Meet The Leader

Chapter 178: choose

PS: Thanks to book friend Chengwei for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

Hearing that Chu Xiu only brought three people here this time, the ancestor of the Luo family felt a little surprised. Only a few people could destroy the Luo family. What did Chu Xiu mean by coming this time?

The ancestor of the Luo family came to the council hall and saw that Chu Xiu was still drinking tea leisurely there. The ancestor of the Luo family couldn't help but said coldly: "Master Chu, you are really ruthless, and the martial arts forces of my Jianzhou Prefecture do not agree. Under your conditions, you will kill the door, act so domineering, it is simply lawless! Do you still have the rules of the punishment hall in your eyes?"

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Master Luo, you have been in this Guanzhong place for so many years, what are the rules of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, don't you know in your heart? Only things that are in the interests of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall will be followed. According to the rules of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, what I am doing now has not harmed the interests of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

And what you said, Mr. Luo, is quite right. I, Chu Xiu, are lawless. In this one-third of an acre of Jianzhou Mansion, what I say is the law, and it is the sky! "

The ancestor of the Luo family was extremely angry and laughed and said: "Arrogant! Chu Xiu, do you really think that no one can cure you? Today, you destroyed Shenyu Sect and Heiyantang, and the swords have already been placed in the Jianzhou mansion such as me. On the necks of the martial arts forces, you can destroy one family or two, and you can destroy more than a dozen of our families?"

Chu Xiu looked at the ancestors of the Luo family and said coldly, "Master Luo, why did I choose Shen Yuzong and Heiyantang to take action? You should know that, these two idiots have no mouths and slander me, Chu Xiu, in public. Others don't know, don't you know?"

Hearing Chu Xiu's words, the ancestors of the Luo family suddenly froze. Their conversation that day was probably already spread.

At the same time, he was also scolding secretly in his heart. After this incident, he must clean up those disciples in the family and let them keep their mouths shut!

The heads of the patriarchs who participated in the discussion at the beginning would not be so idiots and spread the conversation, and the only people who could leak the news were the servants of their Luo family who served them.

Chu Xiu leaned on the chair and said indifferently: "Actually, I am a very tolerant person sometimes, even if Cheng Gongtai and Dou Weihu secretly spoke ill of me, I didn't have a problem in the restaurant, right?

I gave them the opportunity, everyone can become friends and partners, but unfortunately they didn't cherish this opportunity. They don't eat and drink for toast, so don't blame me for being ruthless. "

The ancestor of the Luo family looked directly at Chu Xiu and said coldly, "Then what do you mean by coming to my Luo family now? What exactly do you want to do?"

Chu Xiu stood up and met the eyes of the ancestors of the Luo family: "What do I want to do, Mr. Luo, you should know that when I was in Fengming Tower, I made it very clear that everyone working together is a win-win situation, but it's a pity that You all refused at that time.

Mr. Luo, you are a smart person and know how to choose. Although the Luo family's strength in Jianzhou Mansion is not the first, it can also be ranked second and third. As long as the Luo family can take the lead in agreeing to my conditions, the others The forces will not refuse, nor dare to refuse.

Before, I divided the business of Jianzhoufu into twelve parts. Now that it is good, ten parts will be enough. I will give back to you, Shen Yuzong and Dou Weihu, I can give it to the Luo family! "

After a long silence, the ancestor of the Luo family said solemnly: "It's a good plan to kill Shenyu Sect and Heiyantang, and then my Luo family will take the lead in agreeing to your plan. It is a direct collapse and disintegration. It is estimated that few people will dare to resist you at that time. Even if there is, it will not be a climate.

It's just that if my Luo family chooses to promise you first, then my Luo family's reputation in Jianzhou will definitely plummet, and other martial arts forces will definitely cast aside my Luo family's treachery! "

Chu Xiu shrugged and said, "You have to pay as much as you get. Compared with the benefits the Luo family got, what is the infamy?"

The ancestor of the Luo family took a step forward, squinting his eyes and said, "What if I don't agree?"

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "If the head of the Luo family doesn't agree, then I will go to the Bishuijian faction and the Xiangjia of Echeng. These two forces also have masters from the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, and they are no weaker than your Luo family.

You, Mr. Luo, can hold back these benefits, but can you guarantee that people from the Bishuijian faction and Xiangjia will not? The result is always the same, I don't care who is the first person to promise me, as long as this person is enough. "

The ancestor of the Luo family wanted to say something, but he didn't say that in the end, he just sighed, because he couldn't guarantee that the other two families would not agree to Chu Xiu's request.

Having been in the Jianzhou Mansion for so many years, he has long understood the virtues of other martial arts forces.

If they can really let go of all their thoughts and plans to unite together, then they can turn back and intimidate Chu Xiu back in Fengminglou.

