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Chapter 389: Chu Xiu's madness

Warriors from Daguang Temple are not weak, this is the consensus on the rivers and lakes. &1t;/

To be prepared, Daguang Temple should be a sect with a very high lower limit. As long as it is a warrior who can come out of Daguang Temple, its strength will not be too bad. &1t;/

In the past, the housekeeper of the Li family that Chu Xiu met in Wei County was born as a fire-headed monk from Daguang Temple. &1t;/

And at this time, these warriors who came to participate in the world's sword sect, although they are not at the level of 'Ming King' Zongxuan, but they are also elite disciples in the King Kong Academy, otherwise they will not be brought to participate in this time by false words. World Sword Sect Conference. &1t;/

An opponent of this level is not weak. For Chu Xiu, it is a good material to use to hone his strength! &1t;/

At this time, on the ring, Chu Xiu's Abi Demonic Sword collided with Mingyi's Mercy and Ring Breaking Sword, and the monstrous surging demonic energy exploded, directly defeating the Buddha's Light Sword. &1t;/

And it's not over yet. The blood-colored qi burst out on Chu Xiu's Heavenly Demon Dance, and the boundless killing intent brought by the blood-refining **** gang instantly shrouded Mingyi, and the sword force came over like a torrential rain. It was not easy to wait until Mingyi After all these swords were cut off, an evil demon sword with divinity that seemed to be cut out from **** fell down, directly shattering the long sword of Mingyi, and it spit blood and flew. Fall off the ring. &1t;/

Chu Xiu pointed at the people at the Daguang Temple with the Heavenly Demon Dance in his hand, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Next."&1t;/

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was suddenly in an uproar, so provocative of the Great Bright Temple, this fellow is simply arrogant to the limit! &1t;/

The Daguang Temple was directly bombed, and a warrior didn't even say a name, and went straight to the arena to kill Chu Xiu. &1t;/

Everyone present shook their heads. They have seen arrogant people, but they have never seen such arrogance. This Chu Xiu is simply the rhythm of offending the Daguang Temple to death. Is the punishment hall in Guanzhong so swelled now that he thinks he is Is the Jianghu punishment hall over? &1t;/

It's just that they didn't know that Chu Xiu dared to be so arrogant, he didn't rely on Guan Siyu, but the whole magic way behind him! &1t;/

In the battle between the demons in Fuyu Mountain, Chu Xiu represented the Yin Demon Sect, or even the entire Hidden Demon Clan, let alone Xiahou Town or falsely claiming them, even if it was the abbot of the Great Bright Temple, Xu Ci. Naturally, there will also be those demonic giants who will help Chu Xiu carry it. &1t;/

At this time below, among the crowd, Mr. 6, disguised as 'Songtao Sword' Xu Songtao, looked at Chu Xiu, who was arrogant in the ring, and said in a low voice, "This kid is really arrogant and arrogant. What are you going to do? Use the entire Daguangming Temple disciples as whetstones to hone your own strength?&1t;/

【31 Novel Network】&1t;/

But Mr. Wei, in fact, this kid is not like this on weekdays. When it is time to keep a low profile and ruthless, he will keep a low profile and ruthless. This time he is in the ring and wants to be in the limelight? ”&1t;/

Beside Mr. 6, a handsome young man in white clothes and a crown like jade stood beside Mr. 6 with a folding fan, and said in a low and hoarse voice: "This kid is smart, he is a rookie of my hidden demon lineage. , at this time my magic way gathers the entire Fuyu Mountain, even if he is a hundred times arrogant, there is no problem."&1t;/

The handsome young man standing beside Mr. 6 is the 'Jade-faced Demon' Wei Shuya. He specially asked people from the Demon Sect to help him disguise him like this. In fact, this appearance was originally Wei Shuya's when he was young. appearance. &1t;/

The five Heavenly Demons of Jiutian Mountain were all over two hundred years ago, and now Wei Shuya is not afraid of being recognized. &1t;/

Although Wei Shuya kept saying that he was full of folds on his face and was no longer a jade-faced demon, but now when it was time to disguise himself, he took the initiative to ask the people of the Wuxiang Demon Sect to disguise himself into a youthful appearance. It was a misunderstanding, and almost made the Phaseless Demon Sect warrior who helped Wei Shuya disguise his face laugh. &1t;/

Of course, the martial artist in the end held back, otherwise the old man Wei's temper was not so good. &1t;/

Hearing what Wei Shuya said at this time, Mr. 6 was also relieved. &1t;/

Chu Xiu Ming's identity is a rookie of the devil's way, but he and Mei Qinglian are also interested in him, representing the lineage of the Yin Demon Sect and their Wuxiang Demon Sect. If Chu Xiu becomes famous in the hidden demon lineage in the future , that is naturally their ally. &1t;/

So Mr. 6 told Wei Shuya Chu Xiu's identity in the arena when Chu Xiu boarded the arena, in order to make this veteran magic lord also agree with Chu Xiu and gain the other party's favor. &1t;/

An old man like Wei Shuya could see what Mr. Lu was thinking at a glance, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Don't worry, I said, this kid is smart, and it's not a bad thing to be arrogant.&1t;/

Roaming around in the rivers and lakes, self-indulgent, proud and impassioned, a person is not crazy and unpromising when he is young, but if he is crazy in middle age, he is even less promising. &1t;/

