Meet The Leader

Chapter 153: suspicion

PS: Thanks to book friends Akka Meat Clip, Agdby, and Seventee, the night dead, for their 10,000 starting coins.

In all fairness, Du Guangzhong still respects Chu Yuansheng, but this respect is not from Chu Yuansheng, but from Chu Yuansheng's father, the 'giant' Chu Kuangge.

When Du Guangzhong first joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Chu Kuangge was still in power, and that Chu Juxia's personality was really strong. , In his mind, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall at that time was the Guanzhong Punishment Hall at its peak.

Now that Chu Kuangge is dead, his legacy has come to Chu Yuansheng, Du Guangzhong still respects him, but not to the level of Chu Kuangge.

For example, now that Chu Yuansheng asked him to obey Chu Xiu, Du Guangzhong might agree, but it is unknown whether he will implement it.

Originally, Chu Yuansheng thought that Chu Xiu was begging him for something, but Chu Xiu just had a meal with Du Guangzhong and left directly. Even Du Guangzhong didn't understand what Chu Xiu meant.

But Chu Xiu knew that what he did with Du Guangzhong in Guanzhong City would definitely be passed on to Wu Siping.

No matter what the other party said, it was an old man who had been in the entire Guanzhong torture hall for more than ten years, so there must be some personal connections.

Chu Xiu thought well. After Chu Xiu and Du Guangzhong left the Central City, a middle-aged warrior immediately wrote down what Chu Xiu and Du Guangzhong did in the city and passed it to the inspector's hall.

This person was the same as Wu Siping in the past, he was born in the arena.

It's just that Wu Siping was forced to surrender after being caught by the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but he was inspired by Wu Siping's incident and chose to join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to cleanse himself, so the two naturally became friends.

His talent and strength are better than Wu Siping, so he was directly selected by the Judgment Division and joined the Judgment Division, while Wu Siping started out as an ordinary small arrest.

The relationship between the two is not bad. Every time Wu Siping came to Guanzhong City, the two would get together, so he did not refuse such a simple thing as using his power to spread the news.

As for Wu Siping's situation, he knew that his friend had a reckless personality and great ambition. The inspector who had already arrived at the Three Flowers Gathering Realm before could not restrain him, let alone the current foreign gangster. The inspector of the border.

It's just that he happened to know the news about Chu Xiu while listening to other people chatting.

Although the Dragon Tiger Ranking has spread all over the world, it is actually not a big concern for warriors like them who are no longer young, and Chu Xiu is not the most famous on the Dragon Tiger Ranking. He was also stunned when he learned Chu Xiu's identity. He didn't expect that the other party's background was not small. It turned out to be a handsome man on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking.

Wu Siping probably doesn't know the identity of Chu Xiu, so he also wants to persuade Wu Siping to be careful, don't treat Chu Xiu as an ordinary young martial artist of the outer gang realm, and the other party is not just relying on Chu Yuansheng. The relationship has just sat in this position.

So he wrote another message and prepared to send it to Wu Siping, but he didn't expect that the pattern on the message formation flickered for a moment and then went out suddenly.

"Broken?" The warrior frowned, but he didn't worry too much. He just put away the letter with Chu Xiu's true identity and went out to find the magician in the punishment hall in Guanzhong to repair it.

This kind of thing is often used, so it's not a big deal. It's good to find an array master to repair it, but the repair time is a bit long, a few days are fast, and even a month is slow.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, there is more than just such a messenger formation in Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

It's just that only this letter transmission formation can be used casually, and he can't touch the others, so this letter will not be able to reach Wu Siping for the time being.

At this time, in the Guanxi land, in the mouth of the inspector under Chu Xiu, Wu Siping received the news from Guanzhong City, and his face suddenly became gloomy. He called Liu Youcheng and Qin Fang and threw the news in front of them. Hum said: "Look, Du Guangzhong's servant has completely surrendered to Chu Xiu!

Chu Xiu personally took him to see Chu Yuansheng, and it is estimated that he was tempted to stand on Chu Xiu's side with this advantage, and that idiot agreed! "

Liu Youcheng and Qin Fang also frowned, but this time they didn't doubt any more.

They have also known Du Guangzhong for more than ten years, and they know that Du Guangzhong admires the most on weekdays is the former Guanzhong Punishment Hall Master Chu Kuangge.

Now if Chu Xiu used Chu Yuansheng to let Du Guangzhong take refuge, this is also very possible.

The crux of the question is, did Du Guangzhong tell the truth about what they did?

Wu Siping's expression turned cold and said, "I can't control that much anymore. We'll all be unlucky if that thing gets out!"

"Then what do you want to do?" Liu Chengli asked.

Wu Siping didn't answer him, but said: "Don't forget, we have all burned the ledger, and there is no evidence for that incident."

