Meet The Leader

Chapter 157: secret

Chu Xiu's provocative words did not resonate too much with the warriors present. Except for Du Guangzhong and other confidants who were more positive, the rest of the warriors were not too interested.

Those who can serve as officers in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall are considered to be people who have seen the world, and it is not so easy to be incited. In other words, these people are also very realistic.

Those who have the ability study and climb up, and those who are incompetent, all they can see is the immediate benefits.

Now that Chu Xiu has just taken office, they haven't seen any benefits. It is obviously impossible to let them serve their hearts just by these words.

Of course, Chu Xiu didn't care, he just continued: "There is one more thing I want to tell everyone, when the head of Wu Siping and his subordinates were chasing down the demon murderer 'Yinshan Lao Mo' who was wanted by me in Guanzhong. The devil was slaughtered, and his subordinates were also slaughtered by this devil. He died in the line of duty, and I have had him buried properly.

Over the years, I have done my best to protect the safety of the people in Guanzhong Xingtang, but my life is my own, and I have to be more careful when performing tasks in the future. "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present changed, and some smart people seemed to have already thought about what was going on.

The old demon of Yin Mountain, Dugu Fang, was a master who had stepped into the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, and he was indeed capable of slaughtering Wu Siping.

But the problem is that Wu Siping doesn't seem like the kind of person who would risk his life to capture such a demonic murderer, and they didn't seem to have heard that Wu Siping took people out during this time.

When you think about it this way, it becomes obvious what the reason is.

Everyone's hearts are all cold, let's not talk about the ability of this new adult, but this attack is enough.

"Okay, let's go here first. Let's all leave, and continue to patrol. The territory under Wu Siping is in charge of the three heads of Du Guangzhong, Liu Chengli, and Qin Fang."

Hearing these words, these catching heads said loudly: "Yes! Your Excellency!"

This time, their momentum was much higher than before.

Wu Siping's subordinates have freed up so many places. Naturally, they will continue to take charge of them. In this way, the power under their jurisdiction is also greater than before. When they see the benefits, they can be motivated, right?

After the others dispersed, Chu Xiu directly called Du Guangzhong and the three to the study.

After letting the three of them sit down, Chu Xiu asked, "The morale of the chasing heads at the mouth of the Jianzhou inspector doesn't seem to be very high?"

Liu Chengli smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, we have six inspectors in the Kansai region, but our Jianzhou inspector, Tangkou, is the weakest and the one with the lowest income. Of course, the people under him have no morale."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it because of the previous inspector?"

Liu Chengli nodded and said: "Almost, there are two main reasons, one is that the area of ​​my state house is not large, and the other powerful inspectors even manage two state capitals by one person.

In addition, the last generation of the inspector, Mr. Fang, was a little too upright. Except for that little salary, the brothers under his hand could not even see the slightest bit of oil and water, but he always asked his brothers to go out to perform tasks. , to capture those ruthless villains and thieves.

Although it is said that my duty to shut down the punishment hall is like this, at least I have to do what I can do, right?

Every shot is a heavy loss, and even if someone is successfully caught in the end, the rewards issued above are pitiful.

Mr. Fang is not greedy, all the rewards are handed over to the brothers under his command, but a few hundred points of that little thing are not enough to stick in the teeth. "

Liu Chengli's tone was full of resentment, blocking people's fortunes like killing his parents. Although Fang Zhengyuan, the previous generation inspector, was their boss, it also made their hatred itch.

Seeing that the other inspectors were eating meat, but they couldn't even drink soup, of course they were not happy.

Chu Xiu quite agrees with Liu Chengli's words. People's hearts are different. You want to be a saint, but you don't consider the interests of your subordinates. If you want them to be saints together, you will naturally not win people's hearts.

In the past, when Chu Kuangge led the Guanzhong execution hall, he relied on his own personality and charm. He took the lead in everything, and the rest were willing to follow.

Guan Siyu's command of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall relies on power. Even though Guan Siyu is selfless and merciless, and even pays very little to these warriors in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, it is he who can only survive in the cracks of Guanzhong Punishment. The Church evolved into an armed organization now recognized by the Three Kingdoms.

Moreover, Guan Siyu is not greedy for power. The four chief criminal officials, many inspectors, and the chief spies of the Criminal Division are all extremely powerful, so they are naturally willing to swear allegiance to Guan Siyu.

As for Chu Xiu, his predecessor Fang Zhengyuan, his personal charm is naturally not comparable to Chu Kuangge, and his ability is not comparable to Guan Siyu, but he wants to learn from these two world-renowned heroes. .

At this time, Qin Fang suddenly said: "There is actually another reason for the low morale of our Jianzhou Inspector Tangkou, that is, in these small cities around this Jianzhou Mansion, our Inspector Tangkou actually has little power left. , the local martial arts forces do not take us seriously.

