Meet The Leader

Chapter 167: Complain

ps: This chapter is for the reward of the villain's leader, poonlo.

None of the five inspectors present knew what Chu Xiu said to Wei Jiuduan, but they knew that since Wei Jiuduan has a definition for this matter and Chu Xiu did nothing wrong, then he did nothing wrong, and who would dare to object , that is hitting Wei Jiuduan in the face.

Except for Wei Hanshan, the rest of the people did not have any direct conflict with Chu Xiu, and of course they would not touch Wei Jiuduan's bad head at this time.

After glancing at everyone present, Wei Jiuduan said lightly, "Since that's the case, let's go. Just remember to take care of your own territory, and don't worry about other people's affairs."

In fact, Wei Jiuduan's sense of Wei Hanshan was good before. Although his subordinate has always been careful, he also knows how to honor himself, and what he does on the surface can be considered to be in place.

But as a result, he was a little unclear today, and he dared to refute his order in public, which required beating and beating.

Chu Xiu showed a smile, stood up and cupped his hands: "Yes, my lord."

With that said, Chu Xiu left the council room first, and the others left one after another, only Wei Hanshan had a gloomy expression when he left.

After everyone left, a young man in his thirties walked into the conference hall and bowed respectfully to Wei Jiuduan: "Foster father."

Wei Jiuduan looked at the young man in front of him and nodded: "Yang Ling, how are the affairs of the sects in Moyang Mansion?"

Yang Ling said: "Everything has been handled properly. Those sects thought that the adoptive father was about to retire, so they thought of something that shouldn't have happened. The boy has already brought someone to beat them."

Wei Jiuduan nodded and said, "Yes, some people just need a beating."

Yang Ling paused and asked, "Foster father, I have seen what happened just now. It was clearly that Chu Xiu who broke the rules. Why do you still protect him?"

Wei Jiuduan cast a sideways glance at him, with a faint smile on his face: "Why, are you afraid that Chu Xiu will affect your status?"

"I dare not." Yang Ling quickly cupped his hands.

Wei Jiuduan said lightly: "You don't need to think too much, from now on that Chu Xiu will be my person, but he will not affect your status.

After all, Chu Xiu is just an outsider, but you are my adopted son who I have raised for more than ten years. Due to the rules of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, I cannot support you to a high position for the time being.

You see, Master Guan's apprentice, Yuchi, can only be an ordinary spy in the Criminal Investigation Department. Even if I want you to be an inspector, the rules don't allow it.

After I retire, I will support you to the position of the inspector, and let this Chu Xiu assist you. Even if the new criminal takes office, you will have a place in Kansai. "

Yang Ling immediately showed a grateful look and said, "Thank you my foster father!"

But at this time, although Yang Ling was grateful, his heart was full of sneers.

He followed Wei Jiuduan to the saddle for more than ten years. Does he still not know what his adoptive father looks like?

Saying that you are scruples about the rules of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but in fact, you simply don't want to let yourself be in power directly!

Yuchi was indeed just an ordinary spy in the Criminal Investigation Division, but he acted with Guan Siyu's warrant, and his position in the Criminal Investigation Division was second only to those of the leaders.

However, Yang Ling could only obey Wei Jiuduan's orders. When Wei Jiuduan needed him, he could borrow the power and strength in Wei Jiuduan's hands, which was equivalent to Wei Jiuduan's errands, and it took more than ten years to run.

He was dissatisfied with this situation for a long time, but in addition to his dissatisfaction, he could only endure it until Wei Jiuduan resigned from office before he could truly take power.

At this time, in Shangzhou Mansion, Wei Hanshan's mansion, Wei Hanshan, who returned to his mansion, threw several cups in a row.

"You're immortal, you're going to step down and leave, and you're still playing this trick with me!"

Thinking of Wei Jiuduan's previous attitude, Wei Hanshan's teeth itch with anger.

Among these inspectors in the Kansai Land, he Wei Hanshan is not the strongest, but he is the most profitable among his peers.

Not only did he manage the two prefectures of Shangzhou and Chenzhou in an orderly manner, and he gave Wei Jiuduan a lot of filial piety, but he also used his status in the arena to help Wei Jiuduan a lot. He favored that Chu Xiu in front of everyone and beat himself, which made Wei Hanshan feel extremely angry.

It's just that he has also been under Wei Jiuduan's command for more than ten years, and he also knows what kind of person his boss is.

Wei Jiuduan is suspicious by nature, mean and unkind and greedy. He treats his adopted son like this, let alone others.

This time Wei Jiuduan stood on Chu Xiu's side, simply because Chu Xiu took out enough property to make Wei Jiuduan's heart move, and Wei Jiuduan was probably a little wary of how powerful he was, so he beat him.

But the crux of the problem is that Wei Jiuduan is all about to retire and give way. As a result, he still holds the power in his hands and does not give his subordinates the slightest chance. This is a bit too much.

