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Chapter 396: The strong demons appear together

As the hoarse and old voice came, a young man in white clothes with a jade-like crown walked out from the crowd with a folding fan, but his steps did not look like a young man, but like a young man. It's like an old man.

The expressions of Han Tingyi and the others suddenly became solemn, and they finally came!

However, Cheng Tingshan's face was ugly at this time, because this person was insulting their Hidden Sword Villa.

Cheng Nanbei is neither his grandfather nor his great-grandfather, but an ancestor of the Cheng clan of Cangjian Villa, who is considered to be a person of seniority like his great-grandfather, who was killed by the devil in his early years.

It's just that it was more than 200 years ago. Cheng Tingshan is only in his fifties now. At that time, even his father was not born. Cheng Tingshan only occasionally saw a description in the genealogy. Where is he? will remember so clearly.

But the person in front of him said that he killed his ancestors. Does that mean that the life of the person in front of him has been at least 200 years old? Who is this man?

Cheng Tingshan thought about it, and suddenly thought of something, he suddenly shouted in horror: Jade-faced demon! You are the 'Jade-faced Demon' Wei Shuya! You are not dead yet!

As soon as this statement came out, the people present were in an uproar.

Although more than two hundred years have passed, the reputation of the five Heavenly Demons in Jiutian Mountain is still very loud.

Wei Shuya twisted his neck, his appearance changed from a handsome young man to the old-fashioned, wrinkled look before.

Tsk tsk, it's not easy, I didn't expect that someone still remembers me, it seems that you guys still hold such vengeance in the Cangjian Mountain Villa lineage. Could it be that you have been thinking about **** me all these years?

Han Ting and the other five all frowned. It seems that this time they really stimulated the magic way, and even Wei Shuya, an old monster of the magic way, was blown up.

On the other side, Cheng Tingshan showed a hint of coldness in his eyes and said: "The people in my Tibetan Sword Villa will not die in vain. I have not taken action in these years, I just thought you were dead, but I didn't expect you to be alive.

But it's a pity, obviously you can continue to live for a while, but now you are taking the initiative to jump out and die, then you can't blame me!

The voice fell, and the five long swords behind Cheng Tingshan were unsheathed at the same time, and the violent qi condensed on the sword body, turning into a sword formation and shrouded Wei Shuya.

And at the same time, Cheng Tingshan held a long sword in each hand, and he used two sword techniques to kill Wei Shuya.

In the past, the five Heavenly Demons of Jiutian Mountain were indeed famous, and even the ancestor of his Hidden Sword Villa died in the hands of Wei Shuya.

But when Cheng Tingshan faced Wei Shuya, he still had the confidence and even confidence to make a move.

The reason is very simple, Wei Shuya is old.

It’s not that the older you are in the arena, the stronger you are. If this is the case, then everyone should stop fighting, find a place to retreat, and see who lives the longest, who will be honored in the arena.

No matter how proud you are in the world, you are no match for the ravages of time.

Cheng Tingshan was only in his fifties at this time. For the realm of a martial arts master, he was in his prime, when his blood was at its strongest.

And what about Wei Shuya? He is already old, completely old, and even if he does not take action for a while, it is estimated that he will die of old age.

Does Cheng Tingshan still need to be afraid to deal with such an old thing whose blood is declining?

But before his sword formation fell, he saw Wei Shuya yawn lightly, but it was this yawn, but it seemed like a magic sound, and a huge sound wave burst out, capturing the soul. Soul, almost in an instant, the sword formation laid by Cheng Tingshan has been completely defeated!

There was a look of horror in Cheng Tingshan's eyes. This old thing is more than two hundred years old. How can it still have such power?

But before he could react, he saw Wei Shuya stretch out a hand and suddenly press it down!

In an instant, the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth was transformed into a monstrous demonic energy, condensed into a giant hand of hundreds of feet, as if it was a five-finger mountain rolling down towards Cheng Tingshan!

Devil swallows all worlds, covering the sky with one palm!

Before the palm strength fell, Cheng Tingshan had already spit out a mouthful of blood by this powerful and terrifying pressure.

A few days ago at the Bonewood Villa Demon Dao Association, Wei Shuya also shot at the mountain ghost.

However, Shan Gui is a member of the Moon Worship Cult after all. The Ming Demon and the Hidden Demon are still ready to join forces. Of course, they won’t just tear up their face like this, so Wei Shuya’s actions are still important. He just taught that Shan a little. Ghost, it didn't make a big move.

But now facing Cheng Tingshan is not the same, Wei Shuya is dead.

At this time, Cheng Tingshan looked at the giant hand of demonic energy in horror, and hissed: "True fire refines God!" You have actually broken through to the realm of real fire refining!

It is not easy to step into the realm of martial arts masters, but it is even more difficult to break through the real fire.

