Meet The Leader

Chapter 151: differentiate

Hearing Chu Xiu's voice, the little catcher quickly cried and said, "Sir, I really don't know anything!"

Chu Xiu said: "You know what I want to ask you, but you don't know what to say?"

The little catcher said helplessly: "Sir, I can't afford to offend you and Mr. Wu Siping, why should you embarrass a little guy like me?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "What nonsense is it since you know you can't afford it? Wu Siping is not here now, and I am right in front of you.

Close the door, don't worry, I will never reveal what you said. Of course, if you don't say it, you'll mess with me. "

The little catcher was stunned for a while, and the adult in front of him made it clear that he was unreasonable, so what could he do?

Therefore, Xiao Zhu Kuai had to shut the door obediently, and said helplessly: "If you want to ask anything, feel free to ask, but it has not been a few years since his subordinate joined the Guanzhong torture hall, and he has only joined the subordinate of Mr. Fang in the last few months. , so I don't know much."

Chu Xiu said: "Don't worry, I won't ask something that will make you embarrassed, but you'd better not play any tricks, you are not the only one who is on duty at the entrance of the patrol hall, I will ask you what I ask you. Others do it again, if the two of you say different things, you will know the consequences."

The little catcher was speechless, this new adult doesn't look young, but his mind is very deep, at least he doesn't want to play any tricks in front of him.

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice: "Don't be nervous, I'm not asking any secret questions. Wu Siping and the four outlying gangsters, what are their origins and their relationship?"

Hearing Chu Xiu ask this question, Xiao Zhu Kuai was relieved. Almost everyone in the hall of the inspector knew about this kind of thing, and it really wasn't a secret question.

Even though the door was closed now, the little catcher still lowered his voice and said, "Among the four chief catchers, Du Guangzhong is a veteran of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. .

When Mr. Wu Siping was young, it was said that he was a thief in the rivers and lakes. His methods were cruel and murderous. As a result, he was arrested by the punishment hall when he started in Guanzhong, and he chose to join the punishment hall instead.

As for the two adults Liu Chengli and Qin Fang, their backgrounds are quite ordinary. They are ordinary people from ordinary Guanzhong land. When they were young, they were selected for training in the Guanzhong torture hall because of their good talents. Since then, it has also become a Jianghu catcher.

As for their relationship, his subordinates can't tell, but Lord Wu Siping is the strongest. He is usually very forthright with his brothers, and he is loved by everyone.

Mr. Du Guangzhong was a little bit unaccustomed to the Jianghu spirit in Mr. Wu Siping, so the two sides did not see eye to eye. There was a quarrel, but there was no conflict.

The two adults, Liu Chengli and Qin Fang, have been in the punishment hall in Guanzhong for so many years, and they have their own loyal subordinates. "

Chu Xiu touched his chin. The attitude of the four people was obviously already united and ready to pinch him, and even wanted to take him down, but now listening to this little catcher, the relationship between these four people was not the same. So good, I can only say that it is not too bad.

As a result, now that they are here, these four people are all aiming their heads at themselves. This is very strange. There must be a reason for them to do this. It may be an interest, or it may be... a common threat. !

But now Chu Xiu doesn't think about it, he just quickly said to the little catcher: "Okay, let's go."

Hearing Chu Xiu's order, the little catcher left in relief.

In the early morning of the next day, Chu Xiu sat alone in the hall of the inspector, but he sat abruptly for a whole day, basically doing nothing.

Of course, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall will not be so busy, but the structure of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is bottom-to-top. If you can't solve it, you need to tell the inspector above to solve it.

Normally, even if these rivers and lakes catchers have solved the problem by themselves, they have to report it to the inspector above, but now Wu Siping has intercepted all the news from below, handled it by himself, and solved it by himself. Report it to Chu Xiu, and when Chu Xiu asks, he only needs to say that the situation is calm. What can Chu Xiu do to him?

The four of them have stayed here for more than ten years with the least mouths. Their prestige is deep-rooted. As long as they don't speak, it is impossible for Chu Xiu to jump over them and directly command those lower-level arresters. They want to make Chuxiu overhead.

The Inspector is still the Inspector, but it is the Inspector without any real power.

At this time, in a room at the entrance of the inspector's hall, Wu Siping and the other four were there, and there were some wine and vegetables in front of them, which looked very relaxed.

Every Jianghu catcher has an office in the entrance of the inspection hall. This place is Wu Siping's office study, but at this time he regards it as a tavern.

Du Guangzhong took the wine glass and said, "Are we going too far?"

