Meet The Leader

Chapter 386: play off

Watching Chu Xiu rise to prominence in the arena, the person who was mentally unbalanced was Xiahou Wujiang. He also followed his father Xiahou Zhen to participate in the World Sword Sect Conference this time. Xiahou Zhen brought Xiahou Wujiang also to let him He saw the world and increased his qualifications. According to Xiahouzhen's thinking, the Xiahou family will definitely be handed over to Xiahou Wujiang in the future, and their lineage must be re-elected as the head of the family. &1t;/p>

The last time Uncle Seven's death hit Xiahou Wujiang hard, even more than Chan'er killed by Chu Xiu, which hit Xiahou Wujiang even harder. &1t;/p>

Chan'er was just one of Xiahou Wujiang's maids. To put it bluntly, she was only one of his many women. Now that Xiahou Wujiang died, she was not distressed, only angry. &1t;/p>

But Uncle Seven was an elder who had watched him grow up since he was a child, and he was also one of Xiahou Town's confidants, but now he died because of him. This kind of blow was not an ordinary heavy blow to Xiahou Wujiang. &1t;/p>

Therefore, since the last time, Xiahou Wujiang has changed his previous habits and has become a little taciturn. He even took the initiative to ask for no hardship, which made Xiahou Zhen feel a little relieved, at least his son still has some help. &1t;/p>

Because Chu Xiu was in the middle of Beiyan and Xichu before, and did not see anyone from Dongqi, Xiahou Wujiang did not meet Chu Xiu. &1t;/p>

But at this time, Xiahou Wujiang looked at Chu Xiu's beauty in the ring, and he was almost subdued without fighting, which made Xiahou Wujiang feel extremely unbalanced. &1t;/p>

Xiahouzhen felt the strangeness of Xiahou Wujiang beside him, and he said lightly: "What? Not convinced? Jianghu people can afford it, and Chu Xiu has the strength, so he has the qualifications for the current scenery.&1t;/p> ;

Don't forget what Lao Qi told you before, don't provoke that Chu Xiu without absolute certainty. &1t;/p>

Now is not the time to move Chu Xiu, Guanzhong Punishment Hall's strength is not weak, but it has been kept low-key over the years, so it has not been noticed by others. &1t;/p>

The last time I was defeated by Guan Siyu, I made a miscalculation. Guan Siyu is even about to break through to the realm of real fire refining God. &1t;/p>

With the protection of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, unless I can obtain the power of the Xiahou Clan and completely control the Xiahou Clan, I cannot suppress the Guanzhong Punishment Hall with the power I have now. &1t;/p>

I still say the same thing, you can afford it and let it go. You are not in a hurry to take revenge at this time. You should look forward, instead of only clinging to the hatred in front of you. ”&1t;/p>

Xiahou Wujiang looked at Chu Xiu in the ring coldly, nodded and said, "I know my father, I won't be in the ring this time."&1t;/p>

Although Xiahou Wujiang hated Chu Xiu deeply, he also knew how much he weighed. &1t;/p>

At this time, he was not sure about going to the arena to challenge Chu Xiu, and he was not sure about facing Yan Feiyan of the Yue Nv Palace. &1t;/p>

There is also Nie Dongliu. Although most people in the world know that Nie Dongliu is full of calculations, his methods are more famous than his strength, but now Nie Dongliu has been retreating for two years, and he has worshipped Bei Yan even more. Han Baxian, a tycoon in the Jianghu, is a teacher, and he has obtained the true biography of Han Baxian. Whether he can beat him, Xiahou Wujiang also has no idea. &1t;/p>

As for the face of the Seven Young Masters, he didn't even have the confidence to block the Seven Young Masters and the three swords below. The two of them were not at the same level at all. &1t;/p>

The arena competition at the World Sword Sect Conference this time is just for sparring. Although it is not so serious, there are so many people watching it. As Xiahou Wujiang, if he is not sure of stepping into the top three, then forget it. Going up is just self-inflicted humiliation. &1t;/p>

