Meet The Leader

Chapter 168: 1 explanation

PS: Thanks to QQ reading book friends who are stupid and naive for the 10,000 book coins.

Yuchi is Guan Siyu's apprentice from childhood to adulthood. If Guan Siyu has a son, Yuchi's status may be higher than Guan Siyu's own son.

It's just that due to the rules of Guanzhong Punishment Hall and Guan Siyu's unselfishness, he can let the people recommended by Chu Yuansheng enter the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and serve as inspectors, but he will not let his own disciples be the hall master. hold an important position.

But having said that, he would also cultivate Yuchi's view of the overall situation, just like now.

What Chu Xiu did was considered a big deal in Jianzhou, but it could be suppressed by Wei Jiuduan with a single word in Guanxi, but it was only a small matter in the whole Guanzhong, even if it wasn't for Chu Xiu's identity, this news They will not be sent to Guan Siyu's desktop.

So now Guan Siyu asks Yuchi's opinion on this matter, if Yuchi's answer is only about Chu Xiu's right or wrong, then Guan Siyu will be disappointed, but now Yuchi can see from this news that Wei Jiuduan is no longer able to fully understand the land of Guanxi. Control, such an answer is qualified.

Guan Siyu nodded and said: "Wei Jiuduan is indeed a little old. In the past, when I first joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, he was in charge of the punishment officer, and later he stayed in the position of the punishment officer for decades, but it is a pity that the older he is. , the more he thinks about it, it is indeed time for him to retire."

Yuchi said: "Actually, Wei Jiuduan should have retired a long time ago, it's just that Master, you see his status in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall as an old man, and this allows him to continue to be in his current position.

Otherwise, for the position of a criminal officer, just pick a leader from the criminal investigation department and be competent. "

Guan Siyu shook his head and said, "You're wrong, the leaders of the Criminal Investigation Department are indeed more powerful than Wei Jiuduan, but the position of the criminal officer is not only about strength.

The chief execution officer must balance the forces of all parties under his command and stabilize the order of the martial arts. He must have sufficient prestige and experience.

Although the leaders of the Criminal Investigation Department are good, they are not as good as Wei Jiuduan in other aspects, and the task of the Criminal Investigation Department is also very heavy, so he will have to work as a punishment officer for a while, let me think. Think about who can take over the position.

However, Wei Jiuduan was indeed a little slack during this time, and he couldn't even control his own subordinates.

You send this news to Wei Jiuduan, you don't need to tell him how it came from, let him check it himself, if he doesn't even know who made the report, he really doesn't need to be the Guanxi criminal officer. "

Yuchi nodded and said, "What about Chu Xiu?"

Guan Siyu said lightly: "I didn't read it wrong before, this Chu Xiu is not a safe person, although he did save Chu Yuansheng, but he must have the meaning of retribution.

It's just that there is a relationship with Chu Yuansheng here, and it's not easy for me to punish him directly. You go to Chu Xiu first, ask him a question, and say I want an explanation.

If his explanation is reasonable and can satisfy me, this matter is fine.

If he can't give me a reasonable explanation, then he's done as an inspector. Just throw him into the Criminal Investigation Department as a low-level spy. "

"Yes, Master."

Yuchi nodded and turned around immediately.

At this time, the atmosphere in the hall of the inspector of the Jianzhou government was quite good.

In their eyes, the means and strength of this newcomer are undoubtedly brilliant.

The Jiang family became famous in the first battle, and re-established the power of the Jianzhou government's inspection envoy.

Those martial arts forces who didn't take them seriously in the past all took the initiative to take things to honor and befriend them, and they could accept them openly and with peace of mind.

You must know that when Fang Zhengyuan was an inspector before, he was very strict with their management, and accepting bribes was absolutely not allowed.

Moreover, when he was in the Guanxi branch, Wei Jiuduan directly stripped Wei Hanshan's face and favored Chu Xiu, which completely exposed the matter of destroying the Jiang family, which also completely established Chu Xiu's status.

When Chu Xiu just took over the position of inspector, he was just an outsider, and his position had not yet been fully established.

And now, whether it is internal or external, after passing through these few things, his position as an inspector can be said to be solid and completely settled.

In the study, Chu Xiu flipped through the news that Du Guangzhong and others brought up. In fact, there were no big things, and most of them were small things.

After all, the Jianzhou Mansion is so big, and there are more than a dozen small cities around it. What kind of big things can happen in ordinary times?

Moreover, Chu Xiu did not take power. Du Guangzhong and the other three still had a lot of autonomy in their hands. Some unimportant matters were all handled by them. Finally, it would be good to give Chu Xiu a result.

Therefore, it is very easy for Chu Xiu to be an inspector. He has collected a lot of cultivation resources from the Jiang family, and there are still many people who have been removed and distributed to Wei Jiuduan and his subordinates, enough for him to practice for a while. .

