Meet The Leader

Chapter 169: beat

The Shangzhou Mansion in Weihan Mountain is very close to the Jianzhou Mansion, and Yuchi did not cover his whereabouts when he came to Kansai. Almost as soon as Yuchi arrived at the Jianzhou Mansion, Wei Hanshan had already received the news.

Knowing that Yuchi had come to Jianzhou Mansion in person, Wei Hanshan knew immediately that his anonymous report letter had been successfully delivered to Lord Guan, otherwise Yuchi would not have come to find Chu Xiu in person.

Squinting at Wei Hanshan, Chu Xiu said lightly, "Is it you who is behind the back of Lord Wei Jiuduan and sued me for being black?"

Wei Hanshan sneered and said, "What is the black shape? I don't know anything, you don't want to bite people. It's obviously you who did something wrong and caused such a big disturbance, and that's what disturbed the people in the main hall."

Although he and Chu Xiu were the only two people at the moment, Du Guangzhong and others had retreated because they did not dare to interfere in the affairs between the two inspectors, but Wei Hanshan did not dare to talk nonsense at such a time.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "If you want people to not know, you have to do nothing. Wei Hanshan, now there are only you and me. Is it interesting for you to act with me? Besides, what are you trying to do this time? You are just going to mock me. ?"

Wei Hanshan sat down in front of Chu Xiu and said lightly, "Of course I'm not that boring, I'm just here to discuss a deal with you."

"What deal?"

Wei Hanshan said: "Chu Xiu, the matter you caused this time has already gone to the main hall. Not only will you lose your position as an inspector, you may even be punished by the punishment hall.

Master Guan has always been unselfish, even if you are recommended by Chu Yuansheng to enter the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, it is useless.

I heard that you destroyed the Jiang family, and you got a lot of things from the Jiang family. You must know that if you didn't make trouble secretly, these things from the Jiang family would have been given to me as filial piety.

So now if you are willing to give me all these things, then I can help you. "

"Can you help me block the investigation above and keep my position as inspector?" Chu Xiu asked blankly.

Wei Hanshan sneered: "What you think is quite beautiful, who can stop the people coming down from the main hall?

It's just that my Shangzhou Mansion is adjacent to your Jianzhou Mansion. If someone from the main hall investigates, someone will definitely ask me. All I can help you is not to fall into the trap.

Otherwise, if I say a few bad words to you from it, you will know the consequences, and maybe you will be severely punished by the General Court. "

When Chu Xiu heard the words, he laughed and said, "Wei Hanshan, you should be the one who thinks beautiful. You sued me for being black at Lord Guan, but now you are greedy for what I got from the Jiang family. In the end, the benefits of co-authoring are all yours?"

Wei Hanshan just sneered twice and didn't speak, but his meaning was already obvious, that is, he had already decided on Chu Xiu!

Chu Xiu tapped the table with his hand and said, "If I'm not mistaken, you came here after seeing Yuchi's departure. Now, at Yuchi's speed, he has already set off for the Guanxi branch.

When you return to Shangzhou, you should have received news from Lord Wei.

Wei Hanshan, you are not a fool, but you are an arrogant person. The rules of the punishment hall in Guanzhong are related to the rules of the punishment hall, and the land of Kansai also has the rules of the land of Kanxi. But he has to take things out of the way.

I don't know whether I will be removed from the position of inspector this time, but I know that you will be out of luck soon. "

Wei Hanshan's complexion changed slightly. He only knew that Yuchi came to Jianzhou Mansion in person, but he didn't know what Yuchi said to Chu Xiu. Seeing Chu Xiu's calm appearance, Wei Hanshan suddenly felt that something was wrong.

But it's not right, Wei Hanshan still said in a cold voice: "Chu Xiu, even if you die hard, wait until the people above come down and you will cry!"

Having said that, Wei Hanshan left in a hurry, wanting to return to Jianzhou Mansion to let people inquire about the situation.

Looking at the back of Wei Hanshan leaving, Chu Xiu couldn't help showing a cold light in his eyes.

His foundation in Guanzhong is still shallow, and it can be said that he has just established himself, so Chu Xiu really has no intention of quarrelling with other people except for his own three-thirds of an acre of land.

But it is a pity that he does not embarrass others, but others insist on embarrassing him. Since Wei Hanshan wants to be his enemy, there will be no shortage of all kinds of overt and secret means in the future. After all, in this Kansai land, Wei Hanshan is bigger than him in terms of basic strength and territory.

Of course, Wei Hanshan still has one trouble to deal with right now, and that is Wei Jiuduan's anger.

When Wei Hanshan returned to Shangzhou, Yuchi also came to the Guanxi Xingtang branch.

After seeing Wei Jiuduan, Yu Chi directly smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Master Wei, the land of Kansai has been a little uneasy recently, and some people have already sued Master.

However, the master said that the matter in the land of Kansai still has to be resolved by the land of Kansai. If Mr. Wei can't solve it, then the Headquarters of the Punishment Hall will intervene to solve it. "

Having said that, Yuchi handed the secret letter of complaint to Wei Jiuduan. After reading the contents, Wei Jiuduan's face suddenly turned gloomy.

