Meet The Leader

Chapter 390: Fang 7's sword

Everyone has their own characteristics, and Chu Xiu has also discovered that Fang Qishao's characteristics are actually not talkative and funny, but narcissism, extreme narcissism.

If you really judge, Fang Qishao is definitely not ugly, but he is not handsome, at least it has nothing to do with handsome, just a middle-aged appearance, not to mention the appearance of Lu Fengxian, Chu Xiu. Dare to confidently say that he is definitely much more handsome than Fang Qishao.

But Fang Qishao himself doesn't think so, he really thinks that he is handsome enough to make everyone fall for him.

But it is obvious that Yan Feiyan doesn't buy Fang Qishao's 'face value' very much now. The Yue female sword in her hand is like a cloud, and stabs towards Fang Qishao one after another. She is beautiful, and her sword is even more powerful The beauty of beauty, the murderous intention of beauty everywhere.

Of course, Yan Feiyan also knew that she was now able to use her Yue Nu swordsmanship with all her strength to attack the other Qi Shao, entirely because Fang Qi Shao did not resist and fight back.

Fang Qishao's own kendo cultivation is terrifying, and he is even higher than Yan Feiyan. If he really makes a move, Yan Feiyan may even have a problem blocking Fang Qishao's ten moves.

But now Fang Qishao didn't use his sword, he was just dodging at will.

While hiding from Fang Qishao, he looked at Yan Feiyan and said helplessly: Miss Yan, I said, I don't beat women, you can't beat me, what's the point of fighting?

Yan Feiyan frowned and said: Fang Qishao, are you insulting me? As a swordsman, if you know that you are not invincible, you will not draw your sword. Although it is rational, it is cowardly. Your swordsmanship is far higher than mine, don't you even understand this?

Fang Qishao murmured in a low voice: The one who knew that he was defeated was the skin of the melon.

The warrior from the Sword King City under the stage was about to go crazy, and he shouted directly: Fang Qishao! If you don't make a move again, you won't want to leave the Sword King City again this year!

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, Fang Qishao shook his head helplessly and said, "It's boring, it's really boring.

He shouted that it was boring, but Fang Qishao's expression was solemn.

The smiley expression on his hippy face had completely disappeared before, and the sword that Fang Qishao had always carried behind his back was finally unsheathed.

The people of Sword King City are very obsessed with the sword. In order to achieve the realm of the unity of heaven and man, most of the disciples of Sword King City keep the sword in their hands while eating and sleeping, just to achieve the extreme realm of the unity of man and sword.

However, Fang Qishao was an exception. His sword was so loose on his back, wrapped in a piece of rag, as if he didn't care.

This does not mean that Fang Qishao does not pay attention to his sword, but for Fang Qishao, he has already reached the realm of the unity of man and sword. The sword is his finger and arm, of course, how comfortable it is.

Fang Qishao's sword is a very simple-looking black long sword. It seems to be made of black iron. From the top, you can see a hint of light red, which looks like rust but not rust.

A sword was cut out, as if the brilliance between the whole world was completely shrouded by Fang Qishao's sword, the sword came out without a day, and the sky was dark!

Ordinary people take out the sword, first move the sword, then realize the meaning of the sword, and finally they can spread out their own swordsmanship.

On the other hand, Fang Qishao is different. He has already realized the true meaning of kendo at this age. When this sword is cut, it has already contained three points of kendo charm, and the power of heaven and earth around him has already been He was completely absorbed by Fang Qishao's sword. In the darkness, the boundless sword gang shrouded Yan Feiyan, and that momentum really made Yan Feiyan feel terrified!

Fang Qishao said that he didn't want to hit a woman, but as long as he really drew his sword and shot, the guy with the hippy smile before and the seemingly indifferent guy would become one of the most terrifying swordsmen in the arena.

Yan Feiyan frowned tightly, the light above the Yuenu sword in her hand was shining brightly, and she had already exploded her own strength to the extreme.

Also an outstanding disciple of the younger generation of the five major sword factions, Yan Feiyan and Fang Qishao knew each other, but they had never formally fought each other.

Because she was young at that time, and Fang Qishao was already famous as a teenager, and he was already the top five on the Dragon and Tiger List. The only people who were qualified to compete with him were Zhang Chengzhen of Tianshifu and Zongxuan of Daguang Temple.

So Yan Feiyan knew that Fang Qishao was very strong, but he never thought that Fang Qishao was so strong.

The Yue Nu sword in Yan Feiyan's hand rose, and the brilliance of the sword radiated the power of heaven and earth. Although it was subtle, it was extremely sharp and invincible.

The cloud sword breaks the dawn, and the light shines for thousands of miles!

The sword power of Yue Nu Jiandian is absolutely perfect in Yan Feiyan's hands, but it is a pity that his opponent is Fang Qishao, who has already understood the truth of kendo.

The boundless sword gang pressed down, instantly annihilating the cloud sword at dawn, making it unable to change its light again.

The long sword in Fang Qishao's hand pressed down, and the majestic sword force absorbed all the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth in an instant, turning it into a majestic sword gang of dozens of feet and falling, affecting half of the arena, the power was amazing.

