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Chapter 182: Ghost King Sect

No wonder the Ghost Hand King made things so tense, he was indeed very sensitive when it came to the Kunlun Demon Sect.

Demons are not taboos in the rivers and lakes, but the Kunlun Demon Sect is a taboo among the taboos. In the past, the Kunlun Demon Sect swept the world, and the demon flames were soaring. The days when countless sects of the righteous way could only tremble under the magical power were unthinkable. To experience again.

If Ning Xuanji, the head teacher of the Zhenwu Sect in the past, hadn't turned the tide, the righteous path would still be struggling in the magic power.

Hearing the words of Kunlun Demon Sect, Chu Xiu's expression was a little strange. This is the road he must take in the future.

"You mean that the person who started this time is the remnant of the Kunlun Demon Sect?"

Although it has been thousands of years since the collapse of the Kunlun Demon Sect, people related to the old Kunlun Demon Sect can still be found in the rivers and lakes, and even the inheritance left by the old Kunlun Demon Sect.

Once such existence is discovered, it will be completely blocked and wiped out by those big factions almost immediately.

The Ghost Hand King shook his head and said, "It's not the remnant of the Kunlun Demon Sect, but the remnant of the Ghost King Sect, one of the vassals of the Kunlun Demon Sect in the past.

In the past, the demonic flames of the Kunlun Demon Sect were overwhelming and overwhelming the world. Those sects of the right way could only be careful and low-key, but many sects of the demon sect were willing to live under the command of the Kunlun Demon Sect and let them be dispatched.

It's just that after Dugu Weiwei and Ning Xuanji disappeared after the first battle, the Kunlun Demon Sect was completely disintegrated, and the various factions of the Right Way joined forces to attack the Kunlun Demon Sect and destroyed it. Those vassal sects also suffered a blow.

Among these vassal sects, the loyal sects chose to coexist with the Kunlun Demon Sect, but most of them chose to flee.

For such sects and martial arts, they are too lazy to expend their energy to chase and kill them, but some of the sinful demon sects must be strangled, and this ghost king sect is one of them.

The people of the Ghost King Sect are ruthless and cunning. They were the first to defect from the Kunlun Demon Sect after seeing that something was wrong, but in the end, they were chased and killed by Zhengdao martial arts for many years, and they almost disappeared in the rivers and lakes.

The ghost king sect's exercises are sinister and evil, and the most good at it is to use people to refine pills, using various **** methods to refine the human body into pills, absorb its evil power, and sacrifice and refine the ghosts.

It is said that there is an elixir in the Ghost King Sect called Wuqi Chaoyuan Dan.

Among the five qi, the heart-stored spirit belongs to fire, the liver-stored soul belongs to wood, the spleen-stored meaning belongs to earth, the lung-stored soul belongs to metal, and the kidney-stored essence belongs to water.

This Five Qi Chaoyuan Pill is made by using the fresh heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney of the martial artist and medicinal materials with five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Right now, these Liu family warriors just happened to have their five internal organs taken away, and I couldn't help but think of the Ghost King Sect.

Moreover, the other party was also taken out of the brain and skinned, which was also the style of the Ghost King Sect in the past.

There is also a ghost king sect that uses the power of yin and evil to sacrifice and refine yin ghosts, which is a unique secret technique of the ghost king sect.

Earlier, Du Zhaotou said that the people of the Liu family had no trauma, and there was no trace of qi entering the body. "

The Ghost Hand King said so much in one breath, and everyone present was digesting the information. At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly asked: "Ghost Hand King, this place is all my own, you don't have to hide it, these things, I'm afraid it's not as simple as hearsay, is it?"

In the past, some things about the Kunlun Demon Sect were always taboo, and the same is true for the Ghost King Sect. At least those present, almost never heard the name of the Ghost King Sect, but the Ghost Hand King understood it so clearly. If this kind of thing comes from hearsay, it is a bit too fake.

The Ghost Hand King smiled bitterly. Since he had already said it, he didn't intend to hide it from everyone. The Ghost Hand King sighed and said, "Master Chu guessed right, in fact, I used to be a disciple of the Ghost King School, but I was A deceived disciple.

In the early years, I was just a juggler who walked the rivers and lakes. I accidentally rescued a seriously injured Demon Dao warrior, and that Demon Dao warrior was a member of the Ghost King Sect.

He said that he wanted to accept me as a disciple, but he actually wanted me to help him temporarily, and he was going to swallow my blood and kill me after he was wounded.

Later, I noticed his intentions, so I secretly poisoned his medicine and killed him.

Because he lied to me from the beginning, he never planned to accept me as a disciple, so he didn't teach me some secret techniques of the Ghost King Sect at all, but only taught me some ordinary exercises. It was also heard from his mouth, but it was all side-by-side, not the main thing. "

Chu Xiu nodded knowingly. According to what the Ghost Hand King said, the person who did it might really be a member of the Ghost King Sect, but the strength of the person who came here should not be too strong.

