Meet The Leader

Chapter 183: confrontation

Most of the warriors who chat and brag in the pubs of Linjiang City are the bottom warriors of the rivers and lakes.

Hearing the **** complaining about the three recent massacres, some of them couldn't help laughing: "Wang Laosan, you should be more careful recently, it's better to invite us to have a few drinks, or we will go to the rivers and lakes. The head arrester reported you, saying that you slandered the inspector, Master Chu."

When Wang Laosan heard the words, he immediately glared and said, "Fuck! How can you slander people's innocence out of thin air? When did Laozi slander Lord Chu?"

The man smiled and said: "Just now, but you said that the person who killed the three sects is a bastard. Don't forget that when Lord Chu just took over the Jianzhou Mansion, he also destroyed the Shenyu School, Heiyantang, and Nawen City. The Gao family was also indirectly destroyed by Master Chu, isn't that the people who destroyed the three sects?"

Wang Laosan snorted coldly: "Don't raise the bar, you know which three massacres I'm talking about.

And about the matter of Master Chu, don't go out and talk nonsense, otherwise don't blame Lao Tzu for turning his face. "

Although Chu Xiu had only stayed in Jianzhou for less than a year, his power far surpassed that of the inspectors of all dynasties.

These bottom-level martial artists are all like this. They don't like those big sects and big families, and they don't like Guanzhong execution hall either.

Of course, for them, as long as someone is stronger than them, they don't have a good impression of them, but most of the bottom warriors, their biggest dream is to worship those big sects, or be picked in the execution hall. Become a fast catcher.

The previous inspectors had no prestige in Jianzhou, so they were also ridiculed and ridiculed in the mouths of the lower-level Jianghu people below. Anyway, the other party was not in front of him.

And with the power of Chu Xiu in Jianzhou, even knowing that they were all joking, Wang Laosan still felt a little nervous.

Several other warriors seemed to realize that they had made a joke, so they did not continue to speak.

Someone took the call and said, "Don't talk about it, I also heard a piece of news that the people who killed the family are not actually human!"

"What else can it be if it's not a human being? Could it be a ghost?" Wang Laosan said casually.

The man sneered: "Don't say it, it's really possible that it's a ghost!

I have a friend in Wencheng, but the other party has seen the tragic situation of the Liu family.

Being skinned alive, the skull pierced, and the belly cut open and the five internal organs dug out, is this something that a human can do? Just the devil. "

Wang Laosan took a sip of wine and said disdainfully, "What if it's a ghost? Can the Guanzhong Punishment Hall still go to the Zhenwu Sect or the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain to invite a Taoist priest to draw a spell?

And this group of people must be murderous demons. The inspector has issued a reward at Tangkou, and those who report the trace will be rewarded with 12 taels of purple gold. If they can catch the other person alone, even if they only exist in the innate realm, there will be a reward. Thousands of taels of purple gold reward.

Since the inspector Tangkou dared to offer a reward at such a large price, then the other party must have traces to follow. During this time, brothers should pay attention to see what kind of outsiders can be found. Zijin's reward, tsk tsk, that is Zijin, I have never seen what Zijin looks like in my life. "

As he said that, Wang Laosan looked around subconsciously.

In the past, all the people coming and going in Linjiang City were merchants. After all, this is the area that connects the two state capitals, so there are many outsiders, and it is really difficult to find.

However, there are many fewer people in Linjiang City now, and some unfamiliar faces are still obvious in the eyes of local snakes like Wang Laosan.

And at this moment, Wang Laosan suddenly saw a strange man shrouded in black robes walking out from the pharmacy across the street, and he couldn't help but look at the other side more.

The land of Guanzhong is mixed with dragons and snakes. There are people from the Three Kingdoms, as well as people from outside the Great Wall, and people from the Western Regions. It is not uncommon to have all kinds of fancy clothes.

But right now Wang Laosan and the others were still discussing the murder of the three demons. If he wanted to pay more attention to strangers, he naturally focused his attention on the other side subconsciously.

At this time, the black-robed geek also noticed Wang Laosan's gaze, he suddenly raised his head, and there was a blood-red glow in his eyes.

The eyes of the two were facing each other, and Wang Laosan thought of something, and a look of panic appeared in his eyes.

And the black-robed geek saw the panic in Wang Laosan's eyes, but his scarlet eyes revealed a strong murderous intent.


Wang Laosan shouted and turned to run away.

At this time, he also secretly wondered why he had to look at the other party, which resulted in such a fatal disaster.

The warriors in the rest of the pubs haven't reacted yet, but the black-robed geek has already taken action.

The Astral Qi around him was like a black mist that lingered around him. Almost in an instant, his figure appeared in front of the restaurant like a teleportation, and the black mist under his feet also condensed into a ghost claw. Shape, grab it towards Wang Laosan!

