Meet The Leader

Chapter 387: Ring Challenge

Xiahou Zhen's words made Xiahou Wujiang look shocked.

The older generation of warriors attacked the younger generation of warriors as a big bully and a taboo in all corners of the world, including the last time Xiahouzhen went to Guanzhong Punishment Hall, all under the pretext of seeking justice for the seventh uncle, he would not It is believed that a long-established martial arts master would openly take action against a junior martial artist like him in the empty seat of the Shaolin Temple in Xudutangtang.

Xiahou Zhen said with a sneer: "You guys are a little confused about things in the arena now, what kind of people are there in this arena? Some people follow the rules, but some people don't.

Xudu is an empty meditation seat, but do you know what his former nickname was? 'Three Crazy Monks'!

This fellow is powerful and amazing in talent. Among the illusory generation of Shaolin Temple, in terms of talent, it is second only to the abbot Xu Ci, and the existence of illusory meditation halls.

But this monk is an out-and-out lunatic. He once went crazy three times a day, and no one could stop him. He even dared to point at the nose of the previous abbot and scold the other's ancestor for the eighteenth generation, and was almost expelled from the Daguang Temple.

After Xu Ci took charge of the Daguang Temple, Xu Du became a lot more honest. Although he was named Kongzhi Zen Hall, he didn't care about the affairs in Kongzhi Zen Hall.

With this guy's character, do you think he was joking when he said that he would break your head? He even dared to scold the abbot of the previous generation, what else would he dare not? Remember, like this kind of lunatic, you must not provoke it, it is not an existence that can be judged by common sense. "

Xiahou Wujiang nodded, also in a cold sweat.

You have to be careful when playing with martial arts master-level characters, otherwise it is easy to not even know how you died.

However, Xiahou Wujiang did not regret it, because his words had already worked.

On the Daguang Temple side, Xiahou Wujiang's provocation could not be concealed from the false duo and false words. The two of them didn't care, but the other younger generation of Daguang Temple disciples were bombed.

Their Daguang Temple belongs to the Northern Buddhist sect. As a Buddhist sect, their attitude towards other sects is not too strong, but they cannot tolerate other people's humiliation.

Just like what Xiahou Wujiang said now, letting Chu Xiu show his power in the arena is an insult to their Daguang Temple, and it also makes their disciples feel chills.

Therefore, a martial artist in his thirties and the Ming character directly ignored the dissuasion of false words, walked onto the ring, and shouted: "Mingcheng, a disciple of Daguang Temple, challenge Chu Xiu in Guanzhong Punishment Hall!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned, and turned their heads in the direction of Chu Xiu and Mingcheng.

Although the arena of the World Sword Sect Conference has a mechanism to challenge, but several rounds have passed since the beginning, but no one has taken the initiative to challenge someone.

The arena of the World Sword Sect Conference is not intense, and most of them are just discussions.

Looking at a few people in the arena, you can see that Fang Qishao has no intention of fighting at all, and it is purely to deal with errands.

The same is true for Yan Feiyan, just because she is a disciple of Yue Nu Palace, she wants to win a good ranking for Yue Nu Palace.

Nie Dongliu even took advantage of the opportunity in the arena to buy people's hearts there. He spent more time pointing his opponents than fighting people.

As for Chu Xiu, the battle between the righteous and the devil is about to begin, and he is preparing to take a wave of benefits before it starts, and he has no intention to fight.

So things like a challenge against a certain person didn't happen, and the World Sword Sect Conference was not a place to settle grievances.

It's just that Mingcheng's active challenge now breaks this situation. Anyone can see that Mingchen's aggressive appearance is not a good way.

Xu Yan frowned, and immediately wanted to stop it, but Xu Du on the side stopped it.

Xudu said lazily: "That kid has stood up, what's the use of stopping him? Fight, it's better to block, these boys are full of anger in their hearts, you don't let them fight, maybe they will wait for them. Secretly."

Xu Yan frowned and said, "But what if there is a problem? Then Chu Xiu was famous for his ruthless determination, and I promised Senior Brother Xuyun not to pursue this matter."

Xu Du's rare expression became serious, and he stared at the false words and said: "Junior brother, in charge of the King Kong Academy for so many years, but you have also worn away your King Kong temper.

Have you forgotten the rules of the rivers and lakes? When people are in the arena, they are either killed by others, or you can only kill others. If you don't have the strength, don't stand up. Can you protect them for the rest of your life?

Although you and I have ordained or become monks, the Daguang Temple itself is in this river and lake, and some rules will not change.

If these junior warriors want to take action, you can let them go, life and death are up to fate, at least the spirit is still there. "

Xu Yan hesitated: "Where is Senior Brother Xuyun?"

