, please come in."

Chu Xiu and Wu Siping entered the council room, sat directly in the main seat, took out the warrant on his body and handed it to the four people: "In the next Chuxiu, from today onwards, I will take over the position of inspector, this is Hall Master Guan. You can see the warrant signed with Lord Wei."

Wu Siping smiled and said, "How can this thing be fake? My subordinate Wu Siping, join the adults."

With that said, Wu Siping stood up and bowed to Chu Xiu.

The other three also stood up and said in unison, "My subordinates, Du Guangzhong, Liu Chengli, and Qin Fang, see your lord!"

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "You are welcome, I am also a newcomer, and I have to rely on a few veteran Jianghu headhunters to help."

Du Guangzhong and the others looked at each other. The new inspector seemed to be very talkative. Although he was young, he was not so arrogant.

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice, "But it's also because I'm new here, so I don't know much about the information about the places under inspection.

As far as I know, the inspectors are mainly responsible for daily inspections of the subordinate areas. Is there anything unusual during this period? "

Wu Siping shook his head and said, "It's calm, nothing unusual."

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes when he heard the words: "For a month, there are no inspectors in the territory, and there are several cities around the only business road. Can you tell me there is nothing abnormal during this period?"

Wu Siping said lightly: "No, no, this should be a good thing, do you still hope that something will happen to our territory?"

The three of Du Guangzhong looked at Wu Siping in astonishment. They just said that the person who will not dispose of the new inspector is you, but now Wu Siping is a bit **** for tat with this Lord Chu Xiu, which makes them look at it. I do not understand.

In fact, Wu Siping's thinking is very simple. If the new inspector normally has the cultivation level of the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, then he will naturally keep a low profile, and it is okay to do some small actions in the dark.

It turned out that the other party only had the outer gang, which made him a little dissatisfied, and at the same time, his own confidence was also sufficient.

In his opinion, the new inspector was just a related household, and he took this position on the recommendation of Chu Yuansheng. Wu Siping was not afraid of the other party at all.

Although Chu Yuansheng had a high status in the punishment hall in Guanzhong, he was also unable to interfere in the specific affairs of the punishment hall, because that would break the rules of the punishment hall and cause some people in the punishment hall to be dissatisfied.

In the past, Chu Yuansheng had placed people in the Guanzhong torture hall, but most of the time he was unintentional and well-intentioned.

But after the placement, if those people were wronged in the punishment hall and then went to Chu Yuansheng, then in this case, is it Chu Yuansheng's or Guan Siyu's?

Although Chu Yuansheng is a little more naive, at least he knows the basics of progress and return. He has never interfered in such matters.

Aside from the identity of Chu Yuansheng, Wu Siping doesn't think he is better than the other.

Chu Xiu looked at Wu Siping for a while, then turned his head to Du Guangzhong and the others and said, "The site under your jurisdiction is also calm?"

The three hesitated for a moment, then all nodded.

The four of them have a common handle in each other's hands, and they have all reached an agreement just now.

Seeing this scene, a cold glow appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes.

As a superior, it is actually not a good thing for the people under him to be too united, because it is easy to cause deception and deception.

In the past, the helmsman of Tiansin spoke out to provoke and divide the relationship between Chu Xiu and the Ghost Hand King and others because Chu Xiu was too close, but it was a pity that he failed in the end.

Because his methods are not very clever, and Chu Xiu and the Ghost Hand King are not idiots, they didn't point out this matter, but they also have a certain sense of distance when doing things.

It's ironic now that Chu Xiu actually encountered such a situation, but this time he was replaced by the superior, and the people under him were even more ruthless. He even dared to unite in front of him and demolish his stage. Are all the gangsters in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall so daring?

It's just that Chu Xiu didn't have a seizure at this time. He just said lightly: "It's calm, it proves that my future work will be very easy. Okay, you all go down."

Seeing Chu Xiu's attitude, Wu Siping couldn't help showing a smile, and cupped his hands towards Chu Xiu: "Then the subordinate will leave."

He had expected this kind of scene for a long time. Chu Xiu's reaction was nothing more than three kinds. The first was to turn his face on the spot, but it was himself who was embarrassed. Anyway, Wu Siping has done enough work to save face, you still think how?

The second is to use identity to oppress people, but it is also useless.

They are all old people from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. The Jianghu head arrests in the outer gangland are not so easy to deal with. At least Chu Xiu does not have this qualification. He must report to the Guanxi Punishment Hall branch. shot.

Not to mention that they can't find fault with their attitude, even if they yell at Chu Xiu, they are still not guilty. Moving away from here and going to other places is the same as catching the head in the rivers and lakes, and Chu Xiu will leave an incompetent impression on Wei Jiuduan, and even his own subordinates can't be managed well.

As for the last one, that is, as it is now, treat it as if nothing has happened, and endure this game.

After exiting the gate of the Inspector's Hall, Du Guangzhong said in a low voice, "Are we going too far today?"

Wu Siping sneered: "Excessive, what is too much? We just let the 'young' inspector to recognize a reality, and that is who has the final say here!

He doesn't make it difficult for us, we help him deal with matters in the earth properly, and he just sits there and waits for the credit to come.

If he really doesn't know what to do, then we have to let him be disheartened for a while, so that he can know that the punishment hall is deep in this pass!

You have all seen the attitude of the inspector today, but he is not an idiot. You know how to bear What are you worried about? "

Du Guangzhong and others nodded, feeling that what Wu Siping said made sense.

It's a pity that they don't know Chu Xiu. Normally, Chu Xiu can bear it, but there is a knife at the beginning of the word forbearance. After he has endured it, he usually just wants that sword to be stronger and sharper!

After nightfall, Chu Xiu lived directly in the entrance of the inspector's hall. Of course, it was also possible for Chu Xiu to buy a big house outside. After all, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall did not require that both the punisher and the inspector must live in the branch office. And inside the hall.

A night-time blood coagulation arrester took Chu Xiu to his residence, and after arranging some living things, he had to leave in a hurry.

Changed it to normal, a new adult came to the inspector Tangkou. He must have taken this opportunity to flatter him, but now he dared not.

The entire hall of the inspector is so big, and all the people who come and go know that the new adult is only in the outer gangland, and he is also an outsider. He failed to calm down the scene. Living.

Although it is rumored that this lord succumbed in front of several arresting officers, it is not that such a small arrester can offend him, so his attitude is still respectful, but he does not dare to talk to this new inspector. Make the adults talk more, otherwise, once they are known by the Lord Wu Siping, it will be fine?

He is just an ordinary small catcher, and he has already made up his mind at this time. Neither side will offend, nor will they flatter. The struggle between big men is not about him.

It's just that there are things like this. He will come for whatever he is afraid of. Just as the little catcher is about to leave, he hears Chu Xiu whispering from behind: "Don't rush to leave, I have something to ask you."


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