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Chapter 173: Hongmen Banquet

There are more than ten small towns in Jianzhou Mansion, including dozens of martial arts forces.

But to be able to get on the table, at least there must be a martial artist from the Outer Astral Realm. There are about twelve or three martial arts forces, and their strength is not too weak.

The previous Jianzhou Mansion was only weak in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but it did not mean that the local martial arts in Jianzhou Prefecture were weak.

The Jiang family is one of the top martial forces in Jianzhou Mansion, but Chu Xiu did not hesitate to destroy it some time ago. This made the other martial arts forces in Jianzhou Mansion feel a little scared at the same time. The memories in their hearts could not help but be remembered by them.

In the past, when Guan Siyu just took over the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, outsiders said that he was unselfish and unsympathetic, and even his own disciples said that if they said they were abolished, they would kill them.

But it should be noted that this is just Guan Siyu's treatment of his own people. He is so strict with his own people. Can he still be merciful to outsiders?

In the past, when Guan Siyu just took over the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, in order to stabilize the order of the Guanzhong land, he killed a lot of people and destroyed a lot of sects, until he killed a lot of people who dared not violate the rules of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. just give up.

Right now, Chu Xiu's ruthless means of doing things is quite a bit like the old Guan Siyu.

In the Luo family of Luocheng, the heads of the twelve major powers of the Jianzhou government gathered here.

The Luo family was a big family on the same level as the Jiang family in the past. The Jiang family was known as Jiang Bancheng in Qicheng, and the Luo family was not to mention in Luocheng. Even Luocheng was established because of the existence of the Luo family. of.

At this time, in a secret room of the Luo family, there were twelve people from the major powers of the Jianzhou government.

The ancestors of the Luo family also have the cultivation of the Three Flowers Gathering Realm. Although they are also old, they are not as old as the ancestors of the Jiang family. The power of the Luo family is also in the hands of the ancestors of the Luo family.

At this time, there were twelve people in the conference hall, and as a result, these twelve people were either sitting there with their eyes on their noses, their noses on their mouths, and did not say a word. Or just drink tea there, as if the Luo family's tea is some kind of delicacy.

The ancestor of the Luo family was dressed in black brocade with moiré patterns. Although his hair was a little gray, he was neat and meticulous.

Seeing the appearance of everyone present, the ancestor of the Luo family couldn't help frowning: "I said everyone, it was you who proposed to find a place to discuss this matter first, but now my Luo family has provided such an opportunity and place, the result is You didn't say anything, so what does this mean?"

Hearing what the ancestor of the Luo family said, the people present began to discuss in a low voice. At this time, a middle-aged scholar dressed as a literati stood up and cupped his hands: "Everyone, you have all seen Chu Xiu's behavior. , ruthless, ruthless, completely cruel official style, no rules and rationale at all.

Don't say that Jiang's family did it, we have done it too, don't be too busy to shirk it, who would dare to say that you have not violated the rules of the punishment hall in the dark?

That's how Chu Xiu treated the Jiang family, let alone us, so this time when Chu Xiu invited us to a banquet, most of the banquets were not good ones. "

The scribe who spoke was Cheng Gongtai, the suzerain of the Shenyu Sect of Jianzhou Prefecture, who was best at speed-like movements and had a cultivation of the outer astral realm.

Hearing what Cheng Gongtai said, a rough-looking black-clothed strong man also scratched his head and said, "Old Cheng's words make sense, this Chu Xiu simply has no good intentions!

Look at the time when he asked us to have a banquet, which happened to be noon. Who would choose such an unlucky time for a treat? What did he want to do, behead us all at noon? "

This black-clothed and strong man Dou Weihu is the head of the Heiyan Hall in Jianzhou Prefecture. Although it is only an outer gang, but the physical cultivation base is extremely terrifying, and a horizontally alchemy body can resist the treasure soldiers.

At this time, after listening to Dou Weihu's words, some people echoed: "Yes, this Chu Xiu didn't wait for our meeting after destroying the Jiang family, this time it is estimated that he will take action in person, and what will be waiting for us is Sword or wine and vegetables are unknown!"

As these two people spoke, the people present began to discuss again, which was much more lively than before.

It's just that this time everyone is more like chatting and bragging. After talking for a long time, no one said one, two, three, four or five about what to do.

Seeing this chaotic scene, the ancestor of the Luo family shouted directly: "Shut up! Everyone gathers together to think of ideas, not to chat.

Right now, these sects in my Jianzhou Mansion are all under the pressure of Lord Chu Xiu. When we go to the banquet this time, what attitude should we use to face that Lord Chu Xiu, and even whether we are going? Or not, everyone, come up with a charter. "

Everyone looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, but no one spoke.

In the end, Dou Weihu of Heiyantang sneered and said, "You guys are too cowardly, what is there to discuss about this kind of thing, since the other party is the Hongmen Banquet, why don't we go?

