Meet The Leader

Chapter 179: profit distribution

The betrayal of the Luo family made the martial arts forces in the entire Jianzhou capital very angry.

From the point of view of other martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture, everyone said it was good before, to advance and retreat together, but now your Luo family suddenly chose to join Chu Xiu. This is betrayal, naked/naked/naked betrayal!

And in the end, the Luo family actually destroyed the Gao family. It was simply jaw-dropping to change the low-key way of doing things in the previous Luo family.

But what about after that? What can people do?

Since the Luo family chose to cooperate with Chu Xiu, it proves that it is profitable.

People are blindly obedient. In the past, no one above the Fengming Building dared to drink Chu Xiu's glass of wine. If someone drank that glass of wine first, the situation would be completely different.

Now that the Shenyu Sect and Heiyantang have been destroyed by Chu Xiu, everyone has seen Chu Xiu's domineering and ruthless means, and the Luo family has already chosen to cooperate with Chu Xiu. Is there any point in the struggle for the rest?

Especially those small sects that are not strong in their own power, they directly chose to join forces with Chu Xiu.

Three days later, above the Fengming Building, it was still the same position and the same banquet.

It's just that this time everyone seemed to have made an appointment, arriving early and waiting for Chu Xiu.

Compared with the last time, three people were missing from the banquet this time, and everyone knew that these three people would never appear here again.

When it was almost noon, Chu Xiu led the people into the Fengming Building, and everyone stood up immediately and bowed to Chu Xiu: "See Mr. Chu!"

Seeing this scene, Du Guangzhong following behind Chu Xiu couldn't help sighing in his heart, how long has he not seen this scene?

In the past when he was young, Guan Siyu had just taken control of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and his methods were decisive and fierce, making the Jianghu sects in Guanzhong daunted. Although the strength of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was not as strong as it is now, its power was at its peak.

At that time, the inspectors were called real inspectors. Once the inspectors found out which martial arts force violated the laws and regulations of Guanzhong, there was no need for commercial newspapers at all, and they would directly punish them.

Later, everyone gradually slackened, and these martial arts sects in the Guanzhong land also developed in peace, and the status of the two sides has changed, and they have reached an equal level.

Even to Fang Zhengyuan, the previous inspector, these Jianghu sects who built the prefecture blatantly ignored him.

The scene in front of him represents that the inspector of Jianzhou Prefecture has regained his majesty. At least among the three-acre land of Jianzhou Prefecture, Chu Xiu is like a soil emperor, and no one dares to disobey his orders. .

Looking at everyone present, Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Okay, let's all sit down."

Let everyone take their seats, this time Chu Xiu poured a glass of wine again, raised it and said: "Since everyone is here, it proves that everyone agrees with what I said before.

Everyone earns money. Don't think that 20% of the income is a lot. The benefits I can bring to you are definitely more than 20%.

I still say that, after drinking this glass of wine, if you have money, everyone will make money together, and I will not let you all suffer. "

This time, as Chu Xiu raised their glasses, everyone present raised their glasses together and drank the wine in the glass. As for whether the wine was fragrant or bitter, only they themselves knew. The taste of people toasting is not good.

And the crux of the matter is that they won't be able to drink this wine.

They have already seen the consequences of not eating and drinking for a toast. Right now, the members of the Gao family, Shen Yuzong, and Heiyantang don't even have the chance to drink, so they should be the best who know the current affairs. After all, the Luo family They were the first to agree, so what's the point of them continuing to resist?

After drinking, Chu Xiu took out a pamphlet and said, "This is the Jianzhou government business roster that I have researched. From now on, everyone will monopolize the business that they should be responsible for. If I find someone stretches out their hands, don't blame me for being rude!"

Everyone present froze in their hearts and nodded.

They used to have no problem no matter how random they were, but now that they agreed to Chu Xiu's rules of the game, they had to act according to Chu Xiu's rules.

It was only now that they realized that they and Chu Xiu were not just cooperation, it was the relationship between ruling and being ruled.

The rules were formulated by Chu Xiu, and it was Chu Xiu who came to supervise the implementation. In this way, they were naturally ahead of Chu Xiu.

But now that they have agreed to the matter, and they have drank the wine, it is meaningless to think about those messy things, so everyone present has to nod their fate.

Chu Xiu continued: "Let me talk about the businesses that you can monopolize. Among them, the Luo family is responsible for the business of medicinal materials, which are unrefined herbs and elixir."

