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Chapter 158: troubles left by an ex

When Qin Fang told what happened, Chu Xiu immediately felt that something was wrong, because it was all too coincidental.

Fang Zhengyuan just said he wanted to investigate the Jiang family, but he was killed in a blink of an eye. If there was nothing tricky about it, Chu Xiu wouldn't believe it.

What Chu Xiu can easily see, the other martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture should also be able to see it, that's why they feel that this Jianzhou Prefecture Inspector Tangkou is nothing more than that, with loud thunder and little rain. . Not only was there nothing to be found, but the dignified inspector threw his life here.

Chu Xiu frowned and said, "Since there are so many doubts inside, why didn't they send someone to investigate?"

Qin Fang said with a wry smile: "Of course I sent someone to investigate, but it wasn't Lord Wei Jiuduan who did it in person, but a Jianghu arrester sent by the Guanxi Xingtang Branch to investigate. He didn't investigate the Jiang family, but only investigated the Jianghu family. I just took a look at Mr. Fang's own injuries, and we didn't find anything abnormal. In fact, although we saw something wrong, we didn't find anything abnormal."

Chu Xiu knocked on the table and said, "The Jiang family is so suspicious but they don't investigate the Jiang family. What's the situation? Are the Jianghu headhunters sent from above not as good as you?"

Qin Fang coughed and said, "On the birthday of the judge in charge, the Jiang family once presented a jade Buddha, which was made of pure and warm jade, a special product of Chu, which is very precious and can be used in retreat. At that time, the martial artist quickly became calm and calm, and the judge in charge liked it very much, so he specially ordered that before there is absolute evidence, don't go to the Jiang family, so as not to end up causing trouble in the city."

There was a strange look in Chu Xiu's eyes. This was a blatant bribe. He seemed to have some understanding of the character of his immediate boss.

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice, "Is the character of the judge in charge always like this?"

Du Guangzhong sighed at this moment and said, "Of course not. In the past, when Lord Chu Kuangge was around, Lord Prison Officer would not do this. Later, Lord Guan Siyu became the head of the hall, and the rules were strictly prohibited, and Lord Prisoner would not dare to do this.

It's just that in recent years, the judge in charge has grown old, is about to retire, and has to find a way out for himself.

When Mr. Fang Zhengyuan was serving as the inspector, he was too blunt. Usually, he didn't give any benefit to Mr. Criminal Officer. Even on the birthday of Mr. Criminal Officer, he only sent some worthless calligraphy and painting. It must not be liked by the judge in charge.

Wei Hanshan, the inspector of Shangzhou Prefecture next to our Jianzhou Prefecture, is just because he knows how to please the prison officials, so now Wei Hanshan not only manages Shangzhou Prefecture, but also Chenzhou Prefecture, which is equivalent to these two places. 's inspector.

And this time, your lord, you were sent to serve as the inspector of the Jianzhou government. If you don't come here, I heard that Wei Hanshan is still collecting treasures, and I am going to talk to the lord in charge of criminals, and let him also take charge of Jianzhou. government affairs. "

Chu Xiu thought about it, he seemed to have some impressions of Wei Hanshan, and he was very arrogant. Obviously, he did not take his new inspector in his eyes, and his attitude was not very good.

But now it seems that it is probably because there is a reason for him to block his way.

"Lord Prisoner has done so much, why don't the main hall take care of it?"

Du Guangzhong gritted his teeth and said, "Master Chu, these words are actually somewhat taboo, but it doesn't matter if you say them now.

In the early years, when Lord Guan Siyu just took control of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall was absolutely forbidden, the rules were strict, and no one dared to make mistakes.

In recent years, although the punishment hall in Guanzhong has become stronger and stronger, Lord Guan Siyu has been a little slack.

It's all because of that woman! Since Lord Guan Siyu married that woman as his wife, his actions have become more and more incomprehensible. "

The tone of Du Guangzhong's words was somewhat resentful.

He is an old man in Guanzhong Punishment Hall. He has experienced the Chu Kuangge period and the rise of Guanzhong Punishment Hall in the early days. He misses those times very much.

As a result, the punishment hall in Guanzhong has changed. He doesn't know what has changed, and he himself has changed. Even he who didn't dare to greed for a cent has joined Wu Siping under the bewitchment of Wu Siping. tax.

Liu Chengli on the side shouted: "Old Du! Are you crazy? You dare to say anything! If you say this outside, you will not only be unlucky, but even us!"

Du Guangzhong said lightly: "I wanted to say these words for a long time, but I am not an idiot. Of course, I will not say such things outside."

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, everyone is their own right now, and of course they won't talk nonsense."

As he spoke, Chu Xiu couldn't help but think of Guan Siyu's wife, Mei Qinglian, that charming and seductive woman.

It's just that Guan Siyu and Chuxiu have also seen him. He acts decisively and has a clear mind. Just from the point of view of his speech and behavior, the chief hall master of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not the kind of idiot who is confused by women.

