Meet The Leader

Chapter 187: shit stick

PS: Thanks for the reward of 10,000 starting coins for the sun washed in the spring rain

In the inner hall at the entrance of the inspector's hall, the Ghost Hand King and others were all looking at Chu Xiu's expression.

Just now, Chu Xiu looked gloomy and angry outside, but when he returned to the inner hall at this time, Chu Xiu was expressionless, just showing a look of deep thought.

After a while, Chu Xiu suddenly raised his head and asked the Ghost Hand King, "How much do you know about Sword King City?"

The Ghost Hand King was stunned for a moment, but said: "I don't know much, most of them are just hearsay."

"Then do you think Sword King City is a righteous sect with a strong sense of justice? You can disregard your own interests for the sake of eliminating demons and defending the Way."

The Ghost Hand King shook his head without thinking about it and said, "Sword King City is a good sect of the righteous way, but it is definitely not to this extent.

How can there be any absolutely good people in the current arena? They are all unprofitable and unable to afford the early generation. If everyone really does not care about their own net worth for the sake of eliminating demons and defending Dao, then it is estimated that the lineage of Dao Dao in the rivers and lakes may have died long ago.

In fact, it can't be said that there is no such sect power, but such a desperate power will not be carried forward, and most of them will die halfway. "

A smile appeared on the corner of Chu Xiu's mouth: "Since this is the case, then this is interesting, don't you feel that Sword King City's actions are a bit strange?

The Demon King Sect, which was in complete decline and almost died out, has something to do with the Kunlun Demon Sect, causing it to be beaten by everyone on the rivers and lakes. After his own territory, he took action to destroy it, instead of sending elite masters to chase thousands of miles like Sword King City, as if he had an undying life and death revenge with these ghost king sect warriors.

But as far as I know, the two sides don't seem to have such a deep hatred, right? "

The Ghost Hand King nodded and said, "I really haven't heard of this, but everyone in the Ghost King Sect is like a lunatic. What they like most is to kill people and concoct alchemy to cultivate their own ghosts. If it's because they killed them Who is the important person in Sword King City?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said: "This kind of thing is possible, but can you see any hatred in the eyes of the warriors of the Sword King City? No, these warriors of the Sword King City want to hunt down the people of the Ghost King Sect, their purpose is not Taking revenge is not about eliminating demons and guarding the road, it is basically like completing a task, which is very interesting."

The Ghost Hand King scratched his head. They really didn't expect so much. Before, the Ghost Hand King thought that Chu Xiu was going to attack the Sword King City. After all, the Chu Xiu he knew was never the kind of person who would swallow a loss. Lord down.

The Beiling Yue family, who was destroyed by Chu Xiu in the past, is proof that as long as you offend this person, you will die sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.

Chu Xiu waved his hands and said: "Okay, you all go down, if the people of Sword King City ask you to take action during this time, you will take action, and there is no need to disobey them.

But if you really see people from the Ghost King Sect, let the people from Sword King City do it first. "

The Ghost Hand King and the others all nodded, and there was no benefit at all, even if Chu Xiu didn't say that they would not be idiots to go out and die.

After the Ghost Hand King and others had all left, Chu Xiu's eyes showed a look of contemplation.

He always felt that something was wrong with the people in Sword King City, and he was also searching for some information about Sword King City in his mind.

Chu Xiu could remember some major events in the original plot with certainty, but some trivial matters were blurred by him.

During this period of time, some major events related to Sword King City have been removed. The only thing related to Sword King City in terms of time and place is that during this time, Sword King City seems to have acquired some things related to the Kunlun Demon Sect. Some contention, but in the end it was over.

Thinking of the origin of the Ghost King Sect, shouldn't the other party really have anything about the Kunlun Demon Sect?

Perhaps Sword King City didn't want other people to know about this, so it sent its disciples to hunt down the Ghost King Sect people all the way.

And looking at the current attitude of these people in Jianwangcheng, they do not cooperate with Guanzhong Punishment Hall, they insist on putting themselves in the main position, and only let the people of Guanzhong Punishment Hall cooperate, I am afraid it is not only because of conceit, but also because They didn't want Guanzhong Punishment to meddle in this matter too deeply.

People must be caught by them, they must be killed, and things must be brought back by them.

"Kunlun Demon Sect? Very interesting."

Chu Xiu pinched his chin, his eyes flashing with an unknown color.

In this life, he has taken a completely different path from the original plot, and as a result, he can still encounter some things related to the Kunlun Demon Sect. Is this fate?

But Chu Xiu didn't care about this kind of thing. He was a very realistic person. As long as it was beneficial, no matter what kind of demon religion he was, Chu Xiu could be said to be open to anyone who came.

But now, he still has to see how the people in Sword King City are tossing around.

