Meet The Leader

Chapter 152: alienation

Chu Xiu's explanation of the knife made Du Guangzhong feel very new. Although he was an old man in Guanzhong's torture hall, it was a pity that his father and his grandfather's generation were actually ordinary low-level arresters, and they didn't even get out of a gang. , by his generation, he was already the strongest in his Du family over the years.

The strength of this level of warriors in the arena can only be regarded as good. It can be said that they have stepped into the threshold of martial arts for the first time. The understanding of some martial arts is very rough. For them, a knife is a knife. What?

But now after listening to Chu Xiu's words, Du Guangzhong seemed to have realized something, and even pondered for a while.

But then Du Guangzhong reacted, why did he come here?

He couldn't help but said to Chu Xiu: "Master Chu, it's been an hour, what do you want to do? It's impossible to just talk to me about swords and swords, right?"

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "It's alright, you can leave now."

Du Guangzhong was taken aback by Chu Xiu's remarks, and then a trace of anger appeared in his eyes.

If the Chu Xiu in front of him did not have the heavy identity of an inspector, he would have turned against the other party long ago.

Find yourself, sit for an hour, say a few words and let yourself go, what is this? Are you kidding him?

Du Guangzhong snorted softly and turned away dissatisfied.

It's just that at the moment when Du Guangzhong turned around, Chu Xiu put the knife into the sheath, and the sharpness in his eyes was not inferior to the shining red sleeved knife that he wiped.

At this time, in Wu Siping's room, Wu Siping and the others were also a little anxious.

Before, they thought that Du Guangzhong was just going to talk to that Chu Xiuxu to convince the snake, and he should come out soon.

In the end, it's been an hour, what are the two parties talking about? Even the virtual and the snake won't take so long.

Wu Siping sent his confidants to look at it, but it was of no use. Chu Xiu's study door was closed, and he couldn't hear anything at all, which made Wu Siping a little puzzled.

At this moment, Du Guangzhong also came back, and Wu Siping said quickly, "Old Du, what did Chu Xiu say to you?"

Du Guangzhong said subconsciously, "I didn't say anything."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Wu Siping, Liu Chengli and Qin Fang became a little wrong.

Chu Xiu called him into the study for an hour, but now Du Guangzhong said that Chu Xiu didn't say anything, and the perfunctory taste was too obvious, okay?

Feeling the gazes of the three, Du Guangzhong said quickly: "I really didn't say anything, that Master Chu just asked me to say something about the sword technique."

As soon as this statement came out, Wu Siping sneered: "I didn't see it before, your old Du's swordsmanship is so profound, so profound that the inspectors sent from above will ask for advice in person, but The key is do you believe it yourself?"

Du Guangzhong felt helpless for a while, and he hurriedly said, "Listen to my explanation..."

Wu Siping interrupted Du Guangzhong with a wave of his hand: "Old Du, the four of you and I are now both prosperous and prosperous, no matter what Chu Xiu promises you, it's just an empty promise.

Greed for ink taxation is a big crime. No one can stab it out. It's easy to say.

Now I give you one last chance, what did Chu Xiu say to you? Or what did he promise you? "

Du Guangzhong had a frantic expression at this time: "Chu Xiu really didn't tell me anything, and didn't promise me anything, how do you ask me to explain it?"

Wu Siping sneered: "Okay, Du Guangzhong, I despised you, and decided to surrender to the new adult so quickly, are you planning to send charcoal to a cold stove in the snow?

Then let's wait and see who will have the last laugh! "

When the words fell, Wu Siping sneered and turned to leave. Liu Chengli and Qin Fang also took a deep look at Du Guangzhong and left as well.

No matter where he is, traitors are always the most hateful. Obviously, in their opinion, Du Guangzhong at this time is a traitor.

Seeing the three of them leave, Du Guangzhong's heart suddenly sank, things seemed to be a bit big, and the misunderstanding was probably not explained clearly.

At this time, he suddenly remembered Chu Xiu's previous actions, and called him over inexplicably. In the end, he didn't say a word, and only told him a few inexplicable things before letting him leave. Could this be Chu Xiu's intention? right?

Thinking of this, Du Guangzhong's heart suddenly froze.

If this is the case, then this Chu Xiu is too terrifying. Without saying anything or promising anything, there have been some cracks between the four of them.

Du Guangzhong left in despair. He is now thinking about what he should do to explain it to Wu Siping and the others.

But the crux of the problem is that what he said was the truth, and Chu Xiu didn't say anything to him at all. Now that he went back to Wu Siping and the others and told them that Chu Xiu had promised him something to win him over, would Wu Siping and the others believe it?

In this way, Du Guangzhong struggled all night, not knowing how to explain it.

Right now, the four of them are actually grasshoppers on a rope. They have no interests in each other, but they have their own reasons. If they fall out because of this inexplicable reason, only Chu Xiu will benefit!

