Meet The Leader

Chapter 174: Get out!

ps: This chapter is for the reward of the villain's leader _Ω_.

There are a total of twelve martial arts forces that can be invited by Chu Xiu, and they are almost all the martial arts forces that can be used in the entire Jianzhou government.

It's just that the twelve seats were not full at this time, and one person did not come.

The expressions of everyone present were a little strange. The person who did not come was from the Gao family in Wencheng, and his strength was not strong. Among the martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture, they could only be ranked at the bottom.

They didn't expect that this Gao family's people were so tough, and he really didn't come in the face of Chu Xiu's invitation.

Chu Xiu's complexion did not change at all. After noon, before anyone arrived, Chu Xiu said directly: "Remove the position for me."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, a small arrester came over immediately and took the chair away.

Looking at the people present, Chu Xiu smiled and said: "Since I took over the inspection of the Jianzhou government, this is the first time I have met with you, so I will give you a toast first."

Just when Chu Xiu just picked up the wine glass, a middle-aged warrior wearing a blue brocade suddenly walked in outside, and he had a cultivation of the outer astral realm. Wencheng is a bit far away from Jianzhou City, so I am late, please forgive me, Lord Chu."

After Chu Xiu put it down, he looked at the head of the Gao family, and said lightly, "Is it late? Well, find a place to sit down."

The head of the Gao family hurriedly wanted to be seated, but was stunned to find that there was no place for him on the wine table. He couldn't help but smiled awkwardly and said, "Master Chu, there is no place left."

Chu Xiu's complexion sank instantly, and he said coldly: "Since you know that your position is gone, then don't get out!"

The face of the head of the Gao family changed: "Master Chu, what do you mean? I'm just a little late, so you don't show me face like this? You're even bigger than the torture officer!"

Chu Xiu said in a cold voice, "I don't like people being late, and I personally invited you to dinner. I've already given you enough face. Now that you're late, you're throwing this face away yourself.

You can be late for my banquet, which proves that you don't take me, Chu Xiu, in your eyes, and want a place for something shameless? Get me out! "

Chu Xiu's words made the face of the Gao family's patriarch turn red.

How could he be the head of the family, and was ranked among so many martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture, but now he was so humiliated by Chu Xiu in front of everyone, how could he come down to power?

So the head of the Gao family pointed directly at Chu Xiu and shouted: "Chu Xiu! Don't go too far! You must know..."

It's just that before his words were finished, Chu Xiu's figure moved, and in an instant, he appeared in front of the head of the Gao family.

Executing evil and subduing demons is invincible!

The golden qi shone in the council hall, and everyone present did not expect that Chu Xiu would suddenly take action, not even the head of the Gao family.

When this majestic seal appeared in front of his eyes, the Patriarch of the Gao family slammed his palm out, his qi burst out, and wanted to resist.

Although Chu Xiu's current realm has not reached the pinnacle of the Outer Astral Realm, his strength is already capable of crushing the same level of warriors.

Among the warriors of the same rank, the only ones who can fight against him are the direct disciples of the strong like Yuchi, or Tang Ya, who is also born in the Azure Dragon Society and has extremely strong fighting power.

And the current Gao family patriarch obviously can't reach this level, his strength is not even as good as Du Guangzhong and other rivers and lakes.

The power of the Nine-Character Art of Speed ​​and Slowness is extremely powerful, and the Great Diamond Wheel Seal, as the most aggressive and domineering style of the Nine-Character Art, is not something that the Gao Family Patriarch can easily resist.

When the seal of Chu Xiu fell, the golden qi burst out in an instant, shrouding the Patriarch of the Gao family in it.

After a fierce explosion of gang qi sounded, everyone could clearly hear the sound of a bone crack, and the Patriarch of the Gao family twisted his arms into a twist, vomited blood, and flew upside down, lying on the ground for life and death I don't know.

Seeing Chu Xiu's move, everyone present immediately held their breath and didn't say a word, not even the ancestor of the Luo family and two other warriors with the Three Flowers Gathering Realm cultivation base did not speak.

They have already heard about Chu Xiu's combat power, but now seeing that Chu Xiu has abolished a warrior of the same rank in one move, and the life and death of beating him is unknown, this terrifying combat power still makes them horrified. .

And this time, it was the Gao family's patriarch who was courting his own death. Chu Xiu tried to teach him a lesson. No one could say anything, and naturally no one came forward for him.

Wencheng is far from Jianzhou, but it is not so far away that it can't be reached in three days.

