Meet The Leader

Chapter 391: Nie Dongliu's scheming

Fang Qishao shot, three swords defeated Yue Nv Gong Yan Feiyan, this is no longer a crush, it is simply not a battle between levels. &1t;/

There was a dignified look in the eyes of Mr. 6 of the Demon Sect of No Phase below. The Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon among the sects of the righteous way was indeed stronger than their demonic way. &1t;/

Mr. 6 himself has already reached the realm of a half-step master. As long as he is given an opportunity, Mr. 6 is also confident that he will immediately step into the realm of martial arts masters. &1t;/

But now if Mr. 6 is asked to play against Fang Qishao, he himself is not sure of defeating Fang Qishao. &1t;/

On the other hand, on the other side of their demons, Chu Xiu is a very good one in the hidden demon lineage, but now Chu Xiu is only in the realm of the Five Qi Dynasty. Fang Qishao. &1t;/

There is also Ye Tianxie, the blood of the demon, who has refined the Blood Flood Inner Pill, and has successfully cultivated the Blood Flood Heart Meridian with his human body. &1t;/

The warriors of the magic line have withered, such as Chu Xiu and Ye Tianxie, they are already top-notch, but looking at the right line, especially the two lines of Taoism, whether it is Zhang Chengzhen or Zong Xuan, it is rare for a thousand years. When encountering amazing people, compared with them, the inferiority of the magic line is really not a little bit. &1t;/

Standing next to Mr. Lu at this time, Wei Shuya seemed to sense his thoughts, and he transmitted his voice: "Liu Jin boy, don't be so pessimistic, no line of Taoism can be strong all the time, the general trend of the world itself is the ebb and flow.&1t ;/

Because of the rise of the Kunlun Demon Sect, my line of Demon Dao has flourished for hundreds of years. Although it is at a low point now, who would dare to say that my line of Demon Dao will continue to be so low? &1t;/

As long as my demonic path is immortal, there will always be a chance of rebirth. &1t;/

Since ancient times, the only Dao lineages that can really stand at the peak are the three lines of Dao, Buddha and Demon. Now these swordsmen want to do things when they see that my Dao is weak, and it's still far away! ”&1t;/

Mr. 6 nodded. Perhaps it is precisely because of the existence of countless Wei Shuya in the magic way that they can continue to survive in this environment where the magic way is suppressed to the extreme. &1t;/

In the past, King Anle once asked Mr. 6 that the Kunlun Demon Sect has been destroyed for hundreds of years. What is the point of them still insisting on these things? &1t;/

At that time, Mr. 6 did not answer. Perhaps for Mr. 6 and the current Wuxiang Demon Sect, what they were loyal to was not the Kunlun Demon Sect, but the prosperous world of Demon Dao. &1t;/

At this moment, the match between Fang Qishao and Yan Feiyan was over in the ring, and everyone looked at Chu Xiu and Nie Dongliu. What really matters was the match between the two. &1t;/

Chu Xiu and Nie Dongliu can be said to be old enemies and old enemies. The grievances between them are recorded on the Dragon Tiger List, and it is not a matter of one or two days. &1t;/

It's just that Nie Dongliu and Chu Xiu didn't meet in the later period, but the grievances and entanglements between the two sides were not put down. &1t;/

Nie Dongliu became famous as a young man, and he was also a generation with great luck. His father, Nie Renlong, left him a strong reputation, and the reputation of Juyi Village alone was enough to make him endure. &1t;/

After that, Nie Dongliu worshipped Han Baxian, a martial arts tycoon in Beiyan, as his teacher, and obtained the true teachings of Han Baxian. He gathered two martial arts masters who were on the list to teach him, which can be regarded as making up for his own strength. some deficiencies. &1t;/

Chu Xiu's experience is even more legendary. From a loose cultivator to a ruthless Qinglong Association killer, to entering the Guanzhong Execution Hall, he became the Guanxi Execution Officer in a short period of time, holding great power. Enough to look down on the whole arena. &1t;/

So overall, Chu Xiu and Nie Dongliu's growth is completely polar, one is a standard aristocratic family, and has a history of genius growth with great luck. &1t;/

Chu Xiu, on the other hand, came from a standard grass-roots background. With one sword and one sword, he fought in the blood and rain to achieve his current state and achievements. &1t;/

It's hard to say which of the two is stronger or weaker, but because of the grudges between Nie Dongliu and Chu Xiu, now the two are finally going to be the absolute one, which also made everyone present a little excited, ready to watch a good show. &1t;/

In fact, Fang Qishao is now the well-deserved number one, and it doesn't make much sense who the second and third are. &1t;/

If it was someone else, maybe it would be completed just by sparring, but now it was Chu Xiu and Nie Dongliu. With the grievances and grievances between the two of them, it was obviously not so easy to resolve. &1t;/

Nie Dongliu looked at Chu Xiu and said with a smile on his face: "Brother Chu, you have just experienced several battles. Do you want to rest for a while now? Don't worry, I will not take advantage of others' danger." &1t;/

After speaking, Nie Dongliu stretched out his hand and made a generous gesture. &1t;/

Chu Xiu's hatred with Nie Dongliu had already been forged, but in fact, his dealings with Nie Dongliu really weren't too much. &1t;/

But whether it is Chu Xiu or Nie Dongliu, they have heard a lot of comments about each other from other people's ears. Chu Xiu's evaluation of Nie Dongliu is very simple. He is a person full of calculations, even if it is him An ordinary sentence usually contains several meanings. &1t;/

