Meet The Leader

Chapter 398: war starts

The five sword factions have joined forces to plan, and they will definitely hit the devil's way. Not to mention that Ye Shaonan, the leader of the worship of the moon, is not here. Even if he does, the five sword factions will have more cards waiting for them.

As Shen Baochen's voice fell, dense formations and patterns appeared on the entire Fuyu Mountain. The most bizarre thing was that there were tens of thousands of long swords in the air, and the weakest of each was a treasure-level existence!

This is the Zhuxian Wanjian Formation of Fengyun Sword Tomb, called Zhuxian, but now it is used to suppress demons.

The five major sword factions have invested heavily in this incident. Almost all the tens of thousands of treasured soldiers were assembled from Cangjian Mountain Villa and Fengyun Jianzhong. After all, only these two factions have the most treasured soldiers and long swords.

Immortal Zhuxian Wanjian Formation opened, and those magic Taoist warriors near the edge suddenly wailed, and they were directly strangled!

And those long swords in the air also fell like meteors, beheading a famous demon warrior.

Seeing this scene, Wei Shuya shouted: Do it!

As Wei Shuya's voice fell, the hidden demon warriors who were originally hidden in the crowd, such as Mr. 6, appeared one after another, and began to attack the five sword factions around them fiercely, instantly attacking the five sword factions. The warriors dealt a devastating blow!

In fact, the people of the five major sword factions have been on guard for a long time. They also know that the warriors of the Wuxiang Demon Sect are good at hiding, and most of them may hide in the crowd.

It's just that the people of the five major sword factions did not expect that there were so many hidden people. With the help of the Wuxiang Demon Sect, other people from the hidden demon lineage also disguised to the extreme, so that the people of the five major sword factions could not be seen, making them When I came up, I ate a dull loss, and the damage was not small.

The old man who guarded the tomb in Fengyun Jianzhong said nothing, but the dirty long sword in his hand was cut out, but what he brought out was a powerful sword beam that slashed the sky and Jedi.

Wei Shuya sneered, his body was full of demonic energy, covering the sky with one palm, holding the sword light and tearing it apart!

As these two people fought first, Dong Huang Taiyi and Yi Bo Xun also fought against Duguli and Shen Baochen respectively.

Donghuang Taiyi had no weapons, but his large sleeve robe seemed to cover the sky and the sun, accommodating everything, and swallowing all the swordsmanship of Duguli and strangling him.

Moreover, Donghuang Taiyi's own practice is very strange. It is not pure magic, but a ray of divinity mixed with it, just like Chu Xiu's three swords of Abi Dao practiced to the extreme.

As Donghuang Taiyi's cultivation technique reached its peak, behind him, a hundred-zhang-tall demon **** phantom appeared behind him. He had no legs, but his body was huge and his arms were long and narrow. The black demonic energy condensed on his body, but there was a pair of Zhan. The golden eyes, with the golden light blooming, whether it is the power of heaven and earth or the powerful sword energy of Duguli are all dead!

As soon as they fought, Donghuang Taiyi had already begun to suppress Duguli!

Seeing this scene, everyone present was immediately shocked. This generation of Donghuang Taiyi is known as the strongest existence among the gods and witches of all dynasties.

On the other side, 'Moruo' Yibo Xun was also very impressive in fighting against Shen Baochen.

The Sixth Day Demon Sect is far away from the isolated island of Hainan. It is still low-key and rarely involves some matters in the Central Plains Martial Arts. Therefore, some warriors present are somewhat ignorant of the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect, including Shen Baochen, who is also the first time with the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect. Warriors fight.

Yi Bo Xun's body was agitated with demonic energy, and the mysterious aura exploded, and he did not fight against Shen Baochen at all.

With a seal in his hand, he evolved into the Four Heavenly Kings, Tianrenli, Tianye Motian, Tushui Tian, ​​and transformed into Lotte.

Although Shen Baochen's kendo cultivation base and his perseverance will not be deeply involved in it, but it still makes him unable to find a way to completely break through the six days of the desire realm, making it very suffocating.

The six powerful beings in the real fire refining **** realm fought against each other, and now it seems that it is the five sword factions who suffer.

Wei Shuya and the old man guarding the tomb of Fengyun Jianzhong fought head-to-head, and the fight was impressive.

Donghuang Taiyi is suppressing Duguli, and Yiboxun's shot is very strange, and he also entangles Shen Baochen. After all, the five major sword factions are already in danger.

And the real danger of the five sword factions is not the high-level side, but the other warriors.

The five major sword factions are indeed well prepared this time. The five factions have gathered together, and they are also assisted by the Zhuxian Wanjian Formation, but unfortunately they are facing people from the entire Demon Dao lineage.

