Meet The Leader

Chapter 405: desperate old monk

I'm sorry, the author is so sleepy, and the alarm is set on the phone, but I didn't wake up. It's embarrassing~

: Thanks to book friends for handling the 10,000 yuan reward from the leader of the Knights

Among the younger generation of Demon Dao, the most outstanding performer should be the saint of the Moon Worship Cult. Of course, everyone does not know how old this saint is, but the Moon Worship Cult claims that this generation of saintess has not yet grown up, then Must be young age.

Besides the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult, Ye Tianxie performed the most dazzlingly.

His own strength is unparalleled, and he is even more invincible with the Blood Flood Spear. The warriors of the Five Qi Chaoyuan Realm can hardly hold his three spears.

When defeating the opponent, Ye Tianxie looked towards Chu Xiu subconsciously. After all, he had subconsciously fought against Chu Xiu when he was in the Demon Dao Alliance, but it was just a test, but it was not the real strength of the two sides, so Ye Tianxie also wanted to see how strong this 'Lin Ye' was.

But when he saw Chu Xiu's fierce appearance when he fought against Huizhen in the distance, Ye Tianxie raised his eyebrows. Where did Lin Ye come from, and he was able to fight with the big one. The monk of Guangming Temple fought head-to-head to this point. Although he was only an old monk, he was a warrior of the Heaven and Man in the Great Guangming Temple after all, which also made Ye Tianxie feel a little pressure.

He is the elite of the evil extremist sect secretly cultivated by the elite. It can be said that the entire evil extremist sect has devoted all the resources to him, just so that he can rise.

In fact, Ye Tianxie himself thought the same way. In his opinion, the younger generation of Demon Dao should respect him, and his goal is to exist like Fang Qishao and Zhang Chengzhen.

It's a pity that he suffered some blows when he walked out of the evil extreme sect for the first time.

First of all, there was a Lin Linye who could not see the depth in the magic way, and the strength of the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult was also unfathomable.

On the right side of the road, although Zhang Chengzhen and Zong Xuan did not come, the strength of Fang Qishao, who was ranked third, was already terrifying. At least when Ye Tianxie did not step into the realm of the unity of heaven and man, he did not have the courage to each other. Seven little hands.

Shaking his head, Ye Tianxie threw these useless emotions aside.

He practiced the Fierce Beast Cultivation Technique in person. He, Ye Tianxie, was a unique existence in the arena. He believed that his future would definitely go beyond that. Now he is no match for Fang Qishao and others, but in the future, these people will surely be defeated by him. Underfoot!

At this time, Chu Xiu didn't know Ye Tianxie's psychological activities over there. He was currently fighting against Huizhen fiercely. Although this old monk is old, he still retains a very strong combat power. The punch from the dry and thin arm still carried the power of regret.

Feeling the murderous intent emanating from Chu Xiu, Huizhen sneered: "Old Na has eradicated countless murderous demons like you in this life, and I don't know how many of those long-established masters of the devil's way have died in my hands. You little devil also think so. To kill me, wishful thinking!

As soon as the words fell, Huizhen's body burst into flames, and a four-armed double-sided vajra phantom condensed behind him.

Among the Vajra phantoms, the first face is the appearance of an angry vajra, vicious and tyrannical. On the other hand, it is the image of a solemn Bodhisattva, who is merciful and compassionate.

This is the true meaning of the Angry Eyes Diamond Heart Sutra, the heart of a Bodhisattva, and the means of the Vajra.

Killing one person and saving ten people, looking at the Vajra Heart Sutra is only for saving people, not killing people.

As one of the six major martial arts institutes in Shaolin Temple, the King Kong Institute is the largest in number, but it is not the strongest. The reason is that although the monks of the King Kong Institute cultivated quickly in the early stage, they can truly understand the true meaning of the Angry-eyed King Kong Heart Sutra. But very few.

Now that the words of the King Kong Academy have been comprehended, Huizhen has actually comprehended it, but it was too late for him to realize that his lifespan will be exhausted, his qi and blood will decline, and he is no longer qualified to attack the martial arts master.

The coercion of the Buddha's dazzling double-sided diamond was overwhelming, and with the fall of Xuyan's punch, the double-sided diamond also condensed a huge palm, and blasted towards Chu Xiu one after another.

Huizhen suddenly exploded with astonishing power, Chu Xiu's figure retreated sharply, his hand squeezed the seal, and behind him a blurred Buddha figure appeared, unable to see the appearance, but it gave people a feeling of incomparable hugeness, accommodating all things .

Donkey Kong's supernatural power · Heiner Baichuanxiang!

Huizhen's series of violent attacks were accommodated by Chu Xiu's Haina Baichuan Xiang, but Chu Xiu was still a little unskilled in using this method, and its defensive ability was far less than that of Chu Xiu's Dugu Yin, and it only lasted for a while. Completely defeated by Huizhen.

But that's enough.

At this moment, Chu Xiu had condensed his own demonic energy to the extreme, and the murderous intention of selfless killing was integrated into the monstrous demonic energy. As Chu Xiu's punch fell, he even sounded a real-like demonic **** all over him. Roaring sound.

This fist fell, the demonic energy exploded, the Buddha's light was torn apart, and the double-sided diamond behind Huizhen suddenly collapsed!