It is better for me to be responsible for others than for others to be responsible for me. The ancestor of the Luo family gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Master Chu's conditions have been agreed!"

The benefit is right in front of you, and it is better to take it yourself than to let others take it.

As for the fact that because of his own reasons, the martial arts in the entire Jianzhou Prefecture were completely centrifugal, the Luo family ancestors could not control that much.

The principle of the Luo family's ancestors all his life is to follow the trend in a low-key manner, only to be the third and fourth, not the first or the second.

As a result, when he was getting old, under the coercion of Chu Xiu, he could only choose to be the first person. At this time, the mood of the Luo family ancestor was still a bit complicated.

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "Master Luo, when the business of Jianzhou Mansion starts in the future, you will find that your choice today is not wrong, and you will feel lucky for it."

The ancestor of the Luo family smiled bitterly: "I hope so."

Chu Xiu stood up and said: "If that's the case, then please, Mr. Luo, please inform the other martial arts forces in Jianzhou Mansion. Three days later, at noon, I will hold a banquet in Jianzhou Mansion, and the people who come this time will pay attention to it. Zuo has agreed with my plan, and then everyone will discuss together what business they are responsible for, as for those who don't come, forget it, Mr. Luo needless to say, they should have seen the consequences."

After he finished speaking, Chu Xiu turned around and left with the people, leaving only the ancestor of the Luo family with a melancholy expression in the hall.

This time, he was clearly aware of Chu Xiu's personality.

Strong and domineering, his methods are cruel, he is as cunning as a fox, but also as vicious as a wolf.

Such people are generally very common in the magic way. God knows what the Guanzhong Punishment Hall thinks, and they would introduce such people into the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

It's just that the ancestors of the Luo family are too lazy to think so much now. He has already boarded the thief boat, and it is too late to regret it now.

Several disciples of the main generation of the Luo family walked in and said cautiously, "Ancestor, what should we do now? Are we really going to agree to the conditions that Chu Xiu said?"

The ancestor of the Luo family snorted coldly: "What should I do? Of course it's a salad!

Our Luo family does not agree, and other noble families will agree. What do you think we can do? "

After saying something angrily, the ancestor of the Luo family suddenly thought of something, and he asked the disciple, "How is the situation of the Gao family now?"

The Gao family asked by the ancestor of the Luo family was the only guy who came late in the Fengming Building last time, and was finally thrown out by Chu Xiu.

The disciples of the Luo family were a little puzzled why the ancestor suddenly asked the Gao family, but he still said: "Last time, the head of the Gao family was severely injured by Chu Xiu's move, which directly hurt his inner organs. It's gone, and I haven't woken up yet.

The head of the Gao family was in his prime, and he didn't choose the heir to the next head of the family. As a result, the Gao family was in a mess, and the disciples were all fighting for power. "

The patriarch of the Luo family waved his hand and said, "Wait, take some people and take action to destroy the Gao family."

The disciple of the Luo family was stunned for a moment: "What did you say, Patriarch? Destroy the Gao family? Why, we don't have any grudges with the Gao family."

The strength of the Gao family is not strong. Among the martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture, they belong to the last type, while their Luo family is the top type, so there is no hatred between the two sides. If there is hatred, the Gao family will not be able to get along now. .

As a result, the ancestor of the Luo family said that he would destroy the Gao family at this This really made him a little confused.

The ancestor of the Luo family said lightly: "Remember, I will be more respectful to that Master Chu in the future, and don't call him by his name even in secret.

My Luo family's choice this time runs counter to my usual behavior. Since that's the case, let's do something even better, just to give the Lord Chu Xiu a gift.

Since the people of the Gao family offended Master Chu, but Master Chu did not destroy the family, then I, the Luo family, will do this.

Anyway, this time, my Luo family's first choice to cooperate with Master Chu has already offended the martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture, and I am not afraid to offend them more severely. "

In fact, the ancestor of the Luo family didn't say a word. He destroyed the Gao family not only to please Chu Xiu and give him a big gift, but also because he suddenly thought about the distribution of business in Fengming Building three days later.

Their Luo family was the first force to take refuge in Chu Xiu, and the business of Shenyu Sect and Heiyantang belonged to them.

Now that he destroys the Gao family, on the one hand, it is to please Chu Xiu, and on the other hand, the free share of the Gao family will naturally belong to their Luo family.

Despite the fact that the Luo family has always been low-key in their work over the years, in fact, they are no worse than other martial arts forces.

With the move of the Luo family, the other martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture have been completely stunned.

Before Shenyu Sect and Heiyantang were destroyed, these martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture just felt angry, thinking that Chu Xiu was too domineering and arrogant, and they did not pay any attention to their martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture.

As a result, before they could finish their anger, the news came that the Luo family had agreed to Chu Xiu's conditions and shot to destroy the Gao family. This series of news made them all unresponsive.


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