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Chapter 395: The shadow of the top of Fuyu Mountain is now

In the battle with Fang Qishao, Chu Xiu seemed to lose, but in fact he also earned.

Only under this kind of pressure can Tianzi Wangqi make a clear breakthrough. Even if Fang Qishao is willing to be a sparring trainer for Chu Xiu, then Chu Xiu can even be sure to practice Tianzi Wangqi to become proficient in a short period of time. boundary.

But obviously this kind of thing is impossible, and now Fang Qishao is already very upset. Although he won in the end, he still feels a little bit of a loss.

After the young generation's arena competition was completed, the prizes were not released on the spot, but were prepared to be released to everyone after the World Sword Sect Conference ended.

The next step is the martial arts master-level powerhouse, which also made everyone present excited for a while.

After all, for most of the warriors present, it is very difficult for them to see the fight between the masters of the martial arts master level, let alone whether they can understand it.

Han Tingyi looked at the other members of the five major sword factions, and all of them walked off the high platform at the same time and stood on the ring.

Seeing these people, everyone present suddenly began to talk in a low voice. These people are all well-known kendo masters among the five major sword sects.

The beautiful woman in the palace dress of the Yue Nu Palace is Lin Fengya, the current palace owner of Yue Nu Palace, 'Moon Shadow Star Mark'. Although she is not famous in the rivers and lakes, it is not small. Of course, her fame is more because of her. The identity of the palace lord of the Yue Nv Palace.

Lin Fengya ranked twenty-fifth on the Billboard, and her ranking was even higher than Han Tingyi, who was sitting in the sword house.

But in fact, people in the world also know that Lin Fengya's ranking on the Billboard is actually a bit inflated. With her strength, even entering the top 30 on the Billboard struggles. Now she can rank 25th on the Billboard. It is because of her status as the Palace Master of Yuenu Palace, and because she is a rare woman on the Billboard, so her ranking is so high.

The warrior with seven swords in Cangjian Villa is Cheng Tingshan, the owner of Cangjian Villa's 'Wuxin Sword Tomb'. He originally had ten swords, but the other three swords were broken.

Broken three swords, killed three people, one of the three who died was a murderer who had formed a deadly feud with his Hidden Sword Villa in the past, and the other two were giant owls of the devil who traversed the rivers and lakes. Cheng Tingshan's strength is also considered among the masters of martial arts. Not weak.

It's just that Tibetan Sword Villa has been declining recently, and Cheng Tingshan is not a woman, so naturally he has no preferential treatment, so he only ranked 33rd on the Billboard, and he didn't even enter the top 30.

The warrior in Sword King City, whose whole body is shrouded in white robes, is the Sword King City-shaped sword hall seat, and the 'invisible sword' Bai Qian ranks 30th on the list, second only to Han Tingyi, who sits in the sword house.

Among the four sword halls in Sword King City, Xingjian Hall specializes in swordsmanship and swordsmanship, but Bai Qian has transformed his swordsmanship and swordsmanship into a realm where the invisible is better than the visible, so his nickname is the invisible sword. This can also see the terrifying cultivation above Bai Qianqian's kendo.

The last person was the young man with the broken sword mark between his eyebrows and bare feet from Fengyun Jianzhong. In fact, among the five martial arts masters, he was the one with the greatest background.

Fengyun Sword Tomb is a place to hide swords. According to legend, in ancient times, some strong swordsmen would bury their long swords in one place when they were dying. That place is the place where swords are hidden by convention. This place is Fengyun Sword Tomb.

The swords of the kendo masters are certainly extremely precious soldiers or even divine soldiers, so in the later period, there will be disciples or servants of those kendo masters who live in a hut around the Fengyun Sword Tomb, guarding those divine soldiers of the sword tomb. sword.

Later, there were more and more people guarding the Fengyun Sword Tomb, and their descendants also multiplied more and more, and they united and became a kendo sect.

It can be said that Fengyun Jianzhong inherits the exercises of countless kendo powerhouses in the past.

Moreover, even if a certain generation of powerhouses withered, no one would dare to provoke Fengyun Sword Tomb, because no one would know what magical or evil existences Fengyun Sword Tomb would invite from the place where swords were hidden in the past.

Legend has it that Fengyun Sword Tomb was hit once more than 2,000 years ago, and there was only one old martial arts master left in the entire Fengyun Sword Tomb, so he was attacked by an enemy sect, who had six martial arts masters. Grandmasters and sect powerhouses gathered, wanting to completely destroy Fengyun Sword Tomb.

As a result, the old martial arts master used his own blood as a sacrifice, and invited a sword spirit formed from the fusion of countless kendo murderous intentions from the Fengyun Sword Tomb, and he actually slaughtered all six martial arts masters.

