Meet The Leader

Chapter 175: Toast, do not eat, eat and drink fine

PS: This chapter is for the reward of the villain's leader _Ω_.

The smuggling business in Jianzhou Mansion is actually no different from other places in Guanzhong. They are all a mess, both inside and outside.

If they are united, they can lower the purchase price and then raise the price as Chu Xiu said.

At present, most of the caravans from the Three Kingdoms in Guanzhong came to Guanzhong in a hurry, and then sold the contraband in their hands to the local local snakes, and they hid them, so as to avoid being discovered by the people in the punishment hall in Guanzhong. .

In the past, there was no fixed price for these smuggled contraband. The foreign merchants offered the price, and the local martial arts forces bought it. If the price you quoted was too low, those merchants from other countries would not be able to find other forces.

The same is true of these martial arts forces who bought some smuggled contraband and then sold them out. The price should not be too expensive, otherwise, it would be a big deal to find other families. Anyway, there are more than ten martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture.

And if they do as Chu Xiu said, they can completely lower the price to the extreme, and at the same time raise the price to the extreme, by that time their income may really be doubled.

Of course, it is impossible to exaggerate whether it is to lower or raise it. Otherwise, those businessmen in other countries are not idiots. The big deal is to travel for a while and go to other state capitals to trade.

At this time, those present were thinking about how many times their profits could be doubled by doing this according to Chu Xiu, only the ancestor of the Luo family asked first: "Master Chu, we have all seen the benefits of what you said, doing this, What do you want from us?"

Chu Xiu glanced at the ancestor of the Luo family, and then slowly said: "I said, now I have the power, and you have money, so what I want is money.

As a martial artist, which of the various cultivation resources can’t be bought with money? And these brothers of my Jianzhou government inspector should also start eating meat.

After you and I cooperate, I will send my subordinates into your family, not interfere with your business, and only count your income. From now on, 20% of each of your income will be mine. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was in an uproar, looking at Chu Xiu like a ghost.

They had heard before that this Chu Xiu was extremely greedy when he treated the Jiang family. It could be called a lion's big mouth. As soon as he came up, he asked for one-tenth of the Jiang family's property. It's really big, this time I didn't ask for the family property, but directly asked for 20% of their business!

The family property is given at one time, and 20% of the income from this business is to exploit them all the time. How can these people endure this?

Cheng Gongtai of Shenyu Sect immediately stood up and said: "Master Chu, you want 20% of our business with this opening, why? Just rely on your idea just now? I'm afraid this is too much?"

Chu Xiu turned the wine glass in his hand and said lightly: "That idea is just an extra gift from me, the more money you make, the more my income will be.

As for why I want 20% of your income, I have made it very clear before. You have money, but I have the right. "

Chu Xiu looked up at Cheng Gongtai, and a cold and gloomy aura rushed towards his face, causing Cheng Gongtai to shiver.

"Don't forget where this is. There are some businesses that I let you do, and you can do it. I won't let you do it, and you can't even get a single copper plate!"

Everyone present looked at Chu Xiu, and it was only now that they saw Chu Xiu's domineering.

Mingli is the cooperation between the two parties, and Chu Xiu gets 20% of the income, but now they understand that the so-called 20% income is just protection fees!

By handing over 20% of the income, they can carry out smuggling business in Jianzhou, forming a monopoly, and the inspector Chu Xiu will **** them.

But if they don't pay, then the fate of the Jiang family is already in front of everyone's eyes, and they are directly charged with a crime, and they don't need evidence, and they will be killed directly.

Chu Xiu looked at the people in front of him, raised the wine glass in his hand and moved it forward, and said indifferently: "This glass of wine toasts you, and after drinking it, our cooperation has begun. You can choose for yourself."

Everyone present looked at each other, no one raised their glasses.

20% of the income is simple to say, but it is cutting flesh on their bodies and cutting their own flesh, who doesn't feel bad? And this meat can be cut for a lifetime.

Although the benefits described by Chu Xiu seem to be very moving, before seeing the definite benefits, who would like to cut their own flesh like this?

Moreover, although the last time the Jiang family was destroyed, they were shocked, but now that they are together with more than a dozen forces, the power is not comparable to the Jiang family.

Chu Xiu can destroy a Jiang family, but also destroy them all?

The most important thing is that if most of the people agree, even if the others are in pain, they can only agree.

But now everyone is silent, who is the first to raise a glass and agree, isn't that an idiot who took the initiative to cut meat? So no one has spoken yet.

After a long while, Chu Xiu put down the cup and said lightly: "It seems that I, Chu Xiu, don't have enough face, and no one even took the initiative to toast.