"Don't worry, this old man will solve this matter. I won't bother Master Guan again, and this kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

Yuchi smiled and said, "That's good, I'll go back and answer Master."

After Yuchi left, Wei Jiuduan angrily threw the dragon-patterned iron gallbladder in his hand to the ground, and immediately blasted the ground into a large pit of several meters.

"Let Wei Hanshan roll over for me!"

Is this anonymous letter written by Wei Hanshan? There is no evidence for Wei Jiuduan, but as the criminal officer in Kansai, does he still need evidence to deal with this kind of thing?

Last time, I took Chu Xiu's bribe and accepted Chu Xiu's allegiance to stand on his side. In the blink of an eye, someone stabbed the matter to the headquarters of the punishment hall, saying that this matter was not done by Wei Hanshan, who would believe it ?

Besides, even if Wei Hanshan really didn't do this thing, it doesn't matter. Wei Jiuduan just wants to find someone to vent his anger. Even if he finds the wrong person, it's enough to beat the other inspectors and let them see the secret tricks. 's fate!

At this time, Wei Hanshan had just returned to the Shangzhou government inspection envoy hall, and he was thinking of sending someone to inquire about the news, when he heard the report from his subordinates that Wei Jiuduan asked him to go to the Guanxi branch.

Hearing this news, Wei Hanshan's heart froze for a moment, and he went to the branch immediately.

At this time, not only Wei Hanshan, but Chu Xiu and several other inspectors also received news in advance and went to the Kansai branch.

In the council hall of the Guanxi Punishment Hall, Chu Xiu and other five inspectors were sitting in the hall, Wei Jiuduan was sitting in the main seat, his face was gloomy as water, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

Wei Hanshan stepped into the conference hall and felt the atmosphere, and he secretly thought that it was not good.

The scene at this time was as if Chu Xiu was questioned by Wei Jiuduan, but this person was replaced by him.

Just as Wei Hanshan was about to say something, he heard Wei Jiuduan's tone cold and said: "I have already made a decision about the Jiang family's annihilation. You can tell me if you are dissatisfied, but you went to the general office behind my back. Tang complain, do you still have me, the torture officer, in your eyes, or is this huge Kansai land that can no longer hold you?"

Wei Hanshan hurriedly said, "Your Excellency is wronged! It's really not me who made the complaint!"

Wei Jiuduan sneered: "Who else could it be if it wasn't you? Well, say it, say it and confront it in court!"

Wei Hanshan just wanted to say something, but then he held back his words. What did he say?

None of the inspectors in the Kansai region are to be provoked. If he clambers and bites others, he is simply courting death.

"Can't tell?"

Wei Jiuduan's expression turned cold, and a powerful momentum suddenly burst out from his body, condensing in the conference hall with a faint golden qi, and rolling towards Wei Han Mountain like the top of Mount Tai.

The bluestone slab on the ground shattered inch by inch under this strong pressure, extending like a straight line to the foot of Wei Hanshan. The strong pressure immediately made Wei Hanshan's complexion turn red, and his body could not help but 'pop'. Kneeled down to the ground.

In fact, Wei Hanshan, a martial artist who condenses the three flowers on the top, can't even stop the aura of a master of the unity of heaven and man.

At the beginning, Chu Xiu used the Dugu Seal in the Nine-Character of Speed ​​and Slowness to resist the Heavenly Sin Rudder Master's Nikong Divine Now even if Wei Hanshan does not have the secret defense technique of the Dugu Seal, it is still worth fighting for it. OK.

But he didn't dare.

Right now Wei Jiuduan is angry, the more he resists, the more anger he will arouse.

Even Wei Hanshan couldn't understand why Wei Jiuduan was so angry and sensitive when he was so sure that he did it without any evidence.

Wei Jiuduan said coldly: "I know what you're thinking, it's nothing more than seeing that I'm old and about to retire, so I won't take me seriously, and I can do whatever I want!

But in this land of Kansai, as long as Lord Guan's order does not come for a day, I will still be the judge in charge of this land of Kansai! "

When Wei Jiuduan said these words, that powerful aura was not only exerted on Wei Hanshan, but also looked at other inspectors, including Chu Xiu, who had just chosen to be loyal to him Wei Jiuduan.

His actions were clearly punishing Wei Hanshan, but he was also beating the other inspectors secretly, telling them that as long as he sat in the position of the punishment officer for a day, he would still be the one who said the land of Kansai. Calculate!

"I can't wait!"

Chu Xiu and the others stood up and saluted in unison.

When Wei Jiuduan heard the words, he put away his aura and said coldly, "I won't say more about whether you dare to know what you should know.

Wei Hanshan, for the sake of you having been with me for many years, I will not take away your position as an inspector this time, but a small punishment and a big commandment, you are in charge of two state capitals, and since then the Chenzhou government will be handed over to Jiang Taoran management. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately looked at Jiang Taoran, who had been silent for a while, with astonished eyes.


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