At this moment, Du Guangzhong suddenly knocked on the door and came in, with a nervous look on his face: "Sir, Master Yuchi from the main hall is here and wants to see you."

No wonder Du Guangzhong was nervous. Yuchi's identity was not a secret in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. A direct disciple of Lord Guan Siyu, even if his identity was just an ordinary spy in the Criminal Investigation Department, his status was actually very high, even Wei Jiuduan had a high status. Be polite to him.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Is Yuchi coming? Please come to the living room."

Chu Xiu really didn't expect Yuchi to come here at this time.

As Guan Siyu's disciple, Yuchi often helps Guan Siyu with some large and small chores. It can be said that he is very busy. Why did he come here to see him?

Chu Xiu didn't have time to think about it, he stepped directly into the living room, put on a smile and said, "Brother Yuchi is here, and you are welcome, so don't take offense."

Yuchi took a sip of tea, smiled and said, "I'm not a big man, and I don't need to greet you. In fact, I'm here to ask you a question on behalf of Master."

"Oh? What?" Chu Xiu asked with his expression unchanged.

Yuchi took out the report letter and handed it to Chu Xiu: "Look at the content, Master said, he wants an explanation, a reasonable explanation."

Chu Xiu took the report letter and frowned when he looked at the contents.

Someone actually stabbed the matter to Guan Siyu, which was indeed something he didn't expect.

By leaps and bounds to report, those who do this are simply slapping Wei Jiuduan in the face, and they are still anonymous, and the amount of information in them is very large.

Chu Xiu did not miscalculate Wei Jiuduan's attitude, but he somewhat overestimated Wei Jiuduan's control over Kansai.

He hasn't retired yet, and the inspectors under him don't take him seriously. Once he retires, it's almost certain that people will take tea.

Regarding this report letter, the first thing Chu Xiu thought of was Wei Hanshan. After all, among these inspectors, he was the only one who had the most direct conflict with him.

Of course, it's also possible that the whistleblower was someone else. He knew who he was, but he didn't know his heart. Chu Xiu didn't know who he would touch the interests of, and who would dislike him.

Yuchi looked at Chu Xiu and said with a smile: "Brother Chu, what Master wants is just an explanation. It's very simple. You haven't thought about it until now, have you?"

Chu Xiu slowly put down the report letter.

Since Guan Siyu has sent his own disciples, is this explanation really simple?

Maybe it's very simple, but once I explain it incorrectly, I am afraid that I will move the position of the inspector before I have settled down for a long time.

Returning the report letter to Yuchi, Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Guanzhong Punishment Hall needs majesty!

I Guanzhong Xingtang protects the Guanzhong side, but I am also the ruler of this place. The laws of the Xingtang are judged by me in the Guanzhong Xingtang, and whether I am guilty or not is also judged by me in the Guanzhong Xingtang!

The matter of the Jiang family has been determined, the evidence is conclusive, the smuggling of contraband, contempt for the law of the punishment hall, and the guilt should be punished!

Destroying a Jiang family made Tangkou, the inspector of Jianzhou Prefecture, regain the majesty that belonged to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. This transaction was very cost-effective. "

A smile appeared on Yuchi's face and said, " Brother Chu, I will take your words back and tell Master."

From the moment Chu Xiu said the first sentence, Yuchi knew that Chu Xiu had passed the test. Even if he had not met Guan Siyu, he knew the result.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall now has most of the rules set by Guan Siyu. Compared with Chu Kuangge's personal charm to influence Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Guan Siyu uses severe punishments and rules to lead Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Destroying the Jiang family is only a small matter, and it is only a trivial matter to affect whose interests. The major issue is whether this matter will affect the reputation and interests of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Obviously, Chu Xiu's actions now only deepen the majesty of Guanzhong Punishment Hall in Jianzhou, so his explanation is reasonable and he can pass the test.

Yuchi stood up and smiled and said, "Since that's the case, then there's nothing to do, I'll leave now."

Chu Xiu said, "Why is Brother Yuchi in such a hurry? I've already sent people to prepare food and drinks."

Yuchi shook his head and said, "I have time to drink whenever I want, but this time I came to Kanxi not only to come to you, Brother Chu, but also to the Kanxi Xingtang branch to see Lord Wei Jiuduan. ."

Chu Xiu nodded thoughtfully and sent Yuchi away directly.

He seemed to understand something, and he passed the test, but Wei Jiuduan's face was not good-looking.

On the second day after Yuchi left, Wei Hanshan appeared at the entrance of the inspector's office in Jianzhou.

Slowly stepping into the entrance of the inspector's hall, Wei Hanshan's attitude this time was very confident.

Looking at Chu Xiu, Wei Hanshan sneered: "Chu Xiu, I said at the beginning, this matter is absolutely endless, and now your nonsense behavior has even alarmed the main hall, you can still sit in the position of the inspector. how long?"


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