Meet The Leader

Chapter 172: Tentative

The Ghost Hand King and others came to seek refuge from the Azure Dragon Society, which was definitely a surprise to Chu Xiu.

The Ghost Hand King and others wanted to find a new place to live, so why didn't Chu Xiu need a group of powerful and reliable subordinates?

To be honest, the people under Chu Xiu's command are far from satisfactory in terms of strength and reliability.

Liu Chengli and Qin Fang's strengths are barely enough, but they are both old people in Guanzhong's torture hall, they are more slick, and they always like to stay in the front line of things.

And Du Guangzhong is better, but he is a bit pedantic and can't do great things.

The most important of these three people were all threatened by Chu Xiu before they joined his subordinates, and it was inevitable that they would have other thoughts in their hearts.

Maybe when Chu Xiu showed absolute crushing strength or when his own power became stronger, these people would truly be loyal to Chu Xiu, but now, Chu Xiu never thought that they would be with him.

Moreover, Chu Xiu, the other strength of catching the head and catching the fast, is actually not so satisfied.

Perhaps he was used to being in contact with the killers of the Qinglong Society. In Chu Xiu's cognition, only the neat and neat way of killing the killers of the Qinglong Society could be regarded as the real elites. Various traces infer the information of the murderer, etc. In terms of the means of killing, they are not as good as the Qinglonghui killers.

At present, the arrival of the Ghost Hand King and others can completely make up for the combat effectiveness of Chu Xiu's subordinates, but it can make the strength of Chu Xiu's subordinates skyrocket.

Chu Xiu said to the Ghost Hand King and the others: "Today, you will find a place to stay first. I will send someone to pick you up tomorrow morning, and then I will officially let you join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall."

The strengths of the Ghost Hand King and others are in the three realms of innate, inner and outer, and the positions Chu Xiu can give them are only ordinary Jianghu head and fast capture, so he is qualified to appoint himself, even not It needs Wei Jiuduan's consent.

Tomorrow, I just need to introduce the ghost hand king and others to the people at the entrance of the Jianzhou inspector, and then register their identities in the book, and send them to the Kansai Xingtang branch for records and backups.

In the end, Chu Xiu said again: "You are all newcomers. After you join the Jianzhou Inspector Tangkou tomorrow, it is easy to encounter some things. You may need to show your strength at that time."

The Ghost Hand King smiled and said: "We know the rules, not only in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but also in any place."

When you first arrived, who would take you seriously if you don’t have the strength? This kind of thing happened in the past when Chu Xiu just joined the Qinglong Club, and now it was their turn.

In the early morning of the second day, the entire inspector, Tangkou, was discussing the incident that Tangkou had been infiltrated at night. After a trip to the hall, Chu Xiu has something to explain to them.

When Du Guangzhong and others came to the conference hall, they were surprised to find that there were five people sitting in the conference hall, including both inside and outside.

Chu Xiu introduced: "These are my friends from the Qinglong Society in the past. Because of the internal struggle of the Azure Dragon Society, I chose to leave the Azure Dragon Society. At this time, there is nowhere to go. Jianghu catcher, and more than 30 other people also joined me in the inspection hall of the Jianzhou government."

Chu Xiu pointed at Du Guangzhong and the other three and said, "These three are the veterans of my Jianzhou government inspection envoy Tangkou, Du Guangzhong, Liu Chengli and Qin Fang. From now on, everyone will be colleagues. Now let's get to know each other. Collaborate well in the future.”

As Chu Xiu's words came out, Du Guangzhong and the other three all showed vigilance and resistance in their eyes.

It is a good thing for the Jianzhou government inspector to make Tangkou's power bigger and stronger, but it is not necessarily a good thing for them to suddenly appear so many masters.

At present, most of the affairs of Tangkou, the inspector of the Jianzhou government, are in charge of them, but now there are so many people suddenly appearing, will they seize their power?

Naturally, they couldn't stop Chu Xiu from appointing someone to be the head of the rivers and lakes, but that didn't mean they wouldn't express their opinions on this matter.

Liu Chengli said with a smile: "Since you are the former friends of Lord Chu, and all of you are from the Qinglong Association, then this strength must be very profound.

With your participation, the power of Tangkou, the inspector of the Jianzhou government, will definitely increase greatly. This cup of tea respects all of you, and I hope to take care of you in the future. "

When the words fell, Liu Chengli suddenly waved his hand and made a gesture of toasting tea, but the qi in his whole body burst out in his hands, and the tea cup came out of his hands and slammed into the ghost hand king and others.

But when the teacup was approaching, the lid was suddenly opened, and the tea was shot at the Ghost Hand King and the others like a sharp arrow under the turbulent air.

