Meet The Leader

Chapter 166: allegiance

PS: This chapter is for the reward of the villain's leader, poonlo.

The words residual value made Wei Jiuduan feel unusually harsh.

The main powerhouses in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall are the leaders of the four major criminal justice departments.

Among them, the main requirement of the chief of the Department of Judgment is that he is strong enough, while the chief punishment officer requires that his ability and means are strong enough, otherwise he will not be able to hold back so many inspectors and martial arts sects under his command.

Wei Jiuduan's ability to sit in the position of the torture officer is of course related to his ability, but the more reason is his qualifications.

Wei Jiuduan spent hundreds of years in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and his qualifications were even longer than Guan Siyu.

This kind of qualification means that as long as Wei Jiuduan doesn't make a big mistake, his position will be more stable than anyone else, but it also means that he is about to retire.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not a place for the elderly. Some warriors in the family are old, but because of the relationship of blood, even if they can't take action, they will be called ancestors and admired by future generations.

Among the sects, these old warriors are also very respected, and generally they will give the other party the position of the Supreme Elder, and the status is respected.

Only the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is different. After the warriors in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall are old and retired, they are not allowed to intervene in the power of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. That's it.

This is the rule of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, which can keep the power in the hands of a small number of people. It will not be like those big sects and aristocratic families, there are always some old people there to point fingers and influence the voice of the head of the family or the head of the family.

Wei Jiuduan is already very old, and it is estimated that he will retire in a few years, and then it will be the turn of a new torture officer.

Therefore, in the last few years of his tenure as a punishment officer, Wei Jiuduan's food appearance was so ugly, even to the point of greed, and he didn't care about the laws and regulations of Guanzhong Xingtang. He was doing this for his own retirement. Think back.

But although he is ready to step down from power after retirement, he can't allow outsiders to talk about these things.

Wei Jiuduan narrowed his eyes and asked Chu Xiu coldly, "Did the Jiang family really say that?"

Chu Xiu said with a righteous expression on his face: "Of course that's what he said. If Master Wei doesn't believe it, you can send someone to investigate. During this time, the Jiang family has used your name, Master Wei, to make various actions. An outrageous move."

The people of the Jiang family are not idiots. Of course, it is impossible to say these words in public, but in fact, the Jiang family has been doing this all the time.

After all, the Jiang family spent such a huge price to get on the line of Wei Jiuduan. God knows how long Wei Jiuduan can sit in the position of the torture officer. Of course, they have to make the best use of everything. time, try to get as many benefits as possible.

As long as Wei Jiuduan sent someone to inquire, it would be easy to find out these things.

At that time, it doesn't matter whether the Jiang family has said these words, anyway, the Jiang family's direct line is dead, and their previous behavior can represent everything.

And at this time, Chu Xiu took another step forward and said in a low voice, "Master Wei, my subordinate still has something to say. I don't know if I should say it or not."

Wei Jiuduan narrowed his eyes and said, "What?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "The Jiang family dares to say such a thing, not only because the Jiang family forgets their righteousness, but also because they see that Mr. Wei, you are about to retire as a criminal officer, and you have no power in your hands, so Your fear has dropped a lot.

Sir Wei, you will definitely cultivate in the Kansai area after you leave your post as the chief criminal officer. Now, among the several inspectors under your command, Sir Wei, all of them are only intriguing. People take cold tea. "

Hearing Chu Xiu's words, Wei Jiuduan's face was a little ugly, because Chu Xiu's words were exactly what he was thinking.

Wei Jiuduan's personality is inherently greedy, including for his own people, so he controls the Kansai land, relying on his qualifications and some tricks, and there is no confidant who is really willing to pay the price to cultivate.

It's just that although he doesn't have a reliable confidant, with his strength and qualifications, he can manage the people in Kansai in an orderly manner.

As a result, when he was about to step down from his position as a criminal officer, he realized that he didn't even have a reliable person.

He could hear the meaning of Chu Xiu's words, it was nothing more than an alternative expression of loyalty.

It's just that Wei Jiuduan still looked at Chu Xiu with his eyes, and said lightly: "You mean you can be my confidant? But your backer is Chu Yuansheng, why did you come to join me, an old man who is about to retire?

Besides, you are not a fuel-efficient lamp, and other people are intrigued, so you won't be like them? "

Chu Xiu lowered his head, looked at the ground, and said, "After all, Daxia Chu is not from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and he can't interfere in the specific affairs of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Lord Wei, rather than curry favor with Master Chu, you might as well be loyal to you, Lord Wei."

