Meet The Leader

Chapter 400: Infernal Affairs

Chu Xiu's help made the Bashan Sword Sect fighter very stunned. Thinking that he and others seemed to want to trouble Chu Xiu before, the Ba Shan Sword Sect fighter couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

With a tone of gratitude and guilt, the warrior cupped his hands towards Chu Xiu and said, "Thank you, Young Master Chu, for not ignoring grievances and rescuing him.

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said with a righteous and open-minded look: "I have a little grudge with the Bashan Sword Sect, but it's all personal grudges.

You and I are both righteous warriors, and now facing these demonic murderers, it is natural to let go of those old hatreds and agree to the outside world.

The martial artist from the Bashan Sword Sect immediately nodded his head when he heard the words, and his gaze towards Chu Xiu changed.

It has always been rumored in the Jianghu that Chu Xiu's actions are too cruel and unfeeling, and he does not look like a righteous person, but now it seems that this young master Chu can still distinguish righteousness and personal resentment. It is definitely not as rumored by other Jianghu people. unbearable.

At this time, Qiu Xiangzi didn't have the heart to think about why he looked familiar to Chu Xiu, Qiu Xiangzi just sneered: "Chu Xiu, you are not a righteous path in the punishment hall, but a neutral force. Now the battle on Fuyu Mountain is with you. It doesn't matter, but now you have to intervene, can't you find death?

Chu Xiu took a step forward and said righteously: Who said I was not the righteous way in Guanzhong Punishment Hall? The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of everyone, and the safety of the right way is naturally ours to bear!

You wait for these demonic murderers to be so arrogant now, I think it is you who are courting death!

What Chu Xiu said was righteous and awe-inspiring, as if he was really a hero of righteousness.

Hearing this, Qiu Xiangzi sneered, the five poisons all over his body exploded with true energy, and in the colorful poisonous mist, there was a piercing sound of insects, and it was secretly that there were evil poisonous insects hiding in the poisonous mist!

Qiu Xiangzi had seen Chu Xiu make a move before, but at that time, the Demon Dao had not completely invaded Fuyu Mountain, and the Five Poison Sect, as a branch of hidden demons, certainly wouldn't be in the audience like Mr.

Qiu Xiangzi was watching from hiding on a big tree on the cliff. Because of the distance, he couldn't feel how strong Chu Xiu's power was. It was very vague, and even Qiu Xiangzi watched the details of the shot. No, Dingtian can only see the final result.

But according to what he thinks, this Chu Xiu is not at the level of Fang Qishao, he is only in the realm of Five Qi Chaoyuan. Even if he is strong, where can he be strong?

With this kind of thought in mind, Qiu Xiangzi didn't even use all his strength, he only used eight points of effort, of course he didn't waste the other two points, but he was always paying attention to the movements around him, fearing that someone would attack.

Don't look at the fact that the people who are fighting against the people in the devil's way are all disciples of the righteous way, but in fact everyone is a martial artist.

At this time, Chu Xiu stepped out, and his figure actually merged into the poisonous mist. Before Qiu Xiangzi could ridicule Chu Xiu for seeking death, a dazzling Buddha light had already bloomed in the poisonous mist, tearing the poisonous mist and shattering the poisonous insects!

It's Buddhist martial arts again!

Seeing this scene, Qiu Xiangzi was so angry that he vomited blood.

He is not weak in the Five Poison Sect. In fact, in terms of cultivation, Qiu Xiangzi has almost half the strength of a master, and few warriors of the same rank can beat him.

But now that he meets the nemesis, Qiu Xiangzi is also very helpless. He has deliberately avoided the monks in the Daguang Temple before, but he didn't expect to encounter a leader who uses Buddhist martial arts!

Thinking of this, Qiu Xiangzi subconsciously thought of that nasty boy named Lin Ye who was brought by Lu Jin. That guy seems to be proficient in Buddhist martial arts too!

However, before Qiu Xiangzi could think about it, Chu Xiu had already squeezed the big diamond wheel seal and rushed towards Qiu Xiangzi.

When he was in the Demon Dao Association before, because Chu Xiu needed to hide his identity, he didn't use his signature nine-character art of speed and slowness, but only used the power of King Kong that he had just learned.

Although the power of the dharma images condensed by Donkey Kong's divine power is not weak, it is not as handy as the quick and slow nine-character formula.

Just like now, Chu Xiu used the effect of the glazed golden silk Gu to restrain the poisonous worms and the Buddhist practice of restraining Qiu Xiangzi. A series of attacks directly suppressed the opponent to the extreme.

The more he fights, the more aggrieved Qiu Xiangzi feels. His cultivation is actually the realm of a half-step martial arts master, at least when it comes to using poison.

The warriors of the same level of the unity of heaven and man are terrified in front of his poisonous art, and they are tied when they fight against him, but the Chu Xiu in front of him seems to be invulnerable to a hundred poisons, and his poisonous art can't help the opponent at all.

So when he felt that he had been suppressed to the extreme, Qiu Xiangzi made a decisive decision and immediately prepared to escape and let others deal with Chu Xiu.

There are so many righteous masters on Fuyu Mountain, Qiu Xiangzi can go and kill others to make a contribution, there is no need to follow Chu Xiu here.

But since Chu Xiu was motivated to kill, how could he let Qiu Xiangzi leave so easily?