Tang Ya took a step forward and waved with one hand. The speed was so fast that people couldn't even see the trajectory, but the wisps of qi wrapped the tea without leaking, like a net pocket, and sent the tea back to the teacup. In the middle, he easily took the cup and took a sip of tea. Tang Ya said with a smile, "Thank you, Mr. Liu. Actually, we should be the ones who need to be taken care of."

Seeing Tang Ya's understatement, Liu Chengli's expression suddenly became solemn.

He didn't dare to do too much in front of Chu Xiu, so he just tested the other party, wanting to pour tea on the other party and make the other party embarrassed.

But who would have thought that the other party had shown the terrifying power of qi control.

Although this level of control over Gang Qi does not represent his own strength, it can also prove that the strength of the person in front of him is absolutely extraordinary.

At this time, Yan Bugui, who had not spoken all the time, took off the giant sword behind him and placed it on the ground lightly.

This seems to be an understatement, but the result is that the ground shakes like an earthquake, but the ground does not have the slightest crack. This move makes Du Guangzhong and others face a slight change.

This hand is more intuitive than the control of Gang Qi shown by Tang Ya, but the control of power shown by Yan Bugui!

Lifting weights is easy, lifting heavy is difficult.

Yan Bugui's control of power has reached the point where it is easy to control the strength, and it does not hurt the ground and makes the ground move. Now if his sword is slashed on the tofu, it can make the tofu not hurt at all, and the slate or even the iron under the tofu will be shattered. plate!

Liu Chengli and the other three looked at each other and didn't speak again.

At this level, there is no need to test. It is worthy of being a killer who used to be a Qinglonghui. Not to mention, his own strength is indeed the best of the same rank martial artist, which also gave them some pressure.

In the past, they were the dominant family under Chu Xiu, not to mention slack, but at least there was no pressure, because other than them, Chu Xiu was also unavailable.

As a result, these people from the Azure Dragon Society are now acquaintances with Chu Xiu, and they are no longer the only ones.

Looking at the people on both sides below, Chu Xiu did not make a direct statement.

There are differences between the subordinates, competition is a good thing, and harmony or a pool of stagnant water is a big taboo.

Of course, he wouldn't be as stupid as the helmsman of Heaven's Sin, deliberately provoking his subordinates, deliberately dividing, and that is purely courting death.

Looking at the people below, Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Okay, don't test each other. Because the ghost hand king and others are new to the scene, they will not directly manage the affairs of the inspector's hall. They are not familiar with it, nor do they understand it, so For the time being, it will be under my direct management.”

Hearing Chu Xiu's words, Du Guangzhong and the others let out a sigh of relief.

But Chu Xiu then said: "It's just that the people under my command, Chu Xiu, don't care about qualifications, they only need strength. Right now, the power of my Jianzhou government inspector, Tangkou, has soared, and the demand has soared, and it's time for the event. Whether it is cultivation resources or the power in my hands, I will not give you these directly, but rely on you to grab them and grab them yourself.

Whoever has the ability will be in the upper position, simple and direct, fair and just. isn't it? "

Du Guangzhong and the others immediately stood up and cupped their hands when they heard the words: "Yes, my lord!"

As long as Chu Xiu is not partial, they are really not afraid to compete directly with the people of the Azure Dragon Society.

The assassins of the Azure Dragon Society are indeed the elites among the elites, but the warriors in the punishment hall are not bad either.

Besides, this is the Guanzhong Punishment These people from the Qinglong Society have just arrived, and they are definitely not as familiar as they are. Here, not only killing people can solve everything.

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice: "Old Du, you take people to Jianzhou Mansion and post to all the local martial arts forces that are on the table. Three days later, at noon, I will invite them to a banquet at the Fengming Building of Jianzhou Mansion. The head of the patriarch of each faction came in person. Of course, it’s okay to not come, and the consequences are left to their own imagination.”

Du Guangzhong and others nodded when they heard the words, they had already imagined this.

Tangkou, the inspector of Jianzhou Prefecture, has already established his own majesty in Jianzhou Prefecture, and this majesty is built on the premise of the Jiang family's annihilation.

Normally, these local martial arts forces should come to worship the mountain gate after the Jiang family's annihilation, but because of the Jiang family's annihilation, Chu Xiu's actions were a little more intense, which stimulated these sect families and gave them some The psychology of conflict, so this did not come.

Since they didn't come, Chu Xiu had no choice but to take the initiative.

At present, Chu Xiu has been in retreat for a month, and he seems to be very low-key, but in fact, he is just sharpening his knife.

Now the knife has been sharpened sharply, and he just caught up with the ghost hand king and others to come to flee, which is even more a surprise to Chu Xiu, the strength of his own men has skyrocketed, and it is time to lay down the knife !

Following Chu Xiu's order, Du Guangzhong immediately asked his subordinates to send the news to the major sects and aristocratic families.

It's just that after these sect families received the news, they didn't decide whether to go or not for the first time. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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