Meet The Leader

Chapter 393: Defeat the old enemy

Seeing that Nie Dongliu even did something like burning blood essence, Chu Xiu couldn't help frowning and took two steps back. &1t;/

Nie Dongliu's determination to win and lose is not an ordinary one. In an arena competition, with Han Tingyi and others watching, he can't really kill people. &1t;/

Of course, for Chu Xiu, he still has the opportunity to kill, but not now, but in the future. &1t;/

But since Nie Dongliu had already decided to give it a go, how could he let Chu Xiu leave so peacefully? &1t;/

The rich blood energy condensed into Nie Dongliu's arms, and he pointed out his hands in the shape of sword fingers, and instantly two blood swords were cut out. &1t;/

But the most bizarre thing is that the two blood swords are actually wrapped with a layer of rich golden qi. The two blood swords are like two dragons. Cut at him. &1t;/

The two blood swords that condensed Nie Dong's blood and gang qi were not weird, but they were miraculous. Even if Chu Xiu made a full-strength shot, they couldn't completely stop them. &1t;/

The qi was torn apart by the two blood swords, Chu Xiu squeezed the Dugu seal in his hand, motionless like a mountain, and invincible. &1t;/

The two blood swords collided on the Dugu Seal, and the blood burst instantly, and the golden light filled the air, directly smashing Chu Xiu's Dugu Seal to pieces! &1t;/

Nie Dongliu's face was pale, but his stature did not change in the slightest. When Chu Xiu's Dugu seal was just shattered, he had already bullied him. &1t;/

In fact, the two blood swords just now were not taught to him by Han Baxian, nor were they taught by his father Nie Renlong, but rather a fragment of a swordsmanship that Nie Dongliu accidentally acquired. &1t;/

This swordsmanship was born in the devil's way, and the power of its full version is simply unimaginable. &1t;/

After Nie Dongliu accidentally got this swordsmanship remnant, he gave it to his father Nie Renlong. In the end, Nie Renlong came to a conclusion that the former owner of this swordsmanship remnant should be from the Kunlun Demon Sect, and his identity is likely to be a member of the Kunlun Demon Sect. A magician or even a magician! &1t;/

It's just that this swordsmanship was too damaged, even if Nie Renlong made a shot, he only extracted such a move from it. &1t;/

With one's own qi and blood as the marrow, true qi as the bone, and astral qi as the skin, the two swords pierced by sacrificing oneself are extremely powerful, and even Chu Xiu's Dugu Seal cannot stop an attack of this level. &1t;/

Nie Dongliu stepped on the golden light, and his whole body was enveloped in a powerful astral energy. He punched down, and the momentum was raised to the extreme, as if he had the power to shatter mountains and crack the earth. &1t;/

In fact, at the very beginning, Nie Dongliu wanted to consume Chu Xiu to death. After all, Chu Xiu had already consumed a lot of power before. &1t;/

But it was only at the end of the fight that Nie Dongliu realized that Chu Xiu's accumulation was terrifying. Even after the previous wheel battle, Chu Xiu's accumulation was even deeper than his, so if he continued to fight like this, he would be punished. It wasn't Chu Xiu who died, but Nie Dongliu himself. &1t;/

Therefore, Nie Dongliu could only change his strategy and use his full strength to unleash his greatest power to defeat Chu Xiu directly. &1t;/

Looking at Nie Dongliu, who was like a **** in the world, Chu Xiu's eyes flashed a crimson color. &1t;/

The Dugu Seal was shattered, and although most of the power of the two blood swords had been neutralized, a part of the power had penetrated into Chu Xiu's inner organs, causing his meridians to have faint pains. &1t;/

However, at this time, Chu Xiu had already stepped into the realm of self-absorbed killing. The murderous intent and suffocation all over his body were condensed. This kind of pain was directly ignored by Chu Xiu, and there was only one word in his mind, kill! &1t;/

With a punch, the suffocating energy in Chu Xiu's body condensed into a crimson color, bright red, and dazzling red. &1t;/

