Meet The Leader

Chapter 155: Murder and domineering

The previous inspector, Fang Zhengyuan, gave everyone a very deep impression. In addition, Chu Xiu was recommended by Chu Yuansheng. Wu Siping was also the same as Du Guangzhong, thinking that Chu Xiu should also be like Fang Zhengyuan. people.

But now when they hear what Chu Xiu said, it seems that they thought wrong? Can Chu Xiu tolerate them withholding taxes?

Wu Siping laughed and said, "Why didn't Master Chu say it earlier? It made us nervous for so long."

There is no way to test this kind of thing, and they don't dare to test it. If Chu Xiu is really someone like Fang Zhengyuan, wouldn't they be revealing themselves?

But now that Chu Xiu has spoken out about his attitude, Wu Siping and the others are all relieved.

But at this time, Chu Xiu was staring at Wu Siping who was laughing, and said lightly, "Is it funny?"

Wu Siping restrained his smile and frowned, "Master Chu, what do you mean?"

Although Chu Xiu just now expressed his attitude, Wu Siping still had no sense of reverence for Chu Xiu.

Also in the Outer Gang, he also walked in the rivers and lakes in his early years. He was a fierce and powerful lone thief. After being captured and sent to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, he was also the best Jianghu arrester in the Jianghu Patrol Hall. He didn't think he was Worse than Chu Xiu, if you insist that it is worse, it can only be said that it is only a matter of luck.

Of course, if Wu Siping received the letter about Chu Xiu's detailed information from his friend now, then it is estimated that his attitude may have to change, but unfortunately it is already too late.

Chu Xiu looked at you and Wu Siping said coldly: "What do you mean? The meaning is very simple, I can tolerate you withholding those taxes, but I can't tolerate your disrespect to me!

This is the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, not the rivers and lakes where you could act recklessly before.

After so many years in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, haven't you learned how to be superior and inferior? "

The words fell, and before Wu Siping could say anything, the red-sleeved sword that Chu Xiu was playing with had already been unsheathed. In an instant, the blood-refining divine gang that was more than ten feet long slammed out. The crimson shone in the council hall, and the ferocious murderous intent and **** energy slashed at Wu Siping, causing Liu Chengli and Qin Fang to start dodging subconsciously, and several people looked at Chu Xiu with horrified eyes.

This is the first time they have seen Chu Xiu make a move, but no one thought that the young man's strength would be so strong. They were able to detect the coercion, and it would be very laborious to replace the power of this knife with any of them.

Wu Siping's strength is stronger than the three people present. After all, in the past, he was also a lone robber who was able to rival several Guanzhong punishment hall warriors of the same rank. In the end, Guanzhong punishment hall even dispatched a master who gathered the top three flowers. This caught him.

The attack of the Blood Refining Divine Gang really made him feel extremely heavy, but he immediately stretched out his hand, and an ice-blue treasured sword appeared in his hand. The wind-like sword gang swelled violently, shaking Chu Xiu's blood-refining **** gang with a loud bang.

What Wu Siping is good at is also the technique of quick knife, which is as fast as wind and bursts like fire.

It's a pity that under Chu Xiu's blood refining divine gangster, his swift and violent blade can no longer be displayed.

Chu Xiu's shot this time was for Liwei, so how could he give Wu Siping a chance?

The moment Wu Siping finally blocked the blood-refining divine gangster, Chu Xiu's figure had already moved, and he appeared in front of Wu Siping in an instant, his hands were sealed, and the golden radiant gang qi burst out. Pro-word tactics, the Great Diamond Wheel Seal!

Among the nine-character art of speed and slowness, Chu Xiu has not yet mastered all of them, but now Chu Xiu can use four or five proficiently. Among them, this is the most powerful and powerful Great Vajra Wheel Seal that Chu Xiu often uses. Yes, now it is even closer to the point of perfection.

A seal that bloomed with golden astral aura suddenly fell, King Kong suppressed the world, and slayed the evil and brought down the devil!

There is no mercy of Buddhism, Chu Xiu, but Chu Xiu, the wrath of the King Kong, has already realized it quite a bit. In the seal of Buddhism, there is still a tyrannical atmosphere of destruction!

There was a loud bang, and the qi burst into pieces, which were also mixed with fragments of weapons. A big diamond wheel mark with Chu Xiu's full strength shot directly shattered the long knife in Wu Siping's hand, and even smashed his whole body directly. Booming, blood spurted out.

Chu Xiu stepped forward, and without hesitation, another palm fell, and the Heavenly Destruction Da Ziyang hand was displayed, and the powerful palm force blasted Wu Siping's body with the incomparably evil Ziyang demon flame, that scorching power And let him spit out a mouthful of blood.

He made three shots, and each time it burst violently, as if crushing, setting off Chu Xiu like a **** and a devil, extremely terrifying.

Wu Siping could no longer be shocked at this time, he just wanted to save his life!

