Meet The Leader

Chapter 156: weeds and roots

Chu Xiu's method was very simple and rude, which made Du Guangzhong feel a little stunned.

But if you think about it, it's the same thing.

The death of a Jianghu headhunter is not a big deal. As long as no one stabs the matter out, the above will not arbitrarily investigate.

Chu Xiu's immediate boss is Wei Jiuduan. Could it be that when an ordinary Jianghu headhunter died, Wei Jiuduan was asked to investigate in person? Then he is going to be busy.

As long as the reasons are sufficient and the evidence is sufficient, you can report it casually without causing suspicion.

Du Guangzhong hesitated: "And those people under Wu Siping..."

"Kill them all." Chu Xiu waved his hand and said lightly.

"What... what?" Du Guangzhong doubted that he had heard it wrong.

"My lord, there are dozens of people under Wu Siping, and they all killed them?"

Liu Chengli and Qin Fang also looked at Chu Xiu stunned and killed dozens of people in one go. What is Chu Xiu planning to do? To dismantle the entire hall of the inspector?

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Du Capitou, you told me about Wu Siping's origin, this person was originally from a gangster in the Jianghu, and the Jianghu gas is too heavy, like you who have always been cultivated in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Heads are different.

You rely on the rules of Guanzhong Punishment Hall to restrain your subordinates, and he relies on the so-called righteousness of the rivers and lakes. Although you are not used to it, you have to say that the loyalty of his subordinates is far higher than those of your subordinates.

Moreover, none of Wu Siping's subordinates came from a serious Guanzhong punishment hall.

Wu Siping is dead, I don't want to cause any trouble because of a dead person. "

The expressions of Du Guangzhong and the other three were a little unsightly, which was actually the case, and the loyalty of their subordinates could only be said to be ordinary.

In the past, they were not used to Wu Siping's habit of rivers and lakes, but the loyalty of Wu Siping's men was indeed much stronger than them.

"I'll leave this matter to the three of you. I only need the result." Chu Xiu ordered.

Liu Chengli said in surprise: "We?"

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Can't you still be me? I'll do everything myself, so what's the use of you?"

Liu Chengli and the other three all looked at each other and showed a wry smile. They knew what it meant. This was the nomination certificate they were going to give to Chu Xiu.

They killed the people on Wu Siping's side, and they also had the handle in Chu Xiu's hands. They couldn't find a reason to betray, and they also didn't want to betray.

So the three of them had to hand over their hands and leave with Wu Siping's body.

Tangkou, the inspector of Jianzhou City, has jurisdiction over more than ten small towns around it, which are not too far away, and the furthest place can be reached by galloping horses for two or three days.

And this time they decided to surrender to Chu Xiu, and they also had to be sincere, so they called all the Jianghu Kuaikuai distributed under their own, and in the name of Wu Siping they arrested those under him. Almost all gathered in a ruined temple outside the city, saying that there was a task assigned to them.

At this time, among the ruined temples outside Jianzhou City, more than 50 people from all corners of the world gathered here, all with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Since the death of the previous inspector, Fang Zhengyuan, they haven't made such a big move for a long time. Could it be that the new inspector wants to do something wrong?

One of the warriors asked a bald warrior next to him: "Brother Sun, what are you planning to do when Lord Wu brought us here? Is there anything major about to happen? You are always by your side, and you should know the news."

The bald warrior touched his bald head and said suspiciously, "I am also a little confused, the new inspector called the adults and the others to the council hall, and they were mysterious, but they gathered everyone together. Don't know what to do.

But you don't have to worry, this new inspector only has the strength of the outer Astral Realm, and he came in by relationship, so why is he above the head of the adults? In the future, the inspector will still respect us adults! "

A group of people were discussing, but at this time, the three of Du Guangzhong walked into the broken temple.

Du Guangzhong's character is a bit awkward to do such a thing, so Liu Chengli did it.

Liu Chengli has also stayed in the Guanzhong torture hall for more than 20 years, and his qualifications are second only to Du Guangzhong.

It's just different from Du Guangzhong, who is more old-fashioned and stiff. Liu Chengli is short and fat, with a smile on his face all the time. He looks harmless to humans and animals, and he usually speaks very kindly. Therefore, these ordinary headhunters present at the scene treat him well. There's really no fear.

At this time, seeing Liu Chengli coming, the bald warrior under Wu Siping asked suspiciously, "Master Liu, where is Master Wu?"

Liu Chengli smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll send you to see Mr. Wu right away."

The people under Wu Siping who were present hadn't reacted yet, but the bald-headed warrior felt something was wrong.

What do you mean by sending them to see Master Wu?

