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Chapter 392: Magic Flame Fowei Town Universe

Although Nie Dongliu is very famous in the arena, he has not made many real shots. Nie Dongliu has always been famous for his own conspiracy calculations, which is why he can rank among the dragon and tiger. Top ten. &1t;/p>

But now, when Nie Dongliu devoted himself to training for several years and worshipped Han Baxian as his teacher, only then did everyone see Nie Dongliu's true strength. &1t;/p>

Qiankun Lingyun, holding the country! &1t;/p>

The powerful wave of palm strength came from layer to layer, tearing apart the magic energy above Chu Xiu's Heavenly Demon Dance, and attacking Chu Xiu along the blade. &1t;/p>

Chu Xiu's brows were raised, Nie Dongliu's own strength accumulation was not weak, and the Qiankun Lingyun hand secretly passed down by Juyizhuang was really strange. Holding Qiankun in his hand, any supernatural power only needs to be held by Qiankun Lingyun. Live, will be torn apart by that strange wave. &1t;/p>

It's just that Chu Xiu has never been afraid of anyone just by fighting for strength. &1t;/p>

The boundless demonic energy above the Heavenly Demon Dance combined with the **** energy, and Chu Xiu's eyes instantly turned red. &1t;/p>

In an instant, Chu Xiu had already stepped into the realm of self-absorbed killing, his suffocating aura surged into the sky, and the demonic flames swept through the sky. &1t;/p>

The boundless blood and demonic energy combined with the demonic energy, condensed the ghostly shadows of the demon gods all over Chu Xiu's body. With Chu Xiu's knife slashing down, there was a mournful wailing sound of evil spirits. &1t;/p>

Nie Dongliu's figure quickly retreated, and his expression changed slightly. &1t;/p>

The reason why he has the confidence to go to Chu Xiu is because Chu Xiu has experienced the wheel battle in Daguang Temple before, and he has even consumed a large part of his internal strength by fighting several masters of the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm who are not weak. &1t;/p>

But who would have thought that Chu Xiu would still be able to explode this level of power, how deep is Chu Xiu's accumulation? &1t;/p>

Nie Dongliu's hands danced one after another. The Qiankun Lingyun hands that originally appeared to be fierce and powerful, now became mysterious and feminine. Yin and yang were polar opposites. Two completely different forces were changing in Nie Dongliu's hands. The knife potential is divided and offset. &1t;/p>

But at this moment, the killing intent in Chu Xiu's eyes subsided, but a mysterious aura emerged from his body, and Chu Xiu's grasp of Nie Dongliu's trajectory when he used Qiankun Lingyun's hand. &1t;/p>

Heaven's Hope! &1t;/p>

In the past, Chu Xiu was basically unable to use the Emperor Wang Qi in such intense fights, but recently, although Chu Xiu's cultivation of the Emperor Wang Qi has not improved, he has become proficient a lot. As it is now, you can concentrate your spiritual power to the extreme during the battle, and perform the Heavenly King Qi Technique. &1t;/p>

The Qiankun Lingyun hand in Juyizhuang's secret biography is very strange, but it can be firm and soft, just like just now. A hard frontal shock can shatter Chu Xiu's sword gang magic, and now it can also divide the universe and block Chu Xiu's blood. Evil sword. &1t;/p>

However, in the eyes of Chu Xiu's Heavenly King Qi Technique, Nie Dongliu's next move has already been traced. Chu Xiu's blade slowed down, but it was no longer continuous like a gust of wind and rain. Staring at the trajectory of Nie Dongliu's hand, at the moment when his Qiankun Lingyun hand was about to be displayed, he blocked the opponent's route and completely disrupted his rhythm. &1t;/p>

After more than ten knives, Nie Dongliu's Qiankun Lingyun hand has been completely disrupted by Chu Xiu, which made him almost vomit blood. &1t;/p>

Every move of his own seems to be taking the initiative to collide with Chu Xiu's knife gang, and the formation of Qiankun Lingyun's hand cannot be used at all. This situation is so strange to the extreme, as if his father once practiced against him. Just like the feeding tricks of the time, it is not a person who has cultivated Qiankun Lingyun's hand to the extreme, and he can't do this at all! &1t;/p>

But Nie Dongliu was sure that their Nie family's Qiankun Lingyun hand would never flow out. &1t;/p>

The Qiankun Lingyun Hand of Juyi Village was created by Nie Renlong based on some ancient exercises he had obtained in the past. In the entire Juyi Village, only he and his father Nie Renlong would meet, and there was absolutely no possibility of leaking secrets. &1t;/p>

Nie Dongliu didn't know what happened to Chu Xiu now, but seeing that the blade in Chu Xiu's hand became stronger and stronger, the blade gang became more and more violent, and kept approaching him, Nie Dongliu snorted. A dazzling golden light burst out from the whole body in an instant, as if the sun was approaching, punched out, and illuminated the ages! &1t;/p>

The martial art practiced by Han Baxian, a martial arts tycoon in Beiyan, is "Haoyang Jiuji Xuangong", which is a practice that he semi-created. &1t;/p>

In the past, Han Baxian first practiced the body training exercises he acquired from the Beiyan court with his military exploits, but later Han Baxian became obsessed with martial arts and integrated the nine body training exercises he had acquired from various places. After connecting and uniting, it becomes this Haoyang Jiuji Xuangong. &1t;/p>

Haoyang Jiuji Mysterious Art is powerful and domineering. It is not only a body training method, but also a profound art that accumulates very powerful internal strength. &1t;/p>