Forget the sky, forget the earth, forget me, and destroy the world! &1t;/

The killing intent was stagnant to the extreme with a punch that collided with Nie Dongliu, the two fists intersected, and a terrifying wave suddenly erupted. &1t;/

The other warriors present were also a little pale, not because of the momentum when the two of them fought, but because of Chu Xiu's terrifying killing intent that day. &1t;/

The martial art of Heaven and Earth Extinguishing Forgetting Self-Killing Fist is very famous in the world, and there are not only one or two people who practice it. There are several strong men in the Eastern Qi military who have actually practiced this martial art. &1t;/

It's just that those people are all military experts. It is easy to condense this level of killing intent in the battle and kill, and then use this technique. &1t;/

But Chu Xiu is different. He is only a Jianghu person, or he was born in the Jianghu grass. God knows how he condensed this level of killing intent. &1t;/

If it weren't for the fact that Chu Xiu was representing the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and now some people say that he is a murderer of the devil's way, there is absolutely no sense of disobedience. &1t;/

At this time, Chu Xiu blocked Nie Dongliu's powerful punch, which made Nie Dongliu grit his teeth with hatred. &1t;/

Not to mention whether Chu Xiu's strength is exhausted, Nie Dongliu's own consumption is also not small. &1t;/

Even with all his strength, Chu Xiu couldn't be shaken. This was because he was taking advantage of others' dangers. After Chu Xiu had been beaten by the wheel, he was still unable to do anything, which made Nie Dongliu feel powerless. &1t;/

He now finally knows what his master Han Ba ​​said first. In the face of absolute power, everything is nothing. &1t;/

Even though he was full of calculations, he still lost in the end. &1t;/

Nie Dongliu was not someone who couldn't afford to lose, in fact he was very rational. &1t;/

After feeling that he couldn't defeat Chu Xiu even with the last trump card, Nie Dongliu's figure immediately prepared to step back. &1t;/

But unfortunately, Chu Xiu didn't want to give him this chance. &1t;/

The moment Nie Dongliu retreated, Chu Xiu also moved. &1t;/

However, Chu Xiu's figure didn't move, his hand was imprinted, and when the fingerprints tapped, a thunderbolt exploded in an instant! &1t;/

Outer lion print! &1t;/

Just like Leiyin's roar, Nie Dongliu was completely unprepared, and was immediately dissipated by Chu Xiu's shock of the outer lion, and blood flowed out of his ears. &1t;/

However, the influence of the outer lion seal on Nie Dongliu is still limited. After all, Nie Dongliu’s own physical cultivation is there. After cultivating the Haoyang Jiuji Xuangong, with his physical strength, the martial arts such as the outer lion seal still have a certain degree of strength. defensive effect. &1t;/

But before Nie Dongliu could react, Chu Xiu's eyes had transformed into an endless abyss, like a bottomless abyss, pulling Nie Dongliu's entire spirit into it! &1t;/

Heaven and Earth Destroying Soul Dafa! &1t;/

The Essence Mystery Law definitely belongs to the niche in the arena, and those who are related to the Essence Mystery Law are also evaluated as evil and ruthless. &1t;/

Chu Xiu's martial arts have always been of the kind that are fierce and aggressive, but now he has suddenly used the subtle and mysterious method. Not only did Nie Dongliu fail to respond, but everyone present also failed to respond. &1t;/

Originally, with Nie Dongliu's physical cultivation base and strong qi and blood, he still had a certain resistance to the essence and mystery method. &1t;/

But he just used a secret method to burn blood essence, resulting in a loss of blood essence, but now he has been recruited in an instant. &1t;/

The spirit fell into the boundless abyss, Nie Dongliu struggled to break free, and his mental strength was almost strained to the extreme. &1t;/

It's just that when he just broke free from the influence of the Heaven and Earth Destruction and Shifting Soul Dafa, the oncoming punch was Chu Xiu's punch, the Heaven and Earth Destroying Forgetful Killing Fist with infinite murderous intent! &1t;/

