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Chapter 401: Kill Xiahou!

Mr. Lu had told Chu Xiu before that the Five Poison Sect basically followed the path of worshiping the moon.

In the past, Chu Xiu thought it was just because the Five Poison Sect and the Moon Worship Sect were too close, but now it seems that there is something else hidden in it.

The Moon Worship Sect is also good at refining Gu, but it is not like the Five Poison Sect, which only refines poison Gu, but other more advanced Gu insects, just like the glazed golden silk Gu in Chu Xiu's body now.

And refining Gu is only a branch of the Moon Worship Cult's cultivation method, and it can only be regarded as an auxiliary. The real Moon Worship Cult warriors major in extremely powerful magic arts.

So in this way, the warriors of the Moon Worship Cult basically completely suppressed and restrained the Five Poison Cult. No wonder the Five Poison Cult were so obedient to the Moon Worship Cult.

At this time, Chu Xiu did this to Qiu Xiangzi, basically completely suppressing him, and the other party could not breathe.

Qiu Xiangzi had completely lost his will to fight now, but unfortunately Chu Xiu didn't want to give him another chance to escape.

The Donkey Kong Wheel Seal slammed down, and Qiu Xiangzi vomited blood directly after several consecutive seals.

However, the more he fought against Qiu Xiangzi, the more familiar he became to Chu Xiu. After all, his appearance and skills could be changed, but his habits in battle could not be changed.

Others may not be aware of this, but Qiu Xiangzi can be said to be an old fritters in the rivers and lakes. After decades of fighting in the rivers and lakes, he has very rich combat experience.

Qiu Xiangzi suddenly thought of one thing. It seemed that he fought against Lin Ye when he was in the Demon Dao Alliance. Although he did not use those Gu worms at the bottom of the box at that time, his own Gu worms were also ineffective on the opponent.

Qiu Xiangzi looked at Chu Xiu, his eyes widened and he said in amazement, "You are..."

However, before he could say the last sentence, he saw that the light in Chu Xiu's hand was shining brightly, and the dazzling Buddha light condensed all the power around Chu Xiu's body and crashed!

Complete Aquarius Seal!

A loud bang came, and Qiu Xiangzi was directly smashed by Chu Xiu's seal of the perfect bottle, and the last sentence was never uttered.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows, stepped directly over Qiu Xiangzi's corpse, and looked at Mr. Lu. The two of them avoided the crowd with no expression, and went to hide together in the dark outside.

The death of a Qiu Xiangzi doesn't attract much attention. After all, this is the battlefield of the battle between the righteous and the devil, not to mention Qiu Xiangzi, a martial artist who is in the realm of harmony between heaven and man, even if it is a martial arts master who dies is a normal thing. , no one will notice at all.

At this time, Chu Xiu and Mr. Lu were hiding behind a boulder on the edge of Fuyu Mountain. Chu Xiu even changed his clothes and put on a mask.

Mr. Lu laughed and said: "You did a good job, that old boy Qiu Xiangzi is very disgusting, I wanted to kill him for a long time, but I never had a chance.

Now he 'did his life' for my magic way, I believe that the people of the Five Poison Religion will set up a memorial arch for him. "

After finishing speaking, Mr. Lu looked at Chu Xiu and said, "You are also going to kill? Who?"

Chu Xiu had given Mr. Lu a voice transmission before, asking Mr. Lu to cooperate with him and kill someone.

Now Chu Xiu has two identities, but it is just right to fish in troubled waters in the battlefield of the battle between the righteous and the devil.

It can even be said that as long as Chu Xiu is not arrogant enough to touch the martial arts master, basically no one of the same rank will be able to get him.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Of course I killed Nie Dongliu and Xiahou Wujiang, these two guys are very annoying, and they have caused me a lot of trouble.

Although it is said that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, I still want to avenge this revenge now! "

Needless to say, Nie Dongliu, Chu Xiu was so embarrassed when he was hunted down in the past, even if Nie Dongliu wanted to reconcile, Chu Xiu would not agree, after all, Chu Xiu was not big-minded.

And Xiahou Wujiang is also like a fly, and he has to do something every few minutes, which also makes Chu Xiu want to kill.

Mr. Lu nodded, looked over to the battlefield, frowned and said, "Who do you want to kill first? It would be troublesome to kill Nie Dongliu first, this guy is really cunning, paddling behind a group of martial arts masters, It's hard to kill him."

This time, there are no masters of martial arts master level in Juyi Village. After all, Nie Renlong is the only one in the entire Juyi Village who is the master of martial arts. It was inappropriate for him to leave Juyi Village for so long, so he came with Nie Dongliu. There are only some Juyizhuang warriors in the unity of nature and man.

But Nie Dongliu was smart and would take advantage of the situation.

Juyi Village is very famous in Beiyan. Nie Renlong has a lot of friends and many friends. Almost all of the martial arts masters from Beiyan this time have friendship with Nie Renlong. Nie Dongliu is safe behind them, and he can take the opportunity to kill Killing some demon warriors who are not as powerful as him, and build up his own momentum, now Chu Xiu wants to kill Nie Dongliu a little difficult, unless all the people on Nie Dongliu's side are dealt with.

Now, although Chu Xiu is a rookie of the hidden demon lineage, he still has a bit of face, but obviously his face is not that big.

So Chu Xiu turned his gaze directly to Xiahou Wujiang, and said, "Deal with Xiahou Wujiang first, and then if there is a chance, then deal with Nie Dongliu!"

