Meet The Leader

Chapter 177: Lawless

Tang Ya's hand was very good, which also made Du Guangzhong and others really realize what Chu Xiu meant by letting his subordinates compete fairly.

Everyone is really at the same starting point, and just based on their strength, they may not be able to win against this group of killers from the Azure Dragon Society. These people are simply born to kill!

Cheng Gongtai was dead, and the other warriors of the Shenyu Sect were either killed or fled, and it was no longer possible.

Chu Xiu waved his hand directly and said, "I heard that Heiyantang is not far from here? That's right, leave some people to collect and count all the assets of Shenyu Sect, and the rest will follow me to Heiyantang."

Connecting and destroying two sects in one day, Chu Xiu's appalling speed made Du Guangzhong unacceptable.

But looking at the killing methods of those warriors from the Qinglong Club, Du Guangzhong couldn't help shaking his head, the methods of these people are really sharp.

The strength of their martial artists from Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not weak, and the gap between the strengths of the same realm is not too big, but the combat power is weaker than the opponent, especially the means of killing the opponent, it is simply one against ten, these of the Shenyu Sect More than half of the warriors were killed by the assassins of the Azure Dragon Society.

The Divine Feather Sect was not in the city, but the one from Heiyantang was in the city of Heiyan.

The reason why Heiyan City is called Heiyan City is that a kind of black as black stone is produced locally. After polishing, it looks like a mirror, which is a good material for building palaces.

When Chu Xiu came to Heiyantang, Dou Weihu actually knew the news that the Shenyu Sect had been wiped out.

Not all of the disciples of the Divine Feather Sect had the courage to die calmly. Some warriors had already fled first when Chu Xiu started. Heiyan City was not far from the Divine Feather Sect, so Dou Weihu had already received the news.

After learning the news, Dou Weihu's first reaction was to escape!

Don't look at Dou Weihu's rude and reckless appearance, but in fact, he has more calculations in his heart than anyone else.

It's like when he was in the Luo family's assembly before, he kept saying that Chu Xiu had bad intentions, and he would never wait when he was going to the banquet, but at that time, he came earlier than anyone else.

Seeing that things were going bad right now, Dou Weihu's first thought was to escape.

But in the end, before he could escape, Chu Xiu had already wiped out the Divine Feather Sect, and without stopping at all, he came directly to the door and blocked Dou Weihu in the hall.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Dou Weihu put on a slightly flattering smile, and led someone out to greet him: "Master Chu, think about it later, your proposal last time was for me in Jianzhou Prefecture. It's definitely a good thing for the martial arts forces, I don't know if others agree or not, but from now on, I, Heiyantang, will definitely follow your lead, Lord Chu!"

Of course, people like Dou Weihu couldn't spit out the truth.

He just wants to survive under Chu Xiu's men. As long as he is given time, all the martial arts forces in the entire Jianzhou Prefecture will be united. When that time comes, everyone will collectively oppose Chu Xiu and alarm the execution hall headquarters. , I want him to look good in Chu Xiu!

Looking at Dou Weihu, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Chu Xiu's mouth, as if mocking and disdain.

"Dou Weihu, do you think it's worthwhile for you to play these clever tricks now? When I toasted you but you didn't drink it, then go down to the headless bar now!"

Chu Xiu didn't have to try hard to guess whether what Dou Weihu said was true or false, anyway, he just came to kill people today.

Dou Weihu's complexion suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said: "Master Chu wait! Wait! Listen to me..."

But at this time, Chu Xiu didn't seem to have heard it at all, and just said behind him: "Remnant Sword, this person is handed over to you."

Yan Bugui nodded, walked out expressionlessly, and took off the heavy sword behind him.

As soon as his footsteps moved, Yan Bugui's figure rushed out, and his entire body was condensed on the sword body, exuding a misty color, but he did not let it out.

With a bang, everyone could only hear an air explosion. The momentum of Yanbugui's sword was like opening a mountain.

Dou Weihu scolded a mother in his heart, it seems that this Chu Xiu really wants to kill him.

He couldn't stop the powerful and heavy sword of Yan Bugui, and the momentum was like the top of Mount Tai, and even if his physical body was strong, it was impossible to resist this sword.

So Dou Weihu's qi burst under his feet, and he subconsciously wanted to escape.

But at this moment, the gang qi above Yan Bugui's giant sword exploded. The gray gang qi was so thick that it even directly imprisoned Dou Weihu's figure in it, making his movements suddenly a meal.

After such a meal, that sword has already been smashed!

The sword can cut or stab, but the heavy sword in Yan Bugui's hand is smashed.

The epee has no sharp edge, and it does not work well.

The huge sword body attacked like a heavy hammer, causing Dou Weihu's complexion to change suddenly.

Since he can't dodge, he can only fight hard. Dou Weihu squeezes his fists in front of him. He has no weapons, because his major is his own body, and his fists are his strongest weapons!