Hardly picking up a Great Vajra Wheel Seal has already hurt his inner organs, and the Ziyang Demonic Flame that destroys the Great Ziyang Hand is still burning his meridians. If he doesn't escape, he will surely die in Chu Xiu's hands!

Wu Siping made a seal on his hands, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out, and the qi was released, and the blood condensed into a giant blade that was 10 feet long, and slashed towards Chu Xiu with a roaring wind!

Slash the wind!

He is a knife, and his blood essence is a blade. Wu Siping does not have a knife in his hand, but the power of this knife is even more terrifying than when he held a knife in his hand before.

And after the knife was cut out, Wu Siping's figure did not stop at all, and fled directly in the direction of the gate.

The red-sleeved knife was held in Chu Xiu's hand, and strands of black mist wrapped around the knife and lingered in Chu Xiu's eyes.

Abi magic knife, the gate of **** is open!

With the terrifying and hateful murderous intent of the Infernal Hell slammed down, Wu Siping's seemingly powerful Wind Slash was extremely fragile and was smashed to pieces.

Just when Wu Siping felt the evil and terrifying power, but before he could turn around, the jet-black sword had already slid across his neck, and his head was separated in an instant, but the strange thing was that in the wound Not the slightest blood flowed out.

‘Boom! ’

With a soft sound, Wu Siping's head fell to the ground, instantly making Liu Chengli and Qin Fang pale.

Only now did they know why Chu Xiu was able to become an inspector with the strength of the outer realm.

Chu Yuansheng's recommendation is important, but what's more important is that Chu Xiu has this strength!

Among the inspectors of Jianzhou City, Wu Siping was almost the strongest and the most experienced in combat, but he was completely unable to fight back when facing Chu Xiu.

And more importantly, Chu Xiu's unbridled attitude also made them shudder.

In fact, Wu Siping also showed murderous intentions to Du Guangzhong before, but Wu Siping hadn't done it yet, and even if he did, he could only do it in secret and create some accidents. It was impossible for him to be like this Chu Xiu, just patrolling here. In the mouth of the envoy, it was like killing a chicken and slaughtered a Jianghu headhunter.

Now that Wu Siping is dead, what about the two of them? There were also the two of them who disrespected Chu Xiu before, and even if there was no such thing, Chu Xiu would probably have killed him!

Feeling Chu Xiu's gaze, Liu Chengli and Qin Fang shivered, but at this time Chu Xiu took out an account book and said lightly, "This is the account book you shared before, and it was burned by you long ago. , this book was written silently by Du Zhaotou."

Liu Chengli and Qin Fang looked at Chu Xiu suspiciously, not understanding what Chu Xiu meant.

As a result, at this time, the qi in Chu Xiu's hand erupted, and the account book was torn to shreds in an instant.

"People die for wealth, and birds die for food. What is the reason for my generation of warriors to join the Guanzhong torture hall? To say that it is to protect the order of Guanzhong and protect the safety of one party is a bit too hypocritical. What everyone is asking for is nothing more than two points, Power and...interest!

The salaries of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall are too small, so we can only find a way by ourselves. This is not a shameful thing, but! "

Chu Xiu looked directly at the two of them, and his voice was low, as if it penetrated directly into the hearts of the two of them: "However, the power and benefits can only be given to you by me, but you can't steal or rob them behind my back!"

Liu Chengli and Qin Fang were not idiots. When they heard what Chu Xiu said, they immediately understood what Chu Xiu meant.

Choose to surrender, and Chu Xiu can give them the power and benefits.

Of course, apart from this, they have no other choice, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, just look at Wu Siping, who is already dead and can no longer die. This is a lesson from the past.

So Liu Chengli and Qin Fang knelt down on one knee and said solemnly, "I've seen adults!"

In this big ceremony, they did not worship the identity of the inspector, but Chu Xiu himself. This was also a kind of submission, and of course it was submission under high pressure.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether they surrender sincerely or are forced to surrender under threat. What Chu Xiu wants is only the result, not the process.

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Okay, let's all get up, the four of them secretly withheld 40% of the tax revenue, and they are still nervous. They are a little too high on the table. Don't worry, you can get what you can get in the future. , definitely more than it is now.”

Just as Chu Xiu just said, he went to great lengths to join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, of course, not to protect the order of Guanzhong, to guard the safety of one party, to seek wealth and power, there are nothing more than these two.

With the status and power of an inspector, if Chu Xiu can only use such low-level means as withholding taxes, then he is too wasteful.

At this time, Du Guangzhong looked at Wu Siping's corpse on the ground and said, "Sir, what should I do with Wu Siping?

It is a taboo to kill a colleague without permission in the Guanzhong torture hall. Without a suitable reason, this matter is also very troublesome. "

Chu Xiu waved his hands casually and said, "Reason? People are troublesome to live, but it is much simpler to die. The head of Wu Siping was accidentally killed while chasing down murderers and thieves, and died in the line of duty. Is this reason enough?

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