Meet The Leader

Chapter 186: Domineering Sword King City

Wei Jiuduan's words were suddenly interrupted by Gu Jiangliu as soon as he finished speaking.

Looking at Wei Jiuduan, Gu Jiangliu said solemnly: "Mr. Wei, you seem to have misunderstood a bit, my Sword King City is not here to cooperate with you Guanzhong Punishment Hall this time, just to inform you on a routine basis that my Sword King City is going to be here. Kansai hands-on.

Cooperation is impossible, and I, Sword King City, have never had the habit of cooperating with others. If you have to intervene in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, then just follow us and assist us. "

No matter how arrogant Gu Jiangliu and others were before, how dissatisfied Chu Xiu and others were, Wei Jiuduan didn't say anything, but now Gu Jiangliu was going too far.

This is Guanzhong, but Gu Jiangliu actually said that the people from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall should assist them. What is this? Consider not putting them in the punishment hall?

Wei Jiuduan said with a gloomy expression: "Mr. Gu, don't forget, this is the Guanzhong Punishment Hall!"

Gu Jiangliu said indifferently: "I know this is the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. If this is not the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, do you think the people from the Sword King City would have to notify you in advance?"

Gu Jiangliu's words are domineering, but they are true.

Chu Xiu has experienced this kind of thing. In the past, when he was chased by Juyi Village and Jibei Piaoxuecheng, he came to the site of Canglan Sword Sect. As a result, because Canglan Sword Sect is too weak now, Juyi Village and Ji No one in Beipiao Xuecheng took Canglan Sword Sect in their eyes, not even a word of notification. This also led to these three factions being provoked by Chu Xiu's case, and finally tore their faces.

Given the domineering level of Sword King City, now Gu Jiangliu is willing to inform Wei Jiuduan, the Guanxi criminal in charge, which is obviously to give him face.

Besides, in terms of personal strength, Gu Jiangliu didn't take Wei Jiuduan very seriously.

Gu Jiangliu looks young from the outside, only in his early thirties, but in fact he is indeed very young, and his real age is only forty.

It took Wei Jiuduan more than 100 years of cultivation to reach the realm of the unity of nature and man, and it took him only 20 years for Gu Jiangliu to reach the peak of the Yuan Dynasty of the Five Qi Dynasty. It is estimated that it will not take long for the unity of nature and man It was also just around the corner. When he faced Wei Jiuduan, he did not have the slightest reverence.

Moreover, Wei Jiuduan still has the cultivation of the realm of the unity of heaven and man, but in fact he is already old, and it is not certain who will win and who will lose if he really fights.

Chu Xiu and the others were all looking at Wei Jiuduan. The people of Sword King City were so domineering and unreasonable that Wei Jiuduan didn't even express the slightest bit?

It was just a pity that Chu Xiu and others felt that Wei Jiuduan really had nothing to say.

He just suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "It's okay to cooperate with your Sword King City, but your sword King City must be measured in your shots. If your actions disrupt the order in Guanzhong, then naturally someone from the main hall will come down and follow. Tell them apart!"

Seeing that Wei Jiuduan gave in so much in front of the warriors in Sword King City, Chu Xiu and others were a little dissatisfied, and Wei Jiuduan was too cowardly.

In fact, Wei Jiuduan wasn't really so cowardly. He was afraid of the people in Sword King City. He just simply didn't want to cause trouble.

He knew that he had not been in the position of the criminal officer for a few years, and since that was the case, it was naturally better to have more things than less things.

He had a conflict with the people in Sword King City, and the people in Sword King City were notoriously domineering and domineering in the arena.

Therefore, if it does not affect his own interests, let him give up one step.

It's just that as his boss, he gave in, so Chu Xiu and his subordinates naturally couldn't attack, but they were very aggrieved.

Wei Jiuduan muttered to Yang Ling: "During this time, you will follow everyone in Sword King City. If they have any requirements, you will pass it on to the inspectors below, and try to cooperate with them as much as possible."

After speaking, Wei Jiuduan turned around and left.

Gu Jiangliu didn't care either, he just asked Yang Ling beside him, "Where was the last time someone from the Ghost King Sect appeared?"

Yang Ling glanced at Chu Xiu and said, "It's in Lord Chu's Jianzhou Mansion."

Gu Jiangliu said lightly: "Alright, let's go to Jianzhou Mansion now."

Yang Ling walked over to Chu Xiu and said with a smile: "Master Chu, since the adoptive father asked us to cooperate with everyone in Sword King City, then we can only cooperate, let's go with them."

Chu Xiu frowned slightly, and these people from Sword King City came, but they were from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and they even had to cooperate with outsiders on their own territory. This was really cowardly to a certain level.

It's just that Wei Jiuduan said this, and Chu Xiu naturally couldn't refute it, so he just said lightly: "Since that's the case, then everyone, come along."

After arriving at the entrance of the inspector of Jianzhou Prefecture, Chu Xiu said to the people in Sword King City: "We have already noticed the whereabouts of the people of the Ghost King Sect before, and I also fought against them once, but the practice of that person from the Ghost King Sect is too evil. Different, so let the other party run away."