The cold breath came from behind, and Wang Laosan suddenly felt that his body was stiff, and he could only stay in place and wait for death.

For a low-level warrior of his level, it can only be said that he is a runner. In the eyes of those masters and experts, he is almost indistinguishable from ants.

But at this moment, a dazzling crimson sword light suddenly fell, cutting the ghost claw directly.

Chu Xiu was dressed in black, holding a crimson red-sleeved knife and standing beside the black-robed weirdo.

In the eyes of these bottom-level martial artists, there are only two things they can see at this time, Chu Xiu's people, and... Chu Xiu's knife!

"Chu... Master Chu!"

Those low-level warriors in the rivers and lakes hurriedly shivered and said to see each other. When they thought that they had joked about this Lord Chu before, they felt a little nervous.

It's just that Chu Xiu at this time didn't care about the thoughts of these bottom-level warriors. He just stared at the black-robed weirdo with gloomy eyes and said: "You guys are quite capable of hiding, why are you the only one now? What about the rest?"

The black-robed weirdo glanced at Chu Xiu with scarlet eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "Chu Xiu, the Inspector of Jianzhou Prefecture? I advise you, you'd better leave our business alone, and we will naturally leave the switch after a while.

If you have to meddle in your own business, the consequences are not something you can afford! "

A sneer appeared on the corner of Chu Xiu's mouth and said, "The remnants of the Ghost King Sect are chased and killed by those righteous sects like a bereaved dog, and they dare to speak ruthlessly in front of me? Do you really think the Guanzhong Execution Hall is made of mud? I don't know what it is! "

As soon as the words fell, Chu Xiu immediately slashed out, and the blood refining divine gang burst out.

The martial artist of the Ghost King Sect was first shocked because Chu Xiu called out his feet, and then he saw that Chu Xiu's shot was full of **** Qi, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Xue Lian God Gang!"

The Blood River Sect was the great sect of Demon Dao in the past. The reputation of the Blood Refining God Gang is so great that others may not know it, but the Demon Dao Sect must have heard of it.

But then the warrior of the Ghost King Sect sneered, what about the blood refining of the gods? No matter how strong the Astral Qi is, he only has the cultivation of the Outer Astral Realm, and he himself has already reached the Three Flowers Gathering Realm!

This group of people from the Ghost King Sect stayed in the Jianzhou Mansion for so long, and they also shot to destroy the family twice. Naturally, they also heard some rumors about the Jianzhou Mansion.

Right now, there is no one else except Chu Xiu who is the most famous in Jianzhou Mansion, so the warrior of the Ghost King Sect can call out Chu Xiu's identity.

No matter how strong Chu Xiu is, he is only in the outer astral realm, and no one in this Jianzhou Mansion can help them.

They only attacked those Jianghu forces in the Guanzhong Land, and tried their best not to provoke the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but now that the people in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall have come to the door, don't blame them for being ruthless!

The pitch-black qi condensed into ghost claws, and even directly held Chu Xiu's knife in the ghost claws. The strong corrosive sinister power penetrated directly into Chu Xiu's Red Hidden and dyed his crimson blade with a pitch-black color!

The warrior of the Ghost King Sect gave a strange laugh. His figure was as ethereal and invisible as a ghost, and he actually appeared directly in front of Chu Xiu's eyes. Black mist shrouded his body, and he fell with a palm, attacking Chu Xiu with a strong ghostly aura!

His arm hidden in the sleeve robe was like a zombie, showing an unnatural gray-white color.

Moreover, the tips of the nails are blood red, with a deep cold glow.

Chu Xiu closed the sword and sealed it, and in an instant, the golden qi burst into bloom.

At this time, Chu Xiu is like the Buddha's King Kong who slays demons and punishes evil spirits. A fist mark falls, Buddha's light shines, and the world is purifying!

"Buddhist Seal!"

The warrior of the Ghost King Sect seemed to have seen a ghost, screamed strangely, and wanted to stop, but it was too late.

Before he saw Chu Xiu use the blood-refining magic weapon, he subconsciously thought that Chu Xiu was practicing the magic method. Who would have thought that he turned around and displayed such a Buddhist printing method.

Although the warrior of this Ghost King Sect has a state of three flowers, Chu Xiu's strength is not much inferior to the opponent's. In addition, the restraint effect of Buddhist practice, the two palms are facing each other, and the warrior of the Ghost King Sect screams directly. With a bang, before the qi burst, all the nails on his hand cracked, the black mist dissipated, and he was also blasted out.

There was a hint of coldness in Chu Xiu's eyes, the black mist bloomed on the red sleeved sword, and the power of the three swords of Abi Dao burst out, directly expelling the black qi of the ghost king sect warrior.

One slash, from the Buddha to the devil, the transformation is naturally incomparable. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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