The most important thing is that this incident was a big blow to Wei Hanshan.

He was going to clean up Chu Xiu, but it didn't count as a result. Chu Xiu not only didn't get the slightest punishment, but also got a reward, but Wei Hanshan was disgraced.

This matter will not only affect his position in the hearts of his subordinates, but also affect the prestige of the forces under his jurisdiction.

The Jiang family didn't get much benefit, but it caused a show. If he had known this, Wei Hanshan would not have traveled to this muddy water in the first place.

Of course, it's too late for Wei Hanshan to regret it now. He was getting angry when one of his confidants pushed in the door. When he saw this scene, he shrank his neck and swallowed what he wanted to say. .

Wei Hanshan was a little angry when he saw his hesitant appearance, and couldn't help but scolded: "If you have something to say, let it go! Don't bother me at this time!"

The warrior said quickly: "This subordinate actually wants to say, since Master Wei doesn't care about this matter, why don't we stab this matter to Master Guan?

That Chu Xiu has a special status. Although it was recommended by Chu Daxia, but because of this, he has received a lot of attention. Although the inspector has this level of affairs, although Master Guan easily does not care, but Chu Xiu However, Master Guan will definitely take care of it, after all, he is behind Master Chu. "

Wei Hanshan frowned and said, "What do you know? Go go, don't make trouble here!"

After blasting the catcher out, Wei Hanshan's eyes showed a strange look, and he was really moved.

Guan Siyu, as the head of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, is concerned with the major matters of the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall. He is in direct contact with the execution officers and the leaders of the Criminal Investigation Department. Of course he is concerned about the trivial matters between the inspectors. won't ask.

However, Chu Xiu was an inspector personally recommended by Chu Yuansheng, so maybe Guan Siyu would intervene?

It's just that Wei Hanshan's only concern is Wei Jiuduan's attitude.

After all, he wanted to go over Wei Jiuduan to sue Chu Xiu, which was equivalent to hitting Wei Jiuduan in the face and accusing Wei Jiuduan of inaction. If Chu Xiu was punished in the end, then Wei Jiuduan would also be reprimanded.

But when he thought of Wei Jiuduan's attitude today, Wei Hanshan sneered in his heart, you are unkind, then don't blame me for being unrighteous!

However, Wei Jiuduan has stayed in the Guanxi land for nearly a hundred years, and he has accumulated power for too long, and Wei Hanshan did not dare to blatantly sue Wei Jiuduan.

Therefore, Wei Hanshan was going to report this matter anonymously to the headquarters of the punishment hall, and to take him out first.

Thinking of this, Wei Hanshan directly instructed himself to let several of his confidants pass the news through layers of information, and secretly pass the news to the headquarters of the punishment hall.

A few days later, in the headquarters of the punishment hall, Guan Siyu looked at the news from below, with a strange look in his eyes.

It's really strange that someone sent a report letter to him. This has not happened for many years.

Although the area of ​​Guanzhong is not small, it has a strict structure, and one floor dominates the other.

As a result, someone has stabbed the news to him now. Obviously, there is a problem with the criminal officer below, and he can't hold back his Originally, this kind of thing involved the grassroots inspector. It will not be sent to Guan Siyu. If he has to take care of anything, isn't Guan Siyu busy?

There are many people in the headquarters of the punishment hall who are specially responsible for helping Guan Siyu deal with some news official documents. After analysis and screening, the information that really needs Guan Siyu to make a decision will be reported to Guan Siyu.

This time, the matter of Chu Xiu was sent to Guan Siyu, and it was really like what Wei Hanshan thought, because Chu Xiu was recommended by Chu Yuansheng to enter the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and he was sent to Guan Siyu because of his special status.

After reading the news, Guan Siyu whispered, "Yuchi, come in."

Hearing the voice, the next moment Yuchi pushed the door open and said respectfully, "Master, what's the matter?"

Guan Siyu handed the news to Yuchi and said, "What do you think of this news?"

After reading the news, Yuchi's eyes suddenly showed a strange look. Obviously, he did not expect that Chu Xiu would make such a big move as soon as he took office, and his actions were decisive and ruthless, not like Chu Yuan. Sheng recommends the warriors who enter the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

It seems that what he imagined at the beginning seemed to be somewhat wrong. Although this Chu Xiu was recommended by Chu Yuansheng to enter the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, he was definitely not the same person as Chu Yuansheng.

Yuchi put the information aside, raised his head and said solemnly to Guan Siyu: "Master, Wei Jiuduan is afraid that he is getting old, and he can't even suppress his own subordinates. I am afraid that the torture officer in this Kansai region will have to be replaced. The candidate has been chosen."

Guan Siyu asked him his opinion, but Yuchi didn't mention Chu Xiu at all, but directly said about Wei Jiuduan, which made Guan Siyu show a hint of satisfaction. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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