But it doesn't matter, I believe that all of you will drink this glass of wine one day, and you can leave. "

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that Chu Xiu couldn't move them, nor did they have the strength to move them.

A few people said a few words and left immediately, and the huge restaurant was a little empty in an instant.

Seeing this appearance, Du Guangzhong walked to Chu Xiu's side and said hesitantly, "Sir..."

Chu Xiu raised his hand and interrupted Du Guangzhong's words. He picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in it. A cold light appeared in his eyes and said: "Don't eat toast, eat fine wine!"

Majesty is always more fresh in memory than Shi Enlai, and this is always the case.

Most people remember to eat but not to be beaten. Only those who are beaten hurt and those who are afraid of being beaten will have a long memory.

It's not that they are stupid, nor that they are greedy, but it is human nature. Those who can truly see themselves clearly in this arena are always in the minority.

"Old Du, I heard that some of these forces have said bad things about me?" Chu Xiu asked suddenly.

Du Guangzhong nodded and said, "Someone said that they slandered your master this time, and you have no good intentions, and want to connect with the martial arts forces in Jianzhou to boycott you.

The people who spoke were Cheng Gongtai, the suzerain of the Shenyu Sect, 'Piaoyu Feijian', and Dou Weihu, the lord of Heiyantang, who was the leader of Heiyantang. It was discovered by my informant from the mouth of the Luo family. wrong. "

Chu Xiu knocked on the table and said to Du Guangzhong, "Go and tell Qin Fang and Liu Chengli to gather with his confidants. Remember, as long as the elite confidants are the weakest, the weakest must also be Xiantian."

Turning his head, Chu Xiu said to the Ghost Hand King again: "Ghost Hand King, the same people on your side have all assembled and are ready to stand by."

After joining the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, the Ghost Hand King and others did not have a specific scope of power, they just stayed by Chu Xiu's side, and the person in charge of them was the Ghost Hand King.

Yan Bugui is not good at managing these things, while Tang Ya is too troublesome and doesn't care about these small powers at all, so these things are still managed by the Ghost Hand King.

Anyway, his strength is not weak. The most important thing is that he has the highest prestige among these assassins from the Azure Dragon Society. It is just right to deal with this kind of thing.

Du Guangzhong thought of something, his expression changed slightly, and the Ghost Hand King nodded naturally.

He did this kind of thing a lot in the Azure Dragon Society, and the Ghost Hand King was already used to it.

Even if their strength was enough, the Ghost Hand King wanted to kill these people present. Anyway, in his opinion, they were all shameless guys.

After all these martial arts forces had left, the elites under Chu Xiu also assembled directly, and there were nearly a hundred martial artists above the innate.

"Let's do it, go to the Shenyu Sect for a walk, and let some people know something. It's actually necessary to keep your mouth shut."

Chu Xiu gave an order, and his subordinates immediately began to act, secretly hiding their deeds, and walking towards the mountain gate where Shen Yuzong was located.

When there was action on Chu Xiu's side, Cheng Gongtai, the sect master of Shenyu Sect, had already returned to the sect.

He has never been very impressed by Chu Xiu's domineering way of doing This time, he was the first to stand up and refute when Chu Xiu said that they wanted 20% of their profits.

And about Chu Xiu's conditions, he still didn't say a word, that is, he saw Chu Xiu's ambition from Chu Xiu.

Sending people into their sects to monitor the accounts and control their financial lifeline. It’s okay to say that the time is short, but if the time is one, then Chu Xiu will really become the emperor of all the sects in their Jianzhou government. .

This kind of thing is absolutely unbearable for Cheng Gongtai. He doesn't know if other people have seen Chu Xiu's wolf ambitions. Anyway, he does, and Cheng Gongtai is going to wait and tell other sects to tell Chu Xiu. Tell others about his ambition to let all the martial arts forces in the Jianzhou Prefecture unite to resist this Chu Xiu, and they can also cooperate themselves.

Although Chu Xiu showed his wolf ambitions this time, the idea he proposed was really good.

In the past, these martial arts forces in their Jianzhou Prefecture fought each other independently, and they were still rubbing against each other there. If they were really united according to what Chu Xiu said, each of them monopolized a business, lowered the purchase price and raised the selling price, then The income of several of their sects will definitely increase beyond their imagination.

Without Chu Xiu, their business can be carried out as well, why do you have to get a Taishang emperor on top of your head?

Cheng Gongtai thought so, and a smug smile appeared on his face, when he was ready to let his disciples go to inform people from other sects to come to their Shenyu Sect to discuss matters.

But at this moment, a disciple hurriedly pushed in the door and panicked: "Master! It's not good! The people at the entrance of the inspector of Jianzhou Prefecture have surrounded our mountain gate!"


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