Meet The Leader

Chapter 154: Finish

Among the four arresting heads, Du Guangzhong is the oldest, but he is actually the most upright person. He is far less ambitious than Wu Siping, Liu Chengli and Qin Fang. That's why Chu Xiu chose him as the alienating four The goal.

For the first time, what Chu Xiu did was to make them quarrel, but they did not break up, just like Liu Chengli and Qin Fang, they just suspected Du Guangzhong.

But this time, Chu Xiu turned this suspicion into a fact, although in fact Chu Xiu and Du Guangzhong did nothing, but in the eyes of others, Du Guangzhong had already taken refuge with Chu Xiu, and Chu Xiu also He has already taken out his remuneration, and when Du Guangzhong returns to Jianzhou City again, he will break with Wu Siping and others.

Du Guangzhong pointed at Chu Xiu, trembling with anger, unable to speak.

After so many years of being the head of the rivers and lakes, Du Guangzhong has captured countless thugs and thieves, with countless cruel and vicious methods, but none of them are as insidious as Chu Xiu, who can easily play with people's hearts.

Of course, even if Du Guangzhong complained that he had fallen two somersaults in the same place at this time, it would be useless, everything had already happened.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Wu Siping is an old man in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. He must have friends at the Guanzhong City Punishment Hall headquarters. This matter can't be hidden from others, maybe Wu Siping has already received the news at this time. , is a certain how to deal with you.

I don't know Wu Siping. You should know him after working with him for so many years. What do you think he will do to you? "

Du Guangzhong's complexion suddenly changed when he heard the words.

It was because he had worked with Wu Siping for so many years that he knew what kind of person Wu Siping was.

In the mouth of the inspector of Jianzhou Prefecture, most of the lower-level catchers actually have a good sense of Wu Siping. Although this person is a little more loyal, he is generous and generous, and he is loved by his subordinates.

It's just that these are all appearances. Wu Siping is still the thief of Jiangyang who is vicious and bloodthirsty!

Chu Xiu said in a low voice: "So, since Wu Siping and the others think you have taken refuge in me, then you might as well take refuge in me.

This is neither a bait nor a threat, but now you have no other choice! "

In the face of Du Guangzhong, Chu Xiu did not use the great method of destroying and moving the soul to influence the other party's mind.

One is because he and Du Guangzhong are both in the outer astral realm, and the influence of Heaven and Earth Destroying and Shifting Souls is limited and can only play an auxiliary role.

Also, the external force is an external force after all, and now he is using the Heaven and Earth Destruction and Shifting Soul Dafa to influence Du Guangzhong, and Du Guangzhong will definitely be aware of it in the future. If Chu Xiu wants to use this person, he cannot use this method.

Having said that, in fact, according to Chu Xiu's original character, the easiest way is to kill!

Killing the disobedient, whether it is kingly or domineering, killing is always the most labor-saving way.

It's just that this is not the Qinglong Club, but the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. It's not that easy to kill people casually.

Moreover, at the moment, Chu Xiu wants to control a part of the power of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and kill all the people under him. There are more than ten cities around Jianzhou City, can Chu Xiu manage it by himself?

So in dealing with this matter, killing is only a means, but not the end.

Du Guangzhong smiled bitterly, Chu Xiu was right, it was his last choice to join Chu Xiu.

Wu Siping and others will definitely break with him after receiving the news, and if he does not choose to rely on Chu Xiu, his fate will not be much better.

So the best choice is to do the fake show and go to Chu Xiu.

However, Du Guangzhong still smiled miserably and said, "You can take refuge with Master Chu, but in the end I just want to save my life."

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "Since you have taken refuge with me, I will naturally protect you. Don't you believe this?"

Du Guangzhong smiled bitterly and said, "What I have done with Wu Siping is too big, I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it."

"Oh, what did you do?"

Du Guangzhong seemed to be going out of his way, he gritted his teeth and said, "Since the death of Fang Zhengyuan, the former inspector, the tax that should have been handed over to the court, the four of us joined forces to withhold 40% of the tax, and then we tampered with the accounts after dividing them evenly. They've all been burned!"

After speaking, Chu Xiu didn't say anything, he just said lightly: "That's all?"

Du Guangzhong said in surprise: "Isn't that enough? Master Chu, don't you mind?"

Chu Xiu asked back, "Why should I mind?"

In Chu Xiu's view, this kind of thing is normal.

The previous boss died and the new boss hasn't come yet, so I just took advantage of this time to get some benefits. Isn't this a normal thing?

Seeing Chu Xiu's attitude, Du Guangzhong suddenly realized that he and Wu Siping had both thought wrong.

The previous inspector, Fang Zhengyuan, was upright and even a little bit stubborn, so when Fang Zhengyuan was in power, they didn't dare to do such small things.

