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Chapter 399: Thug

The process from the World Sword Sect Conference to the Battle of the Demons in Fuyu Mountain is as simple as that. With the actions of other sects of the right way, the entire Fuyu Mountain is like a grinding disc of flesh and blood, and people are killed almost every moment, which is extremely cruel, but The five major sword factions finally turned the tide. &1t;/

However, on the side of the powerhouse in the real fire refining spirit realm, Du Guli was already overwhelmed by Dong Huangtai. &1t;/

"Jiannan King" Duguli used to be a generation of tyrannical and powerful people. He once dared to kill a madman who went to Beiyan to ask for an explanation. Now Duguli is still alive, which is enough to prove his talent and strength. &1t;/

But it's a pity that Duguli has now met Donghuang Taiyi, who is more amazing than him in talent and stronger than him! &1t;/

The eyes of the gods and demons annihilate all things. This kind of evil martial arts makes it impossible for Duguli to start. No matter how strong his swordsmanship is, they all die under the golden eyes of the ghostly shadow of Donghuang Taiyi. &1t;/

Dong Huangtai approached step by step in an understatement, the black wide sleeve robe was raised, and his entire body floated in the air. As his large sleeve robe slammed down, it seemed that half of the floating jade mountain had entered his sleeve robe. generally. &1t;/

The sky suddenly darkened, and Duguli suddenly felt a strong pressure coming from all directions. Before he had time to think, the long sword in his hand circled, strands of golden flames bloomed, and the sword energy was burning in the void, Burning Heaven Sword Art! &1t;/

However, before Duguli's Burning Heaven Sword Art was fully displayed, there was an explosion from Duguli's body, and the majestic demonic energy seemed to be generated out of nowhere, and directly pressed it to the ground, causing the entire Fuyu Mountain trembled, and a crack appeared on the mountain. &1t;/

The existence of martial arts master level can break rivers with one sword and mountains with one punch. Although only a small mountain is broken, the power of the martial arts master is already terrifying enough. &1t;/

Fuyu Mountain is very big, and even if more than ten martial arts masters are together, it is estimated that they will not be broken, but now there are six Donghuang Taiyi-level existences fighting, and the entire Fuyu Mountain is completely smashed. It seems that it is not what a difficult thing. &1t;/

Being blasted into the ground, Duguli spewed out a mouthful of blood, with horror in his eyes. &1t;/

Since he was seriously injured in Beiyan in the past, Duguli has rarely shot, so he hasn't suffered a serious injury for a long time. Now, he finally tasted this feeling again. &1t;/

Dong Huangtai stepped forward step by step, wanting to completely solve Duguli, but at this time he had been paying attention to the old man who was fighting the tomb guard here and suddenly shouted: "Please bring out the sword of Jueyuan!"&1t;/

The voice fell, and Yan Zhi, who was fighting against the sixth-day Demon Sect warrior, drew back directly. He bit his finger and printed it on his forehead. In an instant, a golden light burst out, and the ground of the ring below cracked. A jet-black long sword rose from the cracked ground. &1t;/

It is said to be a long sword, but in fact, the appearance of the long sword is very strange, it is like an unfinished sword embryo. &1t;/

The body and hilt of the long sword are black iron color, and even the body of the sword is crooked and has no opening. &1t;/

But this long sword has an unparalleled viciousness on it. God knows how much slaughter this sword has been contaminated with! &1t;/

This sword is the peerless sword treasured in Fengyun Sword Tomb, a fierce soldier! The fierce soldier Jueyuan ranked sixth in the world's famous swordsmanship! &1t;/

According to the legend, Jueyuan was not forged by man, but was born in a bottomless abyss on an island in the North Sea. The true qi of the attribute can absorb the power of heaven and earth by itself, which can be called a rare treasure. &1t;/

But since the iron rod was brought out, it seemed to have a curse of doom on it, and all its owners were killed, and the iron rod was also stained with countless blood. &1t;/

In the later stage, it was obtained by a great sword-casting master. The great sword-casting master made it into a sword like a treasure, but because its material was too strong, it was difficult to refine. The grandmaster took great pains to forge it into a sword embryo, but before the real refining began, the great master of the sword was killed. &1t;/

But at this time, Jueyuan Sword is still a sword embryo, but it has already taken shape, and because of the countless blood on the sword, the fierceness of Jueyuan Sword is very strong, and anyone who gets his master will be affected by it and become A lunatic who only knows how to kill. &1t;/

And at this time, everyone also knew the characteristics of this Jueyuan Sword. It can not only absorb the power of heaven and earth on its own, but also absorb the blood of the warrior as its own nourishment. Sometimes his master is not enough to kill, and Jueyuan Sword even It will affect its master and force it to kill. &1t;/

The Jueyuan Sword with this kind of behavior can already be called a fierce soldier among the fierce soldiers. The last owner of the Jueyuan Sword died in the hands of the Fengyun Sword Tomb, and the Jueyuan Sword was also used by the people of the Fengyun Sword Tomb. Suppressed by the powerful sword intent in the place where the sword was buried. &1t;/

Over the years, Fengyun Jianzhong has used the Jueyuan Sword only a handful of times. Generally, they are not willing to use the Jueyuan Sword when it is not at a critical moment. &1t;/

After all, a murderous soldier is a murderous soldier, and it is something that hurts others and hurts oneself. Driving the Jueyuan Sword is not a good thing for me, and it will hurt my blood. &1t;/

