Meet The Leader

Chapter 171: take refuge

PS: This chapter is a reward for the salted fish who love to eat hot pot.

Chu Xiu was actually a little surprised that the helmsman of Heavenly Sin was able to kill the famous branch of the White Tiger Hall.

Because according to what Chu Xiu thought before, the two sides should be a lose-lose ending or the Tiansin helmsman lost to the enemy and retreated. I did not expect that the Tiansin helmsman, whose realm was at a disadvantage, could actually kill the martial artist of the White Tiger Hall.

At this time, listening to the tone of the Ghost Hand King, he seemed to be a little disdainful of the helmsman's choice to take Chen Qiao to the headquarters alone, but in fact Chu Xiu felt very normal.

There are many capable people in the helm of Tiansin, and the helmsman of Tiansin can find someone to be his confidant at will.

It's just that although these people are strong, they are really not suitable to be trusted confidants.

Yan Bugui is indifferent and withdrawn, and Tang Ya's personality is elusive. Moreover, when the helmsman of Tiansin wanted to find someone to attract firepower as a chess piece, he chose Chu Xiu and Tang Ya. Although the helmsman of Tiansin chose Chu Xiu in the end, But he also listed Tang Ya as one of his targets. I am afraid that there is already a crack in Tang Ya's heart.

The Ghost Hand King and others are either too slick or lacking in strength, so Chen Qiao is really the best choice. Of course, there is also the reason why Chen Qiao is good at stalking horses.

Chu Xiu frowned at the Ghost Hand King and the others and said, "Headmaster Tiansin went to the headquarters after he went to the headquarters, why did you leave the Azure Dragon Society?

In the land of Yandong, there is only one sub-rudder of Tiansin. Although the rudder master of Tiansin is a little less capable, he still manages to build the framework of the sub-rudder of Tiansin. Will Qinglong Club be separated from a rudder of Tiansin? Abolish the rudder of God's crime, right? "

The Ghost Hand King smiled bitterly and said, "The Qinglong Association will of course not abolish the rudder of Heavenly Sin, but the new helmsman brought a lot of killers here, completely filling the helm of Heavenly Sin.

But you should know the principle of one emperor and one courtier. We are all old people who have been divided into rudders in the past, and we still have a disadvantage in terms of quantity and strength. Without a backer, we will naturally be excluded.

You can also see the atmosphere when I was waiting for the helm of Heaven and Crime. There is almost no competition for tasks. As a result, even Tang Ya and Yanbugui often fail to receive tasks for a month.

In this case, what's the point of us continuing to stay in the rudder of God's sin? Even if we switch to other sub-rudders, it is estimated that the situation is similar, so I discussed it with Tang Ya and others, and simply chose to leave the Qinglong Club. The brothers who are willing to leave with us are only now. "

Chu Xiu suddenly asked: "I'm afraid the price of leaving the Azure Dragon Society is not low, right?"

The Qinglong Association is not a shantang, but a killer organization. It is easy to join and difficult to quit.

Like some other martial arts sects, if you want to quit the sect, you will either become an abandoned disciple who is shouted and hunted down, or you will return your cultivation base to the sect. It is almost rare to be able to quit the sect with all your tails. .

This is the case with normal martial arts sects, not to mention the Qinglonghui, which acts as an evil sect.

The Ghost Hand King was silent for a moment and said, "I am not considered an important member of the Blue Dragon Society, and the new helmsman is also a little unhappy with me, and wants to kick us away, so there is not much embarrassment for us.

But even so, we all took the initiative to swallow the Gu worms, and swore that we would not reveal any information and secrets about the Azure Dragon Society.

And we have taken out almost one-third of our mission rewards over the years, and the sub-rudder side has allowed us to leave safely. "

Hearing the Ghost Hand King say this, Chu Xiu was also a little surprised. The price they paid was quite a lot.

Not to mention one-third of all quest rewards, the Ghost Hand King and others are bleeding profusely.

And that Gu worm is also a strange being born in the land of Miaojiang. After making an oath, as long as the oath is violated, it will be eaten by the worm and die. It is very vicious, unless the person who swallows the worm can cultivate. In the second realm of the three realms of concentration, the realm of real fire refining the gods, and the real fire in the body can be evolved with the martial arts and real pills, only then can the Gu worms be completely burned.

"Then why did you come to me this time?" Chu Xiu seemed to have a faint sense of why the Ghost Hand King and the others came to him.

Hearing Chu Xiu's question, the Ghost Hand King said with a solemn expression, "I have been waiting to join the Azure Dragon Society for many years, and now I have left the Azure Dragon Society, but I don't want to hang out on the rivers and lakes.

Those of us who were born in the Azure Dragon Society are definitely the top ones in the means of killing people, but because we have to perform tasks all year round, we don't have much time to retreat and think about the realm, so the speed of cultivation is slower.

Leaving the Qinglong Club this time, all we want is a safe place to live.

