Meet The Leader

Chapter 180: bribe

Although this model of the state capital leads to the constant price paid by the merchants to and from other states, it saves time and effort, and the most important thing is safety.

As long as you buy smuggled items from those martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture, there will never be anyone who is involved in the punishment hall to investigate you, but if it is someone else's, this may not be the case.

So in this way, Jianzhou Mansion has attracted more merchants than usual, and it has been passed on from ten to ten, and Jianzhou Mansion, which was not too prosperous at first, has become more prosperous than other prefectures within a month. The government nearly doubled in prosperity.

Jianzhou Prefecture's actions were naturally hidden from others, such as Jiang Taoran and other Kansai Jianghu headhunters who wanted to learn, but this kind of thing simply couldn't be replicated.

Chu Xiu can use various means to subdue all the martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture. Even if other inspectors are stronger than Chu Xiu, their subordinate territories are stronger than Jianzhou Prefecture.

The martial arts forces under the Jianzhou House cannot even find a master of the Five Qi Dynasty, but there are other big families or sects in other places, and they are not Chu Xiu themselves, some methods are Chu Hugh can be used, but they can't be replaced.

A month later, Chu Xiu's people in the major forces have counted 20% of their income this month and transported them to the inspection hall.

This month's smuggling income is more than double the income of these aristocratic sects before. Even if they want to give Chu Xiu 20%, they have earned it, so this time no one has any complaints, even they Also worried that Chu Xiu would kick them out.

After all, the martial arts forces in the entire Jianzhou Mansion are not only theirs, but also some small forces. With the power of Chu Xiu now, if anyone is disobedient, then Chu Xiu can completely kick them out, and then support another one The small family came up, with Chu Xiu supporting them, even if this small family had only one congenital warrior, it would be enough to gain a firm foothold in the entire Jianzhou Mansion.

In the lobby at the entrance of the inspector's hall, boxes were placed in front of Chu Xiu and the others. As the boxes were opened, they were filled with hard currency such as purple gold, medicinal pills, minerals and so on.

Seeing these things, everyone present couldn't help but breathe quickly, even the killers of the Azure Dragon Society such as the Ghost Hand King.

The killers of the Azure Dragon Society such as the Ghost Hand King have seen the world, but they have never seen so many treasures placed in front of them and others. This is simply better than what a big family can bring to them. more profit.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Old Du, keep half of these things, 20% of them will be sent to the brothers under your command, and you should discuss with the Ghost Hand King and the two on what to send.

Pack the other half for me, and I'm going to take it to the Kansai branch. "

Du Guangzhong nodded, he knew who Chu Xiu was preparing these things for, but their subordinates could still get 20% of them, which was pretty good, at least Chu Xiu was far more generous than Fang Zhengyuan.

And the killers of the Qinglong Society, such as Huo Nu and Wolf King, also showed a smile on the corners of their mouths.

If they performed a big task at the Azure Dragon Meeting, they would have gained a lot of income, even more than what was distributed to them this time.

But every time they perform such a big task, it is very difficult, and they can only complete it with their lives, and now it is much easier.

You must know that this time the two families were slaughtered, only Tang Ya and Yanbugui were the only ones who really made great efforts. Although others also shot, in the eyes of Huo Nu and Wolf King, it was simply a one-sided slaughter.

Whether it is Shen Yuzong or that Heiyantang, there is simply no one who can fight, too weak, so weak that they have no interest in killing them.

However, although killing people is boring, they are still very satisfied that they can get this amount of cultivation resources so easily.

During the Qinglong Meeting, their nerves were too tense. Except for killing people, they practiced. In this way, although their combat effectiveness was very strong, their own cultivation speed could not easily keep up.

Now that they have time to relax and a lot of cultivation resources, they are not far from breaking through to the next realm.

After instructing the matter here, Chu Xiu went directly to the Kansai branch with the things.

At this time, in the Guanxi Xingtang branch, Wei Jiuduan called him directly to his study after hearing that Chu Xiu was asking for an interview.

"See your lord." Chu Xiu bowed his hands respectfully.

Wei Jiuduan played with the dragon pattern iron gallbladder in his hand, looked at Chu Xiu and said lightly, "I've heard of everything you did in Jianzhou Mansion, but you're quite brave.

You said before that the Jiang family relied on my banner to do evil, but now you are relying on me to be lawless? Don't you need to give me an explanation for this? "

Wei Jiuduan's voice was flat, but a faint coercion attacked Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu bowed his head and said, "Of course there is an explanation. I have already been brought here, just outside the door."

Wei Jiuduan gave an order, and immediately someone carried the large boxes brought by Chu Xiu into the study, and then immediately retreated.