The pale golden qi burst out and slammed on the sword body of Yanbugui, but it did not cause any impact, just like a mud cow entering the sea.

Dou Weihu's eyes suddenly showed a look of horror, but the next moment, he was directly smashed and flew out by the sword of Yan Bugui!

In an instant, his arms were broken, his golden body shattered, and blood flowers bloomed in the air.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xiu couldn't help shaking his head. It was a bit too bullying to let Yan Bugui shoot. Facing Dou Weihu, Yan Bugui completely restrained the opponent.

Although this Dou Weihu only made one move, Chu Xiu could see that the cultivation level of the opponent's horizontal alchemy body on the flesh was indeed very strong. Chu Xiu's solitary seal.

You must know that Chu Xiu's Dugu Seal is one of the nine-character formulas of speed and slowness. It consumes a lot of infuriating energy and cannot be maintained for a long time. However, Dou Weihu's horizontal alchemy body can be used at any time. He does not need weapons, because His physical body can be compared to a treasured soldier.

It's a pity that what he is encountering now is Yan Bugui, and the Yanbugui giant sword is also a treasure, but his giant sword is only superior in weight and material, and there is no special power, not even a sword edge, it is completely Hit people with power.

Under this powerful force, even if his body is really made of iron, it will be smashed to pieces!

Moreover, his alchemy body has not yet reached its peak, and his inner organs are still fragile flesh and blood.

Yan Bugui walked up with his sword expressionless, the sword stance was extremely simple, but combined with his strange inner strength, it made the power play to the extreme, so that you can only resist hard, and even dodge the opportunity to dodge. No.

Dou Weihu struggled with his arms to escape, but in the end he didn't escape Yan Bugui's epee. After a few moves, he was slapped into a pile of minced meat by Yan Bugui's sword!

With the lessons learned from Tang Ya, the people present this time are still a little pale, but they have just gotten used to it.

Especially the members of the Qinglong Association, almost all of them have the experience of carrying out missions with Yanbugui, and know that as long as Yanbugui makes a move, in all likelihood it will end up smashing people into pieces.

At this time, after Dou Weihu died, the rest of the Heiyantang gang members had no intention of resisting, either being killed or fleeing.

Chu Xiu still asked people to collect some cultivation resources and property in Heiyantang as usual, at this time Du Guangzhong walked over with some worry: "Sir, our current situation is not optimistic.

The two have been destroyed one after another, and it is estimated that the news has already spread, and it is too late for us to think about destroying the third. "

Chu Xiu asked back: "Who said I want to destroy the third family?"

Du Guangzhong was stunned: "If we don't continue to do it, then when these martial arts sects in Jianzhou Prefecture join forces, won't we be out of luck?"

Chu Xiu gave it away lightly: "It's just killing the chickens to warn the monkeys. Kill all the chickens. What are we going to eat? You keep it here and continue to deal with it. I will take a few people to Luo's house."

Du Guangzhong nodded suspiciously, until now he didn't understand what Chu Xiu wanted to do.

The Jianzhou Mansion is not big or small. It takes one day to spread the It took only half a day for Chu Xiu to destroy Shenyu Sect and Heiyantang, but it was enough to make The news spread throughout most of the Jianzhou capitals.

At this time in the Luo family, the ancestors of the Luo family were stunned when they heard the news reported by the disciples in the clan.

In the past in Fengming Building, the martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture lost Chu Xiu's face, and no one agreed to Chu Xiu's conditions. Based on the analysis of Chu Xiu's personality by the ancestors of the Luo family, this matter was definitely not that easy to end.

It's just that the ancestors of the Luo family never thought that Chu Xiu's actions would be so crazy.

"Lawless! Simply Lawless!"

Apart from these four words, the ancestor of the Luo family couldn't think of any words to describe this Chu Xiu.

There are rules in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but now this Chu Xiu regards the rules as nothing, isn't he afraid of making things bigger and causing trouble to the main hall?

In the past, Wei Jiuduan had openly covered up Chu Xiu's destruction of the Jiang family, and the martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture knew this.

It's just that it's just a Jiang family, and Wei Jiuduan's authority can easily suppress it.

And if Chu Xiu turned the entire Jianzhou Mansion back, even Wei Jiuduan would not be able to suppress it!

At this moment, the disciples of the Luo family suddenly knocked on the door and came in and said, "Old Ancestor! Then Chu Xiu is here with someone!"

The ancestor of the Luo family suddenly glared, and his whole body exuded a hint of coldness: "Then what exactly does Chu Xiu want to do? It doesn't matter if you destroy Shenyu Sect and Heiyantang, do you still want to destroy my Luo family? Really think I built it. The martial arts forces in the prefecture are all soft persimmons, can you let him handle it?"

The disciple said with a strange expression: "Ancestor, this Chu Xiu doesn't seem to be here to do it. He only brought three people and did not do it directly. He is still waiting in the council hall now."


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