Hearing this, Lin Kaiyun suddenly sneered and said: "It's a joke, even if you find someone, they let the other party run away. The strength of the people from the Ghost King Sect is very wasteful, and they are chased by the people from my Sword King City. Still can't catch it."

Lin Kaiyun said that the people of the Ghost King Sect are trash, but isn't Chu Xiu, who can't catch the Ghost King Sect, even more trash?

Hearing this, Chu Xiu's subordinates all glared at the people in the Sword King City, and the Ghost Hand King sneered: "Master Chu shot a warrior from the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, so what's weird about being run away by the other party? ?

And if you Sword King City had the ability, you would have wiped out the people of the Ghost King Sect long ago. "

Hearing what the Ghost Hand King said, Lin Kaiyun's eyes suddenly showed a stern look.

His temper itself is not good, and he just came out of the retreat this time. He originally wanted to make a name for himself in the arena and chase after his senior brother, but when he left the customs, he found that his ranking was not advancing but retreating, and he was squeezed out by Chu Xiu. In the first 20 years, his heart was still full of anger.

Now a prisoner in the punishment hall dares to mock himself, which makes Lin Kaiyun suddenly angry and snorted: "What are you, what is your reason for interjecting here?"

The words fell, and Lin Kaiyun's sharp sword finger popped out and shot directly at the shoulder blade of the Ghost Hand King. He didn't intend to kill anyone, but if this sharp sword finger hit the Ghost Hand King, I'm afraid it would abolish him. one arm.

As soon as Chu Xiu stretched out his hand, he turned his palm into a knife, and the blood refining divine gang burst out, smashing the sword finger, and said in a cold voice, "This is Guanzhong, the Guanzhong of my Guanzhong Punishment Hall! Are you no longer qualified to speak here?

It is said that the Sword King City is domineering, but in the place where I pass, your Sword King City is still domineering, do you know that? I don't have the right to speak. I don't know if Hall Master Guan has it. Do I need to report the matter to the main hall? "

Lin Kaiyun wanted to say something, but was stopped by Gu Jiangliu, he frowned and said: "Okay, don't make trouble, we are here for the Ghost King Sect, and now some of the ghost King Sect's remnants have been arrested. Uncle's Fen Tian sword qi can't escape too far, we can only recuperate in Guanzhong, we don't have time to delay, otherwise let the other party recover from the injury, maybe we have to escape to somewhere."

When Lin Kaiyun heard the words, he could only snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun's appearance, Chu Xiu sneered in his heart and didn't speak.

No wonder Lin Kaiyun has lived in the shadow of Fang Qishao all his life, this one is far worse than Fang Qishao.

Junjie, who is also a young generation, is normal to be suppressed by outsiders, but it is indeed a bit embarrassing to be suppressed by the same family.

But some people will turn this pressure into motivation, obviously Lin Kaiyun did not, he just turned this pressure into anger, into hatred.

A person who can't even control his own emotions, what great achievements can he achieve in the future?

At least Chu Xiu had heard the name of the "Swordshead" Fang Qishao in the original plot, but he had never heard of Lin Kaiyun's name.

There are only two endings for this person in the future, either he will die halfway and be killed, or he will always live in the shadow of Fang Qishao and be anonymous.

Gu Jiangliu looked at Chu Xiu and said solemnly: "Chu Xiu, Lord Wei said, as long as I go through the Sword King City Guanzhong Punishment Hall will do my best to cooperate, I will not embarrass you.

The people of the Ghost King Sect killed people in your Jianzhou Mansion, and they will also affect you in the punishment hall. The sooner you get rid of this gang of demons, you will feel at ease earlier.

I don't care what you have done before, but after my people from Sword King City came, all you can do is to cooperate.

Now transfer all your people to me, listen to our instructions, and cooperate with us to search from state to state, I don't believe that these ghost king sect people can still find a trace! "

As soon as these words came out, even people with a good temper like Du Guangzhong couldn't accept it.

The people of this Sword King City are simply arrogant to the point of being defiant.

When it comes to searching for traces and investigating traces, of course, they are the most experienced Jianghu headhunters who were born in Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

As a result, the people of Sword King City are excluding them, and they don't listen to their opinions at all, and let them be chores. This is simply crazy!

Du Guangzhong and the others were also looking at Chu Xiu. No matter how arrogant the people in Sword King City were, they didn't have the final say on this place.

At this time, Yang Ling walked up to Chu Xiu and whispered: "Master Chu, don't cause trouble, don't forget the instructions of your adoptive father, during this time, try to cooperate with the people of Sword King City, and solve the people of the Ghost King Sect smoothly. That's the right thing to do."

Chu Xiu said with a gloomy expression: "Old Du, bring someone to cooperate with them."

After finishing speaking, Chu Xiu directly took the Ghost Hand King and a few others to turn and leave.

Du Guangzhong and the others shook their heads helplessly. The first-rank official university crushed people to death. Chu Xiu's character was very strong, but Wei Jiuduan above didn't want to cause trouble. What can they do? Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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