The function of the Five Qi Chaoyuan Pill is to heal the wounds of the masters of the Five Qi Chaoyuan realm, so Chu Xiu estimated that there should be masters of the Five Qi Chaoyuan realm among the remnants of the ghost king sect, but they should be injured.

Just by looking at the target they chose, the Liu family was a small family with only those in the Inner Astral Realm.

If the other party has the absolute crushing strength, then the other party should attack the martial arts forces such as the Luo family who have masters in the Three Flowers Gathering Realm.

It's just that he has no clue about the ghost king sect at the moment, so Chu Xiu can only temporarily tell his subordinates to pay attention.

The next few days were safe and sound, but on the seventh day, another small force in Jianzhou Prefecture was wiped out, and the method of death was exactly the same as that of the Liu family.

Before Chu Xiu could react, two days later, next to Jianzhou Mansion, there was also a massacre in Shangzhou Mansion, which was subordinate to Weihan Mountain.

The methods used in the three consecutive annihilations are the same, which is enough to prove the speculation of Chu Xiu and others.

Moreover, the impact of these three massacres is not small, and the martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture also know that such a group of ruthless thugs and thieves have appeared in the local area, and they are full of turmoil.

Moreover, there are many less merchants going to and from Jianzhou. After all, there are many places in the entire Kansai region that can be traded, and no one wants to stay in such a dangerous place.

Chu Xiu's face was gloomy in the mouth of the inspector's hall of the Jianzhou government.

There is a big case in his own territory that cannot be solved, and it is him who is embarrassed.

The appearance of the remnants of the Ghost King Sect has seriously affected the business of the Jianzhou government. Other martial arts forces can't make money, and it is Chu Xiu himself who has lost money.

"There are so many arrests in Tangkou, the inspector, and the cooperation of these local martial arts forces in Jianzhou Prefecture, so there is no trace of it?"

Du Guangzhong reluctantly said: "Of course there are clues, but the other side's methods seem to frighten all the brothers under him. When there are few people, even if they find clues, they don't dare to go up. disappeared again."

The Ghost Hand King suddenly smiled strangely and said, "Du Zhaotou, since your subordinates dare not go up, how about handing it over to my subordinates? Don't worry, my subordinates are not afraid of death."

Du Guangzhong snorted coldly: "I'll give it to you? I'm afraid I won't even find any clues, let alone find someone!"

There is still some friction between the assassins from the Azure Dragon Society such as the Ghost Hand King and the warriors from the Guanzhong Execution Hall before, and both sides are also competing with each other.

Previously, the Ghost Hand King and others showed their brilliance when they slaughtered Shen Yuzong and Heiyantang, and overwhelmed Du Guangzhong and others.

Now, the investigation into the traces of Ghost King Zong and others is entirely done by Du Guangzhong and others, and Ghost Hand King and others can only assist on the side.

There is a specialization in the art industry. This kind of thing is led by the ghost hand king and others. It is estimated that they can't even find any clues.

Chu Xiu frowned and waved his hand: "Okay, don't argue, next time I will take action myself, as long as they are still in the Jianzhou Mansion, I am not afraid that they will not be found, and even if they cannot be found, they will be The other side forced out the Jianzhou Palace."

The remnants of those ghost king sects did not come to Jianzhou Mansion. It seemed that the other party came to the land of Guanzhong very suddenly, hurriedly killing people and refining alchemy to restore their strength.

It may have been Chu Xiu's investigation that forced the other party a little too tightly, which also led the other party to go to the Shangzhou Mansion to do it This time, Chu Xiu took the shot personally. It's not bad to be forced to go to Wei Hanshan, but at that time, Wei Hanshan is the one who is struggling.

As for what will happen to the remnants of the ghost king sect, that is not about Chu Xiu, he has never been a nosy person.

Three days later, in Linjiang City, Jianzhou Prefecture, the pedestrians and warriors on the street were sparse and sparse, far less prosperous than before.

Linjiang City is just a small town, next to the Shangzhou Palace. As a necessary place to travel between the two state capitals, the former Linjiang City was relatively prosperous, at least there was an endless stream of merchants coming and going.

As a result, there were three massacres in succession, and one of them involved Shangzhou Prefecture. Linjiang City, which was the only place where these two prefectures must pass, was a bit miserable, with less than half of the merchants and warriors coming and going.

At this time, outside an open-air tavern in Linjiang City, there were twos and threes of Jianghu people drinking and chatting here, and one of the warriors in a bunt samurai uniform sighed: "Mother, this business is getting harder and harder to do, no I know which **** took such a ruthless shot, and destroyed three sects one after another, and no one came to this huge Linjiang City."

This martial artist is an escort, but he is not from an **** agency, but a local local snake. He is specially responsible for short-distance darts, traveling between various small cities. He is not so much a protection of goods, not a guide, because he is familiar with various small cities. The strength and situation of the martial arts, so it can lead the way and solve the confusion for the merchants who come and go, so as not to provoke people who should not be provoke when they are new.

There are fewer merchants coming, and his business is much less, otherwise he wouldn't have time to drink and brag here. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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