And in the event of an accident that causes the Jueyuan Sword to lose control, it will cause unimaginable losses. &1t;/

This time, the five major sword factions have also moved the real thing. Before the layout, Fengyun Jianzhong had brought the Jueyuan Sword, but they did not want to use it. &1t;/

But looking at the current appearance, if they didn't use the Jueyuan Sword, their five major sword factions would really be unable to hold on. &1t;/

Yan Zhi used the blood as a guide to drive the Jueyuan Sword. In an instant, a ferocious force burst out from the Jueyuan Sword. Yin Hong's blood-like power dyed the dark Jueyuan Sword red, and in an instant, The Jueyuan hanging in the air has disappeared, but the next moment, it has already appeared in front of Donghuang Taiyi! &1t;/

Dong Huang Taiyi's large sleeve robe danced, his figure turned into a black mist of nothingness, and the Jueyuan Sword flashed through the black mist, not hurting Dong Huang Taiyi, but it completely shattered the phantom of the devil behind him. &1t;/

There was a strange look in Dong Huang Taiyi's eyes: "Ferocious Soldier Jueyuan? You Fengyun Jianzhong have prepared quite well this time. Unfortunately, no matter how strong the weapon is, it is only a dead thing. Do you want to rely on one death to turn the tide? Delusional!"&1t;/

When the words fell, Dong Huangtai was full of demonic energy, and the whole person disappeared in the boundless demonic energy. &1t;/

The majestic demonic energy covered the sky and the sun, almost encasing the entire Fuyu Mountain in it! &1t;/

Once the powerhouses in the real fire refining **** realm fight, their power is simply terrifying. I am afraid that after this battle, the entire Fuyu Mountain will be forcibly defeated by them! &1t;/

The powerhouses on both sides of the righteous and the devil are in a fierce battle, but at this time, Chu Xiu is paddling. &1t;/

At this time, Chu Xiu wouldn't be an idiot to actively reveal his identity, but he had to make good use of the identities of the righteous way and the demonic way. &1t;/

Mr. 6 had already sent a voice transmission to Chu Xiu, and asked him to take this opportunity to help him solve a person. Chu Xiu also agreed. Anyway, he was very unhappy when he saw that fellow. Yin Gongzi 'Qiu Xiangzi'&1t;/

It seems that the Five Poison Sect has some contradictions with the Wuxiang Demon Sect, and Qiu Xiangzi and Mr. 6 are also old enemies. &1t;/

Before the Demon Dao Alliance, both hands were convenient, but at that time, Chu Xiu needed to hide his identity, so he couldn't kill him, and there were so many masters of the Demon Dao lineage, so Chu Xiu couldn't kill him. Now is the time. &1t;/

Although it was said that it was the time when the Demon Dao joined forces to fight against the Right Dao, Chu Xiu was a bit unethical in attacking and killing his own people, but neither Chu Xiu nor Mr. Lu felt any sense of guilt. &1t;/

Chu Xiu, who pretended to be a rookie in the magic way, was not even sure whether Chu Xiu himself could be considered a man in the magic way. &1t;/

As for Mr. 6, it has not been a day or two for him to kill Chou Xiangzi. The Five Poison Sect relied on the Moon Worship Sect and found such a big backer by being a dog for the Moon Worship Sect, but it made the people of the Wuxiang Demon Sect very unhappy. Well, now that you've dealt with a Qiu Xiangzi, it can be considered to be able to vent your anger. &1t;/

Therefore, in the melee between the two sides, Chu Xiu was fighting and retreating, and finally found the figure of Qiu Xiangzi. &1t;/

At this time, Qiu Xiangzi was very happy to kill. The martial arts of their Five Poison Sect are very useful in this kind of big melee. , he picks who to kill first. &1t;/

Some of the poisonous insects in his body need qi and blood to feed. On weekdays, he doesn't have the opportunity or the courage to kill so many righteous warriors to feed his poisonous insects. This time, Qiu Xiangzi got his money back. &1t;/

At this time, Qiu Xiangzi's body was filled with poisonous mist, and he was chasing after a warrior of the Five Qi Dynasty from the Bashan Sword Sect. &1t;/

He clearly came to participate in the World Sword Sect Conference, why did this place become an Asura field in a blink of an eye, and everyone started to kill? &1t;/

The warrior didn't understand, so he could only run for his life. &1t;/

In the outside world, the warriors of the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm can be regarded as masters, but in such a place, let alone the existence of the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm, even a martial arts master cannot retreat. &1t;/

Just when Qiu Xiangzi was about to approach the warriors of the Naba Mountain Sword Sect, a golden handprint suddenly fell, instantly defeating all the poisonous insects, snakes, etc. in front of him. &1t;/

Chu Xiu's figure stopped in front of Qiu Xiangzi, which made Qiu Xiangzi and the martial artist of the Five Qi Dynasty Yuanjing stunned. &1t;/

That Bashan Sword Sect warrior didn't seem to have thought that the one who saved him was Chu Xiu, who had some grudges with their Bashan Sword Sect. Could this Chu Xiu be a modified child? It doesn't seem to be as bad as the teacher said. &1t;/

As for Qiu Xiangzi, he felt that Chu Xiu was somewhat familiar. &1t;/

Although Chu Xiu had already shot many times in the ring [31 Novel Network], Qiu Xiangzi didn't pay much attention because of the distance at that time, but now he really feels that Chu Xiu's aura is somewhat familiar. . &1t;/


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