Han Tingyi frowned. On the ring, they could do it if they wanted to, but they couldn't kill anyone, so he was already ready to start intercepting. &1t;/

However, Nie Dongliu still had the strength to fight. At the moment of crisis, he directly burst out all his astral qi and condensed it into a shield in front of him. &1t;/

The golden gas shield was directly smashed by Chu Xiu's punch, and Nie Dongliu was also knocked off the ring by Chu Xiu's punch, spitting out blood, but obviously there was no fear of life. Seeing this, Han Tingyi didn't Keep going. &1t;/

Looking at Chu Xiu, who was breathing a little but didn't suffer too many injuries in the ring, Nie Dongliu's heart was full of unwillingness, but he still wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and returned to his seat. &1t;/

He was not someone who couldn't afford to lose. At this time, Nie Dongliu also understood that he was still the young owner of Juyi Village back then, but Chu Xiu was no longer the Chu Xiu he was back then. &1t;/

In the past, Nie Dongliu's strength was to overwhelm Chu Xiu, but now he was defeated by Chu Xiu as if he was crushed by tricks, and he lost completely. &1t;/

At that time, Chu Xiu had no backer, just a loose cultivator who he could kill at will, but now Chu Xiu is backed by the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and has become the Guanzhong punishment officer of the powerful side, although his status is still not as good as that. He is the heir of Juyi Village, but it is not something he can handle at will. After all, in terms of power, Guanzhong Xingtang is stronger and much stronger than his Juyi Village. &1t;/

Of course, what Nie Dongliu didn't know was that behind Chu Xiu was more than just a Guanzhong execution hall. The power hidden underneath was something that Nie Dongliu didn't even dare to think about. &1t;/

Of course, Nie Dongliu also regretted why he didn't force his father to use the power of Juyi Village to strangle Chu Xiu. &1t;/

It's just that regret is the most useless emotion. This emotion flashed in Nie Dongliu's heart for a moment, and he was forcibly extinguished by him. &1t;/

For Chu Xiu to defeat Nie Dongliu, everyone present was not surprised, but for most people, it was a normal thing. &1t;/

Because for the Jianghu people, the reason why Chu Xiu was able to become famous on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings was because of his **** battles again and again. &1t;/

Jianghu people can say that Chu Xiu has a vicious mind, or that he is ruthless, but no one will say that Chu Xiu Lang has a false name and is not worthy of his ranking on the Dragon Tiger List. &1t;/

This is a kind of confidence, the confidence gained from countless **** battles. &1t;/

On the other hand, Nie Dongliu's reputation is not weaker than that of Chu and even bigger than that of Chu Xiu. &1t;/

After all, Chu Xiu is only the execution officer of the Guandong Land, not the clear heir of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but everyone in Jianghu knows that Nie Dongliu is the heir of Juyi Village. As long as Nie Dongliu does not die, he will be 100% in the future Will take over Juyi Village. &1t;/

Therefore, Nie Dongliu actually had the aura of the entire Juyi Village on his body. If he didn't have this important identity, Nie Dongliu's fame would definitely be far less than that of Chu Xiu. &1t;/

Now that the two are fighting, in fact, for most people, they have already expected that Chu Xiu will win most of the time. &1t;/

Now that the arena has reached this level, it is almost the same. With Fang Qishao's strength and realm, he is well-deserved first, Chu Xiu second, and Nie Dongliu third. There is no need to fight anymore. Xio can also go down to heal now. &1t;/

So Han Ting just routinely asked: "Chu Xiu, are you still ready to fight again?"&1t;/

Just when everyone thought that Chu Xiu would definitely take the initiative to admit defeat, Chu Xiu suddenly said: "Of course we have to fight, why not fight? I don't have the habit of admitting defeat."&1t;/

Fang Qishao, who was standing on the side, said helplessly: "I said, Brother Chu, you are still fighting even if you look like this? Wouldn't you also be with the girls from the Yue Nv [31 Novel Network] palace... ahhh! It's like a fairy, what about the dignity of a swordsman? Besides, you use a knife, not a sword."&1t;/


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