There are the powerful and powerful Moon Worship Cult, as well as the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect, which is low-key but powerful, as well as the Rakshasa Sect, the Five Poison Sect of the Evil Sect, and other demon sects.

Although these sects did not move in full force, each sect used more than half of their power, and their power was amazing.

And the strength of the hidden demon lineage is not weak. Although their number is small, they are combined in twos and threes, and various strange methods emerge in an endless stream, secretly attacking and killing the warriors of the five major sword factions.

There are quite a few ruthless demon murderers in the Hidden Demon lineage. In the past, they would keep a low profile and forbearance, but now they have all come out and started to slaughter.

Among them, the most outstanding performance is the Moon Worship Cult.

Although the hidden demon lineage does not admit it, among all the demonic sects at present, there is indeed no demonic sect that can compare with the Moon Worship Cult.

The Moon Worship Cult is also the only existence in the demonic way that can compete head-on with the Taoism and Buddhism.

The saintess of the Moon Worship Sect danced with her graceful body. She had a small silver bell on her wrist and an exquisite jade drum in her hand. After hearing that voice, it became even more bloodthirsty and ferocious. Even the warriors of the unity of heaven and man could not resist, and they were instantly eaten into a pile of bones!

However, there are martial arts masters who want to solve the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult first, but there are six gods and witches from the Moon Worship Cult around her. Those are six martial arts masters, and the strength of the five sword schools is weaker. There are no six martial arts masters in Jianshan Villa and Yuenu Palace combined. How can they fight?

The more people who fight the five sword factions, the more ugly their faces are, they still underestimate the magic line!


In recent years, the demonic line has been suppressed. Except for the strength of the Moon Worship Cult, the sects far away from the Central Plains can be more at ease. The other demonic sects say that they are right .

Sects like the Xie Ji Sect and the Five Poison Sect are usually low-key to the extreme, and the demonic murderers of the hidden demon lineage are also cautious, and they don't dare to surface at ordinary times. With the scale of Xiang Mozong, they dare to come out and do things in secret.

Therefore, the performance of the Demon Dao also gave the five sword factions an illusion, that is, the Demon Dao is very weak, and it is really weak to the extreme.

As a result, the talents of the five major sword factions have now discovered that the skinny camel is bigger than the horse.

But now the people of the five major sword factions have already been riding a tiger, and they have already become like this, what else can they do? Back out?

Shen Baochen entangled with Yibo Xun, and said loudly: Do you still want to stand by and watch? The demonic lineage has become so strong, do you still want to watch another Kunlun demonic sect appear on the rivers and lakes?

Shen Baochen's words were directed at those warriors from other sects present.

In fact, at the very beginning, these people didn't want to participate in the battle between the five major sword factions and the magic way.

But now, seeing that the Demon Dao lineage has shown such a level of power, these people are also full of fear.

Shen Baochen said that they don't believe that there will be another Kunlun Demon Sect. How can the Kunlun Demon Sect come out so easily?

However, the power displayed by the Demon Dao lineage is indeed up to their imagination, and it is time to suppress it.

The disputes between Daoism and Daoism in the rivers and lakes have always been cruel. There are disputes between Dao and Buddhism. The relationship between the five sword schools and Dao and Buddhism is not very good, but in general, they all have a label on them, that is Righteous way.

Therefore, when the demonic lineage has become so strong, even if they are not for the sake of eliminating demons and defending the, they have to do it for their own selfish desires.

The Daguang Temple was the first to take action.

In fact, even if Shen Baochen didn't say it, Daguang Temple was ready to take action.

There are two reasons. One is that the Daguang Temple itself has an extremely strong hostility to the lineage of Demon Dao, and the other is that there are people from the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect among the people who came this time.

The martial arts of the Buddhist sect have a natural restraint effect on the demons, while the martial arts of the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect are very restrained against Buddhism. As a result, Daguang Temple regards the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect as a thorn in the eye. It’s fine to see it, and it’s natural to take action when you see it.

With the Daguang Temple taking the lead, in addition to the swaying loose cultivators, almost all the people from the orthodox sect joined the battle group and began to strangle these magic cultivators.

Seeing this scene, a faint smile appeared on Shen Baochen's mouth.

The strength of the Demon Dao is so powerful that Shen Baochen and the other five sword sects never imagined, but since they have started, of course, they have more than one preparation. The warriors who came to watch the ceremony are also one of their preparations.

The more people, the greater the power, wherever it is placed.

Although the five major sword factions are very confident, they are still preparing to pull other sects into the field.

The five major sword factions have won, and these people can serve as spectators for the five major sword factions.

On the contrary, if there is any change in the plan, these people can also be regarded as foreign aid. After all, the right and the devil are at odds. In such a situation, no sect dares to hide their secrets.

This is just a backup plan of the five major sword factions, but unexpectedly, there was an accident, and they had to use the power of these warriors present.


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