Meet The Leader

Chapter 184: court proceedings

The power of the three swords of Abi Dao, which can be called crazy, is so extreme that even the warriors of the Ghost King Sect can't help but feel frightened.

When Chu Xiu slashed with the knife, a powerful ghost mist suddenly erupted from behind the warriors of the Ghost King Sect. A harsh ghost howl sounded, and there seemed to be a fierce ghost in front of Chu Xiu's eyes. He pounced, and that sinister and icy aura seemed to be swallowing his vitality!

At that moment, Chu Xiu formed a mantra with both hands, and a hazy and mysterious aura enveloped him, resisting that sinister and strange power.

The word formula, the inner lion seal, the Lord will recover, and will not fall for a hundred eons!

In the face of this kind of mental attack, the inner lion seal's defense capability is stronger than that of the Dugu seal.

Moreover, Chu Xiu himself has also practiced the great method of destroying and moving the soul. His spiritual power is extremely powerful, and his defense ability against this power is also stronger.

It's just that when Chu Xiu blocked the attack, the figure of the ghost king sect warrior was no longer in front of him, which made Chu Xiu's complexion suddenly gloomy.

At this time, the distant ghost hand king, Du Guangzhong and others also hurried over and asked, "Sir, did you leave that person behind?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "The opponent is a warrior from the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, and it is not easy to keep him in a head-to-head battle.

And the other party also has all kinds of weird methods. I was unprepared for a while, but let him escape.

By the way, the ghost hand king, what is the ghost technique of the ghost king sect, is it really a ghost? "

Thinking of the evil scene in the ghost fog just now, even Chu Xiu couldn't tell whether the thing was a real ghost or not.

The Ghost Hand King shook his head and said, "I don't know very well either, this ghostly secret technique is a secret of the Ghost King Sect, and I just found out some skins.

According to my understanding, the ghosts raised by this ghost technique are actually a part of their own spirit.

The warriors in the Three Flowers Gathering Realm have reached the peak of spirit, spirit and spirit. This ghost is a part of their own spirit. It is stripped out and cultivated with the spirit of evil spirits day and night, becoming invisible and invisible. Qualitative ghosts can affect the spirit and kill the invisible.

Therefore, this secret technique of ghosts and ghosts is only qualified to practice when it reaches the Three Flowers Gathering Realm.

Legend has it that after cultivating this secret technique of ghosts and ghosts, it can change from fiction to reality, and become a ghost soldier, ghost general or even a ghost king with a real body. This subordinate does not know whether it is true or false. "

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, hurry up to investigate, this time it is not without harvest, at least we already know what the people of the Ghost King Sect want to do, and we will stare at the pharmacies in various states in the future. Start checking."

Investigating the pharmacy was also Chu Xiu's decision on a whim. Since the murder of the Ghost King Sect requires the five internal organs and five attributes of herbs to refine the Five Qi Chaoyuan Pill, if the other party has insufficient resources, he will definitely come to the pharmacy to purchase it.

So in the past few days, Chu Xiu has been investigating back and forth in the pharmacies in the small towns of Jianzhou, and he has found some clues.

It's just that it's enough for one person to purchase medicinal materials, so Chu Xiu only found one person this time, but he has not successfully left the other party.

At this time, Du Guangzhong said: "By the way, sir, just now there was news from the Guanxi Punishment Hall Branch, saying that you were invited to visit, it should be for the remnants of this ghost king sect."

Chu Xiu frowned and said, "Has this matter been alerted to the Kansai branch?"

To solve his own affairs by himself, Chu Xiu is a little reluctant to make things too big, and he still wants to drive people to Wei Hanshan.

Now that this matter has disturbed the Kansai branch, the matter is somewhat out of Chu Xiu's control.

"Continue your search here, Lao Du, you and I will go to the Kansai branch."

Now if Chu Xiu is traveling in Guanzhong, he likes to bring two people, one is the ghost hand king, and the other is Du Guangzhong.

When the Ghost Hand King was at the Qinglong Meeting, he helped the helmsman of Tiansin handle some chores in the sub-helm, and he did more things than the helmsman of Tiansin. It can be said that he is experienced and mature.

And Du Guangzhong is similar. In addition to being a bit pedantic, he can be said to be a veteran in the court of punishment in Guanzhong. He is very familiar with this aspect. Bringing him can also save Chu Xiu a lot of energy.

When Chu Xiu came to the Guanxi branch, the rest of the inspectors had already arrived.

The Guanxi branch now counts Chu Xiu as a total of six inspectors. Except for Wei Hanshan and Jiang Taoran, the remaining three are Fang Hua, the inspector of Yingzhou, Situ Xing, the inspector of Linzhou, and Cai Jingsheng, the inspector of Anzhou.

Among the three, Cai Jingsheng and Situ Xing were older, they were both old people in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and they had the cultivation of the Five Qi Chaoyuan realm, while Fang Hua was in the realm of three flowers.

Seeing Chu Xiu walk in at this time, Fang Hua was the first to cup his hands with a smile: "Master Chu has set good rules in Jianzhou Mansion. We are envious of our monthly income."