Martial artist is injured and needs wound medicine. Usually, he also needs all kinds of medicinal herbs for cultivation, as well as refining all kinds of strange things. A large number of herbs and spirit medicines are the basis, so this is a big business. It can also be said that The most profitable business.

However, everyone was not jealous. After all, it was the Luo family who first decided to rely on this Lord Chu, and it was normal for him to have such treatment now.

Chu Xiu continued: "Next, the business of healing pills and formations is also owned by the Luo family."

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone present at the Luo family suddenly changed.

No wonder the Luo family would choose to be the first to agree to Chu Xiu. It turned out that Chu Xiu actually gave them such a promise, and Chu Xiu gave the Luo family the share of Shen Yuzong and Heiyantang!

Although healing pills are not as popular as cultivation pills, they are more expensive and more profitable than normal cultivation pills.

The same is true for the formation method. Although there are fewer people selling and fewer people buying, the profit is equally large.

"There are voices such as hidden devices and machines, which are also under the control of the Luo family."

Hearing that everyone present here has come to understand that this business of hidden equipment and machines should belong to the Gao family, because the Luo family destroyed the Gao family, it can be regarded as helping Chu Xiu to vent their anger and curry favor with Chu Xiu, so this Gao family The share of it also fell into the hands of the Luo family.

Originally, one person was in charge of one category of business, but now the Luo family has one big category and three small categories. This treatment is enough to make the Luo family smile and make others envious.

Especially the other two Bishui Sword Sect and Xiangjia, who are warriors of the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, they are also a little regretful at this time. If they knew that they had to choose Chu Xiu, then they would have taken refuge earlier, and they could make more money. benefit.

The Luo family took the lead, which they envied and could not envy.

At this time, Chu Xiu announced the business of the Bishui Sword Sect and the Xiang family. One was medicine pills for cultivation, and the other was weapons. They were both huge categories with huge profits. Satisfied.

Chu Xiu was very fair when formulating these things, completely based on strength.

If your strength is strong, I will give you the big business, otherwise you will concentrate on doing some corner business, otherwise you will not be able to keep the big business.

When Chu Xiu read it to the end, it was basically some less important business. At this time, the head of a small family seemed to be a little dissatisfied. He couldn't help but stand up and say: "Master Chu, my Sun family..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw Chu Xiu's eyes looking over and said with a bit of gloom: "Why, the Sun family has an opinion on my arrangement?"

Glancing at the silent people around him, the head of the Sun family had to swallow a mouthful of saliva, smiled awkwardly, and then sat back and said, " opinion."

None of these major factions refuted Chu Xiu's arrangement. If he, a small family, dared to speak more, the lessons from Shen Yuzong and Heiyantang would be ahead.

Seeing this scene, the Luo family and others also sighed. From now on, in this Jianzhou mansion, Chu Xiu's power is unstoppable. The government will respect him!

Picking up the wine glass, Chu Xiu toasted the crowd and said, "This glass of wine wishes you all a wealth of money."

"Thank you sir!"

Everyone present raised their glasses together. UU Reading

After everyone got the plan, the entire Jianzhou Mansion took action. Of course, this has nothing to do with Chu Xiu. He is only responsible for sending people to collect the money.

According to what Chu Xiu said, each of the major martial arts forces monopolized a business, and the merchants who came and went noticed the difference immediately.

At the beginning, the prices of the things they sold were undercut, and these merchants were still reluctant, but as a result, they went to several small towns like this. Except for the force designated by Chu Xiu, no one dared to collect their things.

In this way, these people either go to other state capitals, or they can only sell to the people who built the state capital.

But the problem is that the contraband they are carrying are very dangerous. If they don't get rid of them quickly, it will be troublesome if they are caught in the punishment hall.

Especially now that Chu Xiu is collaborating with these local martial arts forces, and often dispatches some rivers and lakes to inspect smuggling. Although he does not really do it, it also frightens these merchants to sell things at a low price in a hurry.

The same is true for the merchants who buy things. The things they want to buy are only sold by a martial arts force in Jianzhou Prefecture, and the price is there.

At the beginning, the merchants who came and went were a little dissatisfied with this behavior, but later they found that it was quite convenient to do so.

Those who sell things only need to come to Jianzhou Prefecture, find the right force, and send the things to him. a lot of time.

The same is true for the merchants who buy things. The more times they are, the more they know what kind of business they are doing, and they can just go to the door to buy directly at that time, saving time and effort.


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