The martial artist in the unity of heaven and man can only initially draw and borrow some of the power of heaven and earth, but now Fang Qishao is using his own sword power to attract heaven and earth, and the prestige caused is second only to the master of martial arts.

The majestic and huge sword gang slammed down, and Yan Feiyan's figure repulsed, but the huge sword gang turned into a sweeping trend, blocking all paths around her, leaving her with no way to retreat!

The slender Yue Nu sword in Yan Feiyan's hand suddenly burst into a boundless and sharp sword light. With the flow of her sword, it turned into a storm of sword light, under Fang Qishao's huge sword. Resisting it hard, he retreated step by step, and finally retreated to the edge of the ring before finally offsetting Fang Qishao's sword.

But before Yan Feiyan could breathe a sigh of relief, Fang Qishao once again used his sword.

It was a very simple sword, and the long sword was stabbed flat, just like the first posture that all martial artists learned when they learned the sword, simple and direct.

But with such a simple stab, it seems to have crossed the boundaries of space and time. Under the trajectory of the sword, all the power was exhausted, and the distance between Fang Qishao and Yan Feiyan was rapidly increasing. It shortened, but Yan Feiyan didn't move, but there was a thick look of horror in his eyes!

Fang Qishao stabbed out this sword, and it was not people, not heaven and earth, but karma!

From the moment the sword was stabbed, Yan Feiyan was the result, and the process of the sword was the cause.

There is an effect, and then there is a cause. This completely illogical swordsmanship was realized by Fang Qishao, no matter what Yan Feiyan did to resist, she would lose.

Just when Fang Qishao's sword was less than ten feet away from her, Yan Feiyan took a step back and landed in the ring with a sad expression: "I lost.

At the last moment, Yan Feiyan still retreated, because there was no difference between retreating and not retreating, and she was destined to be unable to catch this sword.

With three moves, Fang Qishao defeated Yan Feiyan with only three moves, and they were both in the top ten on the Dragon and Tiger list. The gap was simply sensational.

Everyone present was silent, and Fang Qishao felt too divided, making them unable to react at all.

The previous Fang Qishao always gave people a feeling of being amused and unreliable, and he did not have the momentum of the younger generation of powerhouses, which also gave most of the heart a feeling of being unworthy of the name.

But until now, Fang Qishao is serious, and he really takes action, everyone knows Fang Qishao's horror, and at the same time, he can't help thinking that Fang Qishao is so terrifying, that he can rank first on the Dragon Tiger List. How terrifying is it with Zhang Chengzhen and Zong Xuan who are second? Could it be comparable to a martial arts master?

Three strokes defeated Yan Feiyan, Fang Qishao put away the long sword in his hand, and returned to his hippie smile. He smiled and said: Miss Yan, I told you to take the initiative to admit defeat, so everyone can save energy.

But don't worry, my Fang Qishao is faithful to his words. I said just now that I would invite you to dinner, and I will definitely invite you to dinner. When do you have time, we will see you in the Western Regions?

Yan Feiyan took a deep look at Fang Qishao, turned and left without saying a word.

Looking at Yan Feiyan's back, Fang Qishao rubbed his chin and murmured: What does this mean? Agree or reject? Tsk tsk, women, animals that are difficult to understand, are even more difficult to understand than At this time, on the high platform of Fuyu Mountain, the martial arts master in Sword King City, whose whole body is shrouded in white robes, wears a trace of In a proud tone, he said to the other people: Everyone, how about my disciples in Sword King City?

Today, the Buddhist sect is respected in the world, and among my kendo lineage, there is only one young disciple of the Buddhist sect and Dao sect who can compare to my sword king Cheng Fang Qi Shao!

The beauty/woman in the palace dress from the Yue Nu Palace looked a little ugly. After all, it was the people from their Yue Nu Palace who lost.

Although she also knew that she couldn't blame Yan Feiyan for this kind of thing, not because Yan Feiyan was weak, but because Fang Qishao was too perverted, but if she lost, she lost, and she couldn't find any excuse.

Cheng Tingshan, the owner of Hidden Sword Villa, couldn't help sneering: "It's just good luck, a kendo genius like Fang Qishao, being obtained by your Sword King City is the luck of your Sword King City, he was not cultivated by your Sword King City yourself. of.

The martial arts master in Sword King City stood with his hands behind his back, and said indifferently: Even so, if you give Fang Qishao to you Hidden Sword Villa, can you keep him? Only my Sword King City can accommodate the seven young masters below.

When he said this, the martial arts master in Sword King City had a hint of arrogance. In fact, their Sword King City did have a reason for being arrogant.

As far as Fang Qishao's character and mouth are concerned, it can be said that he offends people all the way along the way, and his actions are even more unreliable to the extreme.

Only the Sword King City has the strength to keep Fang Qishao and let him grow steadily to this state.

It is true that 90% of Fang Qishao’s current cultivation is due to his own talent, but the remaining achievement is the protection given to Fang Qishao by Sword King City. Without this protection, the fallen kendo genius is not Genius, but dead.


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