The methods of Gu Jiangliu and others did not exceed the expectations of the martial artists in Guanzhong Punishment Hall. The opportunity to command people also made Du Guangzhong and others scolded their mothers in their hearts. In the end, they simply gave up, and let the people from Jianwangcheng toss it out on their own. Anyway, they didn't care.

In the end, the people from the Sword King City tossed back and forth in the Jianzhou Mansion for several days without finding any clues, but the people from the Ghost King Sect attacked the gate again, which made the warriors in the Sword King City feel extremely angry.

At this time, Chu Xiu could be sure that Sword King City had other plans to hunt down these ghost king sect warriors.

If they just want to eliminate the demons, defend the Dao, or take revenge, it is very simple. Chu Xiuguang can find clues by his own strength, and almost left one person to use the power of the entire Guanxi punishment hall. Within three days, Chu Xiu would be able to find out all the members of the Ghost King Sect and kill them all.

As a result, it turns out that the people in Sword King City are in such a state of embarrassment, that they have not even a single harvest at all.

In the council hall of the inspector of Jianzhou Prefecture, Gu Jiangliu, who had traveled all over the Jianzhou Prefecture for several days without any gain, directly found Chu Xiu and asked aggressively, "Chu Xiu, are you under your command? Intentionally? When looking for the remnants of the Ghost King Sect, all of them were listless and unable to work hard. Is that how you cooperated with me?"

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Mr. Gu, how do you want me to cooperate? There are only less than 300 people under my command, and if you lead them to search from place to place, you are simply killing the ghost king. Zong's people are idiots, won't they run when they hear the wind?

Also, I don’t use the Jianghu Headhunters in Guanzhong Punishment Hall. If you let them spread their actions, I can guarantee that within three days, they will be able to dig out the whereabouts of the Ghost King Sect. "

Gu Jiangliu's brows instantly wrinkled, he just didn't worry about the prisoners in the punishment hall, so he brought them all with him as coolies.

If this makes these rivers and lakes arresting heads to investigate, if they see something abnormal in these ghost king sect warriors and stab them to the headquarters of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, then he will be wasted.

Sword King City is indeed not afraid of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but this is Guanzhong, which belongs to Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Don't look at how arrogant he can be in front of Wei Jiuduan, and he doesn't take Wei Jiuduan in his eyes at all, but if he dares to put on this appearance in front of Guan Siyu, even if Guan Siyu abolishes him on the spot, the people of Sword King City can't say anything. words come.

I don't even know the superiors and inferiors, I deserve to die.

Just when Gu Jiangliu was tangled, Wei Hanshan suddenly walked in from the door and laughed: "Mr. Gu is in trouble? I have an idea, I can let you guys quickly dig out the remnants of the Ghost King Sect. ."

Chu Xiu glanced at Wei Hanshan coldly, and said coldly, "Wei Hanshan, what are you doing here? Jianzhou Mansion has nothing to do with you."

Wei Hanshan laughed and said: "Although this Jianzhou Mansion is your Chuxiu's territory, it also belongs to the Guanzhong Punishment Why, I, the dignified inspector, have no qualifications to enter here? "

Gu Jiangliu could naturally hear the contradictions between Wei Hanshan and Chu Xiu.

But he is too lazy to care about it now, Gu Jiangliu looked at Wei Hanshan and said, "You just said you have a solution? What can you do?"

Wei Hanshan cupped his hands and smiled and said, "Actually, it's not a good solution, it's just a very simple trick.

Most of the Jianzhou Mansion was a plain. The people of the Ghost King Sect could not hide in the outside world, they could only hide in the city. The more people there were, the safer they would be.

Therefore, as long as we can simultaneously close all the large and small cities in Jianzhou, until we can find the traces of each other, it will be fine.

There are so many martial arts forces in the small cities of Jianzhou Prefecture, but they can cooperate with everyone in Sword King City. "

As soon as Wei Hanshan finished speaking, Gu Jiangliu and the others all nodded, feeling that what he said had some truth, but Du Guangzhong and others' expressions suddenly changed.

This Wei Hanshan is very sinister. His trick is to trap the martial arts forces of the entire Jianzhou Prefecture, and it is even Chu Xiu!

What does the Jianzhou government rely on to make money now? Not those smuggling businesses.

Although there are a lot fewer merchants because of the ghost king sect, there are still a lot of people.

But if people from outside can't get in in a city, and people from inside can't get out, and people are panicking at that time, who would be willing to come to Jianzhou to do business?

Even if the people of the Ghost King Sect were finally found and successfully annihilated, the presence of Jianzhou Mansion would damage the reputation of Jianzhou Mansion. It is conceivable that the merchants who will come to Jianzhou Mansion in the future will definitely If there is a big loss, the martial arts forces will earn less, and Chu Xiu will naturally earn less.


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