Just like now, Nie Dongliu asked Chu Xiu to rest on the surface, but in this situation, can Chu Xiu really rest? &1t;/

Fang Qishao had already dealt with Yan Feiyan smoothly, and only Chu Xiu was going to have another fight with Nie Dongliu. &1t;/

So many warriors on Fuyu Mountain are watching here, and the martial arts masters of various factions are waiting. Chu Xiu, a junior warrior, can really go to the side to rest and recover his true energy before starting? So many people just watched him Chu Xiu recover his strength alone? &1t;/

Even if Chu Xiu is thick-skinned, he can recover his true qi without caring about the eyes of these people, but a timid and cautious label will be put on Chu Xiu afterwards. Although it is not a deceptive word, it is not a good word after all. &1t;/

And if Chu Xiu can't stand it and start now, that's exactly what Nie Dongliu wants. &1t;/

He is a hypocrite, but also a real villain. &1t;/

Han Ba ​​first taught him that the easiest way to deal with a problem is to use his own fists to solve problems, and his father Nie Renlong also taught him that success is a king or a bandit, as long as you can defeat your enemy, any means will be used reasonable. &1t;/

In the face of Chu Xiu, who was in his prime, Nie Dongliu had no confidence to win, but in the face of Chu Xiu, who had consumed a lot of energy now, Nie Dongliu still had certain confidence. &1t;/

Anyway, no matter what Chu Xiu chose, it was Nie Dongliu who took advantage. &1t;/

Looking at Nie Dongliu, Chu Xiu said lightly, "Nie Dongliu, you are still the same. Although you worshipped Han Baxian as your teacher, you didn't learn Han Baxian's arrogance."&1t;/

Nie Dongliu smiled and said: "Domineering? I don't need that kind of thing for the time being. My master is domineering, and I am king, can't it?"&1t;/

Chu Xiu sneered when he heard the words: "Nie Dongliu, can you really be inflated and be king? You are just a young master of Juyi Village, do you still think you are the prince of Beiyan?"&1t;/

Nie Dongliu's words are indeed arrogant. Juyi Village's strength is not considered to be the top among people and the Six Gangs. How dare he say that he wants to be king? &1t;/

"Is there a kind of prince and general Xiangning?"&1t;/

Nie Dongliu stood with his hands behind his back, and said lightly, "Chu Xiu, you were born in the grass, but now you don't even have the energy?"&1t;/

Chu Xiu raised the Tianmowu in his hand, pointed at Nie Dongliu and said solemnly: "That's a good word, but now you and I are more like a prince and a general, but you don't feel a little unlucky. ?"&1t;/

Nie Renlong was a standard grass-roots person, but Nie Dongliu was not. &1t;/

The young owner of Juyi Village is not considered a sloppy land no matter where it is placed. &1t;/

Of course, at this time, Chu Xiu was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Nie Dongliu. Since Nie Dongliu believed in his so-called kingly way, Chu Xiu would teach Nie Dongliu this time. First use your own fist and the knife in your hand to push it! &1t;/

The demonic energy gathered on the Tianmowu, and the richness of the demonic energy even condensed a demonic phantom on the blade, which made people feel extremely terrifying. &1t;/

Seeing this scene, Han Ting and the other five sword sects frowned, not because of anything else, but because Chu Xiu's magic power was too dazzling. &1t;/

In fact, there is nothing unusual about the original magic power. The martial arts of the three schools of Dao, Buddhism and Demon are the most widely spread in the rivers and lakes, especially the magic martial arts. Although there are various defects such as success, unstable foundation, and excessive killing, the magic power Power is powerful, especially when used as a trump card when fighting for life, so even some righteous warriors actually practice magic power secretly as a trump card. &1t;/

But right now it was during the World Sword Sect Conference. The purpose of the five major sword factions was originally to target the line of magic. As a result, now that Chu Xiu revealed this magic, they couldn't help but make them insensitive. &1t;/

If it wasn't for Chu Xiu, who was originally from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, his origins would be considered and he still has so many Buddhist practices, I am afraid that Chu Xiu would have been invited to drink tea now. &1t;/

At this time, in the field, Chu Xiu slashed down with a magic knife, and the phantom of the demon **** stagnant in the blade was also distorted. Following Chu Xiu's knife, there was a burst of sonic booms, which was caused by Abi The magic knife born in **** has been used to the extreme by Chu Xiu, and when the knife fell, some kind of divinity has even appeared! &1t;/

In the face of Chu Xiu's stunning knife, Nie Dongliu did not directly resist, but retreated first, preparing to use it to drag Chu Xiu. &1t;/

Chu Xiu's only advantage is his own combat power, but Chu Xiu's previous battles against Daguang Temple's warriors have consumed nearly half of his internal strength. Nie Dongliu does not believe that the current Chu Xiu can still master such a powerful explosive force. &1t;/

So he prepared to delay until Chu Xiu was really exhausted! &1t;/

It's a pity that Chu Xiu's routines seem to be decisive in battle. Nie Dongliu wants to hold Chu Xiu down, but also to see if his strength is enough. &1t;/

When Chu Xiu's knife fell, Nie Dongliu's infuriating defense was almost paper-like in front of Chu Xiu, and was easily torn apart by Chu Xiu's knife. &1t;/

But at this moment, Nie Dongliu stretched out a hand and pressed it directly on Chu Xiu's long knife. His qi exploded, and the magic flame instantly died out! &1t;/

Juyizhuang Secret Technique: Qiankun Lingyun Hand! &1t;/


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