Although this move also exhausted the blood of the martial arts master of the Fengyun Sword Tomb, and he returned to the ruins after three days, but it also let the whole world know that the Fengyun Sword Tomb is not easy to mess with, even if there is only one left in the Fengyun Sword Tomb A person, you don't know what cards he still has in his hand.

And now the young man in white and barefoot has a very mysterious origin.

Legend has it that outsiders cannot enter the place where the swords are buried in Fengyun Sword Tomb. To be precise, it should be said that as long as the warriors have true energy, they cannot enter, and as long as they approach, they will trigger the formation.

Because there was a barren forest outside the place where the sword was buried, a wild wolf actually entered the place with a baby boy in his mouth, threw it next to a broken sword, and fed it with wolf milk every day.

This baby boy didn't cry or make trouble, and it wasn't until he was three years old that he was discovered by the people of Fengyun Sword Tomb, and even shook the entire Fengyun Sword Tomb for a while.

And for some unknown reason, the baby boy had a very strange connection with the broken sword beside him, so that the broken sword that had dissipated the artifact spirit unexpectedly reborn the artifact spirit at this time, making it become A new magic weapon.

Later, the baby was raised by Fengyun Sword Tomb and accepted as a disciple, and even the deceased former master of Fengyun Sword Tomb, the old sword **** Guo Mo, took him as a disciple and taught him swordsmanship.

Because he had no parents and didn't even know his surname, Guo Mo named him Yan Zhi, because the broken sword that accompanied him was called Yan Zhi.

Yanzhi has also become the most special existence in the Fengyun Sword Tomb. He was born with a magic weapon, and the magic weapon is connected to him by flesh and blood. No matter how long it takes, you can guarantee that your face will not age, and it will be very magical.

Yan Zhi is ranked 23rd on the Billboard, but it is said in all corners of the world that Yan Zhi's ranking is definitely more than that. The next is never alive, and it is extremely fierce.

Among the five people present, Yan Zhi can be said to be the strongest and the most unfathomable one. If there is no accident, the leader of this arena competition should be Yan Zhi.

It's just that although these five people are going to compete in the ring, people who know the inside story know that they are actually just acting, acting for the devil to see.

The Fortune-telling Heavenly Demon Flag is of little significance to the five sword factions, and they will not fight to the death for this thing.

Han Ting said solemnly to the people present: Everyone, starting the second round, I will be the first to show my shame. My five sword factions will learn from each other, so I won't do any one-on-one tricks to waste time, five people. Let's fight together to decide the outcome.

With that said, Han Ting and the other five started to fight, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

It is indeed rare for five kendo masters to fight, but Chu Xiu just glanced at it and lost interest.

These guys are really here to act, and they don't care at all.

Don't look at the fact that the five of them fought with sword qi and gang qi, but in fact, the five of them were afraid that they would not even use the 10% utility.

Han Tingyi didn't use the powerful sword intent of his Zuowangjianlu at all, Cheng Tingshan only used one of the seven swords, and Bai Qian's invisible sword didn't use either. The sword move of its table.

The same is true for Lin Fengya, Yue Nu Jian Dian's sword power has not been wielded, and it is not even as good as the previous Yan Feiyan's shot.

The most extreme is Yanzhi. Everyone wanted to see how he integrated the Yanzhi sword into himself, but this one was so he didn't even have the sword, so he used the sword to condense his true qi. Refers to the enemy, it is really too much.

Of course, for those Loose Cultivators, Han Tingyi and the others had already 'fighted' fiercely enough, and they enjoyed it very much.

After about an hour of melee, the five finally decided the winner, and the final winner turned out to be Cheng Tingshan from Cangjian Villa.

Seeing this result, everyone present pouted, really unconcerned, this kind of result can come out?

However, the people from the five major sword factions didn't care about the discussions below. Han Ting immediately cupped his hands at the bottom and said, "Everyone, the five sword factions of mine have already discussed the outcome. The above-mentioned achievements are quite deep, and they are one step ahead of me. Is there anyone who is willing to come up and learn from each other? The winner will be able to take this fortune-telling demon flag!

The following martial arts masters raised their eyebrows, but no one said a word.

They all knew that this time it was the people of the five major sword factions who wanted to draw out the people of the devil's way. They didn't object to this kind of thing, but they were also too lazy to mix it up, so naturally no one spoke at this time.

But at this time, a hoarse and old voice came from below.

Do you five sword factions dare to act more fake? This kid from Cangjian Villa has fart kendo skills. He carries so many swords all day long as a peacock opens his screen. Don't you know that the more shy people are, the faster they die?

Who are you, Cheng Nanbei, the 'Sword of the Ten Directions'? Your grandfather or your great grandfather? That old boy also likes to run around all over the world with ten swords on his back. In the end, I broke his neck and broke his nine swords. The remaining one looks good. It's hanging on the door of my thatched cottage!

: 'Invisible Sword' Bai Qian is the character of the book friend Fallen Leaves.


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