When I was young, the old man was much more arrogant than that kid, and I didn't have to hide in the dark like a terrestrial mouse, so I lost all my vigor. It's not bad to be like this kid. ”&1t;/

There was a look of joy in Mr. Lu's eyes. There were very few people in the magic world who could make Wei Shuya say a good word. It was not easy for Chu Xiu to get such an evaluation. &1t;/

Although this old man is not too young, he is alone now, and he does not even have disciples and servants, but in the Hidden Demon lineage, just because he is one of the five Heavenly Demons in Jiutian Mountain, this qualification is enough. Ranked at the top of magic. &1t;/

Moreover, although the Magic Dao Alliance created by the Five Heavenly Demons in the Nine Heavens Mountains in the past was strangled, there were also many survivors. &1t;/

Those who were able to survive in that battle were all strong in the magic way, and they were not weak in the magic way. &1t;/

Now Wei Shuya is raising his arms, not to mention the disciples and grandchildren of those people, at least 90% of them are willing to go through fire and water for Wei Shuya. &1t;/

At this time, on the arena, Chu Xiu had already lost several Daguangming Temple warriors in a short period of time, and it was still a wheel battle. It was just a general momentum of crushing. The warriors who directly beat the Daguang Temple were terrified, and no one could be in Chu Xio can hold ten moves in his hands. &1t;/

At the end of the fight, although there were still a few people at the Daguang Temple who did not play, they did not jump out to challenge, but all bowed their heads with expressions of anger and humiliation. &1t;/

The remaining few people are weaker than the previous ones. The strongest senior brothers have been defeated. What are they going to fight? &1t;/

And because it was a wheel battle before, seeing Chu Xiu's appearance also consumed a lot of inner strength and true energy. If they persisted, they would have some opportunities, but they did not choose to shoot. &1t;/

The reason is very simple, the warriors of Daguang Temple are still shameful. &1t;/

There is no frontal enemy, and even if they can be defeated in the wheel battle, it will make Jianghu people say that their Daguang Temple is bullying the less. &1t;/

They don't want to do this kind of humiliating thing, so they can only stay here and don't dare to shoot again. &1t;/

Looking at the aggrieved appearances of those disciples, Xu Du jokingly said, "I said that you juniors are true, so you can't bear the blow like this?&1t;/

Then Chu Xiu is also the sixth on the Dragon and Tiger list. Do you really think this list created by Fengmanlou is a joke? &1t;/

If he can be defeated so easily by you guys, wouldn't my Daguang Temple be able to round up the top ten of the Dragon Tiger List? ”&1t;/

Xu Du pointed to the false words beside him and said, "If you are not convinced, there is still a chance. When you cultivate to the level of your family, you will go to Chu Xiu for revenge."&1t;/

The false words on the side nodded, but it was not easy for Xu Du to say a human word this time. &1t;/

But at this moment, Xu Du added another sentence: "However, the strength of your family is not very good. It's a little hard to cultivate to his realm and want to take revenge."&1t;/

Hearing the words, Xu Yan immediately glared at Xu Du, but Xu Du turned his head aside as if he didn't see it. &1t;/

The Daguang Temple had already been beaten by Chu Xiu and did not dare to take another shot. Everyone who was present with Chu Xiu’s might had already seen it. Even those who had some grudges with Chu Xiu did not dare to take the lead at this time. &1t;/

On the other side, at the end of the fight, there were actually only four people left, Fang Qishao, Chu Xiu, Nie Dongliu and Yan Feiyan. &1t;/

A duel between two and two is a very simple matter, but Fang Qishao looked at Yan Feiyan, but he shrugged helplessly and said, "Miss Yan, otherwise you will admit defeat, I don't hit women, especially You are so beautiful, and I am so handsome, we two are fighting fiercely Isn’t it a bit unpleasant?&1t;/

Why don't you admit defeat, how about I invite you to dinner afterwards? The Yuenu Palace is far away from Wuyue. You must have never eaten the food of the Western Regions. After you come to the Western Regions, I will invite you to eat roast lamb shanks, roast lamb chops, and by the way, there are also good lamb kidneys, which are great supplements. thing. &1t;/

Last time, I went to a small tribe to grab it... Abu, I borrowed a few holy sheep from them that were fed with elixir, tsk tsk, the taste is not ordinary. ”&1t;/

Everyone present was speechless for a while, this Seventh Young Master Fang is really not an ordinary top class, and went to invite 'Yunjian Fairy' Yan Feiyan to eat sheep kidneys? Only Fang Qishao could think of such an angry operation. &1t;/

The martial artist in Sword King City, who was in the unity of heaven and man, covered his face in pain. He felt that the face of Sword King City would be completely lost by Fang Qishao. &1t;/

If it wasn't for Fang Qishao's kendo talent that is truly unparalleled in the world, he would have been hanged on the tower several times by the people of Sword King City to sacrifice his sword. &1t;/

On the other hand, Yan Feiyan picked up her delicate eyebrows. She is also an outstanding disciple of the five major sword factions. She still understands Fang Qishao and knows that the other party has this kind of virtue, so she did not talk to Fang Qi. Stop talking nonsense, raise the Yue Nu sword in his hand and rush to kill. &1t;/

She knew that she was not Fang Qishao's opponent, but her dignity as a swordsman could not allow her to admit defeat on her own accord, and Yuenu Palace would not let her do it. &1t;/


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