The head of the Gao family may have really planned not to come, but they were worried, so they went to Jianzhou City ahead of time and waited at the door of the restaurant, wanting to see who could not come. If the masters of the Luo family's ancestor level didn't come, he would just leave.

Therefore, the Gao family head has been guarding the door all the time, and at the end he found out that everyone has already come, and his actions are not clever, but really stupid.

Thinking of this, the head of the Gao family wanted to come in in a hurry, but it was already too late, and Chu Xiu directly removed his position.

There is only one chance, and the face is only given once. The head of the Gao family didn't grasp it, so no one else could blame him.

"Throw this idiot to me, don't disturb everyone's interest in drinking."

Chu Xiu gave an order, and immediately someone carried down the half-dead Gao Patriarch.

As soon as Chu Xiu stretched out his hand, the Ghost Hand King personally held a white towel and handed it to Chu Xiu, turned around, Chu Xiu wiped the blood on his hands, and showed a smile: "Everyone, the topic continues, don't be because of one An idiot's interruption is bad interest."

Picking up the wine glass, Chu Xiu said, "It's the same sentence, this glass of wine is to be respected first."

When the words fell, Chu Xiu drank the wine in the cup directly.

The same is true for everyone else, who has learned from the past, but now no one dares not give Chu Xiu face.

Next, Chu Xiu continued: "This second glass of wine is for Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

The land of Guanzhong is located in the gap between the Three Kingdoms. You can count the history. Which place like this has always been miserable and covered by war all day long?

Now that you have been able to live so well, Guanzhong Xingtang has contributed greatly, so this second cup must be respected in Guanzhong Xingtang. "

Chu Xiu said what he said in such a high-sounding manner, and everyone didn't say anything, and they all drank together.

Filling up the wine in front of him, Chu Xiu said, "This third cup, you shouldn't be in a hurry to drink it. It won't be too late to drink it after talking about things."

Everyone present looked at each other, and the meat scene was finally here. What exactly Chu Xiu wanted to do would only be known now.

Looking at the people present, Chu Xiu said solemnly: "The land in Guanzhong connects the three kingdoms, although the smuggling business is not allowed by the punishment hall, you must have already done a lot, and you should earn a lot of money. ?"

The expressions of everyone present changed suddenly. This is the unspoken rule of the land in Guanzhong. In Guanzhong, any martial arts force has done this kind of thing overtly and secretly. The difference is that some people do more and some do less.

But no matter how much, it's always a bit inappropriate to say this kind of thing in broad daylight.

So everyone just wanted to say something, but was blocked by Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Everyone, everyone here is my own people now, so I don't need to cover up. I, Chu Xiu, and Fang Zhengyuan, the former inspector, are different. I am actually a good talker.

Life is alive, power and power, fame and beauty, or the richest in the world, dominating one side, these are all pursued by everyone, follow their own desires and desires, and don't be ashamed. "

The martial arts in Guanzhong have never been the right way, but they are also not the evil way. Now that Chu Xiu's words are so straightforward, they still make them a little uncomfortable.

Chu Xiu continued: "At the moment, all the smuggling business in Jianzhou Prefecture is under your control, so what you have is wealth, and what I have as the inspector of Jianzhou Prefecture is power.

The combination of the two can definitely get more things than now, so this third glass of I respect the cooperation with you. After drinking this glass of wine, everyone will be friends. Make a fortune together, together, look to the money. "

Chu Xiu put the wine glass on the table and looked around at everyone present.

The expressions of everyone present changed slightly. They looked at each other, and the ancestor of the Luo family coughed and asked, "I don't know what kind of cooperation Mr. Chu said about cooperation?"

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "It's very simple, your smuggling business is basically a mess right now, in my opinion, everyone is playing their own way, secretly, and there is no order at all.

If the two of us cooperate, we need to re-plan our respective businesses. For example, the Luo family only makes minerals, the Shenyu Sect only makes medicine pills, and Heiyantang makes weapons.

Both parties control one side of the business, avoid conflicts with each other, directly monopolize, lower the purchase price externally, and raise the price externally. As long as the other party wants to do business in Jianzhou, they must abide by the rules here. As a result, won't your income increase? "

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone present suddenly lit up. Can smuggling be like this?

Right now, the smuggling business in Jianzhou Mansion is indeed as Chu Xiu said, and the overall situation is rather chaotic.

Why are these twelve martial arts forces not united? It's not because they have a lot of friction of interests, and they often shoot or even kill each other.

If it is done according to what Chu Xiu said, everyone unites together and monopolizes a business, and it is indeed possible to avoid this situation, and this method also has great benefits for the inside and outside. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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