However, Xiahou Wujiang was unwilling to watch Chu Xiu continue to show his power here, he snorted coldly, stood up and walked towards Beiyan. &1t;/p>

Xiahou Zhen frowned and said, "What are you doing? Didn't you hear what I said just now?" &1t;/p>

Xiahou Wujiang said solemnly: "Father, don't worry, I won't go to the ring to compete with Chu Xiu, but I don't want that Chu Xiu to win too easily, and cause him some trouble, I believe many people are Happy to see it happen." &1t;/p>

Hearing what Xiahou Wujiang said, Xiahou Zhen thought for a while, but didn't say anything more. &1t;/p>

He just hoped that Xiahou Wujiang would be more prudent, but if it is too prudent, the prudence will become timid, which is not a good thing, so Xiahou Zhen did not stop him. &1t;/p>

Xiahou Wujiang went straight to Beiyan's side and came to the monks in the Daguang Temple. With a smile on his face, he cupped his hands and said: "Xiahou Wujiang has seen all the masters."&1t;/p>

Xu Yan glanced at Xiahou Wujiang, clasped his hands together, and said politely, "So it's the son of the Xiahou clan, you're welcome."&1t;/p>

The Daguang Temple is far away in Beiyan, while the Xiahou clan is in Dongqi, and the two sides have not actually had any contact. &1t;/p>

It's just that the Xiahou clan is one of the nine great families, and it's still the one in the forefront, and false words will give Xiahou Wujiang face. &1t;/p>

"I don't know why Young Master Xiahou is here?" Xu Yan asked straight to the point. &1t;/p>

He is a master of martial arts master level, King Kong Yuanzuo, and a junior martial artist like Xiahou Wujiang is naturally unwilling to play any edge, and it is almost the same if he is from Xiahou Town. &1t;/p>

Xiahou Wujiang pointed at Chu Xiu on the ring and said loudly: "Masters, before the Tongtian Tower, Chu Xiu shot and killed Master Mingchen of your temple, and I was there at the time.&1t;/p>

That Chu Xiu was ruthless and decisive. Although I had no friendship with Master Mingchen, I also admired the prestige of the masters of the Daguang Temple. I wanted to block it, but it was too late, and Master Mingchen was killed. &1t;/p>

In the battle of Tongtian Tower, an elder who took care of me from childhood to adulthood also died in the hands of Chu Xiu, but I deeply hated myself for being incompetent and could not avenge my seventh uncle, even if my father made a move, he was defeated. In the hands of Guan Siyu in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. &1t;/p>

This time, several masters brought so many masters to the World Sword Sect Conference. I believe that Master Ming Chen will not die in vain, and the masters will definitely not let that Chu Xiu continue to be so arrogant! ”&1t;/p>

As soon as Xiahou Wujiang said this, the warriors of the Great Bright Temple were immediately excited. &1t;/p>

Moreover, Xiahou Wujiang's voice was not small, and other people around heard Xiahou Wujiang's words, and all looked towards the people in Daguang Temple. &1t;/p>

Looking at Xiahou Wujiang, the face of false words suddenly turned gloomy. He never thought that the junior of Xiahou would dare to provoke him in Daguang Temple! &1t;/p>

Originally, Daguang Temple was no longer ready to take action at the Sword Sect General Assembly, but with Xiahou Wujiang's provocation, it made the disciples who had been quiet before become excited. &1t;/p>

Moreover, Xiahou Wujiang's words were also secretly signaling to other people that Daguang Temple did not dare to do anything to Chu Xiu. &1t;/p>

It was also his own who died in the hands of Chu Xiu, and his Xiahou Clan dared to go to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to seek justice. Even if Xiahou Town was defeated by Guan Siyu in the end, at least their Xiahou Clan dared to do something and would not let themselves Heartbroken. &1t;/p>

As a result, compared with the people in the Daguang Temple, they did not move. In this way, the Daguang Temple did seem a little indifferent. &1t;/p>