Wu Siping smiled disdainfully and said, "Old Du, you are just too timid, and the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not an inspector who has not been overridden by the underlings over the years. Your lack of ability has been overseen by the underlings, who can you blame? This Chu Xiu Not the apprentice of Hall Master Guan, what are you afraid of?"

Du Guangzhong frowned and said, "I didn't say that. After all, Chu Xiu joined the Guanzhong Execution Hall by virtue of Chu Daxia's relationship. Do we not give Chu Daxia a little face by doing this?"

Wu Siping squinted his eyes and said: "Old Du, don't talk so much useless, you should know who is in charge of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall now, Master Chu is also measured, why can't the person he recommends be used? In recent years, Chu Daxia has recommended many people in Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Who do you think he has managed? Chu Daxia knows it.

And Lao Du, since things have been done, there is no room for turning back. You also kept the taxes that you should have paid in your pocket. Yesterday, you also offended the inspector. Why? , now want to go back? late! "

Du Guangzhong snorted coldly: "Who said I regretted it? I just told you to be careful, don't be too inflated and just make things bigger. It's really ripped off, it's not good for anyone!"

Saying so, Du Guangzhong also shook his head secretly, Guanzhong Punishment Hall has really changed a lot over the years.

He inherited his father's business, and when he first joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Chu Kuangge was still the head of the hall. At that time, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was definitely not what it is now.

Right now, the power of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is several times or even ten times stronger than before, but the interior has changed a lot. Later people like Wu Siping no longer have much memory and awe of Chu Juxia.

The opposite Wu Siping smiled and said, "Just don't regret it, come and drink."

Just when he was about to raise his glass, someone suddenly knocked on the door outside, and a small arrester came in quickly and said, "Several adults, the Inspector wants to invite Lord Du Guangzhong to come over."

Wu Siping frowned and said, "Invite Lao Du alone?"

The little catcher nodded quickly.

Du Guangzhong also said with a puzzled look: "What should I do over here?"

Wu Siping waved his hand casually and said, "It's probably a bit tricky to see the four of us together, so prepare to defeat them one by one, Lao Du, you can control it yourself, say what you should say, don't say what you shouldn't, anyway, as long as your attitude is respectful , just casually say a few words."

Du Guangzhong nodded suspiciously. Although he didn't understand why Chu Xiu invited himself to come first, he still followed the small arrester and went out.

After he left, Qin Fang frowned and said, "There won't be any problems, right?"

Wu Siping said indifferently: "Don't worry, Lao Du is a little too cautious on weekdays, but he was able to spend so many years in the Guanzhong punishment hall, and it is not for nothing, he knows what to say and what not to say.

When he comes back, ask what Chu Xiu said to him. It is estimated that there are no new tricks. Come on, let's continue drinking. "

At this time, Du Guangzhong came to Chu Xiu's study, knocked on the door and said, "Master Chu, you are here."

"Come in." Chu Xiu's voice came from inside the house.

After Du Guangzhong pushed open the door and entered, he found Chu Xiu sitting in the study wiping his crimson extremely magnificent long knife.

"Close the door and sit down." Chu Xiu said without raising his head.

Du Guangzhong was a little puzzled. He thought that Chu Xiu was pretending to be high, so he closed the door and sat down, ready to see what tricks Chu Xiu was playing.

As a result, he sat on this toilet for half an hour, but Chu Xiu was still wiping his red-sleeved knife, even wiping the blade to a bright crimson, which could be used as a mirror, and he didn't say a word.

In this way, Du Guangzhong couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't help but said, "What is the matter with Master Chu looking for me? If it's all right, I'll go down. The inspector, Tangkou, has a lot of things that I need to deal with. "

After hearing this, Chu Xiu raised his head and said slowly, "Du Zhaotou is in a hurry? Don't worry, it'll be over soon."

After speaking, Chu Xiu lowered his head and wiped the red sleeved knife in his hand again, this time for another half an hour, until Du Guangzhong couldn't bear it anymore, Chu Xiu took the initiative to say: "Listen. Said that Du Chutou also used a knife?"

Du Guangzhong was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said, "Yes."

"What do you think about the knife?" Chu Xiu suddenly asked.

Du Guangzhong was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what Chu Xiu meant when he asked, so he had to perfunctory: "As for weapons, you have been trained since childhood, so what else can you think?"

Chu Xiu put the red sleeved sword in his hand in front of the table, and said solemnly: "Weapons also have spirits, divine weapons of rank seven or above will give birth to spirituality after being cultivated. This spirituality is not bestowed by heaven and earth, but by the user. given.

The sword is the head of a hundred soldiers.

The sword is the king of a hundred soldiers. Unparalleled sharpness, indomitable!

That's my take on knives. "


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