Qin Fang said with a gloomy face: "There is no evidence, but Du Guangzhong is the witness! He knows everything recorded on the ledger, and it will be very easy to find out by checking it one by one."

Martial artist's mental power is strong, and his memory is naturally much better than ordinary people. It is not a problem to memorize a ledger.

In fact, he did the same. In order to prevent accidents, he directly memorized the entire ledger.

There was a murderous intent in Wu Siping's eyes: "We burned the physical evidence, and we killed the witness again. Wouldn't that be dead without proof?"

"Wu Siping! Are you crazy?"

Liu Chengli and Qin Fang stood up directly, with horror in their eyes.

Wu Siping's meaning was obvious, he actually wanted to kill Du Guangzhong!

In the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, there is infighting, and there is competition among the four chief judges. With so many inspectors under Wei Jiuduan, there is naturally also competition, competing for credit, resources, and so on.

But no matter how much you fight, there is a limit. Killing colleagues without permission is a big taboo in Guanzhong!

Even if the Jianghu arresting officer of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall made a mistake, he would have to be escorted to the branch hall or the Guanzhong City headquarters to be convicted before he could be dealt with. He could not kill casually, let alone kill a colleague for no reason. .

Wu Siping raised his head and said with a grim expression, "I'm not crazy! This is just the best solution.

How did Fang Zhengyuan, the last inspector, die? Don't you know the details?

It's just killing people, what's so great, we are all from Jianghu, is it difficult to set up a perfect murder scene?

You two are too timid to do it, then leave it to me to do it, I have long thought that Du Guangzhong's old boy is not pleasing to the eye! "

After he finished speaking, Wu Siping turned around and left. Liu Chengli and Qin Fang looked at each other from behind, with helplessness in their eyes. Wu Siping and the others couldn't stop him.

In the past, Wu Siping was born in the arena of thieves. The thief is not a thief. One relies on technology and the other relies on violence.

The large groups of robbers in the rivers and lakes are caravans, while Wu Siping is a lone robber who is looking for opportunities to kill people and grab money, and even if there is a chance, he has not done anything like destroying the family.

In the later period, he was captured by the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and his fierceness has restrained a lot, but now, at a glance, this Wu Siping is still the same Wu Siping in his bones, crazy and ruthless!

On the way back, Du Guangzhong felt a little disappointed, not because of Chu Xiu, but because of Chu Yuansheng.

When he was young, he regarded Chu Kuangge as an idol, and hoped that he could become a person like Chu Kuangge. Even in his heart, Chu Juxia was a god-like figure.

As a result, he got older, and he also knew that in this arena full of interests, it was a great blessing to have a Chu Kuangge appear.

Although this Guanzhong hero, Chu Yuansheng, has inherited the legacy of Chu Kuangge, in Du Guangzhong's opinion, it is a bit too ordinary, even so ordinary that he can't even notice the shadow of Chu Kuangge on Chu Yuansheng's body.

Chu Xiu said beside him: "Why, you feel disappointed that Chu Yuansheng did not inherit the mantle of Chu Juxia?"

Du Guangzhong said quickly, "I have no right to be disappointed."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Actually, it's normal, everyone is different, even if Chu Yuansheng is Chu Juxia's son.

There are many people in this arena who need a character like Chu but there are more people who don't want to see another Chu Juxia appear.

If Chu Yuansheng was very similar to his father, then he would not be alive now, even if it was about the protection of the Punishment Hall. "

Du Guangzhong had some feelings, but before he could finish his sighs, Chu Xiu said: "Du Capitou, in fact, you should be worried about yourself now. Before, you and Wu Siping only had a rift, but now, your relationship I'm afraid it's not just a crack, it should be about to break.

I don't know what agreement you have made, so I'm also curious how Wu Siping will deal with you after you break up. "

Du Guangzhong's complexion suddenly changed, he said suddenly: "What do you mean?"

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "Du Zaitou, think about what you did after you arrived in Guanzhong City."

Du Guangzhong was at a loss for a while, what did he do? He doesn't seem to be doing anything.

Moreover, Chu Xiu didn't win him anything along the way. Besides, he had been misunderstood by Wu Siping and others as being attracted by Chu Xiu. Even if Chu Xiu really attracted or threatened him, he would be perfunctory. He was ready, but the problem was that Chu Xiu didn't say anything either.

Seeing Du Guangzhong's appearance like this, Chu Xiu couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Du Caotou, you are a little too upright, and I am too embarrassed to figure it out.

You haven't done anything, but in the eyes of Wu Siping, you have done a lot.

Once the seeds of suspicion germinate, many images will be reminiscent of. "

Chu Xiu's voice fell, and Du Guangzhong's complexion suddenly turned pale.

After two somersaults in the same place, Du Guangzhong was about to cry without tears.


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