And Chu Xiu was recommended to Guanzhong Punishment Hall through the relationship of 'Guanzhong Hero' Chu Yuansheng, so Du Guangzhong and others subconsciously thought that Chu Xiu would also be a person like Fang Zhengyuan, and they naturally did not dare to take their own handle Put it in Chu Xiu's hands.

If they had known that Chu Xiu had this attitude, cooperation might be a good choice.

But then Du Guangzhong shook his head secretly.

If Chu Xiu has the cultivation of the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, then cooperation is possible.

But with Wu Siping's character, after seeing that Chu Xiu only has the outer astral realm, cooperation is already impossible.

But at this time, Chu Xiu was interested, and he asked: "Is it a big sin to withhold tax?"

Du Guangzhong smiled bitterly and said, "It should be said that it is a capital crime, but there are still people doing this in the Guanzhong Torture Hall."


Du Guangzhong said: "Because the salary given to us is too low.

Now the salary of Guanzhong Punishment Hall has not changed for decades, and it was still set by Lord Chu Kuangge in the past.

But that was then, and now is now. When Lord Chu Kuangge was here, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was not as powerful as it is now. For example, at that time, all the inspectors could be served by warriors from the outer realm, but now it is necessary to start The Three Flowers Gathering Realm is the only way, of course, Master Chu, you are an exception.

Decades of salaries are enough for the cultivation resources of the Outer Astral Martial Artist, but now it is to be distributed to the masters of the Three Flowers Gathering or even the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm, which is of course not enough.

Therefore, almost everyone in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall has low salaries, and some people have come up with the idea of ​​withholding tax revenue. This is also an unspoken rule in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but no one dares to reveal it.

There are also some other inspectors, Tangkou, who have some other sources of income, so he is definitely not hungry anyway.

Only the original Mr. Fang of our Tangkou is too hard-hearted, this is not allowed, that is not allowed, this has led to the strength of our Jianzhou Chengtangkou is the weakest among all the inspection envoys in Kansai. . "

Chu Xiu touched his chin. Sure enough, the rumors were just rumors. For a force as big as the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, there were no contradictions and unspoken rules.

As for Guan Siyu, a wise and divine martial artist who led the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to its peak, why didn't the salaries of all Guanzhong Punishment Hall warriors go up? In fact, Chu Xiu can guess after a little thought, not because of stinginess, but because This is the rule set by Chu Kuangge.

Chu Kuangge's influence on the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was so great that Guan Siyu had to worry about his own reputation.

Such a trivial matter in Guanzhong Xingtang looks absolutely different from outsiders.

From the perspective of Guanzhong Xingtang's own people, the salary has not been increased for decades, and it should be a good thing to increase it now, and almost no one will object.

But in the eyes of outsiders, if Guan Siyu raised the salary of all the warriors in Guanzhong's punishment hall, it would mean to buy people's hearts.

In the past, Chu Juxia could lay such a solid foundation and influence in Guanzhong Punishment Hall by relying on his own personal charm, but you Guan Siyu can only win people's hearts by means of wealth, and this also gives people a kind of Guan Siyu hinting at the comparison of Chu Kuangge in the past. A stingy feeling.

People say it is terrifying, this matter has been dragged on until now, perhaps until the next generation of hall Guanzhong Punishment Hall will completely erase the traces of Chu Kuangge.

Of course, these are not things that Chu Xiu needs to worry about. The inspector, Tangkou, should also resolve the matter.

When Chu Xiu and Du Guangzhong returned to the inspection hall, all three Wu Siping were there.

Seeing that Chu Xiu and Du Guangzhong were back, Wu Siping didn't see any murderous intent on his face, he just smiled and said, "Your Excellency is back? Lao Du has been gone for so long, but his subordinates have accumulated a lot of things to deal with. ."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Don't be in a hurry to deal with things, I just have something to tell you, so come to the conference room with me."

Wu Siping glanced at Du Guangzhong, who had no expression on his face, and sneered in his heart. Did this newcomer think that he could get hold of them after getting Du Guangzhong's support? Innocent!

After entering the conference hall, everyone took their seats, and Chu Xiu said, "Du Zhaotou, close the door."

Du Guangzhong obediently closed the door, but Wu Siping and the three felt something was wrong.

Wu Siping frowned, stood up and said, "Sir, what do you mean by closing the door during the day?"

Chu Xiu played with the hilt of the red-sleeved knife at hand, and said lightly: "Of course, I'm going to say something that cannot be known to outsiders, such as what you did after the death of the previous inspector."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Siping and the others all looked at Du Guangzhong with a dazzling murderous intent in their eyes.

This traitor, he actually told Chu Xiu this matter!

Chu Xiu squeezed his hands and said, "Why are you so excited? I didn't say I was going to stab this matter?"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Siping and others were also stunned. Could it be that they were wrong about Chu Xiu's character from the beginning?


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