In the past, when Wei Shuya was still at his peak, he didn't reach the realm of real fire refining. Now Wei Shuya is old and basically has no chance to go further. How did he get to this state?

However, there is no time for Cheng Tingshan to think about it at this moment. If this palm falls, he may be seriously injured even if he doesn't die!

At this moment, Han Tingyi and others standing behind Cheng Tingshan also helped in time. After all, they are all on the same front now.

Han Ting pulled out the long sword in his hand with one hand, but hidden in the seemingly ordinary mahogany scabbard was a dazzling long sword, the Kongming Sword!

As the Kongming sword in Han Tingyi's hand was unsheathed, all the power in the sky and the ground condensed into a sword force to greet Wei Shuya's palm. At this time, what he cut out was a sword, and this is the world!

And Yan Zhi, who was dressed in white and barefoot, stretched out his index finger and pointed it on his eyebrows. The golden broken sword marked the radiance. A golden broken sword turned from virtual to solid, and emerged from Yan Zhi's body As he pointed out, the Broken Sword also whistled and slashed towards the devil's palm in mid-air, but the golden Broken Sword was surrounded by a terrifying and powerful sword energy, which stretched dozens of meters and had enormous power. Incomparable.

There was a loud noise, and Han Ting and the three took a step back together, and the three of them joined forces, and then barely blocked Wei Shuya's palm. It is conceivable that Wei Shuya was terrified at this time.

Looking at those people, Wei Shuya's aging face showed a cold look: The junior is incompetent and vulnerable!

To the others present, Han Tingyi and the others are all seniors in the arena, unattainable martial arts masters, but in the eyes of an old antique like Wei Shuya, they are genuine juniors. After all, when he was in the arena in the past, These people are not yet born.

But at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly came: Wei Shuya, you said they were vulnerable, how about me now?

I heard that among the five heavenly demons in the Nine Heavens Mountain, you have the best relationship with the red-blooded demons. I didn't believe it.

When I destroyed the Nine Heavens Mountain, I was going to kill you, but the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Demon tried desperately to stop me, even after I cut off his nine blood guava clones, he still wouldn't retreat, and finally my sword shattered my heart. You bought time to escape, or do you think you can live to this day and show your power in front of my five sword factions?

You don't cherish the chance of survival that the Scarlet Blood Demon has won for you with your life. Why, now you have finally lived enough?

As the voice fell, an old man in a golden python robe walked down from the high platform, with a long sword hanging from his waist, red as fire.

What is shocking is that his steps are completely suspended in the air, as if there are invisible steps below.

This move is called the Hanging Sky Ladder. In fact, most warriors in the unity of heaven and man can do it. Using True Qi to temporarily support the body will cause this mysterious and mysterious effect.

But this is not the case with this old man at the moment. Everyone has not noticed the slightest fluctuation of True Qi from him at all. Every time he steps down, the power of heaven and earth will actively pour into his feet to provide him with assistance, which is simply terrifying.

All the warriors below are all confused, who is this? However, listening to this person's tone, it is obvious that he is an older generation strong in the same era as Wei Shuya. He participated in the battle to kill the five heavenly demons in Jiutian Mountain, and even killed a demon.

Among the younger generation of warriors present, they are naturally concerned about the Dragon Tiger Fengyun Ranking, of course, they have heard of it, but they really don’t understand these things that happened hundreds of years ago. .

As for martial arts masters like Xiahouzhen, they are familiar with some big and small things in the arena. They guessed the identity of the old man almost instantly, and said in awe: It is the 'King of Jiannan' Duguli!

Duguli is nicknamed King of Jiannan. This 'king' is not a title like Jianzun Jiansheng, but he was indeed a prince before.

More than 200 years ago, in addition to Northern Yan, Western Chu and Eastern Qi, there were some small countries in the world, just like Wei State, the predecessor of Wei County.

Duguli was a prince of a small country in the past, Liang Guo, and even the elder brother of the Emperor Liang.

At the beginning, Duguli was actually the Prince of Liang Kingdom, but he was obsessed with kendo, and gave up the crown to his younger brother.

In the later stage, Duguli joined the Sword King City in retreat to learn swordsmanship, and once served as the seat of the Sword King City Battle Sword Hall, and later became the elder of the Sword King City.

It's just that Liang Guo was destroyed by Beiyan, and Duguli became a loner. He was angry and went to the Beiyan royal family to take revenge. He slaughtered the Beishang Army, one of the five armies of Beiyan Zhenguo, and beheaded him. Several Beiyan generals were finally seriously injured and escaped by a master in Beiyan.

Duguli's fame more than 200 years ago is not small, it can even be said that he is a madman!

If it was someone else, even if their own country was destroyed by Beiyan, they didn't have the courage to challenge a dynasty with Beiyan, even if the entire Sword King City came.

As a result, Duguli dared to kill Beiyan with one sword and take revenge. Few people have the courage alone.


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