The one who caused this was also Mr. Fang. He had to go to death himself, but it turned out to be fine, and he killed himself. "

Du Guangzhong frowned and said, "Old Qin, don't talk nonsense. How did Master Fang die? It was sent by the judge in person to investigate. The matter has already been determined, it's just an accident."

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly became interested. He directly said to Qin Fang: "Tell me, it doesn't matter, they are all my own people here. Is there anything secret about the death of the previous inspector Fang Zhengyuan?"

It stands to reason that the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is the master of the entire Guanzhong land. Although the dragons and snakes in Guanzhong are mixed and the martial arts are fierce, no matter how mad you are, you will still be under the jurisdiction of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. As a result, Qin Fang now says that he is the inspector of Jianzhou. Tangkou is no longer powerful in the entire Jianzhou Mansion, which is very strange.

Moreover, there is no doubt about the death of the previous inspector, Fang Zhengyuan. He was killed by the other party when he was hunting down a murderer "Blood Sky Sword" Han Rang, who was in the Three Flowers Gathering Realm.

Of course, this is definitely not the same as Chu Xiu killing Wu Siping, but secretly giving him a reasonable method of death. Fang Zhengyuan shot in a small town and was beheaded by the opponent in front of hundreds of warriors. There is no doubt about it. But now, after hearing Qin Fang say this, is there any inside story?

Qin Fang coughed and said, "Master Chu, since I have already taken refuge with you, there is no point in hiding these things from you.

The previous inspector, Fang Zhengyuan, was indeed killed in front of everyone, and there is nothing strange in the eyes of outsiders, but after all, we have followed Fang Zhengyuan for several years, and we have a good understanding of his strength.

Mr. Fang's strength can definitely be ranked among the top warriors in the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, and the 'Blood Sky Sword' Han Rang is just a timid rat who only dares to rob and kill Guanzhong on weekdays. Some of the small merchants, and the older ones, he dared not move.

The reason why he was able to become famous was the Rank 5 Baobing Xuekong Sword in his hand, which had the effect of transforming blood qi, and even enough blood qi could make the blood empty sword advance and become a Rank 6 treasured soldier.

We saw that battle with our own eyes. At the beginning, Master Fang suppressed the opponent with a few moves, but later, Master Fang's strength suddenly fell to the extreme, not even the innate realm, and was finally killed by Han Rang's sword. "

Chu Xiu touched his chin and said, "If that's the case, it's not a doubt. There are all kinds of strange things on the rivers and lakes. Maybe this Han Rang used some means to sneak up on Fang Zhengyuan, and that's why he beheaded him. killed."

Qin Fang shook his head and said, "This matter has been suspicious from the very beginning. Han Rang is as timid as a mouse. Before Master Fang hunted him down, he just robbed and killed a group of merchants outside a small city within the Jianzhou Prefecture. , according to his character, after committing a case, he would definitely run away but this time he took the initiative to show up in front of me.

And when Han Rang showed up, we happened to be having a banquet at Jiang's house. After we broke up unhappily, Han Rang appeared in front of me on purpose as if he had received news in advance, attracting Lord Fang to take action against him. Killed, the suspicion is here. "

"Wait, what's the origin of this Jiang family? Why is it related to Fang Zhengyuan again?" Chu Xiu asked with a frown.

Qin Fang said: "The Jiang family is one of the major forces in the Jianzhou government, and it has a long history, even similar to when the Guanzhong torture hall was established.

Sir, you also know that the land of Guanzhong is the center of trade between the three countries. There are countless caravans going to and from this place, but there are some contraband items that are expressly prohibited from being traded, preventing them from flowing into the other country.

It's just that although there is a ban on the punishment hall, there are still some people who do not change after repeated teaching. The most serious ones are some local martial arts forces in Guanzhong, such as buying some contraband from Beiyan, and then selling them to Dongqi or Xichu. It's simple. It's smuggling.

Guanzhong Xingtang must investigate this kind of behavior. At first, Mr. Fang suspected that the Jiang family was secretly smuggling these prohibited items, so he questioned the Fang family, but the Fang family refused to admit it, and we didn't find anything. Come.

When Master Fang came to the Jiang family for the second time, the people of the Jiang family were going to bribe Master Fang, but they were rejected by Master Fang, and turned against the people of the Jiang family, saying that they would take him back to the execution hall for trial, etc., on the spot. Disappeared.

You also know what happened later, Master Chu, the murder of Master Fang, and the investigation into the Jiang family's smuggling matter was not settled. Therefore, Tangkou, my Jianzhou Inspector, was greatly reduced in the Wulin of Jianzhou, which made people think that I was the Jianzhou Inspector. The mouth is only loud and the rain is small. "


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