Meet The Leader

Chapter 176: Rubbish

Outside the mountain gate of Shenyu Sect, hundreds of elite warriors under Chu Xiu directly surrounded the mountain gate.

Shen Yuzong is not in the city, but on a hill with beautiful mountains and rivers, but not high.

Chu Xiu and Du Guangzhong had inquired about the Divine Feather Sect. This Divine Feather Sect was the most common kind of small sect on the rivers and lakes.

At the very beginning, the founder of Shenyu Sect was just a loose cultivator. Because he was tired from fighting in the rivers and lakes, he found a place to live in seclusion, but he was not willing to be brought in by himself. In the soil, that's why I taught some disciples.

And these disciples also carried forward what they had learned and taught them to more people after they had learned to make their own way, so they gradually formed a sect.

Compared with the aristocratic family, there are obviously more such small sects, but the connection between such small sects is not as close as that of the aristocratic family by blood, so the possibility of destruction is also greater than that of the aristocratic family.

At this time, in front of the mountain gate of Shenyu Sect, Chu Xiu's face did not show the slightest expression. This was just a stepping stone for him to start the operation first. What else could he think?

After a while, the gate of Shenyu Sect was opened, and Cheng Gongtai walked out with a gloomy expression on the disciples of Shenyu Sect, and shouted: "Chu Xiu! What do you mean? Above the banquet because I didn't promise you. But now you have called the door and forced me to agree? You are too domineering. Are there any rules in Guanzhong Punishment Hall? ?"

Chu Xiu looked up at Cheng Gongtai and smiled, but he didn't give Cheng Gongtai any explanation, just spit out a word from his mouth: "Kill!"

Killing the chicken to warn the monkey, Cheng Gongtai is the chicken now, no matter what he says or does, he will die. Since this is the case, why is Chu Xiu talking so much nonsense with him? Just kill directly.

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, the warriors at the entrance of the inspector swarmed up directly, killing some of the disciples of the Shenyu Sect who were still dumbfounded.

Cheng Gongtai hated it so much that he was about to scold his mother. This Chu Xiu directly wanted to do everything, and he didn't even have a chance to speak to him. Obviously, the other party had already moved to kill the family!

It's just that Cheng Gongtai didn't understand what Chu Xiu was thinking.

After destroying his Divine Feather Sect, Chu Xiu will be angered by the martial arts forces in the entire Jianzhou Prefecture!

Although the martial arts forces in Jianzhou are all thinking of their own, it can be said that they are scattered, but that is also because they have not really encountered a crisis.

Chu Xiu's murder at this time was very sensitive, and a force like the Luo family would never choose to stand by.

Before the knife was on his neck, the martial arts forces in Jianzhou would not take action, they were all watching.

But with the demise of his Divine Feather Sect, it means that the sword is not only on their necks, but has already begun to see blood!

So no matter what Cheng Gongtai thinks, he can't think of why Chu Xiu wants to do it at this time. This is simply a madman's move!

Chu Xiu didn't do anything to destroy Shen Yuzong, he just said to Tang Ya: "Tang Ya, you can deal with this person."

A lazy smile appeared at the corner of Tang Ya's mouth, two small dragon-patterned short knives appeared in his hands, and he walked out slowly.

His weapons seem to be changing all the time, and even Chu Xiu doesn't know what weapons he is good at.

The strength of this Shen Yuzong Cheng Gongtai is not too strong, at least in Chu Xiu's view, if he makes a full effort, the opponent will not be able to support a few moves at all.

This time, Tang Ya did not make a move because Chu Xiu was too lazy to do it, but he wanted to give Tang Ya and others a chance to let Du Guangzhong and others see if Tang Ya and others' true strength was equal to them.

This is not Chu Xiu's intention to favor Tang Ya and other old acquaintances, it is just a process that newcomers must go through when they join an organization. After completing a level-5 mission by himself, he was recognized by other Qinglong Association killers.

This is what Chu Xiu meant by letting Tang Ya take action now.

He is not the helmsman of God's sin, with such a small mind.

Right now, the number of his subordinates is not large, and it is meaningless to let them waste their energy on this kind of infighting. It is better to let them quickly see the strength of the other party, so that they can have a bottom line, so they don't have to try to test.

At this time, Cheng Gongtai saw that Chu Xiu himself was not even the one who made the shot. Not only was his anger surging.

This time, Chu Xiu personally brought someone to destroy the family, but in the end, Chu Xiu didn't do anything, and only let a Jianghu catcher who he had never seen before do it with him. What does this mean? Are you saying that you are not qualified to fight him?

In the face of the murderous intention of destroying the family and being so humiliated, Cheng Gongtai's eyes were red with anger, and when he moved, he saw a flash of white light, and his figure jumped directly in the air, like a long rainbow penetrating the sun, with a slender handle. The small sword has appeared in his hand, and it is slashing towards Tang Ya with a cold arrogance!