Wei Jiuduan narrowed his eyes, subconsciously playing with the dragon-patterned iron gallbladder in his hands, and said lightly, "But the crux of the question is why can I trust your allegiance?"

Chu Xiu lowered his head and said solemnly: "Other inspectors have their roots in the Guanzhong execution hall, and they are probably all waiting for Sir Wei to retire, so they have a good chance to take the position, or come to hug the thigh of the newly appointed execution officer.

In the entire Kansai branch, only I, Chu Xiu, have no foundation. I must rely on your support, Lord Wei, to be able to stand in this Kansai area. Without you, Lord Wei, I am nothing, even if you have retired. Now, I also need your connections and prestige in the Kansai region, Mr. Wei.

So you don't have to worry about my loyalty to you at all, as long as I have the intention of disobeying, then Mr. Wei, you can take everything from me at any time. "

Wei Jiuduan looked at Chu Xiu in astonishment. He had been in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall for so many years, and he had seen Wei Jiuduan who complied with him, and Wei Jiuduan who was fearful or loyal to him.

The only thing he hasn't seen is Chu Xiu, who shows loyalty to others and directly puts all his own interests into his own hands.

It's just that this feeling is very good. Just as Chu Xiu said, he has no foundation in the Kansai land. Just like today's matter, he can deal with him by himself or not. It all depends on his mood and attitude.

Now the other inspectors are all full-fledged, and each has its own foundation. It is not something that he, an old man who is about to retire, can handle at will, so as long as he accepts Chu Xiu's allegiance, then he is equivalent to getting a complete Inspector under his control.

Wei Jiuduan put his dragon pattern iron gall on the table and said solemnly: "It's easy for you to be loyal to me, and it's easy for me to accept your allegiance, but the crux of the matter is what can I get from you, and you What can I get from me?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "What this subordinate wants to gain is only the trust of the adults, just like this time, as long as the adults help the subordinates to carry the matters within the rules, the subordinates will definitely bring the adults to the next. More benefits, half of the Jiang family's property is just the beginning."

Wei Jiuduan gave Chu Xiu a deep look, and was silent for a while, then finally said, "I hope my choice is correct, and you'd better not disappoint me."

"Please rest assured, your subordinates will never disappoint you."

Chu Xiu lowered his head, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that Wei Jiuduan would definitely agree in the end, because now Wei Jiuduan actually needs him more than he needs Wei Jiuduan.

For a punishment officer who is about to retire and lose some power, Wei Jiuduan has now given up all the rules of the punishment hall. As long as it can bring him benefits, he will greedily swallow it.

Now Chu Xiu can bring him benefits, so he can't refuse, and he won't refuse.

At this time, outside the council room, Wei Hanshan was already a little anxious. God knows what Chu Xiu said to Wei Jiuduan, and why the two have not come out for so long.

At this moment, Wei Jiuduan and Chu Xiu re-entered the conference hall. Chu Xiu's face did not show the slightest expression, but Wei Hanshan was already a little anxious.

The more calm Chu Xiu is, the more it shows that this matter will not develop in the direction he expected.

Sure enough, Wei Jiuduan said directly to the crowd: "I have already asked about Chu Xiu, that Jiang family secretly smuggled contraband, violated the rules of the punishment hall, and also committed crimes outside under my name. kill!

Chu Xiu, a newly appointed inspector, was able to dig out the cancer of the Jiang family. Not only should this matter not be punished, but it should be rewarded. "

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present suddenly changed. What Chu Xiu said to Wei Jiuduan actually made Wei Jiuduan stand on his side with a clear flag.

Wei Hanshan even stood up directly, and said with a look of dissatisfaction: "Sir, this Chu Xiu is not following the rules, and he has already reached the point of blatantly blatant. Isn't this a problem?"

Wei Jiuduan's complexion suddenly sank, and he looked at Wei Hanshan coldly and said, "Are you teaching me how to do things? Do you need me to tell Master Guan, my position as a torture officer will be relinquished now. for you?"

Hearing this, Wei Hanshan had to sit back in embarrassment, and said in a muffled voice, "My subordinates don't dare."

His relationship with Wei Hanshan in Guanxi can be said to be deeply rooted, in addition to Guanzhong Xingtang, he even has a relationship in Guanzhong Wulin.

It's just that no matter how tough his relationship is, Wei Jiuduan is also a criminal officer in Guanxi who controls one party's power. He said yes, even if one thing is wrong, it is also right.

At least before Wei Jiuduan officially retired and stepped down from power, Wei Hanshan did not dare to confront Wei Jiuduan in person.


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