And it wasn't over yet, a phantom figure of an angry-eyed King Ming appeared behind Chu Xiu, and the handprint of Gang Qi suddenly fell, directly blasting Huizhen out, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

The King of Suppressing Prison!

A look of horror appeared in Huizhen's eyes: This is my Buddhist practice! who are you!

In fact, when Chu Xiu had just started, Huizhen had already felt a trace of Buddhist practice from the person in front of him.

Although Donkey Kong Divine Power mainly focuses on its own strength, Huizhen can still detect some traces of Buddhist practice.

However, in the later stage, Chu Xiu used the Demon Luo Jingxiang, which also made Huizhen subconsciously think that Chu Xiu was a member of the Sixth Heaven Demon Sect. Until now, when Chu Xiu used this prisoner Ming Wang Xiang, Huizhen was sure. This Chu Xiu definitely has practiced the Buddhist practice!

Chu Xiu's figure is like the wind, his demonic energy is surging, and his murderous intention is bursting. But there doesn't seem to be a Buddha down there. It's the same when you ask Ksitigarbha. They're all from your Buddhist lineage. I believe he'll be happy to answer you!

Huizhen was slammed by Chu Xiu and retreated step by step, his internal organs vibrated, and blood couldn't help overflowing from his mouth while resisting.

Chu Xiu's behavior can be regarded as bullying the old man, constantly draining the opponent's strength and blood. For a martial artist like Huizhen, whose life is about to be exhausted, it is bound to become weaker and weaker.

But Chu Xiu doesn't feel any guilt. Chu Xiu never takes things like the so-called dignity of martial arts seriously. For him, martial arts is just a means of killing the enemy. lie down. As long as he can solve the enemy in front of him, Chu Xiu has always been unscrupulous.

This old monk Huizhen has a feud with him for killing his disciples, which can be said to be inexorable. Although Chu Xiu is using Guan Siyu to temporarily suppress this matter, as long as the old monk Huizhen is alive for a day, it seems that Like a time bomb, it might explode suddenly.

Being suppressed by Chu Xiu one after another, Huizhen's eyes also showed a hint of determination.

Everyone is afraid of death, but Huizhen is not.

Theoretically, warriors in the realm of the unity of nature and man have a life span of 200 years, but in reality, very few can really live to 200 years old.

Huizhen has lived for more than one hundred and eighty years, and he is almost enough. As early as in the Daguang Temple, he already felt that his lifespan was about to be exhausted, and he had already prepared for death. .

It's just that Huizhen's only pity is that his disciple Mingchen, who obviously had further talent and strength, died unexpectedly.

He can't avenge Mingchen's grievances, but he believes that other people in the King Kong Academy will not forget it, and now the battlefield of the battle between the righteous and the devil in Fuyu Mountain is not bad for him.

Huizhen joined the Daguang Temple since he was a child. He eliminated demons and defended the Dao all his life. He killed countless evil demons and murderers. Now he can bring a demon master to bury him when he is dying. He died in a proper place!

Everyone who is not afraid of death is very terrifying, even if Huizhen's qi and blood are declining now, once he starts to fight for his life, let alone Chu Xiu who can't use his full strength now, even Chu Xiu in his heyday has to retreat. .

Huizhen folded his hands together, and his whole body was burning with hot Buddha flames, rising into the sky, shrouding Huizhen in it.

What burns in the Buddha flame is Huizhen's last blood and essence, but Huizhen is not as ferocious and terrifying as other warriors who burn blood and fight for their lives, on the contrary, his withered body is full of energy. The strength seems to have recovered to the peak of his prime years in the Nirvana and Buddhahood, the ultimate sublimation!

Huizhen's fire of Nirvana could not bring him back to life, but it could bring him back to his peak for a period of time. Although it was only a short period of time, it was enough for Huizhen.

A palm fell, and the huge Vajra palm print crashed down with a fiery flame, making a loud sonic boom.

The strong pressure caused Chu Xiu to retreat step by step, condensing the sea and hundreds of rivers to resist, but it was destroyed by this palm almost instantly.

Frowning his brows, Chu Xiu didn't retreat but advanced. Since he can't dodge, then resist!

The blood and energy of the demon flames condensed into one, and a punch fell, there was a vague howl of the evil spirit, and the sound of the demon god's roar sounded.

The punch that condensed Chu Xiu's whole body collided with Huizhen's palm, and there was a loud noise.

Huizhen took a step back, while Chu Xiu flew out more than ten feet upside down and let out a groan. Under his black iron mask, a strand of blood had already seeped out.

At his peak, Huizhen was a master of the realm of the unity of man and nature, and he had the strength to impact the realm of martial arts masters. Fighting against such an existence, Chu Xiu suffers in every way.

On the other side, Huizhen kept walking and came directly to Chu Xiu again. His time was running out.

The boundless Buddha flames condensed into the appearance of a Jie Dao, which was held in Huizhen's hand.

King Kong holds a sword with compassion.

Demon Slaying Mercy Knife!

Huizhen has practiced this sword for hundreds of years, but in the end he abandoned it, because the key to this sword is not the sword, but the merciful and murderous sword intent in his hand!


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