Meet The Leader

Chapter 397: Demon flames gather in the sky

The five major sword factions have been planning for a long time for today's battle. They are not afraid of demons coming, but they are afraid that demons will not come.

Therefore, the five major sword factions have also come up with the real background, and it is not one of them to have such a powerful existence as Duguli.

As Duguli stood up, two more figures fell into the air.

One of them was wearing a Tsing Yi Confucian shirt, with the appearance of an elegant and handsome middle-aged man. He had a bamboo flute hanging from his left waist and a cyan dagger on his right. , giving a very strange natural feeling.

You don't have to guess when you see this person present, this person is the 'Xiaoxiang Sword Rain' Shen Baochen, who is the head of Zhanwangjianlu and ranks fifth in the Billboard!

This is also a genius who amazes all corners of the world. Legend has it that Shen Baochen learned swordsmanship at the age of ten, and every time he stepped into a realm, he would challenge a warrior who was a realm higher than himself.

Before the realm of the unity of heaven and man, Shen Baochen challenged the warriors in Zanwangjianlu, but after reaching the realm of unity of heaven and man, Shen Baochen went to challenge a long-established master of kendo on the rivers and lakes and defeated him across a great realm. , and even let the martial arts master fold his long sword and admit that he is inferior to Shen Baochen in kendo.

It can be said that Shen Baochen has only done two things since he stepped into the arena, training and challenges.

Shen Baochen rarely shoots, but as long as Shen Baochen shoots, there will be no defeat. People who once lost to Shen Baochen have said that Shen Baochen's sword is a sword that makes people desperate!

Compared to Shen Baochen, the other one made everyone present a little bit incomprehensible.

It was a sloppy old man, wearing a gray robe, and his original color could not be seen.

His beard was also gray and messy. His body was rickety, and one of his eyes seemed to be blind. He was just holding a dirty long sword in his hand, and he couldn't see his original appearance.

When such a bad old man is placed in other places, everyone can't even look at it, but here, this bad old man stands with Duguli and Shen Baochen, but there is no sense of disobedience, and his aura is like an abyss. General horror!

Now even the martial arts masters like Xiahou Zhen can't recognize who the other party is, but at this time, he has always looked lazy but looks awe-inspiring, and suddenly said: This old man is an old guy who guards the tomb of Fengyun Sword Tomb. , it doesn't matter what his name is, anyway, their generation is a single lineage, guarding the place of hiding swords from generation to generation, never leaving.

The last time he left Fengyun Sword Tomb was because that old lunatic Yin Chaoyang, the giant owl of the devil's way 'Nine Yin Demon Venerable', acted too crazy. He murdered unscrupulously in the rivers and lakes. Even a few elites of my Daguang Temple and Fengyun Sword Tomb died. in the opponent's hands.

That time, Senior Brother Xuyun went with this old guy. Senior Brother Xuyun told us that he didn't do it, only this old guy did it alone. Then, Yin Chaoyang died without a whole body.

Hearing this, everyone present took a deep breath, and their gazes at the sloppy old man changed instantly.

They have never heard of the tomb keeper of Fengyun Sword Tomb, but they do know about Yin Chaoyang, the 'Nine Yin Demon Lord'. At this time, he was a giant owl of the devil way a hundred years ago. He has also been in the martial arts, but in his later years, it seems that the martial arts he practiced went wrong, and his brain went wrong. He slaughtered the elites on the rivers and lakes like crazy, and took the blood of his heart to refine medicine, trying to prolong his life.

Extending lifespan is difficult and difficult. Relying on the so-called hard work to extend lifespan sounds unreliable, but at that time Yin Chaoyang was completely crazy, causing a lot of trouble in the arena.

But I don't know when, Yin Chaoyang suddenly disappeared without a trace, until now everyone knows that Yin Chaoyang died in the hands of this inconspicuous old man in front of him.

So, didn't this person in front of him have reached the realm of real fire refining a hundred years ago?

The eyes of everyone looking at the five major sword factions have changed slightly. The five major sword factions are really preparing to play big this time.

'King of Jiannan' Duguli, the head of Zanwangjianlu, Shen Baochen, and the tomb keeper of Fengyun Sword Tomb, these three are all masters in the realm of real fire refining, and the devil is afraid of bad luck this time. .

But before everyone could react, Wei Shuya said coldly: Don't hold back, show up when you're ready.

Wei Shuya's voice didn't sound like much, but it seemed to spread throughout the entire Fuyu Mountain.

As Wei Shuya's voice fell, there was a sound of shouting and killing from the bottom of Fuyu Mountain, and the murderous aura surged, instantly surrounding the entire Fuyu Mountain!

Dozens of disciples who were in charge of guarding the gate at the foot of the mountain ran up in a panic, shouting as they ran: Not good! The people of the magic way have surrounded the entire Fuyu Mountain!

As the voice of the warrior fell, countless demon warriors rushed up from all directions in an instant. These people included the Moon Worship Cult, the Evil Supreme Sect, and the Five Poison Sect, all of whom belonged to Ming Demon. the warrior.