Master Chu, you and we are old friends. Even if we were involved in chasing and killing you in the past, it was a helpless move.

To be honest, this time we came here to join you. We don’t have the skills of Mr. Chu. We can become inspectors directly by joining the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, so as long as you give us the identities of ordinary arresters and arresters, we will are satisfied.

We are all acquaintances. I believe you, Master Chu, know our strength. We dare not say that we are stronger than these warriors from Guanzhong's punishment hall, but at least they will not hold you back. "

This decision was made by the Ghost Hand King and others after thinking for a long time after leaving the Azure Dragon Society.

They are all elite assassins of the Azure Dragon Society. To put it arrogantly, the Ghost Hand King and others are still a little arrogant. They have been killers for so many years. .

So after leaving the Qinglong Club, they also thought about a lot of places, but either they despised others, or they despised them because of their background.

As for parting ways and going to the rivers and lakes to become a loose cultivator, they are not willing to be so casual.

At this moment, they occasionally heard merchants from Guanzhong talking about the tragic destruction of the Jiang family in the Jianzhou prefecture in Guanxi. It's not good to mix up later.

The Ghost Hand King and others immediately went to inquire after hearing the words, and only then did they know that the new inspector they were talking about, Chu Xiu, was actually their colleague in the Azure Dragon Society.

When they first learned the news, the Ghost Hand King and others couldn't slow down, and even they were still a little unclear about Xio's identity.

This fellow turned from a killer of the Qinglong Society to a member of the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army in Dongqi. The Ghost Hand King and others thought he had returned to Dongqi, but in the blink of an eye, he became the inspector of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall again. What's going on?

However, doubts turned into doubts. After learning about the inspector's own power and status, the Ghost Hand King came up with an idea, that is, to join Chu Xiu and join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall!

This was not a whim of the Ghost Hand King, but a decision he made after much consideration.

Without knowing his origins in Guanzhong, even Chu Xiu could become an inspector. Naturally, these killers who were also born in the Azure Dragon Society were not a big deal.

And when it comes to their own influence, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is stronger than the Qinglong Association, so joining the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not a humiliation for them.

The most important thing is that there is an acquaintance like Chu Xiu in the Guanzhong execution hall.

At the Qinglong Club, they had worked with Chu Xiu for so long, and they could be considered to have a better understanding of Chu Xiu's person, and their ability and strength were impeccable.

The most important thing is that Chu Xiu is not an extremely egoistic person like the helmsman of Tiansin. If he can tolerate other people, it is better to be under Chu Xiu's command than to follow a boss like the helmsman of Tiansin.

Therefore, when the Ghost Hand King told other people about this matter, he was immediately recognized by most of them.

For the warriors in the inner astral realm like the Ghost Hand King, Chu Xiu's ability and strength are stronger than them. They already have a clear understanding of this in the Qinglong Association, even Huo Nu and Wolf King. The killers also mainly focus on Chu Xiu when they perform their tasks, so they have no psychological burden or dissatisfaction when they are under Chu Xiu's command and become their subordinates.

What really had some problems was that Tang Ya and Yan did not return.

Like Chu Xiu, they are in the outer astral realm, and everyone's status was on an equal footing at the Azure Dragon Meeting. They were all fifth-level killers. Now they can be willing to be Chu Xiu's subordinates?

However, after the Ghost Hand King and others Ya and Yanbugui didn't have any opinion after thinking about it, and they all agreed with the Ghost Hand King's proposal.

What Yan Bugui thought was very simple, as long as he could kill people and give him cultivation resources, it would be the same everywhere.

As for Tang Ya, what he thought, even the Ghost Hand King couldn't guess.

The King of Ghost Hands cupped his hands at Chu Xiu with a serious look: "Master Chu, to put it bluntly, this time we are here to defect to you.

If you agree, we will work together again, respecting you as master.

If you don't agree, the old love will still be there, we will not continue to entangle, and we will not talk nonsense about the things you did at the Qinglong Meeting. The right to choose is with you, Master Chu. "

The Ghost Hand King is a very interesting person. He used to call Chu Xiu by his name when he was at the Qinglong Meeting, but now that he has decided to rely on Chu Xiu, he naturally has to correct his own position.

The title 'Adult' has proved the current position and thoughts of the Ghost Hand King.

Looking at these people in the Qinglong Society, a smile appeared on the corner of Chu Xiu's mouth, and he cupped his hands: "Since you all look down on me, Chu Xiu, and come to Guanzhong to join my command, I, Chu Xiu, will naturally not be hypocritical. .

In the past, we worked together at the Qinglong Association. You know my Chuxiu's character and way of doing things. You will not fail me, and I will not fail you. What you can get under my hands is definitely better than that at the Qinglong Association. time, more! "

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, the Ghost Hand King and others all bowed and said, "I have seen Master Chu!"

At this time, even the withdrawn and indifferent Yanbugui bowed his hands, but did not speak, but this could already show his attitude.


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