But before he waited for his doubts and objections, he saw Liu Chengli wave his hand, still with a smile on his face, and said softly: "Kill!"

The voice fell, and the sound of thunderbolt bowstrings exploded outside the broken temple. Dozens of giant crossbow arrows with the thickness of the arms exploded in unison and entered directly through the wall, even killing half of Wu Siping's warriors!

Immediately after a round of crossbow arrows volleyed, more than 30 people who were the weakest and also in the innate realm, rushed into the ruined temple, and followed Liu Chengli and the other three to start massacres.

After all, there are more than 50 people under Wu Siping. Although Liu Chengli and others are outsiders, they can't kill them all for a while, and it is troublesome to escape alone.

Therefore, they also brought their own confidants to take action together. Although there are not many people, they are all powerful and reliable confidants.

And before, Liu Chengli insidiously let others ambushed with a broken crossbow, and directly strangled the opponent in half.

This kind of city-breaking crossbow is used to siege the city when the army is fighting. There are also many punishment halls in Guanzhong, but they are only used to arrest some warriors who cultivate the flesh. Ordinary innate warriors are very laborious to take over. In addition to dodging, it is almost death by touch.

During the fight, the warriors under Wu Siping were still in a state of ignorance. They couldn't understand why their colleagues would suddenly kill them, and where were their adults?

It's a pity that in this crushing situation, they didn't even have time to think, and they were slaughtered in less than half an hour.

Throwing away the blood on his body, Liu Chengli put his hands together, bowed to the corpses on the ground, and said in a low voice, "Everyone, it's not me who wants you to die, and if you become an evil ghost, don't look for me in the middle of the night, Lao Liu. , that Master Chu's body is full of blood, and it is estimated that many people have been killed. He has a lot of lice, so don't worry, you can find him."

Qin Fang disliked Liu Chengli's appearance the most, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Old Liu, what's the use of you pretending to be like this? If you kill people, kill them. I'm really afraid that they will become evil spirits and come to you in the future. You are doing good deeds."

Liu Chengli glanced at him and said, "What do you know? This is the method I learned from listening to the master of the Bodhi Temple. Do you understand karma? Do you understand the demon?"

Qin Fang curled his lips in disdain: "It's all bullshit! Those monks have also killed many people themselves. What's the use of making these fakes? Don't waste time, burn the bodies and deal with them."

They are all veteran Jianghu headhunters, and they are best at detecting traces of various fights and other things.

This time, they could fake the scene, but it would be too laborious. Anyway, there is an adult Chu Xiu on it, and it is enough to push it all on some thugs and thieves. It is said that these warriors died in the line of duty and were cremated and buried by them. At that time, I checked it down, and there was no evidence at all. It was very simple.

After disposing of these corpses, the three of them took them directly back to the entrance of the Jianzhou Inspector's Office, gathered everyone together, and officially visited the Lord Chu Xiu.

In fact, this step should have been done as early as when Chu Xiu took office. According to the rules, the four of them should bring all their subordinates to visit Chu Xiu. Isn't it a joke?

It's just that at that time, Wu Siping had already decided to put Chu Xiu on the This scene was naturally saved, and now it should be regarded as Chu Xiu's preliminary establishment of his own in this Jianzhou Inspector Hall. prestige.

At this time, in the martial arts field in the backyard of the inspector Tangkou, nearly 200 arresting officers from the Tangkou of the Jianzhou inspector gathered here, waiting for Chu Xiu's words.

As for the atmosphere in the hall of the inspector, anyone who is not too idiot should know.

The new inspector took office, but he didn't let them come to see him. The attitude of several adults is already obvious.

And how long has it been? In less than half a month, they were called by their own adults to visit the new inspector, and this attitude naturally explained everything.

The newcomer's methods are very sharp, and it only took so long for the four Wu Siping to completely surrender. It's just that they are still a little strange. Why didn't Wu Si and others come?

Only those warriors who participated in the battle against Wu Siping remained silent and kept a low profile.

After a while, Du Guangzhong and the other three followed Chu Xiu to the martial arts arena, stood in front of everyone, and bowed to Chu Xiu, "See you sir!"

The rest of the inspectors and the chasing heads of the tangkou also bowed to Chu Xiu and said, "See your lord!"

Looking at the people present, Chu Xiu nodded and said: "There are five inspectors under the command of Guanxi, since the last inspector, Mr. Fang, died in the line of duty, I have become the most popular among many inspectors. weak one.

But life and death are fate, and wealth is in heaven. The strength of the Jianzhou Inspector Tangkou is not mine, but also you.

You didn't have a chance before, but now, I give you this chance! "


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