Although Chu Xiu brought smuggling to the table, it was a blatant suspicion, but in fact, this kind of thing was the default of the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Everyone's salary is only that much. If you don't find some extra money, what do they eat and drink? Anyway, now Wei Jiuduan is acquiescing to this kind of behavior. As long as Wei Jiuduan is the torture officer for one day, no one will care about this kind of thing.

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "Don't make fun of Mr. Fang, you are in charge of two state capitals, can the income be lower than my Jianzhou government?"

Fang Hua said with a wry smile: "It can't be compared, my two state capitals are the closest to Xichu, and some of the local martial arts forces are from Xichu. I can't afford it, I can't afford to fight, but I am very aggrieved as an inspector."

Fang Hua is complaining about his suffering here. In fact, half of what he said is true.

The place of Guanzhong is the Guanzhong of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. As long as the inspectors don’t act too pedantic and overly pedantic like Fang Zhengyuan, the inspector of the previous generation, and at the same time offend both their subordinates and the outsiders, they are still relatively comfortable in theory. , The martial arts forces under him will at least respect the people in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall in terms of face, and there is also a lot of filial piety during the festivals.

Of course, if they want to be like Chu Xiu, they will be the only one on this acre of Jianzhou Mansion, it is basically impossible.

At this time, Situ Xing also nodded and said, "Like Mr. Fang said, our Guanzhong Punishment Hall has become more and more difficult to manage in recent years, and the local martial arts forces are getting stronger and stronger. If we are too strong, But it's easy to go wrong.

Master Chu, you can take care of all the forces in the rivers and lakes under your command in such a short period of time. This method also makes us old guys admire very much. "

The inspectors from the Kansai branch met several times before, such as Situ Xing and Cai Jingsheng, the seniors from the Kansai branch, with the strength of the Five Qi Dynasty, naturally they would not talk much to the juniors like Chu Xiu. , even if they are in the same position.

However, as Chu Xiu established a solid foundation in the Guanxi land, Wei Hanshan was disgraced, and he planned a new order in Jianzhou Prefecture, so that the entire Jianzhou Prefecture martial arts would submit to his own command. If they were placed in Chu Xiu In terms of their current strength and position, none of them are confident that they can achieve Chu Xiu's current level.

So until this moment, everyone really regarded Chu Xiu as a colleague, as an existence that could be treated equally.

A few people chatted a few words here, and then Jiang Taoran also came in and chatted with everyone.

Wei Hanshan was the last to come.

During this period of time, Wei Hanshan's life was not very good. He was punished by Wei Jiuduan in front of everyone. The Chenzhou Mansion under his command was taken away by Wei Jiuduan and given to Jiang Taoran.

This is only a loss on the surface. Secretly, Wei Hanshan’s reputation in the Shangzhou government has plummeted. The local martial arts forces thought he was completely out of favor. Wei Jiuduan didn’t like him, and even ignored him a little. stance.

During this period of time, Wei Hanshan didn't go to Chu Xiu, not because he didn't have a grudge against Chu Xiu, but because all the troubles in his hands were all in one ball.

Wei Hanshan walked into the council room, without saying a word, he glared at Chu Xiu and snorted coldly, "Chu Xiu, your Jianzhou government's strength is too useless, you can't catch those demonic murderers, and it also affects our business. State capital, how did you act as an inspector?"

The arrival of Wei Hanshan this time is really a Because the people from the Ghost King Sect appeared in Jianzhou Mansion at the beginning, it was Chu Xiu's pursuit that forced them to the direction of Shangzhou Mansion. This also led to the people of the Ghost King Sect making a move in the Shangzhou Mansion.

It's just that Chu Xiu naturally won't say it outright, he just asked coldly: "Wei Hanshan, don't forget who you are, even if I am an inspector, even if I am incompetent, I have Sir Wei of my own. Come to reprimand, what kind of thing are you, who is qualified to speak irresponsibly to me here?

Or do you, Wei Hanshan, feel that Mr. Wei is old, so you want to replace Mr. Wei to exercise the prestige of the torture officer? "

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Situ Xing and Cai Jingsheng on the side were not very good-looking, and they also did not like Wei Hanshan.

The two of them are the most powerful among the inspectors, but they are also the oldest, their strength has reached a period of decline, and it is basically impossible to take the position of the torture officer.

According to the rules of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, once Wei Jiuduan stepped down as the punishment officer, either the Guanzhong Punishment Hall would send the leader of the punishment department to take over as the punishment officer, or he would be selected and trained directly from the inspectors in Guanzhong.

It doesn't matter if the strength is not enough, the most important thing is the ability and potential. After all, the position of the criminal officer should be held by someone who is familiar with the situation.

Therefore, there are very few qualified candidates in the Kansai branch, and Wei Hanshan is one of them.

Before Chu Xiu didn't come, Wei Hanshan's behavior was already very high-profile and arrogant, which made Situ Xing and others a little dissatisfied. As a result, what he said now really meant that Wei Jiuduan reprimanded them, which made them very uncomfortable. . Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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