Of course, no one would say that the Daguang Temple is too weak, and the Kunlun Demon Sect has been destroyed. No one can make the Daguang Temple retreat in this arena. &1t;/p>

It's just that the eyes of the other warriors looking at Xu Yan and others are a little different. Their own disciples were killed, and the enemy is still in front of them. Don't care whether they can kill the other party or not, at least a little expression is normal, but Daguang Temple is Turning a blind eye, these monks are indeed indifferent enough. &1t;/p>

Xu Yan looked at Xiahou Wujiang coldly, and said in a low voice, "You are so brave!"&1t;/p>

Xiahou Wujiang smiled and said: "Master of false words is serious, I just told some truth, I have no intention of harming Daguang Temple."&1t;/p>

At this time, Xu Du, who had not spoken all the time, put away the lazy look on his body, and his face was gloomy and terrifying. &1t;/p>

An aura burst out from his body, like a mountain, pressing down on Xiahou Wujiang's body, causing him to sweat coldly, and his figure couldn't help but want to kneel down. &1t;/p>

However, Xiahou Wujiang was holding on at this time. If he knelt down in public, his face would be disgraced. &1t;/p>

It's just that the pressure of the martial arts master is not so easy to resist. Xiahou Wujiang burst out with all his strength, but he still can't stop the pressure of Xudu, and even the bones of his whole body are 'creaking' on. &1t;/p>

Just when Xiahou Wujiang was about to be unable to resist, a golden light enveloped him, offsetting the coercion of Xudu. &1t;/p>


Xiahou Zhen didn't know when he came to Xiahou Wujiang's side, and he threw his hands at Xudu and Xuyan and said, "I have no way to teach my son, and I offended the two masters. Please forgive me."&1t;/p>

Xudu put away his coercion and snorted coldly: "Xiahou Zhen, you didn't teach a good son, but you taught a good son to come out. These little tricks are quite tricky, and they have the style of your youth. & ;1t;/p>

But didn't you teach him to play these small tricks also depends on the person? This is the World Sword Sect Conference, I will give the Five Great Swords a face, or else, believe it or not, I will break his head! ”&1t;/p>

Being so ridiculed by Xudu, Xiahouzhen still said with a smile on his face: "What Master Xudu taught is that this kind of thing will never happen again."&1t;/p>

After he finished speaking, Xiahou Zhen took Xiahou Wujiang and left, and the smile on his face became extremely gloomy at that moment. UU reading www.;/p>

Returning to the Xiahou Clan, Xiahou Zhen snorted coldly: "You can try to figure out Chu Xiu, but who asked you to provoke the Daguang Temple? Can't find death?"&1t;/p>

Xiahou Wujiang wiped the cold sweat from his head, smiled and said: "Father, don't worry, I know what I have in mind, I'm just a little provocation, and it's not to harm the Daguang Temple, what can they do even if they are angry?&1t;/ p>

The Daguang Temple is far away in Beiyan, and it has no direct relationship with my Xiahou Clan, so it does not threaten the interests of my Xiahou Clan. &1t;/p>

Moreover, this is the World Sword Sect Conference, I am a junior, and the other party is at most just teaching me a lesson. &1t;/p>

In exchange for a lesson for Daguang Temple to find Chu Xiu's trouble, this transaction is very cost-effective. ”&1t;/p>

In fact, Xiahou Wujiang has always been very aware of it. Since he dared to provoke Daguang Temple, he must have thought about the consequences before. &1t;/p>

But Xiahou Zhen sneered: "It's worth it? If you want to provoke it, it depends on the target. Do you really think that Xu Du's saying that he wants to break your head is a temporary anger? If I am not here today, if you say it again. It's too much, but Xu Du really dares to disregard my Xiahou's face and break your head!"&1t;/p>

ps: I'm glad that the computer store was not closed at night. I redo the system again, but I lost more than 1,000 words of manuscripts that I didn't save. I ate a bowl of rice less at night...&1t;/p> ;


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