Even if Chu Xiu is more domineering, can he still shoot at us because we don't go to the banquet? It is true that a martial arts force can't stop the Jianzhou government's inspection envoy, but what if our entire Jianzhou government's martial arts forces are united? I don't believe that he, Chu Xiu, dares to turn us all back! "

Those who were present in the martial arts force nodded, and what Dou Weihu said still had some truth.

The land of Guanzhong is not the chaotic place of the past, and there are still rules.

Chu Xiu can be strong or domineering, but he can't do anything wrong.

If he dared to force the entire Jianzhou government's martial arts forces to turn against him, this kind of thing would definitely disturb the main hall.

At that time, Chu Xiu will definitely not be able to eat and walk around. This kind of thing is no longer something that Wei Jiuduan can suppress.

It's just that everyone discussed for a long time, but they still didn't discuss the reason. Even in the end, they didn't even discuss whether they should go to the banquet at Chu Xiu's invitation after three days. Their own minds go away.

After everyone left, the ancestor of the Luo family rubbed his eyebrows tiredly. Several warriors from the main generation of the Luo family came out, and one of them asked, "Ancestor, have you discussed the results?"

The ancestor of the Luo family snorted coldly when he heard the words: "Negotiate a fart!

Even if these idiots have reached this point, they still have their own calculations. No one has a lot of calculations in their hearts. Without the knife on their neck, it is impossible to join together!

Shuzi is insufficiency and conspiracy, if my Luo family really joins forces with these idiots, I am afraid that they will die faster! "

"Then Chu Xiu invited us to go or go out this time?" the warrior asked.

The ancestor of the Luo family said lightly: "Of course we are going, why not?

The Jiang family has actually done the first bird with a gun, so naturally my Luo family can't do the second one.

Let's see, then we just need to look at Chu Xiu's attitude and follow the pandemic.

In the past, the Jiang family took the line of Wei Jiuduan, vigorously developed their business and their own power, and even had the momentum of the first family in Jianzhou. Do you still want to learn from the Jiang family?

Remember, the first is not so easy to play, and the second is also the same.

Therefore, our Luo family does not seek first or second, but only needs to be third and fourth, so that we can live longer. "

Several of the Luo family's warriors nodded their heads. The Luo family's power is still in the hands of the Luo family's ancestors. Whatever the ancestors said, no matter whether they understood it or not, it would be right to write it down first.

Three days later, in Fengming Building, Chu Xiu directly contracted Fengming Building, the largest restaurant in Jianzhou City, and the banquet was held on the sixth floor of Fengming Building.

The land of Guanzhong is located in the center of the Three Kingdoms, so this food also has the style of the Three Kingdoms.

As the inspector of Jianzhou Prefecture, Chu Xiu is also a small local force in Jianzhou City behind this Fengming Building. This time, in order to please Chu Xiu, he has also put forth a lot of effort, and put all the delicacies on top.

On the main seat, Chu Xiu had already come here early, and there were twelve positions below him. Before it was noon, people from various martial arts forces came one after another.

Those who came first were the weaker martial arts forces. They didn't think so much, they just didn't want to offend Chu Xiu more.

The ancestor of the Luo family was the fourth to come in. Although he had the cultivation of the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, he still took the initiative to greet Chu Xiu: "Master Chu is indeed a young and handsome man on the Dragon and Tiger List, and he is indeed outstanding. Young and promising."

The ancestor of the Luo family used to be an old acquaintance with the ancestor of the Jiang family. The two sides had cooperated and fought against each other, so he was quite familiar with the strength of the ancestor of the Jiang family.

He is being so polite to Chu Xiu now, not only because of Chu Xiu's status, but also because Chu Xiu has the strength to kill the ancestors of the Jiang family. Based on this, the two sides can be on an equal footing.

Chu Xiu said with a smile: "Master Luo is very polite, you are a senior in Jianghu, please give me more advice in the future."

The ancestor of the Luo family smiled and said: "It's easy to talk, I believe that the Jianzhou Mansion will definitely be more brilliant in the future under the leadership of Master Chu."

The two were hypocritically touting each other here, and many other martial arts forces also came one after another.

Shen Yuzong Cheng Gongtai, who clamored for Chu Xiu's unkindness before, came, as well as Dou Weihu from Heiyantang.

Seeing Dou Weihu walk in, the rest of the people cursed at the reckless man in their hearts and looked at the rude man, but they actually thought the most.

Back in the Luo family, Dou Weihu was still saying that Chu Xiu was a Hongmen banquet, he would not come and so on, but now you yourself have come obediently?

If that idiot really listened to Dou Weihu's words and didn't come, then the other party would be really conspicuous, and at that time it was estimated that he would become Chu Xiu's primary target. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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