Chu Xiu has no interest in managing the secrets of the big man for the time being. He just said to Du Guangzhong and the three: "Come to Jiang's house with me tomorrow."

Du Guangzhong said in surprise: "Master Chu wants to investigate and magnify the death of people?"

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "I have nothing to do with that Fang Zhengyuan, what are you doing to investigate that kind of thing?

Besides, this matter has already been determined by the judge in charge. Even if I find evidence and go to the judge to overturn the case, I can only slap the judge in the face.

However, we still need to tie the bell to solve the bell. Since the Jianzhou inspector Tangkou suffered a loss from the Jiang family, we naturally have to get it back from the Jiang family, and our inspector Tangkou also needs some new money. .

Not to mention the danger of holding back those taxes, you won't get much money, and it's not worth it. "

The three of Du Guangzhong looked at each other and said nothing.

Now that they have expressed their surrender to Chu Xiu, it is naturally what Chu Xiu said, and they will do it, except for the death of course.

If Chu Xiu really asked them to die, then they would naturally not rush up stupidly.

In the early morning of the second day, Chu Xiu took the three of Du Guangzhong and some accompanying small arrests to Jiang's house quickly.

The place where the Jiang family is located is a small town called Qicheng. This town used to be just a big villa, which belonged to the Qi family. Later, the Qi family was destroyed, and many outsiders lived in the small villa, and finally developed. Such a small town.

The strength of the Jiang family can be regarded as the top among the Jianzhou mansion. During the day, he has cultivated and retreated in the inner house, the position of the head of the family has been handed over, and the family affairs have been handed over to the next generation to handle.

After arriving in Qicheng, Liu Chengli introduced: "Sir, the Jiang family has a strong heritage in my Jianzhou Mansion, especially this Qicheng, where the Jiang family has been operating for several generations, and it is even called Jiang Bancheng, which means the whole city. Half of Qicheng's business belongs to the Jiang family."

"Is there anyone here in Qicheng, my inspector's envoy?" Chu Xiu asked.

Liu Chengli was a little embarrassed and said: "There is, but there is, but there is only one Jianghu catcher and a few ordinary catchers who are in the innate realm. Usually, they can only be responsible for some petty thefts and the like, and it is basically useless to talk about major events. ."

The Jianghu catcher in charge of Qicheng happened to be Liu Chengli's subordinate, so he looked a little embarrassed.

Chu Xiu didn't care either, and said directly, "Go to Jiang's house."

At this time in the Jiang family, Jiang Xichen, the head of the Jiang family, was sitting in the main seat, listening to the report of the servant with a puzzled look in his eyes. Obviously, he did not expect the newly appointed inspector to come to their Jiang family at this time.

The expression of an old man below him changed a little: "Patriarch, is this new inspector here to investigate the affairs of the previous inspector Fang Zhengyuan?

At that time, I persuaded you, the head of the family, that our Jiang family was so careful, and there was no evidence left. Fang Zhengyuan would let him investigate if he wanted to. Moreover, we had also paid homage to the judge in charge, so we would directly let the judge in charge at that time. The adults just put pressure on him.

In the end, you didn't listen, you insisted on plotting against Fang Zhengyuan, colluding with 'Xuekong Jian' Han Rang to kill that Fang Zhengyuan, this is Leave the handle and kill a person in Guanzhong Punishment Hall The inspector, if this kind of thing is discovered, it would be a big crime to destroy the family! "

Jiang Xichen glanced at the elder with some disgust. Everything in the Jiang family was good, but these old people were always greedy for power, and they were chatting crookedly here.

Right now, these elders are from the same generation as the ancestors of the Jiang family. As a result, the ancestors have already retreated and ignored the family affairs, but these old guys are still in the way.

Before Jiang Xichen said anything, a Jiang family martial artist in his 40s stood up and snorted coldly: "Check it out! The Kanxi Punishment Hall Branch has already determined that incident, it was just an accident, Han Rang said. He also completely left the switch, and even the body of Fang Zhengyuan was cremated. What can this new inspector find out?

Besides, last time on the birthday of Mr. Wei, our Jiang family used one-fifth of the property to build the pure-hearted Jade Buddha. It is not so easy for this new inspector to move my Jiang family!

On the other hand, if you are in a panic, you are causing trouble for my Jiang family! "

This person is Jiang Xichen's half-brother Jiang Yao, who has been on his side since he was a child. At this time, seeing how these elders are afraid of wolves and tigers, he is not angry.

The elder shouted fiercely, "Shuzi! You dare to talk to this old man like this, do you still have rules in your eyes, and are there any superiors and inferiors?"

Jiang Xichen waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't make any noise. People haven't seen you arguing yet? Go and invite the new inspector in. My Jiang family has been in Jianzhou for nearly three hundred years. , what are you afraid of here? The big deal is that soldiers will come to block it, and water will come to cover it." Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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