In the early morning of the second day, Du Guangzhong ran into Chu Xiu as soon as he came out of his residence.

Because of what happened yesterday, Du Guangzhong guessed that he was tricked by Chu Xiu, so he didn't look good on Chu Xiu, but Chu Xiu went up to say hello: "Du Zhao started early enough, come with me today. Go to Guanzhong Main Hall."

Du Guangzhong frowned and said, "What are you doing there?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Don't worry about what you are doing, can I still eat you?"

Just as Du Guangzhong wanted to find an excuse to refuse, Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Don't refuse, don't forget, now I'm an inspector, I'll let you put everything down for the time being, can't you?"

Du Guangzhong gritted his teeth and said, "Of course!"

Even if Chu Xiu, the inspector, has no real power at the moment, several of them are arguing with Chu Xiuyang, and they are going to overthrow him, but he is an inspector after all. If they really fall out, they will be punished the same. .

Hearing Du Guangzhong's promise, Chu Xiu asked people to find two fast horses and followed Du Guangzhong to Guanzhong.

After they left, Wu Siping's confidant immediately told him the matter.

Wu Siping found Liu Chengli and Qin Fang, and sneered: "Yesterday, Du Guangzhong just finished talking with Chu Xiu secretly, and today he went to Guanzhong with Chu Xiu. If there is no transaction between them, who will believe it?"

Liu Chengli said hesitantly: "I thought about it yesterday, Lao Du should not be an idiot. What is the benefit of him taking refuge in this Chu Xiu? The handle was handed over to Chu Xiu, and then he would naturally have to let Chu Xiu handle it. Would he do such a thing?

So I feel that there should be some misunderstanding. Today he and Chu Xiu went to Guanzhong should also be ordered by Chu Xiu. After all, he is an inspector now, and we can't refute the matter of face. "

Wu Siping snorted coldly: "You can tell if it's true or not, I have a brother in the main hall, I'll send a letter and ask that side to help me stare at Chu Xiu and Du Guangzhong to see if this is the case. Is it a misunderstanding, or he Du Guangzhong really betrayed us!"

The place in Guanzhong is so big, if you only rely on sending letters to deliver the news, the daylily will be cold when something really happens.

Therefore, in the Guanzhong area, there are formations in the halls of the major inspectors to transmit messages to each other, but the consumption of the formations is a bit large. Except for the key messages to be sent by the formations, the rest of the unimportant messages still have to be delivered by manpower. of.

It's just that now Wu Siping has decided to suspend Chu Xiu. Naturally, he doesn't have to worry about those rules, and just uses the public tool for private use.

At this time, after Chu Xiu and Du Guangzhong went on the road, Du Guangzhong held back for a long time, and finally couldn't help but said to Chu Xiu, "You did it on purpose yesterday?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Of course it was intentional."

Du Guangzhong was stunned for a moment, he did not expect Chu Xiu to say it so directly without any cover.

Now that Chu Xiu made it clear, Du Guangzhong didn't hide it, and he snorted coldly: "Do you think Master Chu can divide us with these little tricks?"

Chu Xiu said lightly, "But there's already a rift between the two of you, isn't it?

I know you don't agree with Why did I, an outsider, sit in this position so easily, and I was also dissatisfied with me.

However, it is important for people to have self-knowledge. Just relying on the four of you, each with your own scheming, want to stand up for me, do you think it is possible? "

Du Guangzhong sneered and said: "The water in Guanzhong Punishment Hall is deep, and the entire Guanzhong area gathers warriors from all over the world, and the same is true of Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

In history, there are inspectors who have been overridden by their subordinates, and there are even criminal officers who have been overridden by their subordinates!

There are rules in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, not anywhere else, only if you know how to fight and kill, you can get a high position. "

Chu Xiu didn't argue, he just smiled and said, "Well, we'll wait and see."

After a few days, Chu Xiu and Du Guangzhong came to Guanzhong City, but after arriving in Guanzhong City, Chu Xiu just walked around the punishment hall and took Du Guangzhong to find Chu Yuansheng.

The last time Chu Yuansheng was chased and killed was extremely embarrassed, and he had not recovered. He was resting at home during this time. Seeing Chu Xiu coming and someone drinking with him, Chu Yuansheng was in a good mood.

"Brother came here this time, is there something happening on the other side of the territory?"

Chu Xiu gave some gifts he bought to his servants, smiled and said: "Nothing, everything is going well, it's just that the younger brother can gain a firm foothold in the Guanzhong torture hall, thanks to the help of the eldest brother, so today I specially came to thank the eldest brother, By the way, this is my subordinate, Du Guangzhong, the head of the rivers and lakes, and also admires you very much, I am afraid that I will not find a way, so I brought him here."

Du Guangzhong, who was beside Chu Xiu, bowed his hands to Chu Yuansheng excitedly and said, "Meet Chu Daxia!"


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