Xiahou Wujiang actually followed behind Xiahou Town, but there was only one person in Xiahou Town, and Xiahou Wujiang fought against those Demon Dao warriors under the protection of his father, which was considered to be accumulating qualifications.

Mr. Lu narrowed his eyes and said, "This is easy to solve, let's do it."

When the words fell, Mr. Lu left first to inform them the martial arts master of the Wuxiang Demon Sect.

Of course, he can't deal with Xiahou Zhen, the martial arts master, so he still has to come to the masters of their phaseless demon sect.

There are also many martial arts masters from the Wuxiang Demon Sect this time, and one of them is Situ Li, the 'Yin Demon Envoy' who shot at the Divine Armament Conference in the past.

This person also has a grudge with the warrior of the Tibetan Sword Villa, and at this time the warrior who is staring at the Tibetan Sword Villa is killing.

After receiving the news from Mr. Lu, Situ Li's eyes showed a strange look, and he changed his opponent and killed Xiahou Zhen.

Situ Li also knew about Chu Xiu, and even many people in the entire Phaseless Demon Sect knew about it. They did not object to Mr. Lu's friendship and helping Chu Xiu.

Phaseless Demon Sect has a very good reputation in the Hidden Demon lineage over the years. Now the number of Hidden Demons is decreasing and it has begun to wither. At this time, making a relationship with a young handsome man from the direct line of Demon Sect is a great deal for the Immortal Demon Sect. It is very cost-effective, and with the strength that Chu Xiu has shown now, it is also worth investing in Wuxiang Mozong.

The most important thing is that Chu Xiu was excavated by Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu's status in the Phaseless Demon Sect was far higher than Chu Xiu imagined.

Mr. Lu was already an elite disciple of the Phaseless Demon Sect when he was young, and now he has entered the realm of a half-step master. It is only a matter of time before becoming a martial arts master. Therefore, within the Phaseless Demon Sect, Mr. Lu's words are basically the same. It can also be used as a half martial arts master.

At this time, Xiahou Zhen didn't pay attention to the surrounding things. He was fighting with a bunch of people in the crowd, but he still retained some strength.

The matter this time was mainly caused by the five major sword factions. Naturally, the five major sword factions should be the main force. Although they can make a move, they don't need to fight to the death.

Therefore, Xiahou Town and those Demon Dao warriors usually just fought a few moves and immediately fled without entanglement.

And there are also a lot of enemies on the side of those Demon Dao warriors, and they won't come and fight with Xiahou Zhen.

However, at this moment, a terrifying demonic energy suddenly struck, and the primordial spirit of Xiahou Town was prosperous, pulling the power of heaven and earth to form a shield to block his side. A loud bang came, and the demonic energy dissipated. , Xiahou Town's vitality shield also shattered.

Xiahou Zhen turned his head to look, Situ Li was staring at him with a sneer.

Situ Li, the 'Yin Demon Envoy' of the Phaseless Demon Sect, still had a great reputation, and Xiahou Zhen knew each other, but there was no enmity or conflict between the two sides.

Of course, the righteous way and the devilish way on Fuyu Mountain have become one. Even if there was no conflict in the past, it is normal for both sides to take action during the battle between the righteous and the devil.

Just when Xiahouzhen wanted to say something, Situ Li rushed towards him again, his hands were sealed, and the surging demonic energy shrouded Xiahouzhen's whole person in an instant, turning it into a world of bliss and giving Xiahouzhen to him. Pull into it completely.

On the upper level, there is a dancing, and below it, there are **** evil ghosts who are constantly howling, extremely evil, and consume the spirit of Xiahou Town.

This is exactly the magic method of the Heavenly Demons without the Phaseless Demon Sect!

Situ Li's celestial magic method is closer to a spiritual attack, which is exactly what Xiahou Zhen is good at.

Looking at the dancing goddesses and evil ghosts around, Xiahou Zhen sneered, and the golden light all over his body was prosperous, and the power of the primordial spirit turned into a long sword, which directly shattered the blissful world in front of him!

However, Situ Li did not retreat, but fell with a palm, and the monstrous demonic energy rolled back and roared, fighting with Xiahou Zhen.

The more Xiahou Zhen was beaten, the more wrong he felt. What kind of grudge did he have with this Situ Li? Why did he pester him so much, as if he had to separate himself from life and death.

This time, the people from the five major sword factions want to hit you in the face of the devil, and the Heavenly Demon Banner is also in their hands. Even if Situ Li wants to work hard, he should go all out with the people from the five factions. What are you doing to yourself?

While beating Xiahou Town, he said coldly, "Situ Li, I, Xiahou Clan, don't seem to have offended you, right?"

Situ Li Wei smiled and said, "Since your Xiahou Clan is on the side of the righteous path, then you have offended me. The righteous and the devil are not at odds with each other, and you are already standing on the side of the five major sword factions to strangle us all. Demon heresy, can you still count on me to keep my hand?"

As soon as the words fell, Situ Li attacked Xiahou Town again, as if he had to share life and death with Xiahou Town.

He cursed secretly that Situ Li was simply a lunatic, and Xiahou Zhen had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to shoot.

At this time, Chu Xiu, who was wearing a mask, appeared behind Xiahou Wujiang, and there was a cold voice in his eyes. He punched down, and the magic flames gathered together!


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