Xudu regained his lazy attitude in an instant, and said lightly: "You explain, I don't want to deal with him."

Looking at Xudu, the false words were speechless, but he did not stop the disciples. There were martial arts masters from the five major sword sects around. Although he could not guarantee the absolute safety of the disciples of Daguang Temple, it was still impossible to guarantee their lives. The problem, since they have to go, let them go.

At this time on the ring, Han Tingyi frowned slightly, but he didn't say much, but asked Chu Xiu directly: "Do you accept the challenge of Mingcheng from Daguang Temple?"

The arena of the World Sword Sect Conference is not that intense. Although it can be challenged, it must be accepted by the challenger.

Chu Xiu looked at the Daguang Temple and the Xiahou Clan with a cold look in his eyes.

Because of Chu Xiu's previous fierce reputation, his opponents all surrendered directly in his turn, and Chu Xiu could only stand on the ring and wait for the next round.

He saw Xiahou Wujiang's move to look for the Daguang Temple, but because the distance was too far, he couldn't hear what the other party was saying.

But when Xiahou Wujiang just left, someone from the Daguang Temple came to challenge him. Obviously, what Xiahou Wujiang said was not a good thing.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu's eyes couldn't help showing bursts of murderous intent.

Xiahou Wujiang is like a fly, and he wants to cause him some trouble all the time. Although it is not too big and can't threaten his life, it is very annoying.

So Chu Xiu already has a plan in his heart. If there is no problem, even if Xiahou Wujiang doesn't get into the ring, he won't be able to get out of this Fuyu Mountain!

Seeing that Chu Xiu didn't speak, Han Ting coughed and added: "The World Sword Sect Conference is just for learning, you don't want to accept the challenge, you can wait for the next round."

This time, the five major sword factions are only for the purpose of attracting demons, and other things are worse than less.

However, Chu Xiu grinned and said, "Since the people from the Daguang Temple want to fight, I naturally can't disappoint, right? I accept it."

As soon as these words came out, most of the warriors present immediately turned their attention to Chu Xiu.

The competitions of other people were too boring, and there was no sense of urgency to fight in the arena at all, and now it was finally exciting, which also excited the warriors present.

Mingcheng walked onto the arena with a cold expression on his face, his aura gradually solidified, and a faint golden qi burst out around his body, and the coercion was already infinitely close to the realm of the unity of heaven and man.

The disciples of the Daguang Temple are very low-key, which is recognized in all corners of the world.

Ming Cheng was a disciple of the King Kong Academy, and he was of the same generation as Ming Chen who died in Chu Xiu's hands, but he was younger and stronger than the other.

Generally, disciples like Mingcheng can be trained as future successors when placed in other sects, but in the Daguang Temple, Mingcheng is not ordinary, but can only be regarded as ordinary elite disciples. .

There are not many such disciples in the Daguang Temple, but there are not many. Each of the three major meditation halls and the six major martial arts schools can find more than a dozen.

So don't think that Mingcheng can only be said to be a nameless person in the arena. He has not even been on the Dragon and Tiger list, but the opponent's strength is not inferior to those on the list, only a little older.

Seeing the murderous Mingcheng and the indifferent Chu Han Tingyi shook his head helplessly and said, "Since both of you are willing, let's do it.

But let me reiterate once again, the arena of the World Sword Sect Conference is only for competitions, not for you to kill each other and resolve grievances.

You have to keep this in mind, otherwise things will get bigger, and everyone's face will not look good. "

Chu Xiu smiled and nodded: "Senior Han, please rest assured, I am familiar with the rules of the arena competition, and nothing will happen."

As soon as Chu Xiu said these words, the warriors from Xichu and Beiyan didn't feel anything. The warriors from Dongqi, especially those who had participated in the Divine Armament Conference, all had strange expressions on their faces.

They did not forget that in the past, when Chu Xiu participated in the Divine Armament Conference in Dongqi, Cheng Tingfeng from Cangjian Villa shot to stop him and prevent him from killing Shen Bai, but Chu Xiu was still a daring waste under the pressure of martial arts masters. Losing Shen Bai, his courage is not ordinary.

Now Chu Xiu says that he is familiar with the rules of the arena. What is he familiar with? Familiar with **** people under the nose of a martial arts master?

However, Han Tingyi didn't know about this. He was a martial arts master, so of course he wouldn't care about the mess among the junior warriors.

Hearing that, Han Ting just nodded and said, "Since this is the case, then you can do it."

When the words fell, Mingcheng just wanted to point at Chu Xiu to say something, when he saw Chu Xiu wave his hand and said: "Don't say more nonsense, I originally thought that your Daguang Temple would keep your promise, and I have already exposed this matter. But who would admit that you monks are not trustworthy.

If so, what else is there to say? I just hope you don't regret it in the end. "


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