Chu Xiu opened the boxes one by one, revealing the dazzling purple gold and the medicinal herbs exuding a strong medicinal fragrance. Seeing these things, Wei Jiuduan's expression instantly became kinder, and the coercion also followed. of dissipated.

Chu Xiu smiled and said: "Sir, this is only the first month's income, and the monthly income guarantee is only a lot more. I don't know if you are satisfied with this explanation, Lord?"

Wei Jiuduan nodded again and again with a smile, he couldn't be dissatisfied.

Among the inspectors under his command in the past, Wei Hanshan was the one who made the most money, and Wei Hanshan was the one who gave him the most filial piety.

It's just that no matter how much Wei Hanshan gives, it's just filial piety. If he has something, he will give more, and if he has nothing, he will give less. It will not be like Chu Xiu, who takes out such a large amount of purple gold every month. There are also training resources to Wei Jiuduan.

Seeing these things at this time, Wei Jiuduan was considered satisfied. It seemed that his decision to keep Chu Xiu was a correct decision, otherwise, where would these things come from?

But in the end, Wei Jiuduan didn't forget to hit Chu Xiu, looking at those things, Wei Jiuduan said lightly: "Chu Xiu, you are a smart person, you know what should be done and what should not be done.

I can keep you now for the things you made in Jianzhou Mansion, but don't think that this matter can be ended just like that. If the above is checked, it will still be a trouble. You have to grasp the proportions, do you understand? "

Chu Xiu immediately put on a terrified look and said, "Yes, my subordinates follow the teachings of the adults."

Seeing Chu Xiu's attitude, Wei Jiuduan nodded contentedly and said, "Okay, let's go back. I can still help you with these little things right now."

Chu Xiu bowed his head and left Wei Jiuduan's study, and when he turned around, there was a look of disdain in his eyes.

This time Chu Xiu is also considered to be bleeding heavily. For a greedy person like Wei Jiuduan, he must be fed at one time. Otherwise, he might have made some shit.

Now it seems that this Wei Jiuduan is quite satisfied with what Chu Xiu offered, but he still habitually beat Chu Xiu a few words, and his mean and unkind temper will probably not change.

In fact, Chu Xiu needs him to talk about such things as proportions? Since Chu Xiu dared to do it, then Chu Xiu knew more in his heart than anyone else.

The people do not raise officials, and the entire Jianzhou Mansion is under the control of Chu Xiu. Who would dare to make trouble?

So the money that Chu Xiu took out was just used as a protection fee to buy a quiet one.

After returning to Jianzhou Mansion, Chu Xiu went straight to retreat, everything was fine inside and out, and he should consolidate his cultivation.

Not only Chu Xiu, but also the killers of the Qinglong Society such as Yan Bugui and Tang Ya.

During the Qinglong Meeting, they usually killed more and spent less time cultivating. Now that they are in a different place, they will naturally have to retreat and take a good rest.

For this kind of situation, Du Guangzhong and others are happy to see it happen.

They also wish that Tang Ya and others have been in and not fight for power and profit with them.

In the process of destroying Shen Yuzong and Heiyantang, they also saw how terrifying these guys from the Azure Dragon Society were, especially Tang Ya and Yanbugui, who just took out one of them and completely defeated the three of them.

Right now, the order in Jianzhou Mansion has been completely determined, and there are few things to worry about with Chu Xiu, so he is also in retreat safely and securely, and has been in retreat for more than two months, but at this moment However, Du Guangzhong suddenly knocked on the door of Chu Xiu's closed room, saying that he had something important to report.

Du Guangzhong has been the head arrester in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall for so many years. Although he is a bit pedantic, he is still very reliable, and he can solve most of the problems.

Now that Du Guangzhong has found him here, it is obvious that this matter is not trivial.

After moving around for a while, Chu Xiu called Du Guangzhong into the study and asked, "What happened, you came to me in such a hurry?"

Du Guangzhong cupped his hands and said, "The Liu family, a small family in Wencheng, the capital of Jianzhou, was destroyed."

Chu Xiu frowned and said, "What's the fuss about a small family being wiped out, who did it?"

It's not that Chu Xiu has never seen such a thing as breaking a family and destroying a family. He even killed Shen Yuzong and Heiyantang not long ago.

It is even more common for those small families in Jianzhou to live and die. As long as they do not violate the laws and regulations of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and do not affect his interests, Chu Xiu, they can make trouble whatever they want, at least Chu Xiu. It's too lazy to manage.

A wry smile appeared on Du Guangzhong's face: "I don't know, Liu Chengli and Qin Fang have already gone to investigate, but there is no result at all. That's why I came to find you."


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