Just as Qiu Xiangzi was about to retreat, Chu Xiu squeezed the outer lion seal in his hand. In an instant, a thunderclap sounded. Qiu Xiangzi's body was shocked, and he couldn't help groaning. A stern look.

Since this Chu Xiu is unrelenting, he will see today who is the last person to die!

Qiu Xiangzi, as a martial artist from the Five Poisons Sect, is of course cruel and ruthless. He wanted to retire only because he found that Chu Xiu was good at Buddhism, and it was a bit of a disadvantage to play against him.

But now that Chu Xiu is entangled, that's good, put the cards on your own, and finally see who will die!

The moment he turned around, Qiu Xiangzi slammed his palms out, and a large stream of poisonous mist burst out, facing the Great Diamond Wheel Seal of Chu Xiu.

I saw a burst of Buddha's light burst, and Qiu Xiangzi's poisonous mist was completely shattered, but at this moment, two golden snakes the size of a palm rushed out of the poisonous mist and attacked Chu Xiu.

The two palm-sized golden snakes were extremely fast, and they came to Chu Xiu in an instant.

Chu Xiu squeezed the Dugu Seal in his hand, but the strange thing was that the two little snakes completely ignored Chu Xiu's astral defense and still attacked him.

Frowning his brows, Chu Xiu stepped back and raised the Heavenly Demon Dance in his hand, but the effect of that sword gang demonic energy on the two golden snakes was almost negligible. Only two clanging sounds, the two golden snakes were caught by Chu. Xio Zhanfei, but they only have a white mark on their bodies, and the slashing of the sixth-rank treasured soldiers has no effect on them.

Qiu Xiangzi sneered when he saw this scene.

These two little golden snakes were different species from the mountains of Miaojiang. They were called little diamond snakes. They could not penetrate the qi, and could not invade by a hundred soldiers. Although they were not fierce beasts, they had all kinds of strange powers.

It's just that it's too difficult to feed this little diamond snake. This thing only eats bone marrow, and it's the bone marrow of a warrior. The stronger the strength, the better.

Qiu Xiangzi couldn't afford to feed him even if he killed every day, so most of the time he let these two little diamond snakes dormant temporarily, and would only use them at critical moments.

Although after using this time, Qiu Xiangzi had to kill people everywhere to find bone marrow to feed the two little diamond snakes, but as long as he could kill Chu Xiu, it would be worth it.

You must know that although Chu Xiu is not a big man in the Zhengdao sect, he is after all the top ten heroes on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking. Killing him, the credit is also not small!

Under the command of Qiu Xiangzi's qi, the two little diamond snakes rushed towards Chu Xiu again, but this time Chu Xiu didn't move. Little King Kong Snake bleeds from the nose and mouth, twitched and then stopped moving.

This thing is not afraid of Gang Qi, and a hundred soldiers cannot invade. Is it possible that the spiritual power is still so powerful?

But seeing this scene at this time, Qiu Xiangzi's heart was bleeding.

Thinking that for the sake of these two little diamond snakes, Qiu Xiangzi took the risk of being chased and killed by those righteous warriors, and then he reluctantly fed them to survive, but now they are all dead at the hands of Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu! I will kill you!

Qiu Xiangzi roared and took the initiative to kill Chu Xiu.

However, although Qiu Xiangzi was angry, he was not an idiot. He was not good at melee combat, and of course he would not fight Chu Xiu to the death.

After approaching Chu Qiu Xiangzi's sleeve robes burst out with a scarlet blood glow, heading straight for Chu Xiu!

The scarlet blood glow looked like sword energy, but only after a closer look could it be seen that it was actually a ferocious blood-colored centipede the size of a dagger and a foot long.

This thing is called the Ten Thousand Poison Blood Centipede, which is a secret poisonous insect refined by the Five Poison Religion.

Feeding with essence and blood, assisting countless poisons, during this period, this ten thousand poisonous blood centipede cannot be allowed to die.

Although Qiu Xiangzi refined the ten thousand poisonous blood centipede and did not really reach the tens of thousands of toxins, but there are thousands of kinds of toxins.

Originally, Qiu Xiangzi, the blood centipede with ten thousand poisons, had not been completely refined, but using it now will affect the growth of the blood centipede of ten thousand poisons.

But right now, he hates Chu Xiu so much that he can't take care of that much anymore. This time, he must kill this Chu Xiu!

However, before the Ten Thousand Poison Blood Centipede appeared, Qiu Xiangzi's eyes widened, and a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

I saw that his blood centipede, which was regarded as the final chassis, was easily caught between **** by Chu Xiu. The originally ferocious blood centipede was like a weak bug in Chu Xiu's hands. He was trembling there!

With a slight movement of Chu Xiu's fingers, the ten thousand poisonous blood centipede was directly shattered into two pieces by Chu Xiu's qi!

Do not!

Qiu Xiangzi roared angrily, but it was too late. It should be said that Qiu Xiangzi's use of these poisonous insects to deal with Chu Xiu was a wrong decision.

The glazed golden thread Gu in Chu Xiu's body naturally had a suppressing effect on all kinds of poisons and Gu worms. Unless the level of the Gu worms was higher than the glazed golden thread Gu, all these poisonous Gu worms could only be useless in front of Chu Xiu.


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