Among these warriors, the Moon Worship Cult has the most people. After all, the Moon Worship Cult now represents the largest sect of the Demon Dao in the eyes of most Demon Dao warriors.

Among the people of the Moon Worship Sect, a man who was covered in black robes crossed the sky, stepped into the air step by step, crossed the crowd, and stood beside Wei Shuya.

This mysterious black-robed man wears a golden jade dragon crown, and the black robes on his body also depict strange golden runes.

It is the East Emperor Taiyi among the nine gods and witches of the Moon Worship Cult!

The expressions of everyone present changed slightly. This person is definitely one of the top three in the Moon Worship Cult.

Historically, the rankings in the Moon Worship Cult were ranked by the sect leader, the high priest, and the saintess, and the nine gods and witches could only rank next.

However, the saintess of this generation are still young and have not grown up yet, and the strength of the East Emperor Taiyi is amazing, and it is even enough to compete with the high priests in the Moon Worship Cult, so the status is estimated to be among the East Emperor Taiyi of all dynasties in history. the highest one.

At this time, on the side of the Moon Worship Cult, a woman whose whole body was shrouded in black veil was dancing.

Her figure is graceful and exquisite, although her face is also covered by black gauze, but she can't hide her extremely charming style.

It's just that although her dancing posture is beautiful, the things under her feet make your scalp numb. It turns out to be densely packed, and countless Gu insects are dancing following her rhythm!

Worship the moon to teach the saintess!

Everyone present recognized the woman's identity almost instantly.

Among the four beauties in today's martial arts, the righteous path has Yunjian Fairy Yan Feiyan of Yuenu Palace, and among the magic path, this saintess of the Moon Worship Cult is the most famous.

But the strange thing is that Jianghu people have never seen what this saint looks like, and they don't even know how old the other party is, because those who have seen her true appearance are dead.

But even so, the people of the rivers and lakes are sure that the appearance of the saintess of the worship of the moon must be alluring, and the reason is very simple.

At this time, around the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult, there were a total of six people from the nine great gods and witches of the Moon Worship Cult. The six powerful martial arts masters were enough to overwhelm people.

Two of the top four existences of the Moon Worship Cult came directly. It is conceivable that the Moon Worship Cult attaches great importance to this matter.

And it's not over yet, suddenly there are bursts of strange voices from the devil's way, like the sound of a Buddha, but what it contains is a sense of evil that makes people want to long.

A middle-aged man wearing a black cassock but with his head on his head fell into the air. The six expressions on his face changed back and forth, from joy or anger, or anger or greed, like a mask, changing one after another, very miraculous. .

Seeing this person, on the Daguang Temple side, the expressions of Xudu and Xuyan became solemn.

This person is the Sect Master of the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect, 'Moruo' Yibozun!

When it comes to reputation, the Sixth Heavenly Demon Sect on the isolated island of Hainan is not very famous, and Yiboxun's reputation is far inferior to Wei Shuya and Donghuang Taiyi.

But only the people from the Great Brightness Temple know how terrifying the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect is, and it is definitely the formidable enemy of their Great Brightness Temple!

In addition to these powerhouses, the demons are almost in full swing. The powerhouses of the Rakshasa Cult Five Poison Sect and other major sects have already sent their disciples, and almost every sect has a martial arts master at ~www. The two sides add up to dozens of martial arts masters, as well as a number of powerful existences in the realm of real fire, the entire Fuyu Mountain is like gunpowder, as if a spark will be ignited!

Shen Baochen looked at Donghuang Taiyi and the others, and said lightly: The Demon Dao lineage is so worthy of my five sword sects, and there are so many people here, why don't you see Ye Shaonan? They are all old friends, and this time I want to experience his Heart Sutra.

Dong Huangtai said solemnly: If you want to meet the leader, you are not qualified. If you want to learn the Heart Sutra, you are afraid that you will use your life to see it!

Shen Baochen, I just want to ask you one question today, do you want to join or not to join the five sword sects of the Heavenly Demon Banner?

Donghuang Taiyi's voice was very strange, as if it was stuffed in a drum, the sound was like thunder, with bursts of echoes.

A slight smile appeared on Shen Baochen's mouth: "Fuck? Why give it up? The Heavenly Demon Banner of Fortune was snatched from the Kunlun Demon Sect by my five major sword factions in the past. If you want it, come and get it.

Donghuang Taiyi took a step forward and said coldly: My demonic faction has always planned secretly, but this time it was your five sword factions who took the initiative to provoke the Fuyu Mountain with blood flowing into the river. It is not my demonic way that is to blame. One vein, but your five sword factions!

Shen Baochen shook his head and said: Eliminating Demons, how can you do it without bloodshed? However, I believe that on the Floating Jade Mountain today, the ones who bleed the most will not be my five sword factions, but your gang of demons.

When the words fell, Shen Baochen softly spit out three words: Open the sword formation!

After the three words fell gently, the entire Fuyu Mountain began to vibrate. In an instant, the rays of light were shining, and the sword energy shot into the sky!

: The role of the Holy Maiden of worshiping the moon as teacher Xiao Zhang, a book friend.


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