Shen Yuzong's housekeeping skills are their light-weight exercises, Feiyu Twelve Forms.

This type of light-weight exercise can maximize the speed, especially when fighting in close quarters, some people have not even seen his body shape, they have already hit him several times.

His nickname is Flying Feather Flying Falcon, which also describes his agility and the aura of lightning fast as a falcon when he shoots.

Facing Cheng Gongtai's sword, Tang Ya still had a slightly mocking smile on the corner of his mouth. When Jianmang approached, his body suddenly moved, like a dragon, and he easily slipped behind Cheng Gongtai, two of them. A sharp qi burst out from the short sword with dragon pattern, like a chaotic blade, slashing towards Cheng Gongtai frantically.

At this moment, Cheng Gongtai was taken aback.

He himself is a person who is good at speed, but he didn't expect to see an existence that is faster than him today.

The rapier in Cheng Gongtai's hand reversed, roaring down like an eagle hitting the sky, violent turbulent turbulence burst out, facing Tang Ya's short sword, but he was horrified to find that the opponent's strength was even greater than him, he himself The chopped back one after another.

Both of them are good at movement and speed, and their shooting speed is also very fast, so when they fight, Du Guangzhong and others can't even see the movements of the two people.

But the only thing they knew was that Tang Ya was suppressing Cheng Gongtai at this time.

For a killer of Tang Ya's level, Cheng Gongtai's ability to kill is not one or two, and there is no pressure at all.

Cheng Gongtai is faster, but he is faster than Cheng Gongtai.

The front is agile like a dragon, and the sneak attack is like a ghostly movement that directly pushes Cheng Gongtai to the extreme, and after a dozen moves, Cheng Gongtai has already seen blood.

Cheng Gongtai gritted his teeth. He is still wondering, when did the Jianzhou government inspector Tangkou have such a difficult character? This speed is simply terrifying and bizarre to the extreme!

Cheng Gongtai shouted angrily, and his whole body burst out, temporarily forcing Tang Ya back.

At this time, the thin sword in his hand unexpectedly shattered into seven sections. It looked like a single sword stabbed out, but in fact it was like seven flying knives. Tooth's body is coming from the big hole!

This trick can be said to be Cheng Gongtai's killer. This is not the inheritance method of his Shenyu Sect, but what he learned from a hidden weapon method that he accidentally obtained from the secret box in the past, called Seven Swords Chasing Soul, Sword The body must be specially crafted. At a critical moment, as long as a specific Astral Qi is used, the sword body can be shattered into seven flying knives and slashed at the opponent.

This move is very useful in a sudden attack. After all, no one can imagine that it was a stab at the sword, but it turned into a hidden weapon halfway.

Cheng Gongtai rarely uses this trick, but every time he uses it, it means that he is ready to kill!

Looking at the broken sword that stabbed like seven flying knives, Tang Ya's mouth couldn't help showing a sarcastic smile.

The two dragon-patterned short knives in his hands disappeared, but as his hands danced, everyone could see strands of golden light erupting from his hands.

None of the people present could see exactly what that golden light was, but only Chu Xiu could see clearly, it turned out to be the Dragon Tail Soul Chasing Dart that Tang Ya had been playing with! And there are still twenty-four dragon tail chasing soul darts!

Twenty-four dragon-tail soul-chasing darts shot in an With Tang Ya's hands dancing, these twenty-four dragon-tail soul-chasing darts directly turned into a big net under the blessing of Gang Qi. Cheng Gongtai was shrouded in it, strangling down, and in an instant, the seven broken swords had already collapsed, and no matter how fast Cheng Gongtai's movement was, he could not escape under such a dense net of swords!

For a moment, everyone could only see a blood flower blooming in the knife net, and there was not even a scream. The twenty-four dragon tail darts were neatly formed into a circle and inserted on the ground, and in the middle of the circle was a A pile of minced meat that seems to have been thrown into the meat grinder!

Such a terrifying and **** scene made the faces of those Jianghu arresters who were originally from the Guanzhong torture hall turn pale.

As Jianghu headhunters, the most they have seen are corpses, all kinds of corpses.

But now this scene can no longer be called a corpse, this is simply a scene of dismembering a corpse, even Du Guangzhong and others can't accept this scene.

Looking at the pile of minced meat, Tang Ya faintly spit out two words: "Trash."

I don't know whether Tang Ya is talking about Cheng Gongtai's strength, or whether the other party's hidden weapons can only rely on sneak attacks.

With a wave of his hand, the qi swept through, and the dragon-tailed soul-chasing darts on the ground were put into his sleeves by Tang Ya again, and he didn't know whether he had a space secret box or some other mystery in his large sleeve robe.

Walking back slowly, this time, the eyes of those Jianghu catchers looking at Tang Ya changed a little, and even revealed a hint of fear, and their figures could not help but move away.

PS: It's the end of the month, don't hide those who still have monthly tickets, and kill the author~


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