Moreover, Han Baxian also integrated his own martial arts moves into it, making it even more powerful when used together. &1t;/p>

Before, Han Ba ​​used weapons first. He was born in the Beiyan military. Naturally, he also used heavy weapons. He used spears, Fang Tianhua halberds, and Qinglong Yanyue swords. &1t;/p>

But later Han Baxian realized that any weapon was not as practical as his own pair of iron fists, so he gave up the sword and used his fists to fight the enemy. &1t;/p>

It's just that he integrated his own use of weapons into the Haoyang Jiuji Xuangong, just like the punch that Nie Dongliu threw out now, the bright sun of Haoyang shrouded, and he punched, But in fact it is a heavy hammer, with great power and infinite power. &1t;/p>

The dazzling brilliance collided with Chu Xiu's knife, and the brilliance of Haoyang's scorching sun exploded in an instant, and finally dissipated from the entanglement with the demonic energy. &1t;/p>

This is not over yet, Nie Dongliu's body does not stop at all, his body is upright, and a punch falls, but it is like a straight big gun, bursting out with unparalleled momentum, the speed is fast to the extreme, just now Fierce to the extreme. &1t;/p>

Looking at Nie Dongliu's actions, a cold smile appeared on Chu Xiu's mouth. &1t;/p>

Is Nie Dongliu trying to fight him in close combat? But unfortunately, since Chu Xiu cultivated Donkey Kong's divine power, he no longer has any weaknesses. Even in close combat, Chu Xiu's accumulation of internal strength and the physical strength brought by Donkey Kong's divine power are no less weak than those of practicing Hao. Nie Dongliu of Yang Jiuji Profound Art. &1t;/p>

Close the knife and seal, among the complicated handprints, the majestic qi spreads out, the wisdom fist seal, the world is useless! &1t;/p>

Within a radius of more than ten feet, it was Chu Xiu's Astral Qi domain. Nie Dongliu's punch slammed into the Astral Qi domain, as if a large spear had pierced into the viscous water. &1t;/p>

The gun is heavy and imposing, and after it is stabbed, it is inexorable. &1t;/p>

But under Chu Xiu's Wisdom Fist Seal, this momentum has already been vented, and the power has lost half of it. &1t;/p>

Taking a step forward, Chu Xiu squeezed the seal of the perfect bottle in his hand, and a dazzling light burst out in an instant, colliding with Nie Dongliu's punch, instantly causing him to take a step back. &1t;/p>

Stepping forward again, Chu Xiu squeezed the sun wheel seal in his hand, and the five elements circled into one. &1t;/p>

Chu Xiu's body was surrounded by golden Buddha light, and the Buddhist seals fell one after another. The power was extremely powerful. It turned out to be directly pressing Nie Dongliu. Profound arts must be several times stronger. &1t;/p>

The expressions of everyone present were a little strange. Nie Dongliu was looking uncomfortable. After all, Chu Xiu had already made several shots in the arena, and everyone knew his martial arts background. When it comes to the power of the same rank Among the warriors, there are few who can compare with Chu Xiu. &1t;/p>

Of course, this can only be blamed on Nie Dongliu himself for being unlucky. He finally worshipped Han Baxian as his teacher and raised his cultivation to the extreme. Unexpectedly, he encountered such a pervert as Chu Xiu, even after several consecutive battles. Still able to explode this level of power. &1t;/p>

Some monks in the Daguang Temple below also looked ugly, because Chu Xiu treated them like this before, and the unreasonable blast was completely crushed by strength, completely overwhelmed them, and finally was knocked off the ring. &1t;/p>

However, Nie Dongliu was obviously not one of those monks in the Daguang Temple. After being suppressed by Chu Xiu, a cold look appeared in Nie Dongliu's eyes. He still underestimated Chu Xiu this time. &1t;/p>

After not seeing him for such a long time, his luck is good, but Chu Xiu's growth is even more terrifying. If it goes on like this, I am afraid that he will be crushed and defeated by Chu Xiu in public! &1t;/p>

It's not that Nie Dongliu can't accept failure, in fact, he has failed a lot in his life, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com was defeated by a woman before, and he was ridiculed by Beiyan's warriors for a long time. &1t;/p>

But now it was at the Sword Sect of the World, under the watchful eyes of the public, if he was directly defeated by Chu Xiu, it would not be a big blow to Nie Dongliu's reputation. &1t;/p>

So at this moment, Nie Dongliu had already made up his mind to fight once, and the outcome was at hand! &1t;/p>

Although he was full of calculations, he did not hesitate after the calculations, but was extremely decisive. &1t;/p>

Now that he has decided to give it a try, he no longer has to worry about getting injured and keeping his hands. &1t;/p>

When Chu Xiu's fist mark did not fall, Nie Dongliu's whole body was covered with blood mist, and his blood essence was burned directly, which made everyone present frown. &1t;/p>

The means of burning blood essence to hurt others and oneself are usually only used when they are fighting for their lives, but now Nie Dongliu in the ring even used this means, obviously he has already played a real fire, also Pushed to the extreme. &1t;/p>

Han Ting, who was the referee on the high platform, wanted to block it when he saw this scene, but he was also held back. &1t;/p>

It's already the last two games anyway. If they want to fight, let them fight. It doesn't affect the overall situation anyway. &1t;/p>

The goal of their five sword factions is the magic way, not to be the mediator between these junior warriors. &1t;/p>


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